HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-03-13, Page 44 ,The Zurich Herald, o x31) <lD pal) MID GM) clll st3D{ginn&QM GD4311110eteg Age and Stability Should be Considered in Forming Your Banking Connections, ea THE INBANK' 8has had an uninterrupted existence for 57 years, and its Reserve Fund is tg equal to 100% of its Paid—up Capital. ea We make a specialty of the Savings Bank Department, o YOUR ACCOUNT IS SOLICITED. ZURICH BRANCH qD DG X D E. R. YOUNGS, AGENT. (1DGMIDGOOD 1 9t)l791)9sQD®QM LEGAL DARDS. IL J. D. COOT E, BARoR9.STER AND SO - Niter, Notary Publie, ldeusall, Ontario. At Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. FROUDFOOT, HAYS 8 BLAIR, BAR. ristors, Solicitors. Notaries Public, etc., ( oierieb, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. C. Bays. G. F. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS. Ha C' DOAN, V. S., AS I HAVE PUI,,- elaased bank my business from E. W, Sboskopf, I am in a poeztion to attend to all business as formerly. Calls at Rau's Hotel. E. ZEL7 hR, oots1713YANCOR AND ataxy Probtie.Deeds, Mortgages, ills and other Legsl Documents care fully and pptt•omptity prepared. Office - 2' lIer Mock, Zurach, Ont. DR. E. W. STOSKOPF, VETERINARY iturgecA and Dentist, Zurich, Ontario, O•lflee over T. & M. Johnson's Stora. Night earls at T. Johnson's residence, S. HARDT, EXETER, ONT.. LICENS- ed Auotioneer for Huron and Perth. My butes are reasonable and I will guarantee the hest of satisfaction. For the Con. venience of my friends in Hay and Stanley, dates and teens may be ar- ranged at Tns HERALD Office, 'Zurich. S. PHII.,LIPS, LICENSED AUC- tioneer for the Counties of Huron and i;'eath. Farm stock sales a specialty, Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All orders left at Lot 23, Con. 2, Hay, or addressed to Hensall P. 0. will be promptly attended to. Willa la gN PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLER. FRIDAY MAR. 13th. 1908 Mr. Hislop M. .le. P. for East Huron, brought in a bill at the legislature to amend the Election Aot, which received a first reading on the 3rd inst. The bill is a step in the right direction and should become law without much change. Here are the sections :- 1. .After the issue of the writ and before election day every can- didate shall hold at least one pub- lic meeting in each town and inaor- porated village and at Ieast two public meetings in each city and township in tl:e electoral district for the purpose of discussing pub- lic matters. 2. The candidate or some person present on his behalf shall address the meeting. 3—(1) Notices of each meeting shall be posted up in at least six conspicuous places within the pol• ling subdivision in which the meet- ing is to be held at least fonr days before the date for which the meeting is called. (2) The notice shall state the day. hour and place of meeting and that the sante will be open to all electors, 4. Every candidate guilty of a violation of the preceding provis- ions of this .Act shall be gailty of a corrupt practice acid shall incur a penalty of $200, to be recoverable with full costs of snit in any court of competent jnrisdiction by any arson who may sue therefor, 5. Every- candidate who person- Ily solicits the vote or influence of n elector otherwise than by re IP tilt. 3'. A. SELLETY, DENTIST, P,RA- f a !tante of the Royal College of Dental , a Surgeons, Torouto, also honor gradu- ate of Department .of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of tenth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. 1-26 SALE REGISTER. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES, COWS Implement, etc. at Zurich, on Satur- day March 2lst at 1 o'clock: Charles Ureb proprietor. E. Boseenberry auctioneer A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and implements on Lot 24 Con., 13 Hay on Tuesday March 24th, eommencing oat 1.1.30 o'clock sharp. E, Boisenberry an tioneer. Godfrey Nicholson proprietor. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and Implements on Wednesday. March 18th, commenoing at ono o'clock sharp. on Lot 24 Con, 10, Hay. , No re. serve as the proprietor has sold his farm, ':E. Boysenberry auctioneer, Ernst Gies, proprietor, A UCTION TALE OF FARM STOCK �.. and implements on Lot 22 Con. 12 fav (Breneon Line) on Thursdap March 6th, commencing at one °'doek sharp. Auct'oneer. C. L- MosAr, proprietor. 'COTTON SALE OF 75 ACRES OE' -tA. land, on Tuesday March 3Ist 1908, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the premises, the property of the into Henry Pfite, Sr., be- ing composed of the North half of lot number 12, and the West half of the East half of lot number 11, in the 14th Conees. cion; of the Township of Hay. Terms;• -- Ten per cent on day of sale and the bal- ance within sixty clays thereafter without interest. Ciaans'rIIAN Prtr.E, Executor. Dated at Zarich Feb 23th, 1908. Farts For Sale. Feral per Sale --9I1 acres, being com- posed of Lot 13, Con. 9, Hay. Good frame house, and woodshed. Good hank barn, driving shed, good hog stables. All in good repair. Goo() well, and about 24 .teras ot` bush, balance cleared, drained and well fenced. Will be sold for $3000,00, Apply to George Witmer, Zurich, P. O. TENDERS WANTED 'Ponders will he received by the Council of the Townshiy of Hay, up. to on* o'clock p. m., on Wednesday the let day of April 1908, for the Construction of ".Blank Crook 13raneh North Drain." Information regarding the work, may be obtained from the undersigned. Contractor is required to give satisfac- tory Bonds to the Connell for due com- pletion of the work. The lowest or any Tender not necessari- ly accepted. Zurich Mnrah 12dh, 1908. FRED HESS, SR., Tp. Cleik. ncldress delivered ttt a public meet- ine provided g 1ell be guilty of a rrnpt practice and shall incur a penalty of $200, to be recoverable with fuli costs of nit in any court of oompetent risdiction by any person who ay sue therefor. 6. Every elector not incapacitat- d by illness or ttooident or other ?iavoinable cause shall present mself at the proper polling place ltring the hours fixed for voting d shall vote, or if he does not sire to vote he shall so inform e Deputy Returning Officer, and e Deputy Returning Officer shall ter his name in the poll book, din the column for remarks all write "did not desire to vote" 7. Every elector offending against he provisions of the preceding action shall be guilty of a corrupt ractice and be liable to disquali. cation es provided by The Ontario lection Act. s jl1 m e 11 hi an do th th en ori sh t s p fi $100.00 paid by Dr Shoop for any recent ease of Grippe or acute Coid that a 25 cent box of Preventics will not break. Row is this for an offer? The doctor's supreme con. ftdence in these little Candy Cold Cure Tablets--Preventics—is cer- tainly complete. it's a $100 against 25 cents—pretty big odds. And Preventics, remember, contain no quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sickening. Pneumonia would never appear if early colds were always broken. Safe and sure for feverish children. 48 Preventics 25 cents, Sold by All Dealers. T RN IF YOU THINK OF MAKING A HOME IN THE WEST YOU SHOULD HAVE THESE �4r1, Free ��r ks "SETTLERS' GUIttetE" "WESTERN CANADA" "TOURIST ,SLEEPING CARS" 'GIME TABLES Just the practical information you need Apply to nearest O.P.R. Agent, or to 0, S. FOSTER District Pass. Agent, TORONTO CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY It will n°; cost you a cent to try, Oitarnberl;t an's Stomach and Liver Tablets, ti d they are excellent for stoma( it troubles and cousti Get et a free sample at. J. J. Mort, 1f Pi ,IMItN"_�,t WITH I/E( ETABLES The Dractioal educational work carried on by the Ontario agrioul. turhl College, through the Experi- mental Union, is now well known throuaholtt Ontario. Thousands of people in both town and country interested in farming, frnitgrowing or gardening are carrying on ex- periments tinder the direction of bo Oollege and are pro$ ti ng by he experience. The seeds or plants for these ex- eriments and full instructions or conducting them are furnished ree on the uuderstan.ding that aolt experimenter will report the esults of his experiment at the nd of the season. Owing to the greet demand for he experiments with fruit and the in)ited funds for the purchase of lints for this purpose, the supply f these fol' this year is already xhausteci But we have on hand good suiiply of seeds for the xperimez�,ts with vegetables and ope to be'ebl° to ferinisli •thane to 11 interested in the growing of o best kind of garden vegetables. Three of the leading varieties of oh of )be following kinds of egetables are offered for testing is spring, vix., beets, carrots, ions, lettuce, early tomatoes, d later tomatoes. The early tomatoes are best for rthern sections where the later , d better varieties cannot be de- nded upon to ripen. Any person in Ontario who -) shies to join in this co-operative sting may choose any one of the perimenfs above mentioned and nd in his application for the ds and instructions for oonduct- g the same. These will be sent mail free of charge, but each pliant must agree to follow the ections furnished, and report o results at. the end of the season ether:successfui or not. ppioations will he filed in the cler they are received until the pply of seeds is exbitusted. Ad - ss all applications to, H. L Hutt, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Ont. t t p f f e r e 1 p 0 e a e h a th ea v th on an no an Pe wi to ex se see in by ap lir th wh A or x11 dre Croup positively checked in 20 minutes. Dr. Shoop's 20 minute Croup/ - e y acts like Magic. harsh. A c a s s, depienc"" ielg croup ,s ,, 50c. Sold by All Dealers. On the same day in this week snow lay to the depth of six to eight feet in Ottawa, while in the Niagara district people were using wheeled vehicles on the puolic highway's. The fact recorded is a striking illustration of the wide variation of climate to be found in different sections even of older Ontario. This variation is not so much due to distance from the equator as to physical conditions. The lower end of Georgian Bay is not very much further north than Ottawa', but on the southern shore of that bay the finest winter apples in the world can be grown, and in some special- ly favored locations peaches of high quality are produced, while Ottawa district is limited to fruits of inferior quality. Even on Mani- toulin Island plums have been grown of a variety to which Ottawa is an entire stranger. The explana- tion is found in the moderating effect of large bodied of water and heltering mountains in one case rind the absence of such infleeneos n the other. Similarly alrnountain ange on one side and a lake on he other give ns something ap. reaching a tropical climate in the iagara district. The Ottawa val. ey and Eastern Ontario have their onipensations in unexcelled pas- ure lands, with their unequalled acilities for the production of heese of the highest quality. The wide range in possible pro- uction and in the possession of ealth-producing conditions in ail ections, constitutes one of our est heritages. Taking it all in all here is no country in the world in Melt Nature contributes so much wards the suis of human hap• Hess as she does in Ontario. r t p N 1 c t f c d h s b t w to 1 A bill to amend 'the Municipal Aet will aim at the suppression of the bonus principle on the part of municipalities. Under the present law municipalities may offer bonuses in the shape of free water. site, power and exemption from taxation, Under the proposed measure the exemption are to be abolished. Municipalities may tender to commercial O0neernt4 evater power, site, eto., at cost. This will not prevent a special act to provide for fixed assessments er exemption. Another bill is to amend the public health tot, under whioh it will be compulsory for the medical practitioners to report every ease of tuberculosis to the provincial health department. 1 S XXxX B. @, For the next 3o° days will be sold at a reduced price. Wewillbe ready early in the Spring to do all kinds of Custom Sawing on Short Notice. Logs Wanted . , F. 0. KALBFLEISCH, ZURICH ***** y°*** ****°** °********* is so or* International .Harvester 0 • • .implements. We keep in stock a full line of the above cerebrated make of Farm Im- ,elements. Tliey are used in every civilized country in, the world and are giving universal satisfaction. Buy no other. 0 0 '°rte We handle the Magnet Cream Separa- tor, the best on the market. Metal Pig Troughs, last much longer] than wooden, ones, in fact we handle o rery- thing in the line of binders, mowers, plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all kinds. When in neei1 of a new Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or Cutter see our lines before you buy. They will please you. 0 o* 0 1r4HESS&SON, Rickbeil's Old %rc' • **** * *****3************* o a o 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A REAT C iINATI�• (BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT) the ifamilr ' eratb S TaReehir %tar 'Che Canaba `Rab 'kook Uhe Zurich l beraib The Canadian Red Book is just the book that has iong been wanted. A book on Canada, all about Canda and Things all Canadians should know. -260 pages of reliable facts, figures and information of all kinds about Canada. The Family herald and Weekly Star is the favorite paper of Canada. It is found in almost every hone. It has no equal as a family and farm paper. By special arrangements we can offer the Canadian Red Book (Price 50c) The Familp Herald and Weekly Star (Price one dollar). and the IHE11ALn (Pelee *1,00) All for •$1.85, if renewed this month. Send your orders to The Herald, Zurich United States subscribers adci $1.00 for postage. Died FORSYTI-I—At London, on Sunday, March 8th, 1908, Mercy, beloved wife of Frederick Forsyth,, ire her 60th year, B01'11. B El)Ann—At the Sanblt, Line, Ray, on the loth inst., to Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Bedard, a son, Call mn • Art. Fdighotter TONSORIAL ARTIST Successor to Fred, Manns For a Quick and Easy Shave, or an Up-to-date Hair -cut. Opposite Commercial Betel ZURICH JOS. SMITH'S SALVE IS A SURE CURE FOR Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Cold Sores, - Chilblains, Boils, Mere, Pimples, Running Sores, Poisoned Wounds, Sores, Ringworm, Strain, Swol- len Knees, inflamed and ail diseased, in- jured •tad irritated conditions of the skin. Mr. Matthias 'Warm of Zurich Ont, says. "I was bothered for some time with a run- ning sore on my jaw, nobody knows hew painful it -was. I doctored for some time till I tried a sample of Joseph Smith's Salve, and the result was so pleasing that I secured a good supply. Joseph Smith's Salve eased the pain for the first time, I am cured. I am thankful indeed for lay cure and gladly give you permission to. publish my case." Mrs. Andrew `.Chief of Zurich, says:— "For six moths 1 suffered acutely front 'sore breasts and doctored all that time. I tried a sample of Joseph Smith's Salve, It was different to everything else I had tried and it cured inc. 1 am grateful for the care, as I have never ben troubled with it since." Price 05 cants per box, 3 banes for $1.00 Obtained from W. It, B.nsn> n, Zurich Ont.