HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-03-13, Page 1The Official Organ of Zuricliand Hay Township.
\Iol. V111.
Highest paid officials were once op.
erators. Demand exceeds supply.
Six thousand needed during next
few years, Operators have ,seoured
increased salaries and eight.hour
We prepare you in shortest time,
and plane you immediately upon
Competent instructors, unsurpass-
ed equipment, wide experience.
° Commercial subject free.
Enter now. No vacation.
Business College
Danel E. Eby, Vice Principal.
GE0. SPOTTON, - Principal.
rg I S S V. MAASS, Prepares
1 l Pupils for the Toronto Con-
servatory of Music and other
Address :
e141aarmir^ ar a ems% 1►41)4^9s4"ter16u tob
New ads --J. J. Merner, A. Edig-
h offer.
See our parlor suits, was $32.00
now $25.00. At Hartleib's.
The newest christy hat is the
lomas hat weighs 2% ask to see.
D. S. Faust, has a fine range of
mens' snitings. Call and see them.
Mr. C. L. Moser's auction sale
will he held. on Thursday March
Mr. E. M. Brokenshire of Dash.
wood was a visitor in town on
Monday evening.
It is reported that Fred Hess. Sr.
will erect a hank on his lot, just
South of the Town Hall.
Nawis your time to invest in
furniture, everything must be
sold. At Hartleib's.
•Miss Jackson from near Blyth
has taken a position in one of the
the junior rooms of our public
Mrs. Moore and her brother, Mr.
Joe Dirstein of Hensall, visited at
the Dominion House, one day last
Mr. William Fee, left this week
for Owen Sound, for a car or two
of cedar fence posts. Orders may
be left at this office.
Wo have jest opened up a new
line of men's neglige shirts. Very
stylish and comfortable to wear.
Be sore and see them, J. Preeter,
New Spring Hats. Every young
man wants the very newest in the
hat line, buy the Lomas, Wake-
field, or Waferlite. J. J. Merner.
Mr. Jacob Ort left on Wednes-
day for Clare;City Mich in respond-
ing to a message, informing him
of the serious illness of his brother.
Rev. C. C. J. Mass of the Luther-
an church conducted his first
English service on Sunday even-
ing. The church was filled to the
doors, although the roads in the
Country were next to impassable,
Mr. Maass preached a very able
sermon, his remarks being listened
to -very closely.
In their annual reports, Canadian
insrrance companies dwell upon
the faot that th :y were able last
year to reduce the cost of new
business. This development is
the direct result of the Armstrong
insurance investigation in New
York State and of the inquiry con-
ducted by the Royal Commission
in this country. The fact that the
companies, of their own motion,
have cut down the ratio of expense
to premium,income may be em-
ployed as an argument against
legislative interference with the
freedom of the corporations. But
there is no proof that their re-
pentence and conversion are any-
thing more than ephemeral emo-
tions. The surer way to overcome
the abuses that have sprung from
extravagance in the management
of insurance companies is to place
a statutory limitation on the cost
of new business.
For a nobby gents' Tie, call at D.
S. Faust.
Mies Pearl Wurtz visited friends
in Dashwood, this week.
Special prices on copper nickel
plated tea kettles. At Hartleib's.
D. S. Faust has just received a
fine range of Mens' Dress shirts.
Come and get one.
See our sideboards with British
mirrors. Regular 815.00 for 810.00
At Hartleib's.
The Special services in the
Evangelical church were largely
attended every evening this week.
Mr, J. J, Merner spent last week
in Tororto on a purchasing trip,
and is now placing the goods into
Mr. C. Schrag put up about ten
loads of ice last week, for use in
his business during the summer
We have a complete stock of the
celebrated Albion. Wakefield and
Waferlite hats for men. Very sty-
lish and good wearers. J. Preeter.
Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Hudson left
on Monday for their new home at
Edmonton. THE HERALD wishes
them every success in the West.
A11 those suffering from Head-
aches, Cross eyes or any defect of
vision, should not fail to consult
with Miss J. J. Allan at the Do-
minion Hotel, Tuesday 3larch 24th.
The W. C. T U. willhold their re
gular meting at the home of Mrs.
Magel on Wednesday afternnoen,
March 18th, commencing at 2.30.
As Mrs. Mager is about to leave,
all the members are requested to
attend this meeting.
If You need a single harness, or
anything in halters, hame straps,
breast straps, martingales, breech-
ing straps, spread chains, rings or
snaps, see our stock before you
buy. Also full stock of whips,
lashes etc. J. PrFeter.
Mr. Godfrey Nicholson of Gods
rich, has sold his farm at the
Bronson Line. Mr. John G. Erb,
gets the 100 cores for '4200 00, and
Mr. Daniel Gingerlch tho 25 acxes
for 81400.00. The former has now
?00 acres and the latter the whole
of lot 25. or 100 acres in all,
Mr. John Graybiel, head clerk
in Mr. J. Preeter's store for a num-
ber of years, has taken a like l.osi-
tion in Tiernan & Edighnffor's tore
at. Dashwood. This firm has re-
cently purchased Mr. J. Keller -
man's stook The many friend of
Mr. Graybiel will regret to see hint
leave Zurich. but wish him every
success in his new position.
See our couches, regular price
7.00 for 41.50, at Hartleib's.
Get your wall paper at D. S.
Special prices ono trunks and
valises, At Hiirtleib'S,
See our new line of water setts,
very pretty and prices low. 3,
Mr. J. Preeter has bad a tele-
phone installed in hiS house this
Mr. and Mrs, J. W;.Ortwein of
Hensall were visitos here on
Another new shipment of dress
goods, arrived. Call and see them,
at D. S. Faust.
Mr. F. C. Kalbfieisele has a big
stock of logs in his mill yard. He
expects shortly to erect his saw
mill. �.
Miss J. J. A11ane. eye sight
specialist and refracti'31g optician,
will be at Dominion .hotel, Tues-
day March 24th.
Mr. J. J. Merner nide several
shipments of 'apple butter this
week, some going to Toronto and
some to the Cobalt District. .
Miss Freda Hess who is teaching
a school near Blyth spent Saturday
and Sunday with her parents, Mr
and Mrs. Fred Hess Sr.
Mr. M. Y. McLean 'M. P. of
South Huron had an operation per-
formed for ear trouble. His
many friends will hope that he
will speedily recover.
Mr. 0, L. Moser has disposed of
his farm, to Mr. Henry Eckstein,
and Mr. Eckstein has sold to his
neighbor Mr. Casper L. Wolper.
Possession will be given in both
oases on the first of April. Mr.
Moser will likely move to Zurich,
Mr. C. Hurtleib is getting mate-
rial on the ground for his block,
which he intends b'• ding this
spring. The built1i+?` tie over
60 feet'�•i:
and two storey.
a big addition to the a L ": ttiveness
of our town.
The new British Licensing Bill
introduced in the British Parlia-
ment will wipe out 36,000 saloons,
which is a third of the total. The
Bill proposes that this reducation
bo effected within 20 years. The
system of compensating those en-
tirely deprived of their licenses is
to lapse after a period of 14 Tears
from the commencement of the
N o . 3 1=
COME and examine my Stock of New Spring Goods be-
fore you buy. Yon will be benefited, My Stock is good
New Spring Dress Goods in all colors.
New Prints and all fast colors,
A beautiful range of Musliris.
Mens Spring Snitings. Ladies' Hose.
Embroideries of all kinds. Laces of all kinds.
Lace Curtains, Linoleulns, 4 yds and 2 yds wide.
Floor Oil Cloth, 2 yds and 1 yd wide.
A full range of everything in the.Dry Goods line,
taken in exchange for goods for which I ani paying highest
D. S. FAUST,SA Zurich.
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Cost hone .... but you will find ours a
little better than others at he same
price. Just now we want to talk
W e have all the Leading Mai es and
Butter, Eggs and Dried
'Apples taken in exchange
.o.va o.o o ��-.o•v.o.o.0 0 0•o g.��'o�-'o,�-•.�L-',.�C'�_0"Iv. •0
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We have just opened up a large shipment of New Spring Goods
consisting of
Ginghams in all the different sized checks in
Blues, Browns and Blacks.
New Dress Goods
New Dress Goods, in all the leading shades and
cloths for Spring. Plain Lawns, Organdies, India
Prices Down on Winter Goods
Dont l;forget that we are cutting the prices away
down on all Winter Goods, and it will be a big sav-
to anyone who needs any of these Goods to call
and the values we are offering.
A nice lot
,�� I h o r
ii �'.'�� t y,� ��lf��y�i
of choice patterns.
New Carpets
Mew Carpets, in Unions Wools and Tapestries,
with borders to match. New Floor Rugs, all
sizes in Tapestry, Brussels and velvet finish.
Linoletuns and Floor Oils, from one to four yds
Just arrived a lot of. new Trunks, Trelescopes;
Suit Cases etc, al remarkable low prices, If you
need a stove, give us a call. We have a few heat-
ers leftithat will be sacrificed. Everything in the
line of Hardware at the very closest prices.
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