HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-02-07, Page 44 The Z rich Herald. Established 1855 Capital $3,380,170 Assets $33,'739,244. Surplus $3,360,170 A Prosperous Year...— will be yours if you will start a Savings Account with us this month, Interest will be addled to prin- cipal every three months, and with our Large Reserve to rely on, you need not worry about the safety of your earnings. We heartily welcome your business— be it large or small. H. J. BILLINGS, Manager. . HENSALL BRANCH MOLSONS BANK SDOENDCDGElilEitOD CD G1 GERDia D(s91(91002 LEGAL CA Roe. GI 3.1). l OOKE, BARRSTER AND SO - Reiter, Notary Public, Henson, Ontario. At Zurich (Ze11er's office) every Mon- day. PRODUFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAB- ristors, Solicitors. Notaries Public, etc-, (xoderich, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.G. R. (a. Hays. G. E. Blair. E3U sINE$$SS CARDS. E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER ANI) Notary Pnblic. Do e d s , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Document', care fully and promptly prepared. Odice— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. H C DOAN, V. S., AS I HAVE PUR- eiiased hack my business from E. W. Stoscopf, I am in a position to attend to all business as formerly. Calla at Rau's Hotel. I)R. Ii;. W. STOSKOPF, VETERINARY fiiurgeou and Dantiat, Zurich, Ontario. Oilice over T. & NI. Johnsons Store. Night calls at T. Johnsons residence, S. HARDY, EXETER, ONT,. LICENS- ed Auctioneer f• r Huron and Perth. My rates are reasonable and I will ;guarantee the best of satisfaction. For the con- venience of my friends in Hay and Stanley, elates and terms may be ar- .ranged at THE H ;x,atn Office, Zurich. It, S. PHILLIPS, LICENSED AtiC- tioneer for the Counties of Huron and Perth. Farm stock sales a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All orders left. at Lot 23, Con. :i Hay, or addressed to Ffeneedl P. O. will be promptly attended to. DR. 3'. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- iluate of. the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. 1-20 FARM FOR SALE 140 acres b.ainr lot 22 and part of .23, Con. 12 H.:v, ou tia hick there is an up -to data brick house. with galvanized roof; new bank barn with straw shed 4(1x74 and .1Oy-.4 ; two overflowing wells; good or- chard: ]5 acres hardwood bush. Every thing in good shape; 1!, miles from Zurich. A niee 1:,nur. Terms easy. Apply C. L. 3h'sex. Or E. ZELLER, Zurich. - JCS_ SMITH'S SALVE 1S A SURE (TRE FOR Cuts, Braises, Bums, Scalds, Capped Hands, ('.Ll Sores, Chilblains, Boils, Ulcers, Pitnples, Ituuniug Sores, Poisoned Wounds, Sores, Riegworna, Strain, Swol- len Knees, inflamed aacl all diseased, in- jured and irritated conditions of the skin. Mr. Matthias \Vnrm of Zurich Ont, says. "I was bothered for some time with a run- ning sore on my jaw, nobody knows how painful it was. 1 doctored for some time till I tried e. sample of Joseph Smith's Salve, and the result was so pleasing that I secnred a good supply. Joseph Smith's Salve eased the pain for the first time. I am cured. I am thankful indeed' for my cure and gladly give you permission to publish my case." Mra. Andrew Thiel of Zurich, says:— "For six months I suffered acutely from sore breasts and doctored all that time. I tried a sample of J oseph Smith's Salve. It was different to everything else I had tried and it cured me. I am grateful for the cure, as I have never been tronbled with it since." Price35 cents per box, 3 boxes for $L00 Obtained from W. H. Baacnrca, Zurich Ont. KING CARLOS AND HIS SON SHOT TO DEATH AT LISBON• Lisbon, Feb. 2.—King Carlos and Crown Prince Luiv. Philippe were assassinated today, They -were shot to death while., seated in the royal carriage at Lis- bon just after their return from the Villa Vicosa where they had been sojourning, by a band of men *he fired a volley from carbines, The royal family was driving in an open carriage when a group of men at the corner of Trade de Commercie and the Sue do Arsenal suddenly sprang toward the car- riage, and leveling carbines whioh they had concealed upon them, aired mortally wounding the King- and ingand crown prince and slightly wounding tate King's tsecnad son Pristc danuel,, Queen Atnelia, who rose in the carriage and tried to shield the 'crown prince, was uinhvrt. Im. mediately the police guard fred on the r*ioides, killing three of 'then. •n PUBLISHED 13Y E. ZELLER. FRIDAY FEB. 7th. 1.908 STRASBURG 11lILL5—SMITH. A very pretty home wedding occurred at the residence of Mr- and Mrs. James Mills Jr.of Stras- Iburg Wednesday Jan 22nd, when their daughter HenI';etta was unit- ed in marriage to Ezra J. Smith of Detroit. Pr'oinply at High Noon Miss Winnifred Morrell played the' Wedding march when the bridal i party preceded by the officiating pastors appeared and marched through the sitting room to the north side of the parlor and took their places between the fern and palm decorations. The bride was given away in a very pleasing mmnner by her father in the presence of a large company of relatives and friends. Miss Bertha Mills, sister of the bride was bridesmaid and was very prettily dressed in white organdy over pink carrying a bouquet of white carnations. The bride, a very pretty brunette. was beautifully gowned in white silk and carried bridal roses. The groom wore conventional black and was attend- ed by Mr. Elmor Magel of Detroit, The march being ended the Rev. D. C. Ocstroth trona Detroit per- formed the marriage ceremony after which the. Rev. W. C. Swenk from Ida conducted a ring cere- mony. After 'congratulations were extended to the happy couple, the guests were invited to the dining room in the center of which hung a large white bell, the other de- corations being pink and white, the tables werq richly laden with everything to stimulate an ap- petite. All seemed to contribute their part in appreciation of the repast. Many and beautiful were the presents presented and was an expression of the high esteem in which the couple were held by their many friends. I1r. and Mrs. Smith. went on a wedding tour and after Feb, 1st will be at home to their friende at 102 Sidney Ave. Detroit. The guests from outside the neighborhood were Rev. D. C. Oostroth, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Snaith, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, Elinor Magel. Miss Adeline Hemmeln and Garnet Magel, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Rauch, Mrs. L. W. Newcomer and Daughter Susie, lira. B. Tis- dale and Roy Ackley, of Munroe ; Mrs. Charles Gorman and daugh- ter Lillian, of Britton ; Mre. Fred Morrell and Miss Winnifred Mor- rell, Harry Staher and sister and sister Bessie, of Tecumseh ; Mrs,- Joseph rs;Joseph Cornell, of Petersburg; Mrs. B. Ranch, and son Norman. of Dundee : Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Tagsold, of Riga ;. Mr. and Mrs. George King and son George, Bert Wright and sister Blanch, of Raisinville; Norman Blotch, Miss Mildred Tedder, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Foltntan, of Scofield; Rev. W. C. Swenk and Mrs. Swenk and daughter Grace, of Ida. The many friends of this very highly respected young couple join in wishing them many blessings on their voyage through life. CANADIAN NEWS. Ministers' ealitries in the Mani- toba Cabinet are to be increased $2,000, Rev. A. J. Miller is the new pas- tor of St, Paul's Lutheran Church, Galt. Havelock raatepayers will vote on a bylaw to raise the hotel license fee to $500. The 0. P; R. is to push its line through from(Joldwater to Orillia next stump er . Owen Sound snowfall measured 52 inches up t(Jan. 1, plus sixteen inches up to Jan. 12. Galt board. of ,i-nele asks for more letter boxes in ; t -la; town and more frequent delivc ;ins. The G. T, 13,.....iias nearly 100 en- gineers, each 'drawing over $100 a month, runnih out of Sarnia. Jan. 1, 1858..,ifty years ugo last New Year's vacs the date of Col- lin ;wood's incorporation as a town. Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Ben, of South Fredericksburg, lost three of their children by scarlet fever in ten days. The'Great West .Railway peti- tions Parliament to have its head office at Nelson. B. 0., removed to Port Artheir, , ear . . Good sleighing la the reason why Parry Sound is able to buy first - 1 class greenwoor' 'tt $2 per cord, and even less, this e inter. Welldiggers at 1Iarnley, Park- hill distript, heves to go down 110 feet to the rook and four feet into the rock, before they strike water. I wish that I might talk with all sick ones adout the actual oauseof Stomaoh, Heart, and Kidney ail- ments. To explain in person bow weak Stomach nerves leads toSto- mach weakness, I am sure would Interest all. And it is the same with weak Hearts or weak kidneys. This is why my prescription—Dr. Shoop's 1.estorative—so promptly reaches ailments of the Stomach, Heart, and Kidneys. It is wrong to drug the Stomach or stimulate the Heart or Kidneys: These weak aside nerves simply need more. strength. My Restorative is the only prescription made expressly, for these nerves. Neat to seeing rat personally,. will be to Mail you frp xl<ay',, new booklet entitled "What To Do". 1 will also sena srmmples of my Restorative as well, Write for the .book today. it will' surely interest you. Address Dr. 6Bhoop's, Box 8, Racine, *is. Sold by all dealers. Win. Proudfoot, K. C., of Gode- rich, has been nominated by \Vest Huron Liberalit for the Legislature, as M. G. Otinaeron, M. P. P., is re- tiring. North Bay board of trade are strongly in favor of the Georgian Bay ship canal, and consider a commission would only delay the project. A petition signed by 0,000 elec- tors asking that Winnipeg's hotels be subjected to the early closing law, was presented to the Manitoba Government. F. E. Armstrong, of Rosslaxd, tells with regret that three Sud- bury lots which he sold for $50 each twelve , years ago, brought $5,7000 a short time since. Rather tiian,eontest A. Httber's motion_ ei uns„at Mayor Uttley, of Berlin; t een�uno l will age- sign after its next meeting-, and a new eleetion.will be held. The right thing to do when you feel bilious is to' take a close of Charnberlain,s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse the stomach and regulate the liver and bowels. Try it. Price, 25 cents. Samples free a J, J. Merner, SOUTH HURON FARMERS' INSTITUTE. Supplementary Meetings of the above society will be held as follows: F AR Q U FIAT( -FEB. 15TH. Speakers—R. Stephenson, o Aueaster R. G. McKenzie of Fairview. f Afternoon Subject—The growing of root crops Laying out the Farm and planning of buildings for utility purposes Selected Subject. Evening Subject --The Farm Water Supply. The principles of Cultivation and Rotation. CREDITON FEB. 17TH. Speakers—A. G. McKenzie, W. S. Fraser of Bradford, Local P. Madge & R. Gardener, Afternoon Subject -The Principles of Cultivation and Rotation. Noxious weeds and how to 'Combat : them. Selected Sub- ject. Evening Subjoate-HeavyHorses. 20th Century Agricultnre. GRAND BEND FEB. 1STH. Speakers—A, Gi McKenzie. W. S. Fraser, Local W. Lewis, and R. B. Mc- Lean, Afternoon Subject—The Principles of Cultivation and Rotation Noxious. weeds and how to Combat them. Selected Subject. Evening Subject—Heavy Horses. 20th Century Agriculture,. ZUR1GIC FEB. 19TH. Speakers—A, G. MoKsnzie, W. S. Fraser. Local T. Fraser and W. Lewis. Heavy Horses. Weeds and how to Com- bat them. Selected Subject. Evening Subject—The Principles of Cultivation app Rotation Eastern and Western Canade. HENSALL FE'S. 20TH. Speakers—A. G. McItenzie, W. S. Fraser, Local T. Carling Poultry and Jas. MoNanghtod. Afternoon Subject --]leaky Horses, No. lieu's weeds and how to • eambeit them. Sul j.ct selected. livening Subject—Layiug.out of the Farm and planning Buildings, for utility purpose. 20 Century Agriculture.. STRONG'S HALL F1619, 2IST. A. G. MoKenzte, W. Fraser, Local' Alex; Mustard. Afternoon Subject ---Principles of Rota. tion and Cultivation. Sheep weeding and Managseaent. gablint I.Iooted. 'Evening Subject—Dairy Cattle 90 Century Agriculture; v 1a PEE. 22ND. Speskers--A, G, Viaekenzie, W. Fraser, Local R. 1L ,MeLoan and John Sparrow. ' ,After»oon fecih,;riet _R*avy Hprses, im-' rrevemest'of sited) subjedt selected. Eveain,g Heetisg—pee£ Cattle,20 Oen- tnry Agriculture. the A Evenin 1AeConcert willstisgatso sbe gi'ren at each of W. D. SA1 DERE, . p S. PHILLIPS, President; Exeter . Si.cTress. Remit For the next 3o d gas will be sold at a reduced price. We will be r'ady early in the Spring to do all kinds of Custom Sawing on Short Notice. • g s 5 F. C. K L ralI CH7 ZURICH CH .o *' °�- *° o*** a * .. o..*** ° ******CYC*7yC* _ - Inter - : ationaI Harvester 0 '7°Z •r• * 0 h= - 0 * 0 0 .11 m p elents d . We keep in stock a full line of the above celebrated make of Farm Im- plements. They are used in every civilized country in the world and are giving universal satisfaction. Buy 110 other. We handle the Magnet Cream Separa- tor, tlle.best on the market. Metal Pig Troughs, last much longer] than wooden ones, in fact we handle e Tery- thing in the line of binders, mowers, plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all kinds. • vVllen in need of a alt'\y Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or Cutter see our lines before you buy. They will please you. '"A o E ti . SON, .�f Rickbeif's Olaf Stand - - ZURICH. 'y .� �r,� yt� �.c� y� y� � �y� y.,• y� y.� �y�, y?� � y� y�.� y� y.� y��' •o� `>ic o�.******'%i'S7cC.°>**�'c��i{****a'i�***r° 0 HEAT CO NATI \ (BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT) ` he .1f emit( `beraib & Weekly %tar The lanaba iReb kook ....AND.... the Zurich 1beraLb The Canadian Red Book is jest the book that has long been wanted. A book on Canada, all about Canda and Things all Canadians should know -260 pages of reliable facts, figures and information of all. kinds about Canada. The Fancily Herald and Weekly Star is the favorite paper of Canada. It is found in almost every home. It has no equal as a family and farm paper. By special arrangements we can offer the Canadian Red Book (Price 500) The Farnilp Herald and Weekly Star (Pride one dollar). and the HERALD (Price $ I.00) All for $1.85, if renewed this month. Send your orders.to The Herald, Zurich United States subscribers add $1,00 for postage. DASHWOOD The contract for the building of the iaew Lnthern church here has been let to the following, the fact- ory work and material has been given to the Plaining Co. of thia place. 'The brickwork and mason- ery has been given to. Mr, . Loais Sohmaoher also of this village. The Plaining'Co. will subset the slate- ing, and also the painting and glaz- ing.• The church when completed will be a oredit to the congregation. Mr. Seibert, our new merchant, has got started in his new store here. Mr. Daniel Schroeder has got his supply of ioe stored away for the doming season. Those whom we have previously mentioned as being sink are . still on the mend, and will soot% be around again as usual. Mrs. Sachs . received word ;last week that her sister ACM Winer, of Morriston, had passed away on account of theattivaiiieet years, aid the very unfaxorible weather Mrs. (cache deemed it best not to attend the funeral. MOST SUICIDES IN VIENNA. (Vienna Corres, Pall Mall Gazette.) Among all the European capitals Vienna has long enjoyed an unen- viable pre-eminence for its number of suialides. Unfortunately the figures for last year tend to enhance this reputat. Tlie,:oflitoialreoords.show,that 356 men and 108 women comniitted suicide, as compared with. 315 men and 110 women in 1906, a total in- crease of 39. Besides this, there were no fewer than 739 attempts at suicide, st by men and 298 by-Is-o- men. y'ivo-men. ' The preponderance of mea ,over women appears Somewhat striking —three to one—but taking the oases of actual suioides and at- tempts together, this proportion is reduced to less than two tO out Illness land mental disorders *ore responsible for more than a fourth of total> suicides, unhappy lovo'. if - fairs auo ontated,for, 25, , povertylfox 32, and disbatisfeotion with their carr oundings for 35. Tho highest number of sulcides took place in April, 61, and the low. est in May and Septom'ber; ,witk 21 oaok. •u,