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The Herald, 1908-02-07, Page 1
The Official Organ of Zuxi . and Hay Township. Vol. V111. FRIDAY IVIORNINO1 FEB; 7. 1905 Seventeen Teachers coaserammuncesurnmumrsarnmatsastraavemta of wide experience, broad scholarship and untiring energy, employed by us, have built up a curriculum unsurpas- sed in Canada for thoroughness, sy- stem and actual business procedure. TnERE Colman—Telegraphy, Sten- ography and Commercial. Enter any time. Individual instruc- tion. Graduates assisted to positions No vacation Mail Courses in Languages, Book- keeping, Shorthand, Penmanship, etc. Send a postal for information about Canada's Greatest Chain of High- grade Business Colleges. Clanton Business College Danel/�E. Eby, Vice Principal. GL'O.iSroTToNN, - Principal. �t•�.�ataa�ala� �7ti•s�-s•�y��® a LOCAL NEWS. 7 Mr. Jim Laidlaw of Cromwell, is visiting in town. Mr. J. C. Stoneman of Rensall, was in town Tuesday. New ads—J. J. Merner, J. Pree- ter, Clinton Business College. Mr. Peter Lamont made a busi- ness trip to Ailsa Craig on Tuesday. H. J. D. Cooke, barrister, of Hensall, attended court hero on Tuesday. The balance of our horse blan- kets, at greatly reduced prides to Blear, at Hartieib's. Mr. Frank Kachens house had a narrow escape from fire, on Satur- day afternoon. Mrs. W. Truemner of the Baby len Line, returned from a pleasant visit with her parents, at Milver- ten. New table linens and ladies' 'svhitewear. A new stook just in at very attractive prices, J. Pree- ter. Miss Mel Koehler has returned to her home hero, after, spending a month with her sister, in Tavi- stock. Just received a full lino of Trunks, Valises. Telescopes and Lunch Cases. Prices right. •T Preeter. Mr Louis Durand, and Miss Laura `Varner were united in mar- riage on Tuesday. The ceremony was preformed by Rev. e, G. J. Maas. SCHOOL REPORT Report based on punctuality and attendance only. Jr. Ill. 'Violet Fess. Arnold Leibold, Russel Zeller. Sr. 1I. Alma Axt, Oarl Schnell, Roy Apple, Arnold Hilderbrand. Jr. II, Albert McCormick. Mary Zettel, Part It. Lauvance'Raa, Melvin Bock, Leo Mittellholtz. Parents can greatly' aid the ef- forts of the teachers by seeing that their children attend regularly and punctually. Minnie A, Best Teacher The following is the report of the senior room of Z. P. S. for the month of Jan. 1908. V. Roy Faust, Elgin Hess, Lee . Hoffman. Sr IV. Gertie Magel, Alfred Bender, Ethel Weido. Jr 1V. Esther Leibold, George Hess, Flossie Hartleib. Sr III. Olive O'Brien, George Deichert, Muriel Preeter. Parents should insist on their children studying every night, in- stead of running the streets, as is now the case. Alex. McLeod, Principal. The death occurred in Edmonton on Janiiary 17th, of a former resi• dent of Lake Road, Hay. in the person of James Ching, son of the late Thomas Ching of Hay. Mr. Ching had been ill about three weeks of typhoid fever. He was thought to have been getting better but pneumonia set in gad the end came vary quickly. He had been in the West 25 yeas". Mr. Ching was a itsn, highly re- spected by all Whiz knew him. He married Miss LoaijWan, daughter of the late James Loadman of Hey Township, and she, with one daughter and one son, surveive ,hint', --Fatter Advocate. 2 Far Overcoats left at a big bargain to clear, at Hartiieb's. Mr. Garnet Mage). of Detroit, is visiting at his home here. A very enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mr. Con, Thiel on Wednesday evening. Mr. George. Dear and sister Liz- zie, and Miss Mary Gellman, spent a few days in Dashwood, last week. Mr. Arthur Edighoffor who has been conducting the barber busi- ness, for the past few weeks, for Mr. Fred Manns, retnrued to his home in Blake. Robe found by Mr. Chas. Welk- er of Zurich, on Thursday last, 2 or 3 miles from. Crediton. Owner can have swine by proving property and paying for this advertisement. A good supply of new Revival Power Book's, intitled. "Songs of Revival Power" by Edmund S. Lounz, have been secured by Rev. A. D. Gischler to be used during the Evangelical campaign. A sitting of the Tenth Division Court, was held in the Town Hall here on Tuesday, Judge Holt of Goderich, presided. Ten cases were on the list. In Hayter vs. Baker and Baker vs Baker, judgment was given for the plaintiffs. In Jarrett vs Bissonnette, judgment was given for plaintiff. In Meidintl'er vs Row ald, the plaintiff was awarded judgment. In Doan vs Stoskopf, the case was non -suited. In Mc- Arthur vs Patterson the plaintiff got judgment. In Fritz vs Debris, the plaintiff won.. R, Pickard Co vs Rinker, the defendant won, hav- ing a receipt for the account sued for. Lindenfeld vs McKay and Alexander vs MoKay were settled before they were called. INSURANCE MEETING. The 2nd. annnal meeting of the Huron Weather Insurance Mutual Co. was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday afternoon, The directors' auditors' and secretary -treasurer's reports were presented after which the three retiring directors Messrs. W. T. Caldwell, S. Brokenshire and W. B. Battler wero relected for a three years term. The com- pany carries nearly a million of insurance and is in a very pros- perous condition. At a sub sequent meeting of the directors, A. G. Smillie was Sleeted president and W. B. Battler viee•president, E. Zeller was appointed Seer entry - Treasurer, and G. Holtzman gen- eral agent. Miss Pearl friends in Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. lag]), sail, called , on Tuesday. Miss Mary Brave» of Miss Gertrude sdale, the past wee is visiting rott of Hen - cls here on • vas the guest ra Sof Dry - Master Charlie, ,. on of Harry Weber, is confined t, Phis; bed with an attack of plenris;en. Mr. H. Magel and son Elmore, have returned to ,D:etroit, after a pleasant visit at their home here. Mr. Aaron Kaer;her has 140 hens, which laid. 124 dozen eggs in the month of January 1908, Who can beat this? Saturday last we : experienced by far the worst blizzard of ` the sea- son, and the roads are almost' im- passable in swine parts. Mrs. Valentine Kg3hens has .been quite poorly for several weeks,and her condition is causing her friends and neighbors some anxiety. Next Sunday evening services in the Evangelical Church will open with a 15 minute song service. Songs of Revival Power will ` be used during this servioe. You are invited to this se'vine. A very enjoyabl ,surprise party was held at the ho a of Mr. and Mrs. . S. Jacobi ':last Thursbay evening, when a .'sleigh load of young people came On. surprise The evening was ent in music and other amusements. If you have Cata•°rlt, rid your- self of this repulsiv disease. Ask Dr Shoop of Racine, Wis., to mail you free. a trial box of his Dr Shoop's Catarrh Be zedy. A simple single test, will surely tell you a Catarrh truth well;• worth your knowing. Write today. Don't suf- fer longer. Sold by All, Dealers. Mr. W, Proudfoot K. C , of Gode•rioh is the Liberal candidate for the Legi4]atur. e, of West Huron, succeeding Mr. DI, a: Cameron the present memiser. wi;io will not lie a candidate at the next election. Mr. Proudfoot wttl ni, ke e, very strong - candidett *�`,'sixes' i' well known and poPtt ar with the people. Mrs. (Rev.)'.T. P. ZTauch of Tokio Japan, will address the Junior Al- liance, in the Evangelical church on Saturday afternoon at 2 p. m. A missionary collection will be lifted in the interest of the child- ren in the Sun•RiseKingdom. Sev- eral of Rev. Hane.li's children will take part in the exercises, dressed in Japanese costumes. WahaNdiAMMANAMINMANWRig :due 1 1 p(Cc,rs[cr.•xw..m• Rft^'TAY^TT➢1L'l:-"L'r`^iCi(^'�r•n`'^'6YM1'M1^err.'•^•n^.}�•.m^c,rt.'ri+t-� +,y[ ISI x..21 I "' Ladies' Coats and Ladies' Fur Stoles All this Season's Goods It you are in need of one Gall ., nd see my Stock ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE taken in exchange for Goods, D. S. FAUST, Zurich. 6 LMIPPMWAMMWARFINVWMA,ANWAMMA .o.'..-.o.o.o o.o o o o•4•d •O 1©�• dao •�•0 0 0• o ro o• •�a•oo o.p000007000 ��a • Kuti ; a3> 0.4 vo TCost money.... but you will find ours a D little better than others at the same • price. Just now .we want to talk c 0.G 0 , ,.b WATERPROOF SHOES AND QA. 4.t GUARANTEED RUBBERS I `We have all -the Leading Makes and **.. Styles.' PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT, tk SVDButter, Eggs and Dried �$� Apples taken in exchange '1✓ On R f THE SH 'AN - ZURICH r�4v 4 Z, . �.� P• G'• , .?.. =7,e ,e . amu Sfi 3ennI S `i IMtis` til c # .# t tZ 3 C31=n 3 '%(3 F3esneS l . eon :; r 31 3E We have just opened up a large shipment of consisting of i.e ; Hey Prices. A nice lot of choice patterns. ints New Spring Goods "GINGHAM'S Ginghams in all the different sized , checks in Blues, Browns and Blacks. New Dress Goods. 1 New Dress Goods, in all the, leading shades and cloths for Spring. Plain Lawns, Organdies, India Linens. Prices Down on Winter Goods Dont forget that we are cutting the prices away down on all Winter Goods, and it will be a big sav- to anyone who needs any of these Goods to call and the values we are offering. 1 New Carpets Mew Carpets, in Unions Wools awl Tapestries, with borders to snatch. New F1oo' Rugs, all sizes in Tapestry, Brussels and velvet finish. Linoleluns and Floor Oils, from one to four yds wide. ' HARDWARE Just arrived a lot of new Trunks,,, lecopes, Suit Cases etc, al remarkable low prie .s, if you need a stove, give us a call. We have a few heat - ers leftithat will be sacrificed. Everything in the line of Hardware at the very closest prices, lET E R ZURICH V e Ek B ,;P gy SeXasslinStr=es3CeeniMsSignitesMnrStelnnMSISnir 31011843:£ •