HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-01-31, Page 5uric' era ON'T IT till the last minute to select your HOLIDAY GIFTS ;:• : My Showcases are Brim Full of all kinds of` WATCHES, JEWELLE V RINGS, Etc., Etc. Only the Best in Bach bine NO Plated Rings in stock "Prices the Lowest" "Goods the a est" E. W. HESS, JEWELLER P. S. A pair of Gold Spex make a nice present for your mother. Big Clearillg Up Safe In order to reduce our Stock before opening up our Spring Goods, we have decided to have a BIG CLEARING SALE to commence TUESDAY, FEB. 4th continuing to Feb. 25th, and will give our customess an op- portunity of securing bargains, in Dress Goodis, Wrapperetts, Prints, Shirtings, Underwear, Hats, Capss Raincoats, Shoes, Crockery, Graniteware, etc. A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL. R. N. Douglas, BLAKE That New Winter Suit. When looking for your new Winter Suit, do not forget to give us a call, We have a fine range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a large number of Samples to select from. Laundry in. connection. H. HOFFMAN MEAT WASE WE keep in stock a full line o fresh. meats, Mains, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own Sari ages. • Give us a call. A UN iBLUT DEIC.IERTe Weak Kidne s ' week Kidneys surely point to Freak kidney (N�erves.° The Kidneys. like that:Heart, and the Stomach, and their weakness., not in the omen itself, but in the nerves duet control and .Nide end strengthen thorn. Dr-. Shoop's Restorative is $ ma dteifie g ecidcal17. prepared- to reach there ailerons, nerves. To doctor the KUddeys alone, IS fntlls. it is a waste Of lima end of money el 1Rsf fordb00% aches or is took, if the aloe otnldskoaUdorrond axons if you have sriopt ass le! 3aiIMS o1 other didre�bf • OrrnQaniimos kid - iaeries�(ttrryDr°8boOp'r1taW uveascontlr Ts Mies 140 tied. Mita brit -geed ad iWashfnand 1tia fir. Sboop's. bstoraIivor OFFICIAL RETURNS IP The following ,are the returns of the election held ,out; Wednescli y last,. and are contained in ..the two last columns 'of .figures. .The act- ual Majority of Mr. McLean is 117. An error of 20 votes in No 2•; Hay reduced the Majority. first report gid. SEi1.li'ORT7:1 . 1904 Lib' Con • McLean No 1 88 70 117 No 2 31 52 59 No 3 41 42 37 No 4 22 33 27 No 5 28 36 67 210 233 307 23 • 82 EXETER. No l No 2 No 3 No 4 22 64 31 25 59 33 29 62 37 47 70 55 123 255 132 BAYFXELD No 1 34 80 33 46 TUCEERSMIT II 1908, Hortoxl 71 39 27 30 55 225 69 60 62 77 156 274 No 1 No 2 No 3 No 4 No 5 No 6 No 1 No 2 No 3 No 4 No 5 59 63 46 78 72 59 377 189 64 67 29 15 72 2.47 251 49 45 23 18 30 32 197 118 92 59 75 35 67 47 51 25 70 21 72 30 7032 — 405 196 209 STANLEY. 23 28 109 54 37 No 1 53 No 2 68 No 3 47 No 4 73 241. No I 93 2 No 1 No 2 No No 4 No 5 No 6 No 7 No 8 No 1 No 2 No 3 No 4 No Fi No 6 No 7 No 8 No 9 42 46 Al 53 41 53 29 58 413 88 49 56 32 14 77 35 31. 98 54 45 228 263 35 4 - i7SBORNT , 101 52 105 GO 03 71 108 31 111 - 52 73 51 322 219 339 81 120 HENS ALL 91 01 118 HAY.. 28 21 94 21 25 74 23 325 46 52 107 • 47 48 53 30 74 _ 457 137 STEPHEN. 92 76 65 35 20 71 5,5 56 45 33 64 15 73 52 51. 72 62 45 35 45 30 •68 52 26 -- -- 61 412 476 417 64 lzcRILLOP 27 85 29 104 26 34 00 27 14 320 02 51 62 66 39 81• 36 57 53 508 91 No 1 26 No 2 108 53 No 3 66 77 No 4 71 7] 360 227 —_ — world. 1. (esus did ;.. of God. ; His Son REOAPITULATION an sinned"rod must McLean Horton t11e way 233 307 225 his price, 197 405 196 255 156 274 e. "The 322 219 339 ngrai.eful 476 417 508 floe. The 91 91 118 to of God. 80 33 92 love ted, 320263 ee. ">Ie 227 irevcannot to "should 2562ing God. ley try to irl bathed 117 luted fifty a certain Stop that tinkling Cough ! Dr morning, Shoop's Cough Cure will surelyi every stop it, and with rfeol safety, I avea days, � Milk doing is so thoroughly harmless, thathe' fasted Dr Shoop tells mothers to neotlly. She nothing else even 'with very youngorated the babies. The wholesome green leavnd fasted es and tender steins of a Inng heiti•hours site ing_monatfainone shrnb•rnrnish'the''id say a :oq i ;*14t.OttertfCe to or, shoop'i ,ed imus Co).ugepee. Dt oi►li li the cellh,l read the reed heat the arnsittve brbnehiai in g were membranes. arc. NOof � p uln, Ito ahlero•�,ys ached. form, nothlag l�arih media in jliire issionary ow.uppreei, Desoilnd Dir 8tio p's.t in which Take Mi other, Sold by All Dealere,ight her 78 51 118 94 67 52 104 47 80 271 302 31 HEM a.ALL The ladies of J3lnea l are holding a Leap Year Dance this (Friday) evening. A number from Zurich are ihvited:: bit `your correspond- ent would ,advise all our bache- lors to stay away, T,'.Murclobk has disposed of his horse Col. Hunger, to ,Art Brawn of Leamington. Tem, got a nice four-year-old trotting stallion in exchange, H. J. D. Cooke, who eves cannel- ecl to his house through illness 'for a week, is able to be out again, Among those wlio evere present at the Manns -Shephard wedding, on Wednesday last were, S. Stewart and wife of Seaforth ; W. Wood and wifeof London.•and Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner of Farquhar, The now Council n et on. Monday night and°transacted the. following business. Fred Busch was ap- pointed pound keeper, Albert Whiteside, chief of police and hire chief at $30 a year, James Bon- thron and E. Rennie auditors at ,S4 each, A Murdock, collector $20,00, lames Bonthron.assessor $35,00 Jos Ellis, treasurer $25.0.0, Robert Bonthron, clerk $45;00, H; J. D, Cooke solicitor. and G. Rodgers engineer. The following were appointed to the Public Library Board, George McEwen, Rev. W. J. Doherty ancl H'. •Arnold. I want you to know how much Chamberlain's Salve`.; has done for me. It had cured my fave of ti shin disease of almost twenty year's standing I have been trea- ted by several as sinart physicians Mr. D Schroeder is as we have in this country and they busy storing away his did me no good, but two boxes of enniina• Season, _ _ this salve has cured mo —Mrs. xovern- straw, per •tion .. . .. x Fannie Griffen Troy, lila Chani d that s AosNo 2ke, No. i; bu, , 'friend- Dressed hogs „ ,. .. Merner. in the Egge. Sew laid, doz' .. .. .... liri the Do., storage .. .. .. .. .. HURON COUNTY Y. M. C. A. Butter, dairy .. .. .. .. .... OA LL ON ' '•—' TONSORIAL ARTIST For a quick and easy shave or an up -to date hair -cut Jos. Dirstein's Stand Opp. Commercial Hotel DASSHWDCD • 'There was great rejoicing in the liberal camp on election night when it was given out that their candidate had won out in the Can - test, by a substantial'majority. A torch -light procession was organ- ized by the school boys, which af- forded great amusement for both political parties, which were of course on the opposite side of the street, ono from the other. A local contest will soon be on and it will of course be perfectly in order for the winning side to celebrate in just such style, which no doubt they will. Rev. A. D. Gischler preached several times last week, for Rev. Eidt in the revival services here.. The recent storm has blockaded the road in many places, Mr Henry Staubns is on the sick list, we hope soon to hear of his recovery this week ice for the berlain's salvo is for sale by J J pf Brit- Do.. red clover, ':. 1 Do., creamery .. .. .. lecl to Geese, dressed, per 1b. .. ,. ,. ,. The movement has been success- Chickens. per lb. .. .. .. .... fully Launched. Edward Ducks. dressed, per lb. .. .. Ir. xy, who Turkeys. per Ib. .. .. .. , . .. Clinton, Jan. 24—The county I. , by the Apples, per bbl. .. .. .. .. .. M. C. A. convention closed its r before Cabbaee, per bag .. .. ., .. ,. Cabbage, per doz. .. ., .. ,... meeting today, and the work has Onions. per bag .. .. ,. .. .. now been successfully launched in Beef, hindquarters .. .. .. .. Huron, and. it depends on the ^ Do.. forequarters .. .. .. ;. .. o p yS, Do., choice, carcase .. ,. S efforts of the local leaders and the Do.. medium, carcase .... .. s Mutton, per m, .. ., .. .... 3 liberality of the business men as Meeting Veal, prime, per cwt.. ........ 9 to whether the money nceessary to Lomb, per cwt. ,. .. 10 carry on the work will be raised TORONTO LIVE STOCK. and a Secretary placed in the field. W. I•' Tho total recedpte of live stock 8 As soon as pledges to the amount iference day. as reported by the railways, of $1,800 or over ares cared a Sec -.he past 107r4 Eh Doa a 01 calves351 cattle, rotary will be employed, who will an end The quality of cattle was much give his'whole time to :tile work of British as for several weeks pat some t ,• Rood and many half finished. the county. The fell?"gin the Trade was about the same as at members of the Conn.: ing ad + tion an Monday, the best lots be 11ieS f� i l verything was cleaned up at p ed a,etaw, ' Exporters—Not many offered, iI� Greer, SVingham J F n ,,, 80, were only heard that one load of stegj Wroxeter ; Jas. Scott was brought in by Mr. Sbortreed, Clinton; J. 0. Storrs delivered by the pres- and sold at $6.25 per cwt. Bull:. T. H. McCall,- the `conference set forth, �Bnteh rs tp>%ice Dlckedt lots of Chesney, see' other things, that great pro- sold at $4.75 to $5; loads of good 1 son, Brus.es has been made in the new cot- 24.40 medium butchers' utebe ' and good J H P ion industry, which already is worth to $2.30; canners and light bulls, tt, $5,000,000 a year to the islands. from With the view of effecting closer relations between Canada and the West Indies. steps looking to recipro- cal trade was registered. This would be regarded as a purely family arrangement, and it was said retaliation was not feared. The con- ference demanded also improved tele- graph and shipping facilities for the West Indies. EXETER. George Dennis an employe of the Howell Litho, Co of Hamilton, visited his parents here, last week. Revs Fear of town and Holmes of Lucun, exchanged pulpits on Sunday. Hy. Bishop of Detroit and Miss Eva Gould, formerly of Exeter, were united in marriage on Wed- nesday. The annual meeting of the Exe- ter .Agricultural Society was held in the Town Hall last Thursday afternoon when the following officers were elected. Pres. Ed. Christie ; Vice -Pres., J. Ballentyne ; 2nd Vico-Pres., W. D, Sanders; Directors, John Delbridge, John Moir, W. R. Elliott, Paul Coates, P. McTaggart, Jos. Senior, Wm. Russell and R. G. Seldon. Messrs. H E Huston and Chas. Sanders were elected auditors. The matter of holding a Twenty Fourth of May demonstration under the auspices of the society was taken up, but was deferred. A fancy dress carnival was held I { in the skating rink on Monday evening, and an enjoyable night was spent. The band enlivened the evening with some choice mu- sic. !ant- after. and the common slow of an fork of is Moses lderness, be lifted t the Is- iitten by , so the serpent, 2. As oust die, men, -for is Moses appoint - was ap- • for the 1 serpent :sence of is Christ le nation m Israel- N1um. 21, ;list, the 4 looked Me" that Sting life 139 Seaforth 210 Tuck'ith 377 Exeter. 123 Usborne 241. Stephen 412 Hensall 98 Bayfield 34 Stanley 247 251 228 Hay 5- 413 325 457 McKi11'bp 271 802 366 2,421 2,532 2679 2,421 2562 Majority 111 NEW EXCLUSION ACT. Government Bill in the British Columbia Legislature. Victoria, B. C., Jan. 21.—The text of the Natal Act, which the Provincial Government will re-enact at this ses- sion of the Legislature, and which was given its first reading yesterday, has been given to the House. It is vir- tually the, same as that introduced last year, with the exception that the typographical error responsible for the invalidating of the act, which ap- peared in the final draft, has been set right. The act provides for an edu- cational test to be imposed upon all immigrants entering British Colum- bia, with the .ordinary reservation, and a provision for the enforcement of the act and the penalties for its large as is usual at this time of infraction. So far the weather has been on The disabilities to attend unauthor- seasonable, and a week or two o ized immigrants .are set forth, and cold would help things material], penalties provided to be imposed on ung manufacturers complain t any corporation assisting immigrants are receiving many cancellatio; to contravene the act. ders. The retail clothing tra • . ported to be very quiet. On the DYING ON DOORSTEP. wholesalers and manufacturer wear, shirts and other lines Toronto Butcher Discovered Last Night in wear, state an excellent busine Unconscious Condition. big. Toronto: In most branches; rovem- there has been some improvem past week. Travellers t the country are meeting with ing business for their spring 1i ing orders are as yet light. linos, such as dress goods, li there is an excellent trade, are generally firm. 'The 2tia, to see a big trade iri„ee „row Dry goods jebbe1�S'>of J. R. are generally g� eontinue t1�` Nti f niiieping the country, sena tireventics, before it 5ily seated. 'To check early G. T. P. WANTS MEN. .+m with these little gaudy Cold :5itre Tablets iia surely sensible alld Edmonton, Alta., Jan: 27 safe. PIeventice 001eta,ila no Qdlili- few days between two and th and Mien will be required at in connection with the eonstru on the Grand Trunk Pacific se to MacLeod iver, of the city cod R , Foley, Welsh & Stewart, sue Foley Bros. & Larson, who ha aer rwt. Feeders and stockers—Receipts o " and feeders have been light for s but there is a demand springing same, as several people were on t looking for them. Milkers and springers—Pest teak 840 to M. with a very few extr cows bringing $52, $54, and one e cow sold by Maybes, Wilson & Ha• Inferior to common cows sold at? to $35 each. aII Veal calves --Good veal calves and wanted. Prices are quoted fr $6.50 per cwt., but don't forget t4 new milk -fed calves are worth $7 Sheep and lambs—The Iamb trad quite as brisk as usual, choice qua selling at from $5.75 to $6.26; per c mon, thin, half -fat Iambs, $4.50 to port ewes, $4 to $4.50 per cwt.: culls, $3.50 to $4 per cwt. Seleote ewe and wether lambs sold at $6.3- Hogs—The run of hogs . was 1 Harris reported selects at $5.60; light, $5.35, These prices are for watered at the market. BRITISH CATTLE MARK.' London, Jan. 21.—London cables errefrigotor beeat 11c, to fs isc. pquerotednat 9%st,l pound. Bradstreet's Trade Revi Montreal General trade here to hold a steady tone. The and retail movement is still 1 travelers are beginning to forw orders for winter starting lines. lines of goods these orders al.. NV, M. Martin barrister of Regina, son of Rev. Martin of town, will contest Regina in the Liberal interest, for a seat in the Commons, Mrs. Isaac Bawden, a former re- sident of Exeter, died at Barrie, on the 16th, inst at the age of 78 years and 8 months. AToronto despatch: Last night at 11: 15 o'clock Detective Nat Guthrie found John Zeagman, aged 45, ,butcher, room- ing at 4 Ontario place, sitting on the doorstep of a House near the corner of Front and Princastis. Ile was surrounded by a small crowd:, and when Detective Gutlu'ie reached him was in an uncon- scious condition, the empty bottle of carholic acid at his side indicating the cause of his condition. He died in the police ambulance on the way to St. Michaels Hospital, Zeagman was un- married and lived with hie sister at On- tario place. ;,n tract, will start. work• at one hie, no laxative, nothing harsh or sickening, Pneumonia would never appear if early colds Wire prompt- ly broken. Also geed for feverish tshildroa. Large •box,• 48 tablets, 25 eenta. Vest pot3ltitt!'lioxes 5 de. Sold by All Dealers, 1 Men and Women of Ontario'\ This "PPE L You isfor...... The Great Provincial Charity, The Hospital for Sick Children, Calls On You For .did. Remember that this Hospital is not a local, institution, bat Provincial. It cares for every sick child in the Province of Ont- ario whose parent.; cannot afford t: pay for treatment. Busy dollars are better than fills tears. The sym- pathy that Weeps is good, but the Hospitalhastohave the sympathy tha;. "I Linn PICTURES" Works, Last year there were 1093 patients ad- mitted. Of these 378 came from 25 l places outside of Toronto—all were children of poor people who could not afford to pay for treatment of their little ones. Each child was in the hospital 471 day; at a cost of $1.31 each per day, or 862.22 for the 47i days 1tay, If your dollar could strai g h t e n the feet o f a little boy 51 AS:WIE or girl with club feet, you would gladly give it, and your dollar will do that. There wet() 79 cases of club feet treated BEFORE. AFTER. t 50 were e 79, about last year. Out ofthe from the country. If you know of any child in your county who is sick or has club feet, and whose parents can not afford to pay, send the name to the Hospital Secretary. The atrrk books are open. Won't you let the Hospital write your mune down for a few shires in Heaven's own •irk of healing little :hil'dren A trent mins of blleroy —tole niiniii stock that els► s iperje— 4e�de— is bort with the money that heli. The Hospital for $ick Children tel **- Wrest the Cl ltd of Life frets% th* Quartet of #lax oemo. Meath, • rtiwia Bind iiaitioiai to J. those iiak er eii, Cimitosoo. or to polosios 7llttrid- tNitl Halo sof" , a! the Hatipirsid for Sick