HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-01-31, Page 4eiD
ti Fa' ID
1 Ci C:,:.,�l,lOf, r1 ter stirs.
Established 1855
Capital $3,360,170
Assets $33,739,2444
Surplus $3,360,170
A Prosperous Year
hill be yours if you will start a Savings Account
with us this month, . Interest will bo added to prin-
cipal every three mouths, and with our Large Reserve
to rely on, you need not Worry about the safety of
your earnings, We heartily welcome your business—
be it large or small.
IL J, BILLINGS, Manager.
011e3D f}DGMSD®D elia0D elD
D intlilit)CDGESSDSlz
Ileiter, N'ot ary Public, ensalI, Ontario.
At Zurich (Zeller's oxiiee) every Mon-
ristors, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc.,
Goderieh, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.C.
R. C. Hays. tx. F. Blair.
chased lack my business from E. W.
Stoskopf, 1 :un in a position to attend
to all business as formerly. Calls at
Rau's Hotel.
;burgeon and Dentist, Zurich, Ontario.
Office over T. ,i M. Johnson's Store.
Night calls at T. Johnson's. residence.
el Auctioneer fur Huron and Perth. My
rates are r;rahoauble and I will g.•narantee
the best of satisfaction. For the con-
venience of my friends in Hay and
Stanley, dates and terms may be . ar-
ranged at TUE HERALD Office, Zurich,
tionecr for trio Counties of Huron and
Perth. Faxen stock sales a specialty.
Satisfaction guaranteed ar no pay. All
orders left at Lot 23, Con. 2, Iiny, or
addressed to Hensall P. 0. will be
promptly attended to,
emite of. the Royal College of Dental
jltr:;':,niis, Toronto, also honor �rar1n-
te of Department of Dentistry, To-
ronto 1.lrit ersity, Painless extraction
of teeth. Plate work a Special :y. At
I)onlininn House, Zurich, every Mon-
day, 1-26
Lumber For Sale.
After Nov. 20th, I will be in a
!)n !tion t`1 iMII alI orders for Maple,
Beea, a, 1 c-mluck, Basswood, Soft
and rlot'k Ellie 1Li:miler.
. . M t_UEL MOORE,
lfi ry fiat field.
that tl,.o itnnnal 1114eting
F.:17 i' :i. �ric ,itnro
; n the Town
171+313.” the 24th
das seers r 1 tit Ort4:1 o' 1100k
e). .C.;aist, iet'y.
Zr:e! t .r„n
of 3:3,
r i , i', t. :.lel up to
' h. v , , 'LII 't l roof;
t rn fi t, l :,n11
} tc't:[, ; g,„i or-
i . 1:, 11.1't” h, '.tc� nt,'l 1”0.11.. Every
:U:',.1:.1b•,_ , Ui lett fi'.,i., /.nr'icli.
:1 ', ers.-i.,_:rt:; _:1,}. Al.ply C. L.
,1 r: , I., 7,c , 'l.ur:„i1.
Annizal meeting of the Hem -
1 , l; Ifs ' tllcr Insurance ,1ut-
,ttl :,1 nr will 1 lnil in the Town Hall,
i,itricl.: on Tuesday the 4th day of Feb-
ruary 110R. at one o'clock p. m. I3usi-
:1e-ti:—••Itsr;aviir;; the •1 ireetors, Anditors'
:u I Treasurer' reports; Election of
three ;lrcr.toi•s ai 1 other business that
inay be in the interests of the Company.
W. T. C+r.nwm.i. EsQ, B. ZELLER.
President. Secretary.
I wish that 1 %night talk with all
sick ones adout the actual causeof
Stomach, Heart, and Kidney ail -
+ talents. To explain in person how
weak Stomach nerves leads to Sto-
mach weakness, I am sure would
Interest all. And it is the same
with weak Hearts or weak kidneys.
This is why my prescription—Dr.
k3hoop's Restorative—so promptly
reaches ailments of the Stomach,
Heart, and Kidneys. It iS wrong
to drug the Stomach or stimulate
the Heart or Kidneys. These weak
aside nerves sitnply meed more
•strerilgtii. My Restorative is the
only prescription Made expressly,
:Irefer tee nerves. Next to seeing
yen perepne,lly, will be to mail you
free, , roast, new beekTet ' entitled
^' i+'r$a,t isToe ,Do' I Will `•alto. 'mend
• "134164,6f :y torattive„ate well:
Write fe��te bpolr to-day.''It will
sorely interest you. Addresi Dr,
Shettp'e, 1"soa 8,. Racine, Wis.
6o]d by all dealers.
FRIDAY JAN..3lst 1908
W. C. T. U.
In the city of Leeds, England,
there liveda man who was debased
by drink and sin. As is often the
case, his wife and children •were
the worst sufferers. He made his
hvmo a hell. The poor bairns
would fey at his approach. for he
knocked then about terribly, and
led them an awful life.
One night ho went to a mission,
and God shook him as he did the
jailor of old, Sin gave place to
Jesus Christ. and what a change !
His children regarded him with
wide-eyed amazement. A kind
father was a revelation altogether.
A fcw days after his Conversion
they were sitting around tate fire
singing hymns, when suddenly his
little girl looked up into his face
and asked. "Father, is this heav-
en?” Poor bairn! It was Heaven
to her and will be to many another
if Jesus comes into heart a n d
If you have Catarrh, rid your-
self of this repulsive disease. Ask
Dr Shoop of Racine, Wis., to mail
you free. a trial box of his Dr
Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. A simple
single test, will surely tali you a
Catarrh truth well worth your
knowing. Write today. Don't suf-
fer longer. Sold by All Dealers.
"Are the Asiatics to have British
I Columbia?” is the bodeful heading
of the "Extra Exclusion" edit'
l of the. Yenccraver W
IAsiatics probably some
they can get it, and how can «a
I feel sure of preventing them?
That -question decidedly looms in
view. Could the British people be
, induced to go to war with Japan,
which the other clay they were
clasping to their bosom., for a
j possession to the mass of them
little known? The feeing of
!honor might prevail. England
I might o to war, and in the first
encounter win. Of the great
euneriotiry of her navy there
i -COBS at present to bo no doubt.
t But suppose she slid go to war and
win, could she keep on foot in the
Par ifie, Sud, in British Columbia, a
1 &4t ific•iwnt force permanently to
guard the l!o session?
The framers of our Confederation
thought mainly of getting rid of
tile dead -lock in which their 'long
': faetionfight had ended, in their
eebatl s will not be found much of
I statesmanlike comprehension or
forecast. On the territorial basis
, of the Dominion, with regard to
unity and defensibility, though it
1 was a Most vital question, it seems
that hardly a serious thought was
bestowed. ---The Sun, .
The proposed Georgian Bay Can-
al would reduce the distance from
Fort William to Quebec by 1306 mil-
es, and cut down the time consum-
ed in the passage of a grain boat
between these points by two clays.
With a 22 -foot canal the largest
grain boats could reach the oce an
without breaking bulk, and tran-
sportation rates would come down.
The northern latitude of the pro.
jested waterway would give it for
all time an advantage over the pro-
posed Chicago -Mississippi route in
the transport of perishable food
stuffs in warm weather. These
are the main features of the inter-
im report on the project presented
to Parliament.
Mayor Campbell St. Catharines,
is urging free postal delivery for
his oily.
The right thing to do when you
feel bilious is to take a dose of
Chanlberiain,s Stomach and Liver
Tablets. They will oleanse the
stomach and regulate the liver and
bowels. Try it. Price, 25 Lents,.
Samples free a J. 3. Merrier.
Concis--Donnca.rr At the teat.,
!ileitoe of the' bride's parents, ext'
Wednesday the 20th, inet, Mr.
Harry Conch of Chisellxlarst to
Maas Mary E. Dodnnan, daughter
of Mr, and Mrs. Edward Dad-
' Idti:&
• Collinv;>t)ocl's colored population
nunbered lel in'i860,.and about 100
in 19'08, . • - '
Gold olsinus on Little •B r ueh
Creek in the: Yukon yield as high
asl0apan.;. .
The finance committee of Hami1-
ton. concil refuso to reoornmencl
coinptulsoruy vacoin.atron'
Merchant W, A. McKim is go.iug
out of business to take up.his duties
as town clerk, of Goderich,
.A committee of citizens is invest•
ignting the • fires which happened
in Dutton about Christmas.
Night schools in Winnipeg, aro
owdwh hundreds of
foreigners auxioedur� toitlearn.nd
The Government • will take a
dairy censusto discover the value
of the dairy plants in Canada.
The Auieri an vice -consulates at
Winnipeg and Vancouverare to be
elevated. to • consulates -general.
'East Wawanosh farm, 200 acres,
sold by' R. Corley to A, Bradburn,
Cartwright Township, for $13,000.
Gold finds- aro reported from
Black Hills Creek, Yukon, and the
stream has been staked for 33 miles.
A site for a new postofCice and
customs house has been purchased
by the Government in Welland for
A sailor footed il. from Coiling -
wood to G iclerich, where he was
welcomed with two months in jail
for vagrancy.
Mr. S. F. Kilgore, of Toronte,
president' of the Huron -Ontario El-
ectric'Rail• ay, is dead in London
Gravenhurst toilers in the chart-
ared banks want. to start a bank
clerks' union. Object shorter hours
and longer wages.
Horse plow clears snow off Mea -
ford's sidewalks, and the town
council wants the festivities to be-
gin before 5 a. in.
The Canadian Fish and Cold
Storage Company has been formed,
with a capital of m 1,5On,000 to do
business at Prince Rupert
Robert A. Galbraith, was nomin-
ated at Lanark Saturday to contest
North Lanark for the Liberals at
the Doming provincial elections.
W, H. Beal. d former car inspect -
ox for the M. C. R. was convicted of
theft in St:Thomas Saturday, and
sentenced, to three months in the
county '1,aX'
y of Hamilton, stole
n's bank -bo r in Tor-
.cels .Ii sse yd =,. He
v;.as ar e d
Solei ,o: Parish, a well-known
Mos, fa fuer, was struck by a
Gran i "rank train near Glencoe
and was `•celled. Mrs. Parish was
also serit,c sly injured, bat may re-
Two linemen of St. Catharines
nruned Clark and Hamilton were
thrown off a telephone pole by a
cable breaking. They fell directly
into a large tree, aaicl escaped with
a few scratches.
The Brantford council is still in
la deadlock over the appointment of
1 chairmen to the different commit-
' tees. Both political parties refuse
to give in, and the council had to
adjourn for a week.
Constable Phippen, of Winghtam,
raided a local option hotel in
Whitechnrch the other day and
found some liquor in the pigpen.
Campbell, the proprietor, pleaded
guilty yesterday, and was fined
The 6 -year-old son of M. Card, of
Chatham Township, had a narrow
escape from freezing to death. while
returning from., school. He neg-
tocted to put on his overcoat, and
for two hours had to battle with
the storm. When he reached home
he was badly frozen and almost
exhausted, He will recover, and it
is thought that he is none the
worse for his experience.
A number of people from this
line, spent Wednesday evening, at
the hones of Mr, Leo Poster, Town
Miss Annie Baechler, who has
been visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joel Baechler, went to Michi-
gan, on Monday:;;
Mr. Will Hey and Walter Amos
spent part of last week visiting
friends in and. around Ingersoll.
Mr, John Midinger visited friends
in this vicinity Saturday and Sun-
Mr. and firs. John Deoher Sr.
spent Sunday in h xeter being
guests of Mr. and Mrs. MacOuits.
Mr, Ed. Stelok spent a few days
last week :with her parents Mr, and
Ire John
Mr.i3ake Naob is renewing ac,
gtli intanccein'thie,vioinit '.
'Mr. ..Stith '•.;laiitit and Mr.
Moues Wialti*anl of Miekigan whet
were ti�liti:lg at the keine of 'Mr.
Sol. 'i[l rtia for spine time kava re-
turned home,
`9 1i fTiN a7:1iSe
Organs, Pianos & Sewing Machines
H . �a . ELL
Z Q/ F— 11 OH '0..0✓ N T
For the next 30 d ys will
be sold at a reduced price.
We will be ready earls* iu the Spring to do all kinds
of Custom Sawing on Short Notice.
F. C. ALB L I4V'w./Hr,
* International Harvester *
. J. Implernents..
We keep in stock a full lino of the
above celebrated make of Farm Im-
plements. They are used in every
civilized country in the world and are
giving universal satisfaction. Buy
110 other.
We dandle the Magnet Cream Separa- 3 "
tor, the best on elle market. Metal,
Pig Troughs, last much longer] than
wooden ones, in fact we handle e; er•- '
thing in the line of binders, mowers,
plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all,
F41?E � E5S" �. .} N9
Rickbeii's old Stand o - ZURICU. *•
* �Y"*'o� *!i�'** °'******' �'i• * o' r`C�'�P hoy o*r **
When in need of a new
Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or
Cutter see our lines before you
buy. They will please you.
the family lberath &IlleekUg %tar
the Canaba lReb pooh
the Zurich lberalb
The Canadian Red Book is just the book thatbas long been wanted.
A book on Canada, all about Canda and Things all Canadians
about know•—Cana96da ,0 pages of reliable facts, figures and information of all
The Family Herald and Weekly Star is the favorite paper of Canada.
It is found in almost every home. It has no equal as a family and
farm paper,
By special arrangements we can offer the Canadian Red Book (Price
500) The Faini1p2,11erald,andWeekly Star (Price one dollar). and the
HERALD (Prlcp.* 1:00)
All for $1.$5, if renewed this month.
Send your orders to The Herald. Zurich
United Shutes stibscribara $1.00 for pol$tage.