HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-01-17, Page 5t) DON'T WAIT till the last minute to select your HOLIDAY GIFTS ;: 11Iy Showcases are Brim Full of all kinds of WATCHES, JEWE L LEY RINGS, Etc., Etc. Only the Best in Each Line NO Plated. Rings in stock "Prices the Lowest" "Goods the Best" F. W. HESS 9 JEWELLER P. S. A pair of Gold Spex make nice present for your mother. a The Popular Store at Blake Letter From The West. Edmonton Jan, 4tU, 1908, ,EDITOR ZURICH HERALD As your many readers may be somewhat in terosted in the condition of aff airs existing in this part of the west, I will try and give you as near as I can what I have experienced. The fall and winter weather so far has been grand, An average of about 10 degrees of frost up to the pre- sent date, we have five inches of snow which makes good sleighing in this country, but the best of it is the weather is steady and the snow stays just where it falls, no such a thing as blizzards in north- ern Alberta, and is a fair sample of the five winters that has gone be- fore which I have spent' in this country. Prices of grain arrange such, for wheat, $1,00, oats, 60 cts, barley, 75 cts per bushel, timothy hay, $18.00, straw $4.00 per ton, for poultry, turkeys 25 cts, geese 18 cts, ducks and chickens, 15 cts per pound, hogs dressed 8 cts nounc and beef 6 cts per pound, by the caroass. Butter is selling 25 cts per pound, and eggs 60 cts per doz, potatoes and all kinds of vegetab- les are high in prices, so you see farmers in this part have a ready market for everything they grow. Next year will bring its own in- rush of people, greater it is antici- pated than ever before and its de- mand for new buildings of every class, from the less pretentious cot tage to the Palatial home, but in addition to the actual woe k going on in the city, operations will be continned on the G. T. P. bridge at Clover Bar, on the million dollar high level bridge for the C. P. R. entrance to Edmonton, and on the million dollar packing plant being constructed at the junction of the C. N. R. and G. T. P. roads. A packing firm with a world-wide re- putation is behind the men, who are building it and lin addition to the main plant, there will be a manufactory for soap and other by-products. 3,000,000 bricks will be used in building it, 100 car loads of lumber and gravel and sand proportionately. This is the largest industrial plant yet planned in Edmonton, but its coming the re- sult of keen financiers reading of Edmonton's future. It is only the forerunner of many" more huge concerns which will in due time be established here at the gateway of the north the portal of the Yellow Head pass and the natural centre of an Agricultural Empire. Thank- ing you Mr. Editor for the valuab- le space in your paper; I remain, yours very truly, • J. H. Melick, Edmonton, Alta. THE JANUAY ROD AND GUN, E have just opened out a large and up -to date Stock of Xmas Goods and would extend a hearty invitation to our Cus- tomers to come and see them before buy - ing elsewhere. R. N. Douglas, BLAKE 1.0.11111111111118®11M That New Winter Suit. When looking for your new Winter Suit, clo not forget to give us a call. We have a fine range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a large number of Samples to select from., Laundry in connection. W. H. HOFFMAN 11131112111111111.111 CANADIAN NEWS. Building permits in 1907 in Ot- tawa totaled $2,384,950. Two Mitchell teamsters were fin - ed for not giving half road to other. Alberta collects $191,6l0 in taxes on C. P. R. branch lines in that pro - ince. A. $60,000 brick plant is to supply Edmonton with 25,000 pressed brick per day. Regina issued 489 building per- mito covering $1,770,810 worth of buildings in 1907. The Star -Cole Company, will run a steamer between) Chatham and Detroit, this summer, Cnristopher Franks of Aldbor- ough Township, was fined $50 for selling liquor to Indians. The government sleigh road from Earlton to Elk Like; in the Cobalt country, has been completed. Regina Standard wants the alder - max to economibe instead of buying a now piano for the city hall. ■sIZURICH ■■■ MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a 1T full line o fresh meats,' hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. YUN iBLUT & BEICHEIRT. CALL ON W.' FRED MANNS TONSORIAL ARTIST For a quick and easy shave or an up -to date hair -cut Jos. Dirstein's Stand Ol l"" Commercial Iletel DRYSDALE We are at present having ver fine winter weather, good sleighin which keeps the farmers very bus hauling their wood, and other tra ffic on the smooth roads. Old Lake Huron is as clear of is as at the beginning of December, s poor hopes for fishing. We are pleased to hear of Mr. R. Turner, so speedily recovering frond his severe illness. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Brenner of Grand Bend, were the guests of Mr. Joseph and Henry Rau, the pas week. Dr. Rogers of Brucefield was around the past week visiting schools and vaccinating the child- ren. The King's Daughters of Strat- ford. have supplied window tents for needy consumptive patients. Vancouver's population, per lat- est assessment, is 60,100, andval- nation, land and buildings, $61,768, 905. Ottawa's total revenue for I907 was $682,537, and total expen- diture 3704,421, leaving a deficit of $20,884. Robert Kirkland, a former mem- ber of the Highlanders, has been appointed to the St.Thomas police force. Hon, Dick McBride, the silver - haired boy premier of British Columbia, recently celebrated his 37th birthday. British Columbia sandstone from the Newcastle quarries is being loaded at Nanaimo for shipment to San Francisco. Chief Armstrong's salary as chief constable of St Thomas has been incrersed $80 per year, his salary now being $1,080 per year. • WeaK Kidneys It is often said that a good be- ginning is half the battle, and the Canadian Sportsman's magazine. "Rod and Gun and Motor Sports in Canada," published by W. J. Taylor, at Woodstock, Ont., makes a splendid beginning for the New Year. It is crowded with stories of interest to sportsmen, including notes on the -last season's sport in several Provinces, which must cause hunters to go over their own experiences once more and see if they agree with those given. The most important subject of the In- ternational Control of the Great Lakes Fisheries is dealt with in an address given by Mr. A. Kelly Evans at a conference of the Ameri- can Fisheries Society. Stories of deer hunting in Quebec and Onta- rio, duck hunting in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, exploring trips in the northern country, with fisher- men's yarns and mountain climb- ing reminiscences are but samples of the budget of good things await- ing the readers of this excellent magazine. Every lover of outdoor life must find something to 'Ippeal to his particular and favorite re- creation, and to the whole of them must come home the spirit of the well written and effective story "Nature's Elixir—and it is not work 1" This is the spirit pervad- ing the whole—the spirit of free- dom and strenuous exertion which brings with it health and happiness though in the conventions of mod- ern civilization it is not classed as "work." Ofted indeed, as every sportsman knows, it is work of the hardest possible character, but when it is a change from ordinary occupations, let the labor be what it may, so long as it is performed in the open air and without re- straint, it is not, in the ordinary acceptance of the word, "work." With such a promising beginning the New Year holds the strongest possibilities for the further success of this favorite Canadian magazine whose special work it has been to make the advantages of the Domin- ion in the region of sport known to our people and through them to the whole world. Weak Manors, surely point to weak kidney *iories. The Kidneys, like the :Heart. and the 'Stomach, find their weakness, not in the organ 'Itself. but in the nerves that control and guide ,send strengthen thein. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is ,a medicine specifically prepared to reach these icontrolling nerves. To doctor the Kidneys alone. ts futile. It is a waste of time, and of money as 'Well. I3 your back 'aches or is weak 4f the urine hoards, or is dark and strong. if you have symptoms O! Brlghts or other distressing or dangerous kid. litey disease, try Dr. Shoop's Restorative a month— Tablets r or Liquid—and re� what andsellnd will do for you. D Dr. Shoop's Restorative ALL DEALERS The railway commissisn has given orders to the railroads to employ watchmen for bridges to prevent fires in : the summer months, S. Edwrrds, of the. Thomas organ factory, Woodstock, had three fingers of the left hand cut off in a machine at the factory on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dueharme, son Eli., and daughter, Miss Marie of Zurich, were guests of Mr. an Mrs. J. Dueharme last Monday evening. Mr. Louis Durand who for the past year was engaged with Mr. P. Lamont of Zurich, has again made his home on the old homestead. Mr. W. Pollock of Bayfield visited at his home during his father's severe illness. Miss Josie Sreenan of London is at present visiting relatives in our burg. Mr. and Mrs. Dougall Mcisaac of Shipka, attended the wedding of their sister, Miss M. Sreenan, last Tuesday. Last Tuesday was preformed the matrimonial ceremony, by the Rev. 3, A. Loiselle, which united the hearts and hands of Mr. Maxime Masse, son of Mrs. August Masse of St. Joseph, and Miss Mary Sreenan, daughter of Mr. Chas. Screenan of our burg, to live together the rem-! ainder of their lives. May joy, prosperity and peace, be their tra- velling companions through life:; They intend making their home at St. Josep'ff, tori ratniations are extended. Thomas J. Trotter, of Joyceville was found guilty "of wife-behting by the police magistrate at King- ston. and had— a'i'l'' '"hie"4prot5erty taken away from him.' Mr. R. L. Bdrden,,M. P., has given notice of a bill to amend the election act by making it compulsory to fill any vacancy in the Commons within a certain specified time. Charles Snider proprietor of Ace- dia House, Stoney Creek, has ap- plied for a scrutiny of the ballot s cast, in the recent local. option con- test at Saltfield. Ile contends that many people voted -who had no right to do so. A tickling cough, from any cause is quickly stopped by Dr Shoop's Cough Cure. And it is so thorough- ly harmless and safe, that Dr Shoop tells mothers everywhere to give it without hesitation even to very young babes. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a lung.healing mountainous shrub, furnish the curative 'Properties to Dr Shoop's Cough Oure. It calms the cough, and heals the sore and sensitive bronchial membranes. No opium, no chloroform. nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Simply a resinous plant extract, that helps to heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call this shrub which the Doctor uses. "The Sacred Herb." Alwa sc HI LLSGREEN Mr. John Consitt Sr. still con- tinues quite ill. Miss Lizzie McAllister has pur- chased the house and' lot of Mr. Pfaff in Hensall. ' We are sorry to lose them. They will. be much missed in church work, in which they are valued members, but we hope that Hillsgreen's loss will be Hensall's gain. Hagan Bros. are making quite an improvement in the appearance of their plane, by cutting down the poplars. Mrs. J. Hagan Sr. is vititing her son Peter in Detroit. G. .1. Troyer is busy engaged drawing wood. Mrs. Kilty is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Farquhar. Mr. Handford called on Ms old friend Ed. Troyer, one dap last week. Mr. W. Jarrott and bride, left on the third, for their new home in Brigden, where they received a warm reception. There were over a hundred people at the station. Amid showers of rice, they were drove to the school, where they were entertained with music, sing- ing, speeches and recitations. Afterwards they repaired to anoth- er room which was beautifnlly dec- orated for the occasion. A dainty repast was served. They were presented with a beautiful Morris chair, and carving sett. The re- ception Iwas brought to a close by singing "He is a jolly good fellow" and giving them three cheers. Anniversary services will be held here on Sunday, and a tea -meeting on Monday evening. All are in- vited. rMen and Women of Ontario This APPEAL You is for .60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE The terrible itching and smart- ing, incident to certain skin diseas- es, is almost instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Salve. Price 25 cents. For Sale by. J J Manor. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probablypatcntahi Communise. Mons strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing�ents. Patent$ taken through Munn k e. receive special toffee, without °parse, in the .. Scientific A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cfr- mOni)a�tion of any soienIne journal. 'Perms for Canada, sd.T6 a year, postage prepaid, Bold by all nerrsdelders. - MUNN Caa4` iM#D York The Great Provincial Charity, The Hospital for Sick Children, Calls On You For Aid. Remember that this Hospital is not o local institution, but Provincial. It cares for every sick child in the Province of Ont- ario whose parents cannot afford to pay for treatment. Busy dollars aro better thau idle tears. The sym- pathy that Weeps is good, but the Hospital has to have the sympathy that "I LIicit PIcrouxs" Works. Last year there were 1093 patients ad- mitted. Of these 378 came from 251 places outside of Toronto -all were children of poor people who could not afford to pay for treatment of their little ones. Each child was in the Hospital 47i days at a cost of $1.31 each per day, or $62.22 f o r the 47i days stay. If your dollar could straighten the feet o f a little boy ulnas..oE or girl with club feet, you would gladly give it, and your dollar will do that. There were 79 cases of club feet treated BEFORE. A.FTICR. lest year. Out of the • 79, about 50 were from the country. If yon know of any child in your county who is sick or has club feet, and whose Barents can nob afford to pay, send the name to the Hospital Secretary. The stce:k books are ,pen. Won't you let be Hospital write your tame down for a few hares in Heaven's own v o r k of ,healing little hildren 1 A great mine of Mercy —the mining stock that dways pays dividends— 's bought with the money that helps The Hospital for Sick Children to ex- tract the Gold of Life from the Quarts of Death. Wit ' Please send contributions to J. Ross tobertson, Chairman; or to Douglas David • son, Sea -Press., of the Hospital for Sick Cl1sildrsn. Collas Stretta'.1 UMW. STE Cadge.