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The Herald, 1908-01-17, Page 3
ri9L4L.oL9i9i9i9'C9L9i9isi9'C9r4X4L9z9i9i4L9i9Y, The True 111 e else II IA MICCMC ,lit' NNAwAIVAV V/tV 1 !i The saloon wee superbly fitted up and splendidly illuminated, and filled with the most brilliant and imposing com- pany that had ever gathered there. Here were asesmbled some of the most distin- guished men and most beautiful women from the four quarters of the nation; ;nen high in military or civic rank, re- nowned in the field or the forum; e4ol- ars celebrated in the arts or sciences; general officers in their gorgeous uni- forms; foreign ministers and ambassa- dors in their sumptuous court dresses, and attended by their suites; in a word, all the splendor, talent, beauty and cel- ebrity of the capital city in its best season filled the President's saloon that night. It must be confessed that our rustic boy, with his pride and genius and sen• sitiveness, was at first somewhat dazzled and dashed. Yet he need not have been. In all that brilliant assemblage there was not so handsome or graceful a man as Falconer O'Leary—with his classic profile, and his gypsy skin, his large, dark, flashing eyes, and shining raven hair, and his fine, free, athletic figure, clothed in the simple suit of black ----he was literally "handsome as Hercules ere his first labor," and more than one pair of bright eyes lin- gered on the boy and wondered who he was- His eyes 'toluene their star, Maud Hunter. There she was!—the beautiful girl—seated ou one of the side sofas, and, as usual, with her father and her mother. was turned away, she seemed quite an- other person from the little, loving crea- ture in the plain black calico fro*, who used to sit by his humble cottage fire ' and knit or sew—and who was ail his own, with no one to interfere -and whom he could love, caress, chide, praise, flat- ter, quarrel with, and make up with at his pleasure, with no one to oppose. Now she was drawn away and lifted high above him—set like a star in the heav- ens, above him, and he growled behind his set teeth. "No I nol this is not my gentle love— this is every inch a superfine young lady —this is really the queen -beauty of Washington, and she has forgotten that she over was anything else!" Thus he thought and spoke when Maul's face was turned away, while she received the adulation, conveyed by glance and tone and sigh, of the circle around her. But presently the circle opened, and at the same moment the beautiful girl lifted up her head, and her eyes .fell upon Falconer, and the smile of joy that suddenly illumined her sweet, pensive countenance, revealed that she was still at heart his Maud. She took and preened her mother's fingers, and stooped and spoke to her with a gladdened sparkling glance. And Mrs. Hunter smiled gently, and looked to- ward Falconer. And unobserved for a while he watch- ed her, and nearly suffocated with strangely mixed emotions of love, jeal- ousy, anger and admiration. Maud had been beautiful as a star, when clad in her plain, humble gown of black cal- ico, without a single ornamemt. And now, her peerless beauty was enhanced by all the advantages of a rich and elegant costume, She wore a robe of rose-col- ored brocade, made low on the neck, with short sleeves, and trimmed with a gossamer lace, pearl necklace and brace- lets, and a string of pearls twined in and out with the sumly braids of her hair, and looping back the long, bright ringlets from her rosy cheeks. Her face wee averted, and her head bowed over a bouquet that she held in her haid—she was blushing under the too admiring gaze and speech of some perfumed for- eigner, who was bending over her—and whom Falconer at once stiggmatized as an Impudent,. conceited French poodle, whom he should like to seize by the goatee and send whirling from the room. "Can you tell nie who that foreign jack -a -nape is, standing before Miss Hun- ter?" he asked of Donzoni, who was passing near. "That! Oh! Is it possible you don't know? Why, he is one of the foremost among the competitors for the hand of the beautiful heiress—said to be a dan- gerous, if not a successful rival of Sir Henry Percival. "Who is he?" muttered Falconer, be- tween his clenched teeth. "Why, Senor Don Emillio D'O—, the eon of (General the Count D'O—, of the Argentine Republic. One of the lions of the Washington salons. I am sur- prised you did not know him!" "No, I know nothing of the foreign monkeys that fine ladies choose to make lions of," growled Falconer, with a bit- ter Iook directed toward Maud, who had not as yet lifted her head. Other gentlemen had approached the beauty, and among them were Mr. —, the nephew of the President, a starred and ribboned foreign minister, and a military officer. They closed in and in- tercepted his view of the lovely girl, and he anathemized them for the act . The • very heart in his bosom was corroding with chagrin. He had never seen Maud in full dress before, and now, insignifi- cant as such a superficial matter really was,. it seemed to the boy's vexed and morbid feelings as if ,the very elegance of her dress, as well as the nature of her surroundings, separated her farther and farther from him. And when her face But then the boy's proud, jealous, sur- ly demon instigated him to grumble to himsefl that he would not stand there to be made a spectable of, and, turning abruptly, he moved off to a distant part of the salon, where, from an oblique angle, unobserved himself, `he continued to watch the maiden. words of the merest commonplace oour- tesy. "A very pleasant evening, Miss Hun- ter—I hope that you .have enjoyed it." She !oohed up—thea•fO find' and oaf pleasure lighted up her flew bar little white bend like a bird into his—and. '10h Falconer! I am so glad to see you!" she said. Spoiled child of society, :as he had called her, she was still far 'lore natur- al, simple and genial than himself. "I am so glad to see you, But why have you not called?" "Cireametanses beyond my control," Mies Hunter, have deprived 'me of that honor. I need scarcely luquire2'Mies Hun- ter, whether you are pleased with Wash- ington city. Your looks. assure me that you have enjoyed your winter here." "Yes; it is a pleasant place, in its sea- son; we meet interesting people from all parts of the world here. And, best of all, i like it because it is a truly democra- tic city; there is little exclusiveness bore �,• "I am truly rejoiced to hear that you Miss have been so well pleased, M ss Hunter." "And yet— and yet, sir, I might have been, better pleased." "Miss Hunter, if you are not already ,L•oo weary, will you do me the honor to accept my arm for the promenade?" ca a "I will do myself that pleasure, nth - en if the President will excuse me." she n said, turning with a beaming smile to- ward the latter. with The President assented w a bow and a smile, and a jest as tohaw t he should is answer were he forty yea younger. "And will your excellency permit me es to present to you my.eatli t friend and er footer -brother, /err. Falcon O'Leary, of Maryland. No doubt," she added, with a smile full of girlishyery ga ty and in- nocent freedom, "Mr. O'Leary, as in duty t bound, made his bow to re President in his reception room, butZv e;know that his excellency finds it imonsp ible to re- member every- hi one among s 'dear five million friends"' • her "Miss Hunter may do h utmost will with me," said the old ge enan, shak- ing his hand, and then welt ing Falcon- er with cordiality. And o boy felt a twinge of conipt'inetion a nd also of mortification to think that e had really committed the vandalis of passing through the reception room and entering the salon witholft having. had the grace lir to pay his respects to the aster of the house—not to say the P ident. There was a little stir and murmur around him, which he soon understood to be occasioned by the quiet entrance' of the President into the saloon. But the President was a subject of profound indifference to our boy, until he saw his venerable but still erect and im- posing form standing before Mrs. Hun- ter and her daughter. He saw him bow and smile, and fall into a pleasant, lively chat with the mother, and then, after a little while, turn and address the daugh- ter and offer Ler his arm. And he saw Maud bow and smile and arise. And saw them pass off together for a promenade. The boy's jealous heart overflowed with bitterness. "It was not enough," he said, "that her head was turned with flattery before, but now the President must do her this very unusual honor!" And he stood and watched them as they joined the circle of promenaders that slowly revolved, around the saloon. Ho watched the pair closely. They walk- ed and talked like friends. In -the Pre- sident's manner to the beautiful girl there was a sort of fatherly fondness and familiarity, and in Maid's demean- or to ,his excellency a filial respect and affection that seemed to dispense with ceremony and reduce their intercourse to a primitive simplicity. After making the circuit of the salon two or three times the President led her back to her place, took the seat by her side and continued the pleasant, lively chat with her there. Falconer ob- served them some time longer, and then, nodding his bead grimly two or three times, he said to himself: "Now I will try her! i will put her to the test! I will put them all to the test! .Come! I will go and invite Miss Hunter to take a promenade with me. Let us see if she will accept the invi- tation, Let us see if she will not rather be 'very sorry,' and too much fatigued, and beg to he excused. Ohl hal hal know how it will bel" And so saying, the boy deliberately sauntered up toward the sofa where they sat. The President was seated between Mrs. and Mies Hunter—Daniel Hunter Oh the other side of his wife. The four were gayly conversing with their heads together, and did not perceive the ap- proach of Falconer until lie stood before them. He bowed to the group, and then, turning to Maud, addressed to her some 00 51 . '"000 0 Rapid changes of temperature are hard on the toughest constitution. The conductor passing from the heated inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature of the platform.—the ,canvasser spending an hour or so in a heated building and then walking against a biting wind—know the difficulty of avoiding cold. Scott 'a Emu /..>911r0n strengthens the body so that it can better withstand the danger of cold from changes of temperature. lit will help you to avoid taking cold. ALL DRUGGISTS' 50o. AND $1.00. 020604400' ,.,..0` 700 lt+:h] S4 Yee'}Ash'1 v.•i "eSe 0 0 0 0 nti cL11 om h ra• t r69 But this slight feeling of self-reproach was but as a ripple upon, the ,stormy, Waves of his deeper and fiercer emotions, in which it was soon engulfed. lie dreg the little hand of the maiden. within his arm and joined the promenaders. The thick press of the crowd was now be- ginning to thin off—the salon, was only moderately full of company.• • And bliss Hunter, hanging on the arm•. of a stranger of distinguished manly grace and beauty, was now the observed of all. observers. She was indifferent because unconscious of the attention they attraetd; but he, on the contrary, with his hea -t bursting with suppressed emotion,' an desirous above `all .things for confide .,teal inter- view with her—he was'- peciffally ' con- scious of the hundreds of eyes that saw him. He was pale and silent—now with her arm resting trustingly on bis, with her touch thrilling him through every nerve and vein to his heart's core, te could no longer affect to address her with the commonplace nonsense et a drawing -room chit-chat. He looked toward Mr. and Mrs. Hunter to see how they took his pronlenade with their daughter, and whether they watch- ed him. But, no! they appeared cheerful and confident, or indifferent, he could not decide which. The President and Mr. Hunter were earnestly discussing some subject of interest, and Mrs. Hunter was listening to them with pleased attention, There was evidently no jealous surveil- lance on their part. But, oh! the crowd—the crow,!, with its argus eyes! pressing so close upon them, too—two or three couples 'abreast, immediately in front of them—two 'or three couples treading on their heels be- hind—and a couple on the right need, and a couple on the left—and no oppor- tunity of relieving his bosom's weight by speaking one earnest heart -word to his beloved that would not be heard 1 y a dozen pair of ears, and repeated, most likely, by as many gossiping "tongues. And this their frist meeting after their stormy separation and long; weary ab- senee. They made one or two turns aroend the room, •and then another, fear seized him—the company were now thinning cff so fast that he thought their parting hour Would come before he had said.wbat his heart was bursting to say. .&.t last he stooped and whispered huskily: "Maud Hunter, I Must speak to you alone, or die!" She pressed her fingers on the arm on which she rested, and without further reply raised her head and looked !,aware a clistont corner sofa that ad been lately occupied by a party who -v%re now leaving it to retire. Falconer folhwed her !;lance and led her toward it. Jlity reached it, and took the vacant .eats. "Maud," he commenced, you said, •a few moments ago, that you alight tato been better pleased with Washington. Dearest Maud, will you tell ne what you mean?" "If you had called to see us frelnontly as others did and do, I ehould have been happier." "As others dol And do you bovine, Maud Hunter, that I could visit you as others do? I, your inseparable (empsn- ion from infancy! le who for 'years, and until the very moment of our midden separation, looked upon you as my wife? Oh, Sylvia, •how blind, deaf, ilrsenslle you must be to all 1 feel! to.all I suffer! Visit you as others do!" "I did not mean that, Falconer, You must know I did not mean that. I should have been gladder to ,see you than to see any one else, My dearest brother!" "Your brother! Hurn-g•3+es l You in- troduced me to the President as your foster -brother --was it as your foster- brother that you would have been glad to sec inc "Yes, dear Falconer." "Mise Hunter! I have heard a rumor to which I have hitherto given but little credence, but which your manner would seem to confirm." "I do not understand you," said Maud. "Miss Hunter—pardon me tor asking a plain question, which 1, nevertheless, think I ;nay be considered entitled to ask and to which I may have a right to a candid answer." "What is it then, Mr. O'Leary?" Mr. O'Leary! It was the first` time she had ever so addressed hien, and though he might have known that she could not do otherlyise, sines Ile panae- vered in calling ha Mies Ilunter—the name' went through his bosom like, a sword. He was very pale with restrain- ed emotion—and his vole° had an unamet- wraily low, level tone, as lie inquired: "Mies Hunter, pardon my preeuenp- tiioonn, but are you engaged to be mar - "Falconer, you wound and distress me." "I am grieved to do so—I beg pardon —nevertheless, I beseech you, answer my question frankly, and to -the point are you engaged to be Married. or not?" "I consider myself engaged," answered the maiden, in a low voice. "Enough, enough, Miss Hunter! par- don my presumption, and permit me to lead you back to your party," said the boy, in a smothered, suffocating voice. "Falconer, my dear brother, what is the matter?" asked Maud, in alarm. "Nothing—nothing—nothing— except that I am what many men have been be- fore are, and many men will be after me—a fool!" He got up and offered his, arm, and she also arose with a look of perplexity and distress, took it, and suf- fered him to conduct her back to her parents. And then the boy bowed deeep- ly and withdrew. He immediately left the salon—the light 'of life seemed dying out within hem his cheeks were white and curdled—his lips bloodless—his very eyes stagnant in their sockets -he vias sick of existence --he could derive no consolation or relief even from his art now; the could not have touched tho Laoeoon; he could not even have work- ed at the Niobe; he could do nothing. he thought but die, if death wopld only come. Maud retired fro`I:it the 'salon with her parents. DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS CURE ANAEMIA. Pale Faces, Dizzy Spells, Palpitating Heart, Headaches and Shortness of Breath Are Symptoms of Anaemia. On reaching home she went immedi- ately to her own chamber, where. throwing herself upon the bode all ele- gantly dreseed as ebe wa$, she gave way to a passionate fit of wi;eping. There came a tap at 'the, door; she knew her mother's •signal, and arose and opened it. "Now, I have conte to have a talk with you, child; now tell use what it is between you and Falconer? Why did he .look so much like a death's head when he brought you bark to us; and why have yo ubeen weeping so much? To your mother," said the lady, lead- ing the maiden to the sofa, and embrac- ing her. • Maud threw herself upon her mother's bosom, and wept heartily before s!ne' an- swered. And when Mrs. Hunter repeat- ed the 'question. she replied: "Oh; mother, dear mother, .I do not understand it at all. All I do know is; that Falconer is very, very wretched, and behaves in a manner teat is as in- eomprehensible as it is torturing to us both." "III chat manner does he behave, my dear? What does he say? What does he do? He must be very mistaken, and very unreasonable." • "Oh, mamma, I could not explain it to you, beca.uee I do not comprehend: it myself. only I feel that we are just now both very miserable, and that I • am un- grateful, dear mother, in not being per- fectly happy with you and my best fa - .thea." "My love, tell me all that has passed between yourself and Falconer, and I shall be better able to judge." "Web, dear -mother, I will; listen," said Maud, beginning and telling the lady word for woad the whale of the short but signifioant conversation be- tween herself and her wild lever. In' conclusion, she said, "Now, dear moth- er, what can any one make of such con- duct? just at the very moment I aesnr- ed hint that I considered myself bound to him, that he should have changed:in such a deathly way, and left me so abTheruptly." lady sat in thought a few mo- mepts, and then a smile came ovsr her face, and embracing her daughter, she said:• "I see it all, my love. There is a Misunderstanding between you. You were speaking at cross purposes." ' "How, dearest mother?" "Why, thus; it is clear enough to me; lie has heard of a silly rumor of your being engaged to Percival." "Is there such a rumor, mamma? Oh, I am very much mortified!" "Yes, there is such a report, my dear. I have contradicted wherever I have hea'i'd it. Yet it still prevails." "I am very' sorry i And that unhappy Falconer l:•:t3 heard it." ."undoubtedly, and he was talking about your rumored engagement to Per= rival, while you were thinking only of Watery ;blood is an open invitation to disease to take possession of your system. -Watery blood is responsible for nearly all the headaches and ba•jcaehes' ail'd sideaehes that affliet wdtnankind. Watery blood is re- sponsible for the dull eyes, sallow cheeks and the listless, dragged out feeling that is found in so many growing girls. Good blood means good health, end good blood actually comes through the use of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. Weak, ailing, des- pondent women who use this medi- cine are made ' active and strong; liseless, pane -faced girls are given rietip health, rosy cheeks, bright eyes and a new sense of happiness and secur- ity. Mrs. E. S. Nightingale Ches- ley, Ont., says: "My daughter was ill for a long time with anaemia and would often be confined to bed for three or four days at a time, and we feared she was going into a decline. A lady friend advised the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills and I got a half dozen boxes. By the time these were used there, was a marked improve- ment, and I got a further supply for her. The change these pills have wrought in her condition is so great that you would not think that she was the same girl. I will always have a kindly feeling for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." You can get these pills from any medi- cine dealer or by mall at SQa abox or sit boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ypur pledge to himself! That explains his wretchedness." "But,`mamma," said Maud, gravely, "it is impossible that Falconer could, for an enstant, entertain the idea of my being so false! No, no, mammal Fal- coner never, never thought so ill of mel" "My child, as long as Falconer lived with you, he evidently does not fully understand and appreciate you, His judgment is blinded by his passions." . "And, oh, mamma! could Falconer be- lieve ,that I could be a traitor to my Iife-long love, and engage myself to an- other?" "It is evident that he did so, my child; and that he understood you to confess such an engagement." "©h, how could Falconer? How could hal Oh, mamma, let us undeceive him! Oh, mamma! tell no how I can unde- ceive him at once!" said Maud, clasping her hands. The lady drew her to her bosom, and gravely and sweetly answered: (To be continued.) ®- Q A WORD TO MOTHERS. Baby's Own Tablets is the only medi- cine for children that gives the mother the guarantee of a Government analyst that it is absolutely fres from opiates and poisonous soothing stuff. The Tab- lets cure all stomach and bowel troubles, destroy worms, break up colds and sim- ple fevers, and bring teeth through pain- lessly. They give baby sound natural sleep because they remove the cause of crossness and sleeplessness. bars. Ralph Judd, Judd Haven, Ont., says: `Baby's Own Tablets have given me great satis- faction both for teething troubles and constipation." Sold by all medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Warning to Trolley Car Drivers. Every time we went into Danrase•as, whether from our tents on the terrace above an ancient and dilapidated plea- sure garden or from our red tiled rooms in the good Hotel &Orient, to whioh we had been driven by a plague of sand flies in the camp, we stepped at once into a ohapter of the Arabian Nights Entertain- inents. It is true there were electric lights and there was a trolley car crawling around the city, but they no more made it Western and modern than a bead necklace would change the character of the Venus of i',iilo. The driver of the trolley car looked like one of "The Three Calendars," and a gayly dressed little boy beside him blew loudly on an instru- ment of discord as the machine tran- quilly advanced through the crowd. A man was run over a few months ago; his friends waited for the car to eofne around the next clay, pulled the driver from his perch and stuck a number of long knives through him in a truly Ori- ental manner.—Henry van Dyke h Har - per's Magazine. 440 Recovered From the Depths. In a German mine recently a bore was being sunk, and at a depth of almost a thousand feet the hardened end of the steel bit broke off. To get the broken piece of steel out a sotf bar, five feet long and about threei nches in diameter, was surrounded by a single winding of India rubber -covered wire. tI was then magnetized by means of a small dynamo and let down the hole, and raised the steel to the surface without further trouble. Q.0 Mr. Francis Reckitt, of Queen's Gate, London, has given :G10,000 to the Great Northern Hospital, Holloway Road, Loa, don, for the purpose of building acoeval• ascent home in connection with the hos- pital.