HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-01-17, Page 28,000 MEN
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Republic Iron & Steel Comp? gall
Youngstown Tube, Company tier age
see eve.. .,..
Their Forces—New Eng Plants
• Youngstown, Ohio, Jan. 13.— The
Youngstown Shoot and 'Vibe Company
sad the Republic Iron and Steel Com-
pany to -day put to work 8,000 men i. as
this valley, who have been out of work
for the last few weeks. • It is expected
that orders will be issued not later then
Wednesday which will pus more than
three thousand other men to wore,
The Bessemer plant, together• with the
finishing mills of the mill, the entire
$row-n-i3onnel plant and 'a great part of
the Valley plant of the Relsub1io Iron and
Steel Company, employing about three
thousand nien, and the entire plant of
the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Com-
pany, five thousand mon, resumed this
'The Ohio plant of the Carnegie Steel is
put of operation on account of putting
in a new bloom mill. This will be com-
pleted within a week; mud the entire
plant, according to unofficial reports,
will be put in operation, with its four
blast furnaces and five thousand employ-
ees. The steel hoop departments of the
Canape Steel, with two thousand em-
ployees, have been in operation since
Mat Monday.
French Club Organized to Encourage
Private Individuals in Protective NEW REGULATION PROPOSED
Work—German Doge Take the
Prizes Offered.
to ter he was promoted to be receiving
�(e•1 freight warehouse, ,a
den of raapoi sibility and trust.
if!et in the loe
;<?,ubelay was about t't'enty-five or twen-
by-six years old and a thorough gentle-
dian, but had ho capability of looking
aper his own interests. He draniaire
queritly, and is said to have gambled
eeneicler'al�I.ya His financial troubles are
raid( o tet oke,, as "?`": eaaa a,
Mi ifl arashire, to whom he address-
esaettei: just before he died, is a well
knotmn dressmaker in Neweombe'a de-
partmental store. She had been enema
quaintanee of the unfortunate young
man. His note to;her' was merely one
of regret and farewell. Those„ who knew
Duberly best always had pity for bier,
and still pity rather than censure him.
Suicide's Father Told.
A Yarmouth, England, cables The
news of the suicide of H. Grey Duberly;
who was found dead in bedesterday
in New York, evidently from, the. effects
of a narcotic poison, was.fiplt communi-
cated to his father, Captain J.. Grey
Duberly, a retired naval offiee.'•, through
an Associated Press despatch. When
seen at his home to -day Captain Duberly
Employees of the Royal Bank are to
receive a 10 per cent. salary bonus.
said he had no reason to doubt that the
suicide was his son, although he was
quite unable to account for his presence
in New Fork. He said that Harry:Was
his eldest boy and was 24 years of age.
He had sent lain to Canada three years
ago to remove him from evil influences.
Ilarry had obtained employment with -
the Grind Trunk Railway, holding a
position at Niagara Falls. When he
wrote home last August bis father un-
derstood that he was doing well,- but
since then the only communication re-
ceived had been a card to his sister on
the latter's birthday. Duberly was a
distant relative of Earl Grey, Governor-
General of Canada. His grandmother
was a nb'ee of the first earl. He was
also related to Lord alostyn-
Paris, Jan. 13.—On the Vincennes race
track to -day M. Lepine, the Prefect of
the Paris Police, and a big crowd of spec-
tatoas watched with the greatest inter-
est the trials of the police and protection
dogs organized by the Club Francais du
Chien de Defence et de. Garde. The ob-
ject of the club is to encourage privete
individuals to undertake training dogs
for defensive purposes, .as helpers of the
police, gamekeepers, coast guards and
others exercising lonely and dangerous
The Peenoh Club is in its infancyy and
in inaldng the competition inters atioaal
the idea of the club was to satinet eon-
petitors from abroad, from countries
where police dogs' services already .exist.
Competitors came from Germany, Bel-
atitrm, and Holland and, with the French
animals, a marvellous exhibition of can-.
ane sagacity was given. The breeds chief-
ly represented were the German sheep
doe, the Belgian sheep dog, the Airedale
terrier and also sheep dogs particular to
the French provinces of Beaute and Pi-
cardy. The palms of the day were taken
13y the German dogs Pandortmund, be-
longing to Herr Osthaus, and Folette,
owner Herr Simeon. The tests included
defending a master against an Apache,
the latter being a man booted and pro-
tected in an extra<:rdinary fashion with
a strong maek. .L Belgian dog tried. to
get at his tht'it and hung on to the
padding like ,.rim death, and when of-
fered a tem: ting piece of meat by a
stranger fumed disdainfully away.
A beast which most of the other coni-
potitors yielded to, notwithst2Dding a
most ferocious display, took a patting
and fondling from women spectators, like
a regular' hero, when the business was
'over. His owner laughingly declared
the dog would mind a baby and that an
infant could play with him.
The trials will be continued to -morrow
when the prizes will be awarded.
His Suicide in New York No Surprise to
Acquaintances—Had Tried to Pur-
chase Poison Before—Said to Have
Been Short in His Cash.
Niagara Falls, Oat., despatch. Harry
Grey Duberly, who committed suicide
in a New York hotel by drinking oxalic
acid, was the missing receiving clerk of
the Grand Trunk local freight ware-
'tiousc in this city. To those well ac-
quainted with the circumstances of the
ease the news of the suicide was no
surprise, because Duberly had endeav-
ored to procure poison from drug stores
In this city before he disappeared on
December 26th. The accountants are still
at work on his books, and the Grand
Trunk officials decline to make any
statement in the matter, but it is un-
derstood that Duberly was over $500
short in his cash.
Particulars regarding the Duberly
family and its high connections were
known to friends of the young man here, •
ICe came to Canada five or six. years
ago, and for several years received re-
mittances from the family at home. Ile
was to learn farming. After a time
he left the farm lie was working on and
esJ to the city. He said the farmer
had made him sleep in the barn and had
rued him harshly otherwise; For a time
he worked in a late office, and then en-
tered the Grand 'Prank employ in the
general freight office.
RE -
Would Prevent Japanese From Hono-
lulu Entering Canada—Japan Shows
Willingness to Adjust Matters.
Ottawa, .Dan. 13, ---The Department of
the Interior has under consideration a
new departure in regard to immigration.
The intention is to amend the regula-
tions so that in future all immigrants
must come direct to Canada from their
place of birth or .the country of citizen-
ship. This regulation will apply to the
Atlantic as well as the Pacific. While it
is not framed against ,any particiilaa•
class of immigrants, and will be general;
in its character, it will leave the effect
of shutting out Japanese coining from
Honolulu to British Columbia.
'It is understood that the Japanese
authorities have intimated to Mr. Le-
mieux that there will be no objection
from them to any regulations that will
exclude Japanese from *Canada, if not
emigrating direct from Japan to Can-
ada. In regard 'to direct immigrants
they have given assurances to reduce
this to the requested minimum, but they
are desirous of doing it in their own
way, without making any formal com-
pact. If that is done the present diffi-
culty over Japanese iuiuiigratiofi will be
solved, but if not, then the treaty will
be abrogated.
That appears to be the general view
in Ministerial circles here. The proposed
new regulation providing for immigrants
coming direct would. also mean that Eu-
ropean emigrants would not be permit-
ted to come by way of United States
ports, thereby insuring a more efficient
medical inspection and stricter control
over the character of immigrants land-
ing in Canada. However, it is probable
that nothing definite will be done in re
speet to changing the present regulations
until after llon, Mr. Lemieux has return-
ed to the capital and ,rade his report
to the Government.
e .-TA
Messrs. J. Bruce Walker and J. Obed
Smith May Be Transferred.
Ottawa despatch: it is probable that
an arrangement will shortly be ef-
fected, transferring Mr. J. Bruce
Walker, now Canadian immigration
commissiotner' at London, to Winni
peg, where lie will replace Mr. J. Obed
Smith, immigration commissioner at
Winnipeg, the latter going to London
to take Mr. Walker's place. Mr. Walk•
er has applied for the transfer, in
view of the Met that his wife's health
is suffering from the effects of the
English climate.
In point of importance and of sal-
ary the positions held by Mr. Walk-
er and by Mr. smith are practically
on a par, and provided no serious
objection is made to the change by
Mt Smith, the transfer will bo made
by the Minister of the Interior, Mr.
Smith is a native of England:
The Probable Fate of Two Britia:r Col-
umbia Miners.
Vancouver, Jan. 13.-- W. McDavies,
aged forty, a resident of Burton tem,
near Nelson, B. C., and Normae Cris-
fioid, aged twenty-five, tin I4ngiishman,
who were working at the Millie Made
mine, fourteen .mace cast of Burton
City, left the day before Christmas to
spend the holidays in town. They have
not, beam ae^ts ire^. New, 1I(', just
reached hero of a party who searched
for them finding taales to the edge of
a preeirie;r. •'si t 1.. 1•eileved they fell
into the las•:-• , aelee.'ins a snowslide af•
see +3'4 .
Will Stick to Decision—Until Con-
sumers Pay More or Wholesalers
Reduce Prices, No Meat, ,
Tomato ;deport. 13eeause several ab-
attairet. have raised the price 'of beef
frons, 0 to 7 and 71.2 vents a pound
to Jewish; butchers, and the Jews
who purchase meat 'and pay for it
refuse to pay more than ten Dents a
pound for their food, all the Jewish
butcher shops in the city have dis-
posed of their bock and sold out,
and will sell no more meat until the
wholesale price is reduced, or the
consumers agree to pay more for their
A meeting of Jewish butchers was
held -at the butcher shop of D. Cap-
lin & Son. 90 Agnes street, last
evening, when they all 'decided to
stand by the agreement they had
made, and keep their stores closed
until 'cure settlement is made with
regard: to the priee of beef. They
etato that in addition to losing money
oA the meat they sell, they have cus-
tomers who seldom, if over, pay for
the meat they get., and the butchers
have accounts an their books rang-
ing from $1,600 to $4,000, which they
never expect to see paid.
Jews can eat only the front quar-
ters of. beef, and all bones have to be
cut from the ,neat before it is sold.
The butehers buy the meat from the
abattoirs end were paying six 'cents a
pound. They then ,•sad to pay a dol-
lar to a rabbi for each animal kill-
ed, which ` increased the cost about
half te cent a pound; then they have
to cut all hones from the meat and
lose abeutf 30 in every 100 pounds
of meat .sold. The cost of the neat
was therefore about eleven and a half
Dents a pound, and when they sold it
for ten they were losing money con-
tinuously, They also have to pay
rent, gee, help, keep a horse, etc„ and
in addition' have to be at work at two
o'clock every morning, for all meat
mtist be prepared for sale before day
light eagle day or it cannot be eaten,
The butchers, therefore, decided to close
up their 'shoes, and 12,000 Jews who eat
.meat will have to go without any until
a settlement is reached.
Rabbi Jacobs was seen last even-
ing with regard to the matter, and
stated that he believed the Jewish
butchers were paying a very fair
price Mee, their beef, The butchers
had decided 'tie to 'sell any more, and
the; wi i.=; had. assured. him that
it"'wasbfe :for them to sell
meat at the present rate, as 'it' nes
ruinous, • No one would be affected
so much as the poorer class of Jews,
said the rabbi, for the better •class
could eat poultry. He did not think
anything .serious would follow the ac-
tion of the butchers, and that the
dispute would be settled. He had of-
fered his services and would ,do all
he could to bring about a settlement.
The poorep classes of Jews, continued
the rabbi, were very fond of meat,
and the deprivation of beef would not
enable them to use any other kind
of meat, for they could not use any
other meat unless it was killed by the
rabbis and .properly inspected.
The butchers stated last evening that
if the publio would pay bettor prices, or
the wholesalers drop the prices to the
old 'charges and give a good quality of
meat, properly inspected, they would
again open their shops, but not before
that time.
A Montrealer Arrested on a Charge of
Montreal, Jan. 13.—After reporting
that his house had been set on fir:
ley revengeful incendaries several
times in thesame day, a French-Can-
adian here, named Ovila Labreche,
was . arrested this afternoon charged
e ith arson.
Several tunes Labreche had com-
pained. to the police that efforts had
leen made by enemies to burn his
lauuse, and when they examined the
place they found evidences of at-
tempts to set fire to the tenement
Labreche •said they had been made
by men who had been sent down for
labs : acs in his store, but the eir-
cemstanees were somewhat suspicious,
the more so that he boasted that even
it his place were burned it was well
The fires at Labreohe's place, how-
ever, became too numerous when they
happened almost daily, and this re-
sulted in the present charge against
War With London Publishers Said to be
Real Reason.
London, Jan. 13.—In the absence of
Arthur Fraser Walter, principal owner
of The lames, who is at his country
home, his brother, Godfrey Walter, also
part proprietor and long connected with
the management of the journal, accord-
ed an interview to -day, in which he
brander. many statements made with re-
ference to the future of The Gimes
under its new menagement as false and
misleading, "Whiie it is premature to
_ •..cey what nevelopnsents wet fol-
low the advent of new blood into the
management of the paper, it is absurd to
say that i'Ir.•Pearson will make haste
to destroy the traditional character, po-
litical and otherwise, of The Times," he
said. "I don't think there is any more
ground for saying that the paper will
further the tariff reformers' propaganda
and lower the price toone penin • than
there, is to say that almost •eveeybody
heretofore connected with the paper will
retire. The fact is nobody knows yet
who leill retire, and, rte more is actually
kno rpt' now than the atatdmef publish -
ea this morning. Many of the proprie-
tors of the paper who must be consulted
eaielaf, Fa>!„ away, and the courts will have
th final a T". . - '
li$ fellbV'ving interesting statement
from• a Well-informed source may .-.
p14u� e _breaking of A. It' &alter�,q
oft-rbpeat'e& 'resolution nelFIX {d •ow
the destinies of „ he Tiiae t i pa"ss sat9
I ail&s other than those •.pf the
Walter %anifily, but I am ithable to'voueh
for its veracityy, and give if for what it
is worth: "Tit beginning of . the end
of the Walter dynasty of Phe Times,"
said any informant, "Was really the dis-
asttoue obnseouences of The Times' re-
cent fight against the publishers; as a
result of which the latter banded to-
gether and withdirew all their advertis-
ing, depleting the newspaper's revenue
to an extent little imagined by the
general publio, This suicidal policy of
alienating the patronage of the pub-
lishers was soon brought home to the
Walters, who were not personally re-
sponsible for the affair, with the result-
ing deeisian to allow the management
of the paper to pass outside their
Bambata's Thirteen -Year -Old on Tells
That Zulu King Gave His Father a
Mauser Rifle and Ordered frim to
Fight the White People.
Pietermaritzburg, Jan. 13. ---At the pre-
liminary examination of Dinizulu, the
Zulu King, in the Central jail here, the
first witness was the thirteen-yeer-old
son of Chief Bambata. The boy related
how after the outbreak of the native
disturbances last year he went on a visit
to the Usutu kraal—the residence, of
Dinizuhiwith Bambata and others.
Dinizulu summoned Bambata and said to
hint: "You are a coward. You waited
until the white nien came, and you look-
ed at them, but you did not fights You
came here with words, seeking shelter.
I will give you a gun and ammunition.
Return and fight the white people. I
will help you to that extent."
The witness said he had the gun,
which was a Mouser, in his bands. He
added that Dinizulu sent Cakigana to
assist Bambata to manage his impi,
Bambata being inexperienced. After the
fighting Cakigana and Bambata went
back to the Usutu kraal, Bambata sub-
sequently returning to the bush,
Alter the final ;scattering of the impi
many rebels came to Usutu, 'where
Dinizulu employed them in general work.
There were about thirty guns at Usutu.
While at Usutu, the witness added, he
noticed that guards were stationed at
night whenever there was any suspicion
that a Europeaai force was hi the neigh-
It is Said a British Regiment Again Will
Garrison Halifax.
Iralifax, N. 5., Jan. 13.—The troops
at this garrison are to be replaced
by a reghnent from England in April.
That this is a fact is generally ac-
cepted in military circles in Halifax.
The Canadian Government will pay
all the expenses, as at present, but
the men will come from the British
Isles, the War Department sending
out a complete corps.
Canada finds it too difficult to en-
list the men, and they cost more than
th s troops from England. Last week
the headquarters staff in Halifax re-
ceived orders that all enlistments for
the various corps must cease, and
that no more recruits will be accepted
for the Halifax garrison. The mili-
tary contractors have been notified
that contracts for supplying the troops
will be entered into for three months,
carrying them on to the end of March.
Another fact which lends color to
the, report that England will resume
the garrisoning of the basis in the
east and west is that soldiers wish-
ing to take their discharge before the
terms of their enlistments expire will
be allowed to do this without buying
themselves out as formerly, thus
showing a disposition to cut down the
force now here.
The Day Simply Celebrated by the Im-
perial Family.
St. Petersburg, Jan. 13. -The Rus-
sian Christmas, which comes thirteen
days later than the day set for the
observation of the feast by the Gre-
gorian Calendar, was celebrated to-
day by the members of the Imperial
family in • n very simple way, A
Christmas tree, with presents for
Alexis, the little Crown Prince, and
his sisters, was set up in the apart-
ments of the Empress. Only members
of the immediate royal entourage were
This afternoon Emperor Nicholas
was present at two Christmas trees
in Tsarkso Seloe, one of the guards
and another for the Cossacks, The
Emperor ,Wade short speeches, in which
he thanked the soldiers for their valiant
services, and bestowed a number of pre-
The Empress has made considerable
improvement in the last few days, The
doctors now describe her illness as "or-
dinary influenza," but still Icer Majesty
will not be able to attend the customary
New Year's reception.
Leader of Car Strikers, Refusing; to
Leave, V i11 Be Deported by Force—
Stands in the Way of Peace, nee 2.
Muncie, Ind., Jan, 13.—A. L. Behme,r
vice president of the Amalgainsatod As-
sociation of Street and ELeotrie, Bail -
way -Employees will be deported' by
force from this city or playlet in jail
as an ineeaiter of riots if he c1•
leave the city. He says be will mot eave
and, one of the moat interesting features'
of the street ear sti-ike is expected to -
develop out of the action of the civil
and military authorities in tbda oase.
A committee of ministers 'has been
trying to bring about a eettltement of
the trouble, and after thorough inves-
nveatigation reported that Behmer seemed
to be the one obstao1e in the we of
pence, T1 .eonni.it ee was dreaded by the
Rev. Mr. Nyce, of the First Presbyter-
ian Church, and wc::t to work wish a
view of bringing the company and its
employees together, but found that, Bea-
mer was keeping the strike alive, and
so reported to Mayor Guthrie.
The Mayor, acompanied by other city
officials, visited Behmer acid told hint
of the reportmade by the ministers, but
he protested against being driven frons
the city, and flatly said he would not
go. He insisted that the strikers wane,
ed him to remain and take core of their
interests, but the ministers wio had
comforted with the strikers denied that
they wished Behmer to remain, and in-
sisted that he was the one obstacle in
the way of peace.
Major General McKee then made an
inveatigahicn, caused Bebaner's speeches
to be reported to him and then notified
the authorities that the offieer of the
Amalgamated Associatioai must be eith
er deported or locked up, as it was plain
that the difficulties could be settle
without outside interference. The Gener-
al intimated that he was ready to ex-
ert his authority in the matter, but he
wanted the local authorities to take the
initiative. Behmer says be wall not leave
but proposes to make the city his 'head-
Slipped Beneath Car Wheels at Carleton
Toronto Junction dospateh: News was
received here to -night of the fatality
which. befell Mr. Peter Steele, Travel-
ling Chairman of the Brotherhood of
Railway Trainmen, at Carleton Placa.
IL appears that he was attenipting to
board the Ottawa'±s'ain at 6 o'clock that
morning, when his foot slipped and be
went beneath the wheels, one leg being
taken off. He was taken to Ottae a
and placed in St. Luke's Hospital.
The unfortlma,te man, it seexui,
stood on the platforms talking to e
friend until the train was just coin•
mencing to pull out, when he made a
hurried rush for It. Ile had lived in
the Junction for same hone, and was
until six months ago a freight ooriduetor
on the C. P. R., when he ilea appoint-
ed to the positioa with the larothevaarei.-
An Indian Magistrate Seriously Wound-
ed at Goa',anda.
Calcutta, Jan. 13.—lir•, B. Allaae?daa-
istrate of Dacca, who was l'rocieding on
leave, was shot in the back a few nights
ago on the platform at Cloalanda by a
manand two lads, who escape 1 in the
darkness. His condition is reported to
be grave.
This is the first attempt en the life of
a high official in eastern Bengal, and it
has caused a greet sensation throngho;it
The Governments of Dengal and East-
ern Bengal have eneli offered 5,000 ru-
pees for information leading to the con-
viction of the aesaila.nts,
The Empire says that political fana-
ticism appears to have been tine motive
of the crime, and states that Mr. Alien
has lately been occupied in trying a ca, o
against the supeeiutenJent see Dacca of
the "National Volent:are."
Arbitration Board Has No Jurisdiction
in Common School Fund Case,
'Toronto, Jan. U.—Judgment has bean
delivered in favor of tea Province by
the Board of Arbitration appointed to
consider the claim; of Quebec and On-
tario with regard to the common school
fund. The amount involved was about
$343,090, which Ontario would have been
called upon to pay had the decision dons
in favor of the claims of Quebec.
Board of Arbitrate mss, however, final that
they have no jurisdiction to deal pith
the question raised, which has a alai',
for the payment. of rebates granted ba
respect of purebase lands set apart fat
benefit of tho common school fund.
Never Said a Good Corerameat Must he
Rome, Jan. 13.—I1 las teen elieeal
that the Pope, 10 a .dressing the Anti -
Slavery Congress the other clay. said
that a government to govern well mush
be despotic and tyrannical. The sen-
tence diel not appear in the offietal
report of the meeting, and some 1.ersons
alleged that it had been suppressed.
Many enquiries on the sul•jeet were Elen '
to the Vatican, an,l a e a result of them
the Pope has ordere;l that, o, complete
denial be made, declaring indignantly
that it was impossible for lint to utter
sueh a sentiment, es it was wlio}1I
onnosed to his principles. •