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Tla.e Official Organ of Zurich and 1 -lay Township.
Vol. VIII.
Ulycerated Balsam of Fir
For Coughs and all Affect-
ions of the Throat and
Bronchial Tubes,
There is no' remedy so sure or
speedy. For Sale by Dealers.
Mr. Alf Gallmau visited. friends
in Blythe last week.
20 percent off of all stock foods
for 2 weeks at Hartleib's.
New ads -J. J. Merner, D. S.
Faust, J; Preeter, Molsons Bank.
Ladies' and Misses' Coats selling
at about half price. Call at once
J. J. Merner, Zurich.
Mr. John Albrecht has moved to
town and occupies the house re•
cently vacated by J. Curriveau.
Mr. and- Mrs. Charles Ka1bf1eisch
of Detroit are visiting their parents
Mr. and Mrs. J . 0, Kalbfieisch,
this week,
Mr. W. Hart of Hensel). will
address the Young People's Al-
liance of the Evangelical church
next Tuesday evening.
Mr. Jerry Carriveau has moved
to Dashwood this week. We are
sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Ourri-
veau as they were good citte'lens.
A number of young people as-
sembled at the home of Mr. Geo•
Sparks on. Friday evening last,
and were thourghly entertained.
The Police Trustees, Messrs W'.
G. Hess, W. O'Brien, and E. Appel,
were re-elected by acclamation for
the year 1903. They have done
well for the village last year, and
promise good work for this year.
About the first heavy job on hand
will be to prepare a scheme for re
placing and building a lot of new
cement walks, and a by-law for
same will likely be voted on early
in the spring.
For an up to elate Harness cheap,
try C. liar
Whip left at this office. Owner
call for sante.
Mr. William Fritz, of Grand
Bend, is said to be seriously ill at
Mr. A. B. Snyder of Elmira, paid,
a trying visit to Mr. P. Koehler on,
the 6th., inst.
Mr. George C. Petty, reeve of
Hens all, was a visitor in our
town on Wednesday.
Now is your time to buy your
ferniture 12 percent off at H. Well's
stand, stock must be cleared out.
0. Hartloib.
A big snow storm struck this sec-
tion Wednesday evening. and the
indications aro that winter has
really begun.
Death summoned Rev. J. T.
Rauch, on Satuacley morning. A
full account of his life history will
be found on page 5.
Mr. John Gies of Saskatchewan
arrived home on Friday evening
and will spend the winter with his
parents, at the Blind Line.
J• J. Merner's clearing sale ex-
pires January 15th, when we be-
gin stock -taking. Big bargains in
all lines of drygoods and clothing.
Miss Ada Koehler, who is attend-
ing high school at Toronto, left for
that city on Monday after spending
the Christmas holidays at her home
The C. P. R. steamer Mount
Royal bound for Halifax, which
had been given up for lost, with
about 400 immigrants for Canada,,
returned to a port in Ireland.
Miss Bertha Hoy of St. Thomas,
and Miss Tillie Hey, visited their
father, Mr. Chris Hey of :the Baby-
lon Line over New Years. A party
was given in their honor, and a
very enjovabe evening was spent.
The Evangelical Sunday School,
on the 14th., concession elected
officers on Sunclav last as follows :
Pres. Ben Surarns; Vice Pre:. Geo.
Edighoffer ; Treas. W. Beaver ; Sec.
Sam Edig'hoffer; Librarians, Mary
(xascho. and Lavine Kcrchexe
At a teeting,to'be 'held in the
Town Hall, Zurich, on Friday
evening, 17th inst., in the interest
of Mr. M. Y. McLean, the Liberal
Candidate for South Huron, Hon.
Win. Patterson will be the chief
speaker. Mr. MoLean will address
the meeting, and other speakers
are expected to bo present. Meet-
inga will also be held et Separate
school, Drysdale, on the 14th Town
Hai 11 Bayfield on the 15th , • and
Town Hall Varna, on the 17th.
The Baohelor's Assembly . giren
in the Opera House, • Hensall, on
Thursday night was the event of
the season. Over 40 couples part-
icipated tripping gaily to the sweet
strains of McMorran's Orchestra, of
Lueknow, pronounced by all pres-
ent the finest that has ever appear-
ed in the Opera House, not except-
ing the London Harpers A nice
lunch was served at Midnight after
which dancing was continued for
some time. The committee took
special care that each person pres-
ent had a good time and all pron-
ounce it one of the most enjoyable
affairs' of the kind it has ever been
their privilege to attend.
A very pretty house wedding,
attending by a number of relatives
and friends of the contracting
parties, took place at the home of
the bridle's parents; Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel McBride Sr., in Stanley
Township on New Years Day, when
their daughter, Miss Mary A., be-
came the wife of Mr.. Charles
Robert Stephenson of the same
Township, The interesting cere-
mony was performed by Rev. Mr.
Davidson of Varna, the marriage
ytaking place at 3 o'clock, under an
arch of evergreens. The bride was
given away by her father. After
the _wedding all sat down' to a
splendid dinner, The bridle's dress
was of white Ohina silk, trimmed
with lace and chiffon and carried a
1beautiful bouquet of carnations.
The evening was pleasantly spent
in dancing and other amusements.
The bride was the recipient of a
number of beautiful presents. The
young couple will settle down on a
farm on the Parr Line, where the
best wishes of their friends will
follow them,. TEE HERALD ex -
toads heartiest congratulations.
Banat -At Stanley Township on
Monday, 6th inst.., to Mr. and
Mrs. John Steckle, a daughter,
(still -born.)
WvRnt-ticriw.~,RZ. In Crediton, on
the 2nd inst. by Rev. E. H. Bean,
Edrnund Wurm of Zurich, •to Miss
Lydia Schwarz, of Crediton.
on the 7th inst. by Rev. E. EI.
Bean, Mr. Otto Brown to Miss
Marie Morlock, both of Crediton.
Miss McInnis from Blyth, was
visiting at the Dominion House
over the holidays,
Miss Ethel Willis,mse left on
Tuesday to atiencl Alet as Ladies'
College, at St. Thornase
Big reductions in Boys' and
Men's overcoats. Don't tail to .at-
tend Merner's big clearing sale.
Mr Samuel Stevely was elected
Mayor of London by over one
thousand, majority over Alcle'
F. W. Hess the jeweller, has sold
seven violiita in tyvo weeks. Fidd-
lers will 150011 Xao.. as common as
The Hay Couiioil will hold their
first meeting on Tuesday. lith., inst
at l0 o'clock a. m. at the Town,
Hall, Zurich.
Tho monthly natoh of the Zur-
ich 'Gun club, was 'held.' on Tues -
clay. Mr. W. G. Hess won the
Hess medal, with a score of 0 out
of 10, and 0, Fritz Tema the Pain
Medal. Following is the score -20
birds -W G. Hess, 1a ; C. Fritz, 16 ;
S. E. Faust, 11; J. 13. Ran, 9; P.
Sipple, 9 ; W. O'Brien:,. IL; F. W.
Hess, 12; J. Schuettlei, ;`15; H.
Yungblut, 13.
The family of the late Rev. 3.
Theo. Hauch desires to express
its sincerepratitude to the friends
and neighbors for the expres
sion of sympathy and helpfulness
during the recent weeks. The
brief season of residence in Zurich.
of the departed " vas made ex-
ceedingly: pleasant .by the kind-
ness shown him andthi's farnily on
ei: ery hand by you yolang and old,
which is hereby gi:atefully ae.
knowiedged .
MRs. F. Taae. Hartel,
When the Stomach, Heart, or
Kidney nerves get weti,k. then these
organs always fail. Don't drug the
Stomach, nor std .dilate tate Heart
oi=-=' Kidner s. , X.hatt fr.. a,, Simi 1y tl.
makeshift. (get . it, preserrl)tton
known to Druggists everywhere as
Dr Shoop's Ra t:el- Atire. The Re -1 0.
storative is pr( Breit expressly for � Ala
these weak in • tl nerves. Strength-
en these ne k , build then: up go.
with Dr t,. ?hp's Restorative-
tablets ori'C111idl-and nee how; alb
quickly help will conte. Free samp-
le test sent on request by Dr Shoop!
Ra eine, Wis. Your health is surely
worth this simple test. Sold by
All Dealers.
No. 24,
In Ladies' Coats and
Ladies' Fur Stoles
All this Season's Goods
Jf jou re in need of o e
Call and see my Stock
taken in excliauge for Gaoj ,
•d •d •G•d •d •lj •d •d •C� O•dd •4 O•d O•d'dd •-✓:O 4',�r,,
Cost money- but
little better than
price. Just now
you will r'3 1d1 ours a
others at the same.
we want to talk
We have all the Leading Makes and
Stylus• .:_ .zb'.CES ALWAYS BIGHT.
Butter, :cgs and Dried
Apples takzra in exchange
'F('-a4q�'�4 Q.•�1q•q.r3.q.q.q.p�a,
.P.*XBIE) *•› 3IBr.ote X',c3 A3 NE2g 3 gale *i1 ' 3 z ate• =:E Lg'� 3E s:sW'
STRA re•
t t
N ORDER to reduce our Stock before taking inventory, we have decided. )o CUT t:,e PRICE
I away down on all Lines of Winter Goods-Evcrything must go REGARDLESS OF COST,
and anyone in need of any of -these Goods should not fail to see the Bargains we offer'.
Men's Fur Coats Ladies' Fur Coats
1 only, regular 885. for $28.00
1 only, regular 22. for $17.00
2 only, regular 25. for $20.00
2 only fur lined, regular
$85. for ..., $25.00
1. only fur lined, regular
50. for $40.00
1 Bl 2 ' for $2,,
Black list. reg. �. �� ' �•
1, Black Ast. reg. 25. for $19,
1 Black Ast. reg. 85. for 2.7.
1 Black Ast, reg. 40. for 31),
1 Fur lined cape reg. 20. for 15.
1 Wool Ast. with fur
colter reg. 18. for •.. 14,
1)0?gular price 5'00
1.<cz'ular price e3.50 fot'
Itic;laltls pi'i.e 4.00 f'•,:.
Reti;liar price 6.00 fol..
Regular price 10.00 -fol.
1 AF•cults price 11. 03
IfE SS GOO ten.S
Space will not allow us to Nquote you. prices here au these Lilic'i4, illt our � ('utG o Stock of
heavy Dress Goods will be put on Sale at S1auglitcr111g Price:. .Also V col and Flann'i;' to Blank-
ets, Men's and Boys' Overcots, Underwear, Wool `:hawk,' Toques, Clonc.1:,,, Hoods .Etc.
Ladies' Muffs, Skirts, Etc, Hardware, Stoves, Saws, Etc
1 Set Muff and Stole to snatch Regular price •16.00 for $11.00
Muffs from 1.25to x;6.50 Regular prices were 3 .00 to $8.50
Ladie's LIeavy top skirts Regular prices were 5,00 for $3.25
Ladle's heavy, top skirts Regular prices were 2.75 for $1.15
A few job Mantles left in Ladies and Children's at a big snap.
In hardware we are shcsw• eg some. good "i•ri.ot lo cis f; r. , i"
X- Cut 1Saws, Axes, Ilangii:g Lames, .lanai Sleigh: Sic k
Bells, Morse Bland:ets. Wool pigs, incl etc. J\ O a few('auk
Heaters, and l3aee Burner's et. a bargain, Large 1.4reeite Tea :u .l
Coffee Pots for 2u ce Ms c-aela
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