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The Herald, 1907-12-13, Page 8
The Zurich Herald.. a{ •.v ` 'N ". A t �' tiitt x;t jw .a. .. .. .5 •y. 4.—�'. lr.-kN :141: h rist Hari JAPA X=1VIAS inte AN DKERCI 11 T; PS 111 J); AP Ml,' .. 4114.[ We have a very heavy stock of the above besides numerous other Lines suitable for the Holiday Trade. Our prices will ,make the Goods go with a rush. Make your selections early 1 es ly a few of these left All this season's styles. Not an old Coat in the lot. Big cut in price, CHILDREN'S COATS Colors Fawn, Green and Brown. Foi: girls 6 to i 1 years old. 1 only Coat, regular price 2.50, sale price .... 1 only Coat, regular pri'e 3.00, sale price .... 4 only coats, regular price 3.25, sale price .... 2 only coats, regular price 3.50, sale price .... Y i=ung Ladies' and `a omen's THE BIGGEST SNAP EVER OFFERED 1 only coat, regular price 5.50, 1 only coat, regular price 5.75, 1 only coat, regular price 5,00, 1 only coat, regular price 3.50, 1 only coat, regular pric©3.00, 1 only coat, regular price 5.00, 1 only coat, regular priee 6.00, 1 only coat, regular price 5,00, sale price E ale price sale price sale )Tice sale sale prrce sale price sale price 1.75 .... 2.00 ... 2.25 .. 2.5o Coats 2.50 .... 2.75 .. 2.60 .... 2.00 'EAR) 3.00 3 00 These Coats will Sell Fast MISSES' COATS Colors Green, Brown, Oxford Greys, light and dark Grey, Green trimmed. Sizes range for Misses 10 to 15 years old. 2 only coats, regular price 3.75, sale price 2 only coats, regular price 4.00. sale price 2 only coats, regular price 4.50, sale price 2 only coats, regular price 5.00, sale price 1 only coat, regular price 6.00, sale price 2 only coats, regular price 7.50, sale price 1 only coat, regular price 8.00, sale price 2 only coats, regular price 6.00, sale price 3 only coats, regular price 5.50, sale price 1 only coat, regular price 4.50, sale price oat, regular price 6,75, sale price ai; regular price 5.00, skate price .... $2.75 • $3.00 .... $3.25 • $3.75 4.75 6.00 6.65 4.50 4.25 3.25 5.50 2,5U: Infants' Bear Cloth Coats with Caps to match, fro i $1.75 to $4.,25 I4ksihe rice for q e liwatummoro Advertise in THE HERALD, Born. VOLL,ann—At the Babylon, Hay. Read Nov. 20th, to ] 1r, and Mrs, !4� ead by everybody in the section Henry \Tolland, Jr. a daughter. I AFAREWELL PARTY. • itt 4+4'f{,.. 4'<1.4 •14 4E4; .44 +3..43..+34+3+ 43,- 4434. .4. 1G Shoe S r F yourkwant Good Shoes for 1i'inter wear, it hatters little where you get them so long as you get them right. We 'always buy the best that's manufactured in Canada; new goods and up-to-date; you. can here rely on getting the most serviceable and best in Leather Goods that you can buy anywhere. P. BENDER, Zurich • M - *-Ei+•4Ea- • » 0111.4+vsib Amiss efrib- +w Aerie.110'$3• +30 •'i+43 43 1 The evening of Nov. MA. will lung he remembered by all parties ';ncerned, when a number of friends and neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Diedrich met at their home to hid them good-bye prior ' t9 their departure for Berlin where they will make their. future home.. When the evening carne on a num- berof. well filled rigs' arrived. friends. and baskets. The home was at once thrown open for the pleasure seekers Mr; Christian 'luade was called upon to act as chairman, He tnen called upon Mr John Regier who delivered an appropriate address expressing re. gret at losing such worthy neigh- bours.' But all 'heartly unite in wishing thew the greatest measure of happiness in there new home. ;,fiss Jennie Kestle and Mrs. Louis Kraft . then stepped forward and presented Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich With a beautiful chair, the gift of their many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich replied in a. very feeling manner thanking the friends for their kindness. The evening was spent in nitisie and games. Mr. George Mawhinney gave several selections on his phonograph. Big Value in Stoves for 2 weeks only 78 in use in Zurich and vicinity 0 of these popular stoves, regular $35.00, our price .ONLY .... $28. Burns coal or wood. Large stove, riehly nickeled. Call and see it before you buy. Also best value in Base Burners in Zurich. C . 1- ARTLEIB, Zurich