HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-12-13, Page 4The Zurich Herald efaliDagre DCD (ID CCtt, D D(1Di 43D DaD )IZIO Established 1855 sets X33,739,244'. Capital $3,360,170 Surplus $3,360,170 Al is ns v ca Solicits Accounts of Firms, Corporations and Incliv:dnals, to whom it assures courteous treatment and every facility, consistent with careful Barking. We invite your busiuesS. int&&nst allowed on Sevilla's from date of Deposit HENS' ALL BRANCH 11. J. BILLINGS, Ainammerinp47.SEPISICi Denim sus (=mumD Gr - MannManager. CD 9D®CID C(i0 LEGAL CARDS. +'J . Thy J.J.'`� ,x COOIiE, BARRI1STER AND SO- I �', hotter, Notary Public, Heusall, Ontario. PUBLI,4FiPD ISI E ZELLER, rtt Zierieh (Zeller's odice) every Mon- uay. FRIDAY DEC, 13th, 1907. PROLi1 OO;t, HAYS te BLAIR, BAR -I— —_-- niters, Solicitor=s. Notaries Public, etc., Gouerich, Canada. W. ]h'oudfoot. K.C. Six or eight men. on either We R. C. Have. G. F. ]Ii: r. i would exercise it :wholesome In- finence on the parties and prevent many it scabby bit of work that probably the leaders would not do only that they are at the mercy of the worst elements `of the party. rr1ic' corrupt member of a govern- ment would look upon such men as a plague, but the straight Minister would be glad of the support that be would get from such a body of inen. He would be in a position to refuse the demands of the machine manipulators, and the public good would be safeguarded. SVith only two parties the pubic weal is a bubble to be tossed about for effect wbile confederate,; are appropriat- ing everything in sight.—Boocay- goon Independent. BUSINESS CARDS. H. C DOAN, V. S. AS I HAVE PLI{• chased bads my business from E. W. Sloskopf, 1 am in .t position to attend to ad basiuess ;as formerly. Calls at Rau'e Hotel. DR. E. W. STOSKOPF, VETERINARY ;Surgeon and Dentist, Zurich, Ontario. Otiiee over T. t& M. Johnson's Stbre. Night calls at T. Johnson's residence. E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER ANI) Notary Public. Deeds, Mortgages, Wills -and other Legal Documents care- fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. 5. HARDY, EXETER, ONT.. LICE.NS- ed Auctioneer for Huron and Porth. My rakes are-r'ea-onable and I will guarantee the best of satisfaction. Fur the eon. venien e e:i toy friends iii Hay and Stanley, dates and terms may be ar- ranged at Tnt: Iit:zt.lz.ci Otl[ce, Zurich lt.. S. PHILLIPS, LICENSED ALC- tioneer for the Counties of Huron and Perth. Farm stock sales a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All orders left at: Lot l3, Con. 1, Day, or addressed to Hensell P. O. It 111 be promptly attended to. DIE. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA - :Watt of the Royal College' of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Depar tnient of Dentistry, To- ronto Univer.eitp. Fairless o;traetier �,.,.n....,tiee;iutity. At Dominion House, Zarieb, every Mon- day. 1-20 Lumber For Sale. After Nov. 20th, 1 will be in a position to fill all orders for Maple, Beech, Hemlock. Basswood, Soft and 13 eel Elm Lumber. AMUEL MOORE. Hayfield. Nlir lNATICly NoTIci 1)LET 1(; .NOT S is hereby given :h a a ntea :g of tl., laleetors of the 1':.sire 1 ih ze. of Zurich will he held in the Tnueis ,ilt Ball. 10 the viliu+;o of Zurich, on i11 Ce. DAV' DEC. 3'ITfi. 190, t the hoer from twe:ve t,) one o'clock p, nt., for 11,e pnrpree of neminatieg t'em- ilidatee fee Police '1't•u,tees for the year 1918 and in else .1,p):: dote to lnf1 .. i, ):1 trill he n,"'.1 nn MONDAY, TAN. ciTlf.. Ho`( in I het kis . a$ ro Town n H c'1 :'7ai,l Poll w 11 kept open frit 71 9 i.'t•I Eck a. tr , n t i. , 0 r3( p m., :•i 11.) 1 -e.etr. !lee I r ':t .i'at tiers titht:,r of I):a;' mbtr, 1 1) i' 17 fI1l] 11178S '1'.. 1.::"I'1JRN[N(4 ()IFI '1:{l. N [ will 1)e in Znriol). on ltloit.law' .Doo 10th to aoo,'I)t taxes. On ail unpaid. tires after that date, 4 vet, rant, ]Intl co'•['Stition nhltr,ges :will be u,ilded. O. Tr:):+Or, Collector. 60 YEARS° EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyono minding a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an lnvention is probnb]y patentable. Communion. tionilatrlctly9confdential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn es Co. receive spddk2 i30t4ce, withoutcharge, in the scientific Bateman A. handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any Beient1Dc journal. Terms for Canada, 6:3.'l, a year, postage prepaid. Sold by ail nemeeteers. MONN & Co 3satsmaltway, New York M Branch UISce, 825 P St.e Washington, 1). C. For next weak -3 fur coats at cost, 1 Gal laway regular price $3). 01) tht: $•31,00, 2 black martins, rep utas 'I rico $21,00 for }1.8,,00 at z[ttrticib`s. The Toronto N ews of Saturday pt intod a letter from a commercial traveller who declares that many of his colleagues would support, and vote for Provincial prohibition. He repudiates the suggestion that the bare of the Province are main twined by con mercial travellers, He declares that there are places now under local option as good ac- commodation is provided, and in some instances far better than was obtainable under the license system There is no doubt it good deal of force in our correspondent's obser• nations A time of transition is certain to result in inconveni, nye and discomfort. This.ean'b ed if utivoeatis -of l.oenl recognize that accoiiitnodi the traveling publie Is necessary. They could hardly fail of success if they united to persuade the better class of hotelkeepers that public houses can be successfully main- tained without the bar profits. Certain it is that the cheifdesire of many commercial travelers is for satisfactory accommodation. They are entirely indifferent as to wheth or or not liquor is available at the bonsss which receive their patron Lige. The cleatl of Oscar of Sweden; the grand old man of European monarchy, closes a life whose splendor shone beyond the confines of his small kingdom. He was big in body, mind and soul ;a states- man, scholar, and philanthropist, whoselove for his own people was rewarded by an affection on their part, almost filial in its nature. King Osoa' was a lineal descend- ant of Napoleon's great marshal, Bernadotte, Who was placed on the throne of Sweden early in the last century. Perhaps the peasant blood of ,Bernadotte was ono factor in giving to'Sweden 50 virile it race of kings for a hundred years King Oscar was democratic in his sentiments, and never aspired to be more than it constitutional mon- arch, although his abilities would have nutde hint a commanding .figure on the stage of Europe in an earlier age, when personal rule was not so circumscribed by the liberties of tilt people, The clos- ing years ofhisreighn were clonded by the secession of Norway from the dual kingdom, but the Nor- wegian people effected the Sep- aration in no spirit of hostility to the aged sovetein. Probably the disruption world have happened sooner bat for the eetnenting in- fluence of the king's popularity, just as Austrian'and Hungary are held together largely by personal effecteon for the Emperor Francis Joseph. CANADIAN NEWS Eleven applications for divorce'; have been made to Parliament. For next week—Furniture 12 per- cent off for cash, at Hartleib's. Hamilton temperance workers will put up aldernianie candidates, Thomas Richardson. of Windsor, ended his life by drinking. carbolic acid. The Shierlieltz Furn itnre Comp- any has removed from Waterloo to New Hamburg. Ed Klein disappeared from Elora on Nov. 13, and his body was found in the river. Rev J. A. Miller, of Detroit, has accepted a call to St. Paul's Luthe• ran Church, Galt. We have it full line of candies, and nuts of all kinds, all choice goods. J. Preeter. Another appeal will be taken to save the life of Jake Snnfieltl the Hamilton ninrderel•. Articles used in the manufacture of dyes, Brom rip and*ciiiaierits.h been added, to'orkh �1 free �,� ns i•eeortt, stied' general ation, for -the echogl Children. Contracts leave been awarded by the G. T. 1'. fir clearing 2.090 acres at Prince 1Lui'ert for $220;000, The Saskatchewan Legislature will be convened in. Murch on Premier Scott's return from Europe. The total net debt of the Domin- ion on Nov. 119 stood at $25:1,095,b74 an Increase of $2,590,141 'during the month. The remaining suits for damages in connectit•n with the Hocheiage school fire. will be settled by the Protestant school board. A German near Ebenezer. struck uwolf tiel.th the stock of It is not the taken, but the land assimilated that gives and vi tality t..)the i (`1iutnbcrlain'.s Stomach quanta;; of food amount digested, strength srsteut. and Liver Tablets invogorate the stomach his gun, an.l received the charge and liver and enable them to ver 1 in his body, with fatal results. form their functions. The result a The tict0rious live stock jndg- rolish for your food, increased ing team arrived at Guelph from Chicago and were royally received by their fellow O. A. C. students. Two coluied lads of Chatham Etre in ;jail, charged with the series of barnlaries that have been dis• Mr. Tncticp B li nridge of the Ex- turbin'r the citizens. of that town chugeei Court las given judgment 0 htte, in the matter in dispute between 141illions of dollars are to be spent !the Dominion and Ontario as to the, bs American capitalists in pulp motley spent by the Dominion on I and mineral enterprises about Sulci• 41111110-4604111 As I ltttve dispo,ed of my Harness and Furniture Stook I will be in a position to give shore time to soiling ELL ZURICH ONT 'I he Old and Reliable Kaibfleisch's Saw & Planing nil's. * i gee ! Sh i gis! Parties needing any shingles.would do well to see my stock They are the B. C. SHINGLES, the best kind, and the price is right. Conte at once if you need any as they are going fast. BUILDING LDING MATERIAL of all kinds. Contracts taken and satisfaction guaranteed. It will be to your interest to see me before yon build, its my motto is good work and good material at a reasonable price. Custom Sawing and Planing. a;: "Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. C ▪ KALBFLEISCH, ZURICH WISTre : •;r,,§•�,osic_I". jg''. ycp�;, •�a fi tir";s=ue'C�{i�,,(�[l,�, i...'¢,t,s3;:Jc :lw7d.:.%..b 4: , :i L`"+"'.:J 0 i1, SEE LISEEDS! strength and weight, greater en- durance and a clear bead. Price, 25 cents, Samples free. For sale by J. J. Werner. ' the territory at one time in dispute bury, reports L. O. Aru str,tng of the 0. 2, R, For any of the ordinary diseases of the skin, Cbatuberlain's salve is excellent. It not only allays the itching, and snrartinn but effects a other hand the Dominion roust, , euro For sale by, J. )-. Merner. shoulder the:expenses incurred for! The executors of the Nicholls es - Indians schools; suppression of the; tate at Peterboro will dispose of ' ltqnor traffic, and for the encnur- : the rest of the .estate - to the Nth - agement of agriculture among holls' Hospital, retaking the total them. This judgment n)ea.ns that endowment of that institution Ontario will be obliged to pay a $200,000. lump snm to the Dominion of some $388,000, and will henceforward be Kidt k the n between Mauitoba, and Ontario. By the judgment, snoh expenses as were ineurred by the Dominion in negotiating the treaties, and securing land from the Indian, must be borne by Ontario. On the R4 W e beg to announce Haat we have complete line of Garden and Field �� a Seeds. In , Gaideu. Seeds we handle the celebrated L L May & Co seeds. They are the good kind and always give satisfaction. 5 packages Garden Seeds for io cents. We also have a good line of Field Seeds. Turnip and Mangold seed at lowest prices Try us for your Groceries,1 Flour, Feed, Stock Foods, etc., we tau supply your wants. Give:us a call. bSdmues Die r�•xl�i x1l.i: r�t)�7r _>! kA �5ai . �rrv..r�,�p? S . i.; 4 vis°• "******** "�"r�* ).:*" ° %`ic*7C'*"i s�i� International hl ,w wester ..implements. . • When the Stomach, Heart, or obliged to pay in perpetuity a port- is ney nerves e Wert ton, about $2,75-, of the annuity of these organs always fail. Don't drug the Stomach, nor stimulate of head received byo the Indiansothe Heart or Kidneys. That is of the region affected. The Pro- szn)ply a makeshift, Get a pre - Lability also must assume a perpetual seri tion known to Druggists lied ians of et an00 a year to the everywhere as • Dr. Shoop's Re- t ncliiilts for nets and amzntini:tation. The lands affected amount to some storative is prepared expressly for 55,000 acres, of which 30,000 lie in these weak inside nerves. Streng-what now is Ontario, and 251.000 i then these nerves, build them up e with Dr. Shoop"s Restorative— Keewatin. Ontario will assume tablets or liquid- anti see how the proportion of the Indian an uicklhelp Will come. Free nutty proportionate to the extent q y 1 of the territory which has passed into her possession,. burse the Dominion for its expend- iture on this -head since 1873. bnaps for next week, Scoop shovels $1,00 for 75 ants, at Star ticib's, and will rei]lt sample test sent on request by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health is surely worth. this simple test. Sold by 411 Dialers. For some fine China Dishes, call at D. 5. Faust, Don't forget D. S•Faust,s c0 per- cent discount sale, * 'O O * * We keep in stock a frill line of the above celebrated make of Faun Im- plements, , They are used in every civilized country in the world and are givinguniversal satisfaction. Buy no other. We handle the Magnet Cream Separa- tor, the best o11 the market. Metal -Pig Troughs, .last ]Huth 'longer] than wooden ones, in fact we handle e i err- thing in the - li11e of binders, mowers, plows, etc., etc., and. repairs of -all . kinds. WV11en• in need of a new Buggy, Carriage, - Wagon. or * Cutter see our lines before you ° buy. They will please you. 0 FRED. HESS & SON, Rickbeil's old Stand 4. *. *** ° ***** I* O CU .O n • ZURICH. 0 0*******