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The Herald, 1907-12-13, Page 1
The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol. VIII. FRIDAY MORN IRCx, DEC. 13, 1907. No. 20, Beginning Nov. 3oth to the end of the year 1907 I find my stock of Dry Goods rather large. In order to reduce tl stook, I am giving'thislarge discount of 20 per cent for cash and all farm produce. You must bear in mind that this is no old shelf -worn stock. The larger portion of this stock is entirely new This seasons Goods. Do not listen i;o anyone when they try and make you believe this .4 o.d stook, come and you will,. be convinced that my stock is first class. This discount goes all throiigh the General stock of Dry Goodsand Gents furnishings. Such as DRESS GOODS, FLANNELS, , BLEACHED COTTON, FLANNELETTES, FACTORY COTTON, WRAPPEPETTES, PRINTS, WOOL BLANKETS, TOWLING, SHIRTINGS, COTTON BLANKETS, COTTONADES, LADIES' FUR RUFFS, GINGHAMS, SATEENS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WHITE BEAR CLOTH, 1 -LOSE, SPECIAL LINES 2 dozen Men's working shirts, regular price 75 cents each, for .45 2 dozen Men's working shirts; regular A price 60 cents each, for . • . • H 6 dozen Fall and Winter Caps, regular price 50 cents each, for 20 only Girls' Reefers, regular prices from $2.00 to $4.00, for • 75 .35 LADIES' UNDERWEAR, LADIES' COA'L'S, ALL TIIIS YEAR COATS, ,,, qEN'S HATS, CAPS, TIES, COLLARS, BRACES, SOCKS AND DRESS SHIRTS. .:MEN'S AND BOYS' UNDER - CHILDREN'S ILDREN'S WI-IITE BEAR COATS. 1 coat size 20 regular price, $$2.25 .for 1 coat sizs 22 regulor price, $2.50 for 2 coats size 24 regular price, $3 0:4~ for Towellings and Remnants 540 yds Towelling, regular price,,.0 ets for 2 ets 240 yds foweliing, regular price, 8 ots for 4 ets A lot of Renrants, at a big snap, $1.13 1 25 1 50 WEAR, MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS, MEN'S OVERALLS, MEN'S SMOCKS, ]30YS SWEATERS, MEN'S AND BOYS' RIi ADY MADE SUITS, AND SUITS M_1')E TO ORDER. GENERAL MERCHANT ZURICH, = ONTARIO —ROYAL— Olycerated Balsam of Fir For Coughs and all Affect- ions of the Throat and Bronchial Tubes. There is no remedy so sure or speedy. For Sale by Dealers. gLOCAL NEWS. c ermrese-azarara..4-5 4 -434 -a4•24 -is alb The're talking of the Christmas-" How long itis, an' when •Will Saaaty Clans ba comma' ti; n. the chimney -place a;ain 4'- ,,! For the toy -stores are open—their glittering wares in line.' - And they win their hearts, old fellow, like they once did yonrs [and mine. Mr. Chris. Bechler of Michigan, is visiting friends hero this 'week. Just in, a new line of gen'ts neck- wear, sonietliing new and stylish. T. Procter. Owner of purse, fount. on side- walk, by Mr. A. Middleholt', on Monday call for same at this office. Fon SALE—Brick house in Znrieb, in good repair. Good well on the prenii'•es. Easy terms. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich, Messrs Henry and Menno Graber of Davis County, Indiana, are at present •visiting their uncle Mr. Chris Schwartzentruber and other friends. Norioit—A regular meeting of the C. 0. C. F. will be field on Fri- day evening Dec. 200, All the members are rennested to be Drowns. Mr. and Mrs. John Dearer Sr. of the Babylon Line, gave afowl sup- per, on Thursday evening hist, to about thirty of their friends and neighbors. Mrs. Jacob L. Zeller of Wis- consin arrived here on Saturday for a visit with friends. She ex- pects to visit, relatives near Bright and other places East for a few months before returning home. Mrs. McCormick, has a stock of post cards, representing E. Hen- ilofer, at the familiar job of sawing wood. They are soiling fast, and if you want a few call early. She also carries a full stock of other picture and Xmas post cards. Rev, J, Strempfer of Toledo, a former pastor of the Lutheran church here Breached two very im- pressive sermons in the Lutheran church on Sunday. The chur'eh was packed to the doors at the morning service and in the evening a large crowd also attended. Mrs, Strempfer accompanied her hus- band to town and visited among friends the forepart of the week, B. B. Gunn M. P, for this Rid- ing died at St.Lulke's Hospital Ottawa, on Monday evening after a short illness of stomach trouble. The late Mr. Gunn was in this vicinity a few weeks ago and held a seriesof political meet- ings and he seated then in his usual health, He was a very popular man and well liked by his aoquaintanoes, and was the first Conservative to represent South Jauron in the home of Commons. { FOR SALE—A yearling Clyde filly. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich. New Ads.—J. Preeter, Mercier, C. Troyer, Pollice Village of Znrich. D. S. Faust has a full supply of walnuts, almonds, filberts, and chestnuts. Mr. Robt Allen delivered a num- ber of fine cattle to Mr. Win. Lam- ont on Monday. For next week—Kitchen chairs, regular price 50 cents far 35 cents, each, at Hartleib's, ' The stores in the village Opera a vel } e.li<,en ng guns mas"b',ginning next' eiok: Quite a number of farmers, - the neighborhood intend to kill some of their surplus beef cattle, Mr. R. Allen, and Mr. M. Drys- dale, are spending a few well earn- ed holidays, with friend: in Fair - grove, Mich. Best makes of crows -cut saws in Stock, Snell as the premier, leader, racer, crescent, and. champion. Prices the lowest, at Hartleib's. Cold blast lantrens 60 cents, for I D. S. Faust has a fine range of fancy candies, for Xmas. We have a goodline of skates, j and skate straps. J: Preeter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Meidinger, ! visited relatives in Michigan last! week. A .complete line of string,' and: sing bells. Special. values. J. Preeter. Mr. Irwin Gr'eb is learning the hardware business, with J. Preeter t'nd started on big PEW duties last li, ,c. r. '1Tiltiain. 'anctJ aI ended the inner 1 -of of late 13.- B. 3 B. Gunn at Seaforth on Thursday. The Ladies Aid of the Evangel Mx. ical church made up a box off GOO clothing which was Sent on Wednesday to Miss Unruh of Winnipeg. These clothes are to be 1 distributed among the poor and; needy by the Deaconess, The ladies also kindly renieinberecl the i Deaconess by sending her a Xmas.' purse. 45 cents, at Hart1eib's. •4.O•� •O.4.0.O.4.0.O.O.O.O.O.O.O•�.•O •©•0•� . c•0000.o-a ooc.�c�c�oc�c�oc ococc�- � n •O.O•G•O.O'l!'G/ •O•G•.� •O•l7'O.O•a'/•G7 •d °G/ •O.O•G-•r7o,' �1 vOD �4D oD CD O�r? WATERPROOF SHOES AND ';v(% GUARANTEED RUBBERS $.; � r 11 5 e all the ..Leading slakes ami pip - Std Imo;: ' ' AL.?� .. .�ltia T: . • �JD qD Cost money— but little better than price. Just now you will :findours a others at the same we want to talk Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples taken in exchange C"vD A IT ?).1, Epi THE E H EMA ZURICH u. • th. .t,s..`..-""..c`s�- •���s£is�,�"s,+.e;� r����s:',�. � ,.. �7t�:s---.�z�-"f;::`�'.a.,.L�::?u'�,`�.+_.'�"-:3'r�3i3+.a'E'-z�:s�z�-"'�''•�'s�3��1�=.,,:'?-� ��i� as,�' _ gl Z UR/ r fr'n,� '°ea� r 7 •'".r,,� �• •..,� r'c"us'�^F, _ • rt ®.14*:til C`,�,i�� 1k ;� � rters P,r ITR, STORE is brimful of Goods suitable for Chri::tmas Gifts. W..' iiave paid l!'':' tr - telltion to our buying this season, and have they satisfaction of seeing our shelves and counters filled with the best goods on the market. A. 'N•i: it to our Store will convince yon. Call early. A few of our ,Special Lines; Toilet Setts A large assortment of New De. signs an.l colorings, ranging in price from $1.40 to $5,00 Pcr Sat.mow•° rye Dir ; er Ware Just opened up—a line shipment •of Dinner Ware, imported direct. We can save, you money on these Goods and they make a very pretty Xmas .,resent; from «.0.00 up. Regular $12.00 line for $10.00 a sett from until Jany 1st only. Toys for the Children We have not forgotten the children in making oar selections for Xmas. and we are showing this seitem illi' largest and best assortment of toys we have ever shown. Call early and Brake your eeleetions. HARDWARE DO NOT FORGET that you can hu;- your Ilar'.lwar-e cheaper from us than elsewhere. We carry a full Inc.of everything, i'. large line of SILVERWARE, SKATES, IIIN(*IN(s PARLOR LAMPS, cxlt:i.\ITEtVAitE, Etc., for Xmas trade, NEW LINE of Gents' Neckwear, Fancy Shirts, Overcoats, Caps, Etc, Our stock of general Dry Goods was never better and our Pr,ces are just a little lower than ordinary. We still have a nice lot of Meu's and Ladies' Fur Coats and Ruffs. 1:2) R E ET E R Dry Goods We are showing a Large Assort- ment of Ladies' Fanoy Collars, ranging in .,rice 5c. i.l, to $1.35 cavil This is the hest ast,oft;i.i ut ever shown in Zurich. IIANDIil)Ii.C:IIIEi",^i A lot to .hoose front. White and fancy .'otton; 1''ei! (' er,rllroitl..red; Plain and ranee silks in enti'tss varies'. At all 1'r i cc s. Hassware e& C Ina A large stook of t ai e - Glassware and Chii t Goods it r ti:e Iloliday Goods. ot.4a4 Ni) \V1'� Jlr.aT WISH TO `+y +��N TION HEI E + that if you are looking for, a tfito'v e, remem- ber that we carry a full line of the cele.brctt2d Peniilsulars---the stove that makes home a comfort, and cooking a pleasure for the Housekeeper.. All kinds of Produce taken hi exchange ZURICH 11,3 .110C3S six' 3*., =Clefr f i 3t0s£# NE:20 £3 a"'" g 3.. Z- ei ray WfA ZIK ES' 3C3°iC# f f3 FO; t'i F