HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-12-06, Page 5HOTELS. 0 6a a a ti) THE * 0* GI 0 t;i * * t f f, ZURICH Cil Cii e;, k"t ,:H, c w • Styp O plowmen a. 9( 0 Z 0 et Ci) +°3 is rictl u -to-date in modern im t Diningrooms is sup- st?iplied with with only tyle very Last ` j • Bar contains choice liquors pond it �1 V 0 J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. m io ate**mm :n*mmtl); 4:)meogeo***0. cigars. 1l i Excellent Sample Rooms yor Commercial Men. the Dominion 1hon$e. CSVILlix This House has recently changed hands, and is now ono of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. o Vetter Viable in the Vominien. R. R.J OhnStOf1 & SOW, PROPrnsTORs. The Popular Store at- laky E have just opened out a large and up -to date Stock of Xmas Goods and would extend a hearty invitation to our Cus- tomers to collie and see thein before buy- ing elsewhere. R. N. Douglas, BLAKE. STEPHEN COUNCIL, The Council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town hall Crediton, on Monday, the 3rd of December 1507 et 10 a. m. All members were present. The min- utes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Webb-Wueth "That the petition of the Canada Company et al, be laid over until the next Meeting." Curried. Sanders-Kellermann" That the sum of $238.06 be paid back pro - rata according to the assessments imposed for. the oonstrnction of the Mud Creek to the respective parties assessed therefor, being the surplus not required after the completion of the work." Carried. A large number of bills were ordered paid and the Council ad- joined to meet again in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 16th of December 1907 at 10 A. M. Henry Eilber. Tp. Clerk, BLAKE The following. report shows the relative standing of the pupils of U. S. S. No. 0 Stanley, for the month of Nov. The names are in order of merit.—IV. Isabel Manson, Floasie Capling,(equal) Mary Doug- las, Albert Keys. III. J. Brenneman, M. Kennel, Amos Gascho. ' IIa Annie Brennermau, McBride, Emu a Bechier. lib. Sophia, Oesch, John A Meyer, Katie Oeseh. Ptl. Lorne Manson, Nancy Brenneman, Roy McBride, Clara Zapf e, (equal). Pt Ia,. Mono Oesch, Alberta Fin- ley, Clarence Hall. Pt Ib. Willie Manson, Ruth Zirk,. Gladys Douglas. G. S. Howard, Teacher. Pearl A tickling cough, from any cause is quickly stopped by Dr. throp's Cough Cure. And it is so tbroughly harmless and safe, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers everywhere to give it without hesitation even to very young babes. The wholesome green. leaves, and tender stems of a lnng- healing mountainous shrub furnish the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the cough, and heals the sore and sen- sitive bronchial membranes. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Simply a resinous plant extract, that helps to heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call this shrub which the Doctor uses, "The sacred herb". Always demand Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Sold by, All Dealers, DRYSDALE. HENSALL CANADIAN NEWS There are five cases of dephteria in Simcoe, and a strict quarantine has been established, Tho Bell Telephone Company is installing a rural phone line in the township of Rooliester. Shelburne votes in. January on bylaw to increase tavern and shop licenses from $260 to $400. Kincardine's new postoffice, is to cost $17,700, the contract having been given to W. Nicholson, Wing. hunt. 5truthroy claims tho youngest bandsman in Canada, Oliver Stath- am. a 10-yeur•old operator on the alto horn. An alsike crop of 82 bushels netted M. Regan, Whitechurch, $9.30 a bushel a return of $792.60 from eight acres of land. Fifty men were thrown out of employment in Woodstock by the James Stewart Stove works shut- ting down for an indefinite period. Goderioh temperance workers have postponed local option fight until January, 1909, in the mean- time keeping up au educational campaign, Fur any of the ordinary diseases of the skin Chalnderlain's Salve is is excellent. It not only allays the itching and smarting but effects a euro. For sale by, J. J. Merner Four London men were found guilty of conspiracy, before Judge Winchester at Toronto lust week, in connection with a number of elections held inOntario. Senten- ce will be prononneotl in January, Miss Jenny Shaffer, is touring on the Pacific Coast, having made quite a hit as a trick bicyclist. A Junior hockey club has been organized for the winter. Miss Doty of London, has taken charge of the young people, and will train them for the Methodist Church Anniversary. The costs in the Local Option ap- peal. Smillie vs I3eusall amounts to $48.00. Wm. McLaren is the new apprent- ice at N, Sutherby's blacksmith shop. The following is the report of U. S. 5, No. 1 Hay and Stanley for the month of November.. The names are in order of merit :— V. Norman Johnston, Eir, IV Lorinda Dawson, Henry Dawson, Milton Johnston, David Oesch, Harold Schilbe, Thomas Johnston. Gerald Snider, Jr. P1. Earl Schilbe, Matnie Johnston, Sr. II, Pearl Schilbe, Noah Hart- man, Gordon Johnston, Jr. II. Irene Pollock, Bessie Snider, Annabell Mc Donald, Pt II. Arnold Schilbe, Minnie Johnston, Pt. I. (A) Verna Jacobi, Pt. I. (B) Louis Hartman, E. A. Horton. Teacher, 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE' TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. !anyone sending a sketch and description may rinieidy ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable, Communlea. '.tons strictly confidential. Handbook on Paatento Bent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn .to Co. receive spoofs/ notice, without charge, iu the Scientific Jfinerican. AnbwnklLargest tultieanyillustrated $3s ,year • four months, }r. sod by ■1l nawsaleelers, MNNN & Co .36Iaraadway, New York Watch Wi b. 6/ 9t- wastiineton. t', 0. W. Harburn shot one deer up in New Ontario, while Geo. Parker lcilletl tzvo, all .three were. expressed, to rsull. ' A recent circular from the Regis- trar General's Department Toronto directs the clergymen before con- ducting, a funeral service, to re- nuire the production of the''burial permit" and requests the clergy- men to report direct to the Regis- trer General any failure to produce the same. The funeral of the late Mrs Andrew Johnston of Willow Hall ' BOARD OF HE:?,LTIl, which took place en Friday was largely attended, the interment I The Board cf health of the took ])lace at Hensall Union Cern etery. The friends from a distance were. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Short of W ooclsteck, A. Johnston, Bottinean `,i,ilson :— N. Dakota : (3.°Nicholson ,Goderich• (;rvrl.e.Disx—I take pleasure in submit - Jas Nicholson, 'Auburn, Ii,obt. and i Jas Nicholson, Be)grave, Alvin ting to you my annual report as Medical c Health otilcer for the township of Hay for Nicholson, Blake, Mr. and Mrs. G. ! the year ending Dec. 2'n,l 1907, Nicholson, Zurich, AIr. and Mrs. 1 may congratulate the people on the John Johnston, Blake ; Mr. and ' good health they have enjoyed during this Mrs. Ross Johnston, Blake ; Mr. I year. The Township has been remark - and Mrs. S. Jolrnsten, Varna ; Mr. I ably free from contagious diseases. and Mrs. Rathwell, Varna ; Mr. There being no cases of diphtheria scarlet and Mrs. Dowers, Bayfield, Mr faver, measles, or whooping cough, and ]ler health, and that she has found ' only two or three uaildcases of typhoid it ttbsolutel, necessary to Curtail and Miss Fee, Zurich, Mr. and Miss , y y fever. BEST SoTUATIONS aro available with renewal of industrial activities in early SPRING. .If you de- sire one, you must enter NOW. Short, sharp, snapdy courses for those whose time of money is limited, and the broadest and most comprehensive ourrirnlm for those who would attain more than ordinary success. MAIL COURSES in Com- mercial, Stenography, Tele- graphy, Civil Service, Mat- rilulation, Penmanship, etc. Write for particulars to Clinton Business College. GEO, SPOTTON- PRINCIPAL." LOCAL NEWS. A few pair of those genuine Indian Tanned Buckskin Mitts left. C. Fritz, Zurich. The very latest in ladies' fancy collars, and belts. See display in window. J. Preeter. Canada's record of railway accidents for the past year shows that 40o persons were killed and 603 injured. Of these 44 were killed and 109 injured by head-on collisions. the least pardonable form of accidents. A young Englishman posing as an English lord, married a Brussels lady, and took her as far as Detroit ou the way to the old country on their wedding tour, when he de- camped with $4o0 of the lady's money, He has nct since been located. Tommy Burns the Canadian fighter, easily beat Gunner Moir in London, England on Monday evening. The bunt lusted only ten ronutls. and Burns came out of the mill with hardly o. scratch. He is now the acknowledged heavy weight champion -Of the world. It is not tho quf rti ,y of food taken, but the etrrrenot. digested, alnti uesuni luted that t cgs strength and vitality- to ,,he.. system. Chamberlain's Stomach. and Liver Tablets iuvigoratethe stonlachand liver and enable theta. to perform their functions. The result is a relish for your food, increased strength and weight, greater en. durance, and a clear head, Price, 25 cents. Samples free. For sale by .1, J. Merrier. ` Township of Hay met on Monday Dec. 2nd- at the Town Hall, follow - in; is the report: of 11I. H. O. Mr. 1;nd Mrs Charles Greb at- tended the funeral of the latter's brother Mr. Meyer, at Waterloo, on Sunday. Mrs. Henry Wnrrn and famliy moved on Wednesday, to their dwelling recently purchased from Mr. Fred Hess Sr. A number of Blake items, and an account of the gathering at Mr. Ed Dietrich's Stsphen, had to be omitted owing to lack of space. They will appear next week, Mr. Joe Dirstein, who for the past year and a half, did business in town left this week. Joe's many friends regret his departure, but wish him success wherever the de tides to stick up his, colors in future. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed in the Fvangelrcal Church next Sunday. The preparatory services will take place on Saturday at 2 p. rn.. The Rev. L. H. Wagner, of Berlin will officiate at these services. Mr. Chas. Hartleib, has taken his first stey in the race horse busines>r this week, He has be- come owner of Freddie Lee, a horse that thin pace a mile in about 2.26 or better. Mr. H. Bossenberry .of Grand Bond was the former owner;. Tho Ladies' .Aid of the Evangel• ical church, gave Rev. Theo. and Mrs Hauch a pleasant surprise on Friday evening of last week. The object of the gathering was to wel- come the aged couple into church fellowship. An address of welcome VMS read by the President Mrs. (Rev.) A. D. Giscbler. A sum- ptuous repast was served during the evening. W. C. T. U. Before a largo crowd at Bridge- water House last spring, Lady Henry Somerset, the widely known reformer, delivered what will prob- ably be her last address in l) hhe The announcement 'e\ -as made by Lady Henry herself, who explained that the fatigue incident to the many calls upon her have impaired Johnston, . Varna ; Mrs, A. 0. ' Sehtn bit, Sebringville. —Hensel] Observer. When tbo Stomach, heart, or Kidney nerves tet weak, then these organs always fail. Don't drug the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That is simply a makeshift. Get a pre- scription known to Druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Re- storative is prepared expressly for these weak inside nerves. Streng- then these nerves, build them up with Dr. Shoop's Restorative— tablets or liquid—and see how quickly help will come. Free sample test sent on request by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health is surely worth this simple test. Sold by All Dealers. One of our exchanges was pessi- mistic last week and got off the following: "If you don't just like everything you see in your home paper, go around the streets and howl, The editor is never supposed to make a mistake and of course cannot do so. Other people can lent the editors ubiguituous, omni- scient, omnipresent, omnipotent, "omniverous" If you can't see a good point, don't fail to see a bad one. If a thousand pleasant things are said about people, bunt for some thing unpleasant. If you don't find it, howl some more; if you do, bowl anyway. Never mind your own business ; watch for soin.ething to find fanit with in some other :van's business ; this will make you great," Dunne. the early part of the year eon- her work. Though retiring from public life, Lady Henry will carry on her house at Duxburst, where she will disease was recognind, prompt and en- continue to live. She hits boon be- ergetic measure, weretaken to stop the fore the public for many years and spread of the dire ase. The houses, where- i, almost as well known in Amer - in the disease existed, were placarded, ion. as in England, Her first public strict quarantine enforced and persons ex- meeting was a little gathering, c•f villagers from her Eastnor estate to whom she spoke a few earnest words for temperance, signing the pledge in their presence. From this beginning she developed into one of the most accomplished plat- form speakers aluong English women. The industrial colony founded by her at Dexhnrst, in Surrey, is the pioneer institution of its kind. Women of all classes suffering from alcoholism find there pleasant homes where, tunongst work- rooms and gardens, poultry yards and dairies they can forget the old influences which have dragged them down. E. M. W. Press Supt. siderahlo disturbance was caused by the outbreak of small pox in the South Wes- tern retrt of the totrashfp. As soon as the posed to the disease vaccinated, and after complete r000vet y the ]louse and contents wet e cleaned and thoroughly disinfected. 13y this means the disease was completly stamped out, about ten cases oeeured, al- most all were of a mild type except one who developed serious eye symptoms but by good care fair results are expected. The sanitary inspectors made their annual visits to schools of the township and house to house visits of the villages of Zurich, Dashwood, and Drysdale and reported everything in a satisfactory con- dition, These visits to houses in the villages appear to be much d matter of form, many people not knowing that their premises had been visited by the in- spector, I wonld advise that not only should the back yards and closets be ex- aminee] but the cellars, stables, out houses wells, etc. should be thoroughly inspected, so that no decomposing animal or vege- table matter or ,filth of any kind could possibly escar a detection. On the whole this community is one of the healthiest places in Ontario, all which is respectrully submitted. Jots, L. WII.sO,r. 13. A, 1i. 13., 1I. 11. o. . The expenses of the Board of health this year Were $277,25. This large amount was due prin- cipally to the prevelance of small- pox in the township last spring. Miss Roxie Eilbei, London and Miss Phoebe lliolebeil, Exeter retttrned to their htmes here. • HAY COUNCIL, ■ ■ u�� N r ■ MEAT MARKET WE keep .in •stock +► fills line o fresh pleats, `hales, eta. etc Our cuts are noted for- their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We slake • our own sash dges. Give us a call. Y(1N6BLUT & BEICH ERT. New Spring Suit.That When looking for your new Spring Suit, do not forget to give us a call. We have a fine range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a large nnmber of Samples to select from. Laundry in connection. . H. HOFFMAN semeseentete The above council met at the Town Hall on Monday, all mem- bers present. Tho minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. A large number of ac- counts were passed, which will appear in the Treasurers statemen shortly. The next meeting will be held on Monday Dec. 16th at 10 o'clock, when all bills against the municipality should be presented. r, Birso Sts., Clerk. HARMONICAS IMPERIAL HOHNER The best 26 cent Mouthorgan wade, A full line of WATCHES. CLOCKS and JEWELRY. Repairing a Specialty. and F. W. HESS - • Jeweler. We Kidney ' Weak Kidneys, surely point to weak kidney Nerves. The I;;idneys, like the'Heart, and the Stomach, find their weakness, not in the organ itself, 'but in the nerves that control and guide and strengthen thea]. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is a medicine specifically prepared to reach these controlling nerves. To doctor the l.'idneys alone. Is futile. It is a waste of time, and of money as well. If your back 'aches or is weak, if the urine scalds, or is dark and strong, if you have symptoms of Brights or other distressing or dangerous kid- ney disease, try Dr. Shoop's Restorative a month— Tablets or Liquid—and see what it can and will do for you. Druggist recommend and sell "ALL DEALERS" HILLSGREEN, The following is the elassificatioa of S. 5. No. 3, Hay, being the result, of a gronlotion examination, and the term -work. The names are in order of merit :— V. Wm. Wilson, Wesley Cald well. Sr, IV. Sophia Farquhar. Jr. IV. Annie Cochrane, Robin MVlcAliister, Maud McAllister, Ado. Grant, Orville Taylor, Gorden Love Annie Wilson, Doris Elmslie. Sr. III. Eertie Redmond, Hazel Redmond, Maggie Porterfield, Ila Johnston, Myrtle Taylor, Mary B. Consitt.. Jr, ITT Puroy Gram, Eldon Jarrot. Sr. II. Edison McAllister, Harry Deitz, James Forest, Pearl Consitt, Norman Elmslie, Addie Green. Sr. Pt IL Lucy Redmond, Cecil Johnston, Soloman Kuepfer, jr. Pt II. Vieta Green, Gracie Love, Mayon Porterfield. Pt 1, Olive Eltnslie, J. A. Cameron, Teacher.