HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-12-06, Page 4tD« Q{IeQ aaDog,5at am •Seenieb ,we➢elie Qns 4ir% aeao
rpt Assets 83,139,244.
Established ��9 3 Stl+lus $3,3'.x0,170
Capital $3,360,170,3t$3,360,170ar
1-1E-404§16.--- '
Mtr)ls, [is
Solicits.Accounts of Firms, Corporations- and Indiv•dnals, to
whom it ,assures courteous treatment and every facility, Consistent
with careful Banking. \Ve invite your business.
Interest Minot- on Savings from slate of Deposit
- Manager.
a'rbmem.. Zt�ti 9d3f3�Gt) GOOD anB CD CID dile
(4.4.1). COOKE, BAR 12.I)TER AND 6'O-
11` . , Notary Publie, Hensall, Ontario.
At midi (Zeller's office) every Mon-
rioters, Sol-lotto*,Notaries Public, eta.,
socPrieh, Canada. i.1roudfgot.CLAG PRESENTED
R. C. Hays. 0. F. Blair.
FRIDAY DEC. 6th, 1907.
chased hack my business from E. W.
atob''kopf, I tun in a position to attend
to all business ;as formerly. Calls at
Ran's Hotel.
Surgeon and Dentist, Zurich, Ontario.
Office over T. & M. Johnson's Store.
Night calls at T. Johnson's residence.
Notary Public. Deeds , Mortgages,
Wills and other Legal Documents care-
fully and promptly- prepared. Officc—
Zeller block, Zurich, Ont.
ed Auctioneer for Huron and Perth. My
rates are reasonable and I will guarantee
the best of satisfaction. For the con-
venience of my friends in Hay and
Stanley, dates and terms may be ar-
ranged at THE HERALD Otiico, I.nrieb
dancer for the Counties of Huron and
Berth. Farm stock sales a specialty.
Satisfaction guaranteed or no lath. All
orders left at Lot 23, Con. 2, Flay, or
addressed to Hensall P, O. will be,
promptly attended to.
J. Lewis Thomas C. E., Makes
Presentation to Children.
Hay, Breconshire, Nov. 15.—
Tuesday last was a red letter day
for the school children of Hay.
Mr. Lewis Thomas C. E. a native of
the town who has settled in Cana-
da, was the bearer of an affection-
ate message, and gift from the
school children of Hay, a township
of County Huron, Ontario, to the
school children of Hay, Brecon -
shire. An immense crowd gathered
in front of the town clock in Broad
street to witness the hoisting of
the flag, and to receive the message
from the lips of Mr. Thomas On
the platform specially erected for
the occassion were Councillor H. T.
Lewis(chairman) vice chairman of
Har Urban District Council; Mr.
' P T Griffiths clerk to the connoil ;
Mr. H. Norris. beadma.ster of the
Non -provided School ; Mr. T. E.
Jaques Bead master of the Council
School ;Rev. T..3 de Winton Chair-
man of the Non-rrovided School.
mono +gers; Mr. T. W. Evans,.chair-
man of the Connell School man-
agers; Councillor K,edwarclg,, and
Air. R. T. Griffiths i.ietir.oduced
Mr. J L Thomas to the gathering.
The Cts -em bled school children were
much interested in Mr. Griffiths'
account of the circumstances which
hail led up to that d.ay's ceremony.
nate of. the Royal College of Dent£.l.
burgeons, Toronto, also honer gnat -
'id's of Department of Dentistry, To-
ronto University. Painless extraction
of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At
Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon-
day. 1-2(i
M. ,
The Zurich Herald.
wish to thank you for your handsome gift
and for the fine expression of loyalty, and
patriotism which accompanies it.
"Brought to us as it is by our old fellow
townsman, Islr. Lewis Thomas, and Coming
as it does, from the great dominion, which
identifies itself so closely with the prestige
of the British Empire, it will ever remind
us of the ties of kinship, and common in-
terest which unite us, and will be held in
sacs ed trust by ourselves, and those whet
follow us as a striking evidence
of the love for King and Country. which
is shared by all Who dwell under the
shadow of the Union Jack. We remember n r
with gratitude Os support
has given us in the crises of our common
history; we watch ldith pride her wonderful
development, in which she does justio to
her natural resources by the
re arer
ift, end
character of her people,
indeed to know that the name of our
ancient town exists in that country, and
that our traditions are reproduced in the
national sentiments which you, our brothers
and sisters, embody in the greeting which
you have given us to -day:"
In delivering the message the
Rev. J. J. de \Vinton proposed a
hearty vote of thanks, on behalf of
the childr en, to Mr. Thomas for his
kindness and trouble in becoming
the bearer of -the flag.
The proposition was seconded by
Air. .i'. W. Evens in a neat and
humorous speech, end the crowd
sign ified their agreement with
voctforous acclumaation.
Led by ] 1r. T. E. James, the chil-
dren immediately 'in front of the,
Platform sang very sweetly "The
Land of my Fattier." The beloved
strains of "Hen Wind fy Nhadan"
had a touching effect upon the
Welsh spectators who listened with
evident emotion to the fresh
young voices.
After the ceremony "God save
the King" was heartily sung by all
present; and subsequently the chil-
dren were entertained to .a sub-
stantial tea in honour of the day's
lylr. Lewis Thomas's father was
also a civil engineer; who practised
at Hay, for several years. He is
also remembered by many of the
present inhabitants. His son has
been the recipient of the congrat-
ulations of old friends on his signal
success in Oan'ada, and he will leave
with hearty good wishes for con-
tinuecl prosperity.
For Alr. .T. L. Thomas, -whoZvas
Lumber :a le.
After Nov. 20th, 1 will be in a
position to fill all orders for Maple.
Beech, Hemlock, Basswood, Soft .for the settler who is prepared to
and Ho k Elm Limber. work.
SAMUEL MOORE.The flag being formally hoisted
18—t; Bayfield• on a flag staff fixed to the side of
the town clock., facing down Broad
A number of important subjects Streo, Mr. Thomas delivered the mon'r the priests. This state of
have been cleaned anon for dismiss- message which he had been entrust- affairs was prim:irlly due to a low
ion at the ccmting Winter Fair to,ed to bring, together with the fiag, ennception of God among the people
be held at Clueinh. The skinsby an assemblage of Colonial child- who thought that God cared naught
of :addre s°s will commence en' ren in September :— for what they did so long as the
Ti=.esdry evening, Dee., loth, and eTo our Kinsfolk the Children of the Town forms of their ceremonials were.
will continue through nntil Friday of Hay. England observed. And in the long run the
'morning, Deeeri1er 13th. We the school children, of the township general moral condition of e. com-
heartily received, spoke briefly to
the young people of the splendid
prospects of Canada, tend of the
openings the Dominion provided
As I have disposed off. my
Harness and. Furniture Stock
I will be in it position to give
more time to selling
1 he Old and Reliable
Kalbfieisch's Saw & Planing mils....
hi g1es! Shingles!
"An apeallingly low sense of
honor exists at the present time in
this province in every department
of life—in games, in business, in
politica," wee the declaration of
Canon Welch recently in St. Tames
Cuthe.lra1 "\'Mere a twentieth cen-
tury ATnos'now fo arise, would he,
after the . Tt3T i.e of Antos of old,
announce on tl:e part of the 'Most
High, -nal I despise sour 30
articles and your SVesminster Con-
Antos, be said, was a herdsman,
and when be eameinto the cities of
Israel to sell his wool, while he saw
the sane -Mies erect ded, he also saw
on every band 'evidences of the
most widespread corruption, and
of moral decay, and the poor were
robbed, grid oppressed, the rich
were rapaciuns and shamefully un-
just, presents were given and
bribes were taken, while the gross-
est iininorality Zsets prevailing a -
Parties needing any shingles would do well to see my stock
They are the B. C. SHINGLES, the best'kind, and the price
is right. Come at once if you need any as they are going
of all kinds. Contracts taken and satisfaction guaranteed.
It will bo to your interest to see me before you build, as
my motto is good work and good material at a reasonable
-price. Custom Sawing and Planing.
pChopping done every Tuesday and Friday.
The .necessity of ¢,'1:,d reacts of Hay, county of Huron, Province of Ont -
throughout the Province is i'eC(:iv- aria, Dominion of Canada, have met for the
ing considelethle attention at the purpose of presenting a Canadian flag to
pregent time anti ca sesizinn is befn.* the sohool cicildren of the town of ifay,
•u • r,rtriaisan iu honor of Great, Britain.
devoted to this snljert 1:t which.. England. 1\'e are desirous of expressing
inanity depended upon tho ideas
prevalent atnimg the people in re-
spect to the character of the high -
•est of spiritual beings whom we
1 knew as (-401
es well as Mr• A. \,/. f`.:rtnphcali. o
As Colonial representatives of our great • Canon Welsh. Oar nestly advised
f4un(1 Ponds l:omlnissi"er far \,Tether Oountry. we.honour the King; we the ccingregation to. devote a part-
-.esti the British flag, and tirnily tori of Snnduy afternoon to the
(�ntnrio. tieing present. Mr. 1), also
reacting of the prophets, beginning
for instance, with Antos This
would require some intellectual
Effort, and nothing was more dis-
agreeable at the present day . than
intellectual, effort—such as was not
required by the newspaper, the
novel, the magazine, but it would
be found that while the form in
which these prophetic statements
were couched was ancient their
spirit was essentially modern.
Ward 'sing of Mis.iniri, who int n
good roasts expert and enthusiast
and the nrigin:tor or filo Split Log
.Drag, will be present to dieus
this matter Thie is n t;nbjeet in
which every person will be sof-
finientiy interested to procure all
available information as to how
the roads may be improved.
Special attention is being given
to addresses on the"Economical
Feeding of Different Classes of
Live Stock", Under the conditions
prevailing :at the present time, a
discussion on this subject will
prove very helpful to all feeders of
lire stock.
Ono of the most interesting
addresses or demonstrations, will
be given on the Friday morning,
consisting of a 'practical demon•
Stratton of breaking or training a
horse. by Mr, D. Ward King, As
well as being of practical value to
persons having horses to train,
this demonstration will be of in.
tereet to everyone, and persons
going to Guelph should remain
over until Friday morning to see
Mr. Ring and Ms plan of handling
an un -broken horse. Two sessions
will also be devoted to questions it thanks from the Children of Hay,
to their Canadian kinsfolk.
The message, which was approv-
ed of by the gathering, was as
fellows :--
"To our Kin beyond the Seas, the Children
of the Township, of Hay, Canada;
"We the school Children of the town of
Hay, Breconshire, in the old Country met
together for the purpose of receiving the
flag which you haveso kindly sent us,
stand hq the principles of Liberty, fully be -
Wiring that wherever the Union Jack is
unfurled thsre is the fullest measure of
safety to life, religon, and property.
"Living as we do, in aha rural tlistrict'of
1Tay, we abide as loyal subjeeta of his
Majesty, and ever desire the prosperity of
Old England and the unity of her Colonies."
The address was dotted at Zurich
Ontario, September 20th, 1007, and
signed by six representatives of the
sohool children.
Enthusiastic Cheering greeted the
unfurling of the flag, which has
worked neon it the coat of arms, of
the Cauadian Hay, and a suitable
Conn. H. T. Lewis, on behalf of
the Urban District Council, re•
eeived the flag, at the saute time
expressing gratitude to those whose
kindly feelings prompted the gift.
The speaker' enumerated several
places situated in various parts of
the world where natives of Hay,
and its immediate neighbourhood
had, like Mr. Thomas, settled down
to become prosperous and worthy
citizens of "Br itain beyond the
The Rev. J. 3. de Winton also
gave Mr. Thomas a message of
connection with the horse industry
following the report of the special
investigation into the horse in-
dustry of Ontario by the Ontario
Department of Agrieult.nre,
A single fare passenger rate has
been arranged over all lines runn-
ing to Guelph, from December '7th
to 18th inclusive, good to return up
to December IGth.
• To check a cold quickly, get from
your druggist some little Cantly
Cold Tablets called Preventics.
Druggists everywhere are now dis-
pensing Preventics' for they are
not only safe, but decidedly effect-
ive and prompt, Preventics con-
tain no quinine, n0 laxative,
nothing harsh nor sickening.
Taken at the "sneeze stage" Pre•
ventics will prevent Pneumonia.
Bronchitis, La Grippe, etc. Hence
the nanze,d Preven`ics. Good for
feverish children. 48 Preventics
25 cents. Trial Boxes 5 Cts. Sold
by All Dealers,
r riiT IFslNta °tCT u t y )a U t%S". ?nvviFr rjs-rF� v•' 4
We beg to announce that we have
a complete hue oC Garden °"and Field.
Seeds. In Garden Seeds we handle
the celebrated L L May & Co seeds.
They are the good kind and always
give satisfaction. '
5 packages Garden Seeds for io cents.
We also have a good line of Field Seeds.
Turnip and flangold seed at lowest prices
Try us for your
Groceries,'' Flour, .Feed, Stock Foods,
etc., we can supply your wants.
Give.11s a call.
el art ie
aS;s"4,1-:z'');' -riz=' : ;.,.!'wr,(. ^c..' ,."fir. Reno Fo
`N :L .ytT.'vb. ,�, +L �_ 6.L .:i))j�L �� ,���° 1;��� ��y. ,�
�r ,,I �,�,�f, r �S
p;�i;•!� �u�Zt'�>r4'' � 1 'ilz.•;vr,.h�``��' n�� ' ��S..,i4�}o �(
HILDI.SRBRAND--At Hensall. on
Nov. 213th to Mr. and Mrs. Hilde-
brand, a son,
Lavoie—Denomy-Jat . Drysdale on
Nov. 213th, by Rev. J. A. Loiselle,
Mr. John Lanoie, of Drysdale,
to Miss Nellie Denoniy, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Denotny,
Sauble Line. -
International Harvester
i mplerents. . .
We keep in stock a full line of the
above celebrated make of Farm Im-
plements, They are used in every
civilized country in the world and are
giving universal satisfaction. Buy
no other.
We handle the Magnet Cream Separa-
tor, the best on the market. Metal
Pig Troughs, last much longer] than
wooden ones, in fact we handle e Tery-
thing in the line of binders, mowers,
plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all:
When in need of a new
Buggy, Carriage, Wagon or
Cutter see our lines before you o,
buy: They will please your
FRED. BESS7,8t. SON, -
Rickbeil's Old Stand ZURICH.
****** ** ** o<c0
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