HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-12-06, Page 1Vol. VIII. The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, DEC. 6, 1907. Beginning Nov. 3oth to the enol of the year 1907 T find my stock of Dry Goods rather large, In order to reduce -the stock, I aril giving this large discount of 20 per cent for cash and all farm produce. You must bear in mind that this is no old shelf --worn stock. The lamer portion of this stock is entirely new This seasons Goods. Do not listen to anyone when they try and -make you believe this is old stock, come and you will be convinced that rely stock is first class. This discount goes all through the General stock of Dry Goods and Gents furnishings. Such as DRESS GOODS, FLANNELS, .FLANNELETTES, WRAPPERETTES, PRINTS, TOWLING, SIIIRTINGS, OOTTONADES, GINGHAMS, SATEENS, WHITE BEAR CLOTH, SPECIAL LINES 2 dozen Men's working shirts, regular .45 price 75 cents each, for 2 dozen Men's working, shirts, regular price 60 cents each, for ... . 45 6 dozen Fall and Winter Caps, regular price 50 Dents each, for .35 20 only Girls' Reefers, regular prices from $2.00 to $3.00, for • 75 BLEACHED COTTON, FACTORY COTTON, WOOL BLANKETS, OO'1'TON BLANKETS, LADIES' FUR RUFFS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSE, LADIES' UNDERWEAR, LADIES' COATS, ALL TIIIS YEAR COATS, MEN'S BATS, CAPS, TIES, COLLARS, ]3BACES, SOCKS AND DRESS SIIIRTS. MEN'S AND BOYS' UNDER - CHILDREN'S WI-IITEDEAR COATS. 1 coat size 20 regular price, $2.2; for $1,13 1 coat sizs 22 regulor price, $2.50 for. 1 25 2 coats size 24 regular price, $3 00 for 1 50 Towellings and Remnants 540 yds Towelling, regular price, ;i cts for 240 yds 1'oweliing, regular pried, 8 cts for A lot of Remants, at a big snap, .71 lets 4. cts muy...w,Ys•+nur,u+.n.w+r..y�sa0 WEAR, MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS, MEN'S OVERALLS, MEN'S SMOLKS, BOYS SWEATERS, MEN'S AND BOYS' RFADI MADE SUITS, AND SUITS MADE TO ORDER. GENERAL MERCHANT ZURICH, . = ONTARIO �T.;uin?'.•w.±!,3'."�Y ...*fl' .3 I.. ?, r .- 51 .JA -.v..- JKW W —ROYAL— Ulycerated Balsam of Fir For Coughs and all Affect- ions of the Throat and Bronchial Tubes. There is no remedy so sure or speedy. For Sale by Dealers, LOCAL NEWS. 3� Mr. Fred Witwer visited Mrs. Witwer at Fxeter on Sunday. Another lot of Ladies' coats and znen's fur coats at, J. J. Merner's. Another shipments .of Ladies' fur lined coats at close prices. J. J. Merner. For sale at Merner's—Spare ribs, sotii4 bones. nice beef roasts. head- cheese and all kinds of porlc saris. age. Mr. P. Lamont, reeve of Hay left on Tuesday afternoon for Wingham to attend the sittirgs of the County Council. Mrs. Jacob Kaercber of the Bronson Line has been very i11 for the pastsixweeks and her recov- ery is doubtful. Mr. Wm. Truemner of the 14th Con. lost a woollen horse -blanket on Monday between Zurich and his farm. Finder please return sameto him or leave at this office. Mr. Harry Wing, formerly of this town, but for some years u general merchant at Shipka, ass. igned last week to Mr. J. J. Merner, Mr. Merner is down this week taking stock. Municipal matters are very quite in the to-vnship so far. We have heard of no new aspirants for office. Nominations will be held on the 30th of the month and the elections on January 6th. The editor of La Revue, Paris, is being sued for $100,000 damages for defamation of character by the Sultan Abdul Hamid. `.Clio press of the world will seem to lose its last shred of liberty- if it cannot abuse abdul ad lib. The modest worth of the tattered bunting will no longer be ap- preciated in Manitoba. Every school teacher must snake half yearly oath that the school flag is in good condition, otherwise the Provincial grant will be withheld. On Tnesday the Gun Club com- peted for the Pain Medal, Charles Fritz being high with a scorn of 1.8 out of the 20 targets. The Hess medal was won by F, W, Hess, 6 being high. Following is the result of ,the match:—O. Fritz 18; J. P. Rau 11 ; P. Sipple 0 ; Wm. O'Brien 12 ; E Zeller 10 ; J. Schuettler 12 ; 5, E. Faust 8 ; W. G. Hess 14 ; F• W. Hess 16, Notice to U. S. subscribers— Owing to the increased cost of post- age, we are compelled to raise our .subscription rate to $1.50 per year. As an inducement however for prompt payment we will accept $1.25 if paid during this month. After the first of January the rate -will be $1 50 strictly in advance. The increased rate , to each will mean a trifle brit to us the extra posttge on several hundred sub• scribers is considerable. FOR SALE—A yearling Clyde filly. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich. Best quality cold blast lanterns at 50 cents, while they last, at J. Preeter's. There -will be.no preaching service in the 14th, Con. Evangelical church on Sunday. Bring along your dried apples, butter and eggs and get the high- est price, at the Blake store. Mr, Fred Haberer, is laid up ab present with a severe head -ache, and is under medical treatment. Mrs. Moses Toman of near Duin- dee is visiting her parents, Mr mid Mrs..... Jcacolx• . Kacr oyez•:, Th Line Mr. Louis Jefirey and family have•moved to the house be.recent- ly moved to town from near St Joseph. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held Wednesday afternoon Dec. nth at the. home of Mrs. P. Bender. Wo are in the midst of the first real winter 'of the season. Several sleighs, and cutters were out on Sunday for the first time. Mouse traps, 2 for 5 cents, at J. Preeter's, Zurich., Mr. Albert Rose,.and son Harry, visited relatives near Mitchell ,last week. D, S. Faust has .a'Une display of Dishes for Xmas. resents; do not fail to see them. Duck hunters returned on Sa tur. day, with 1 duck. We haven't heard how many hundred got away half shot. Fon SALT—Brick Mouse in Zurich, in good repair. Good well on the premises. Easy terms. Apply to. E. Zeller, Zurich, -A nt tnber of yr3p g men of the., town recently made a presentation of a rocking chair to Mrs. E. Wolper and a handsome pipe to Mr. Charles Walper. Trial Catarrah treatments are being mailed out free; on request, I by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. 'These tests are proving •to: the people— withouta penny's cost—the great valve of this scientific prescription known to druggtsts everywhere es Dr. Shoop's remedy. Sold by j All Dealers. v; C•O.O•d•�•O.•4.4•�•O.4•©•�•q.�•©•0.04 O.O•�.0 d0 dddOddOddddGddddd.'d:::: Cost money— but You find ours a little better than other's at the same price. Just now we want to talk WATERPROOF SHOES AND GUARANTEED RUBBERS We have all rlie Leading Makes avid Styles. PRIG N AIWAY S R1GB Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples taken in exchange O F IT 3t3f3:4£13f , ,-:.�74' i •3 s..X31C3F I OCZAKM*3�' z 's.•x..` >� : ZURICH'S ' Ne IN d f 1 'NE cut herewith represents the new Home Peninsular, a range that embodies all the latest and most modern improvements, richly nickeled, oven 20 x 209 and guaranteed in every wo y. Price very reasonable. Call and see one at our Store. We are selling more ranges this Fall t° an ever before. The reason===eyery one is guar,: nteed. Remember BUY THE PENINSULAR See line o EST STORE .,i llilytiI ppr1. t I,R i1r .Uy,I � (.•- ..47. i;. romititi taUiiVO_ilnr,e• ar.uTa 7ot,aut i+ • • n- h ,iutlitiiSi np ui �!ni, — i« . Base Burners, with and without ovens, Oaks, t v s Air Tights, Etc. Prices as low as any Market Prices for Dutch Seim, Dried Apples and Farm Produce of all kinds J. P R EET E R, Z 'R/OH 1 3&33 3 3C3c3r 3 3t3E 000 3Iit>; 3C3BMCAs �3 3