The Herald, 1907-11-29, Page 401Dttl ED4iDC GDMIND4FDd D(100)L f1DCi dD <iDi as Established 1855 Assets $33,739,244. capital S3,360,170 - Surplus $3,360,170 8. ia ABSOLUTE ...,.SECURITY When depositing money in a Bank the question 1 1Satur'ally presents itself --a `Is my money absolutely safe?" The MOLSONS BANK c" offers such safety to depositors and pays or com- pounds interest 4 times a year. HEN LL BRANCH H. J. BILLINGS, - - Managei-. as aD�ESFD 'DCD e ! c rCD�D(1**1,+: :iDEa , DQDae , s CD �0- HER ' iE BARRIISTER AND SO- `'� ty1 6.\ r' 1:i . 13.3. ll.000I PUBLISHED BY E LEGAL CARDS. 1feitd*r, Notary Public, Heusall, Ontario. At-glr•rich ('Le1ler's office) every Mon- day. PROLTUFOOT, HAYS & BLA1R, BAR - vistas, Solicitors. Notaries Public, etc., (r c;, rich, Canada. W. l'roudfoot, K.C. R. L. Hays, a*. P. Blair. 7ELLEl.. FRIDAY NOV. 29th, 1907. Tho present money stringency in Canada is now partially explain -al . Most people have been under the __ _ impression that the difficulty in BUSINESS CARDS. • the United States diel not effect - Canada, and the bankers themselves 11. C PORN, V. S., AS I IIAVE PUIt- sought to give color to this belief ehat.ei lis k mv business from E. W. It now turns out, however, to he Stoslesa , 1 am i:. a: position to attend otherwise.. The statement is made to all rn: i.'6 s ;as formerly. ('.ills at that the cainadian chartered Banks Raa;'s Betel. ]'R. E. W. STOSKO PF, FETE. RI S ARY Snrgoon and Dentist, Zurich, Ontario. 011aee over T. & M. Johnsons Store. Nig]it calh. at T. Johnson's residence. S. HARDY, EXETER, ONT.. LICENS- e,l Aa:'tionecr for Huron and Perth. My rate-, are taaaonabie and I will guarantee the Lest of satisfaction. For the con- venience of my friends in Hay and Stanley, dates and terms may be ars ranged at TUE HERALD Office, Zurich 1:. S. PHILLIPS, LICENSED AUC. tiuu cr fertile Counties of Huron and Pettit. Farm stock sales a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Ail c,ralers kit at Lot 2S, Con. 2, Hay, or wi;lre•,cal to ILmsn11 P. 0. will be I:ro:npt]\ attenda3 to. w'R. F. A. SELLEIIY, DENTIST, GRA - :hate of the Royal College of Dental Burgc,ore, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of riepzrt1a :1t of Dentistry, To- ronto I'1,-tcisit7. Painless extraction of tooth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion Bons., Zurich, every Mon- day. 1-'30 The Zuni should not be, 'rI.'be, responsibility of setting the? example of the disuse of liquors '0 state functions should not be imliosed upon by the• representative of r'the nation, but the nation itself, through Congress should direct that liquor should not be served' in connection with state functions. No r, 'ion could object to. or criticise, dlridicule ambassa- dor or minister w o. obeyed the laws of the government. If the United States should ,set this example and we believe it sometime will do so, other nations would undoubtedly follow .—Press Sup't h Herald. now have 5S93,153,S01 out in call loans in Wall street, New York ; of this' amount the Bank of Montreal has $32,e00,0u0. Owing to the peculiar conditions existing in the money market of the United States the Canadian Bunks are unable to accomplish the one particular purpose for which their honey has been placed there. Usually quite a largo amount is carried in Wall street because the Canadian banks under normal conditions they can call any portion of their loans and secure the desired ct,sl. In the Present crisis they have not been able to get the cash as where they would call loans they would get clearing house receipts., and the (denying house las not had enough gold with which to meet these re- ceipts. On this account the Can. adion banks. in their endeavor to straighten their position, have not been able to realize on their call loans, :and instead have been forced to out down their cerrent loans in • Canada. The Dominion finance minister has been in conference i 1 t1 b - kers with the viea,c#, devising means to relieve,' the SMALLPDXAT GODEl;7�(3Ii: 'n•a•tion, sisal•it is surmised tt arrangements have been finals' (4oclerich Nov. 25 Stnaailpox is eompleted. The Dominion will epidemic hero, and between 40 and o cases have been quarantined. Shools have been closed and a vaccination of citizens and children Inas been ordered. The el urcho.i held no cervices HENSALL- Mrs. Ed. Sbeffer of Toronto is hero visiting friends, and former neighbors.., W. Cttclniore (F; Son are busy shipping hay from Essex, and Kent Counties. They recently shipped 40 cars from Tilbury station. Jos Ellis was recently presented with a deer, whiah tats shipped to him from the' Sco, by his nephew. EX a_ TER The Bert Lane Minstrel Co. is billed for the Opera House on Dec, 12th, likely place cn deposit a suffieent suns of their available funds to enable the banks to ,sul)piy the money required for the legitimate business of the country, so that the present extreme stringency will Mrs. Snell and -daughter Flossie, returned from a visit to Boston, on Satnrdoy evening last. The nevi G. T. R. station is nearing competion, and is a very handsome and coinmo(lions struct- ure. Miss Flossie_ Merrier of near Zurich, visited With Mrs. E. A Follicle on Standar last. Anniversai_vservices will be held in Main St. Methodist church on Sunday. Mr. Thos Russel returned last week from a visit to the Northwest. Miss Daisy 'Hodgson has bee.] engaged to teach a school near Brigden for next ,year; at a sal of :400. When the Stomach, Heart, or Kidney nerves getweak, then these organs Atlw aTs fail. Don't drug the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That is situ -ply a makeshift. Get a proscription known to Druggists everywhere as Dr Shoop's Restorative. The Restorative' is prepared expressly for these weak inside nerves Strengthen these nerves, build thum np with Dr Shoop's Restora- tive—tablets estostive—tablets or liquid—anti see 'how quickly help will douse Free sample toe.' itaca•a,:'"ra egt'at3,st • 'Alio 0'11, Racing;Your ie is surely wnrtli .this simple test. Sold by All •Dealers. DASHWOOD • Every body should avail them- selves of the opportunity, of. at- tending theDashwood Public School -concert. to bo given in Zianniors' Hall, on the evening of Dec. 20th,. by the. pupa's, and teachers of the school. Mr. Gen. Roby left on Tcaesday for Hamburg where he will make bis future home. He has disposed of his village -property, to Mr. Birk, We hope for himself, and family a rich measure of success in their new house. Miss Pearl Wurtz spent Sunday with her aunt Mrs, J. Kellerman. yesterday on :account of the out- . be only temporary.—Expositor break. melt vioe was held in the a —.......=_--...--2,= 1touian Catholic Church, but au i Trial Catarrh treatments are be- t annoniie_r ent was made that no i ing mailed. out free, on request, by fort hur services would he held un- j Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. These til the spread of the disease has ' tests are proving to the people— heen c:aPcnea. ! without a.ponny's cost—the great This is the story in condensed value of this scientific prescription f(.rni that has created at feeling of I known to druggists everywhere as intense anxiety here, and bushiest; f 1)r tihoop's Catarrh Remedy, Sold bas s.uft'c•red in consegn(-nee. The 1 by All Dealers. very large number of eases. and '-..._-. _ _ the number :•f people who LaveI T. C. »'. U. bean exp,seal to these eases has created as clodition that is not i at :all realized. Every Stell that i LQLO0. AT STATE DINNERS. a au b0 taken to eradicate and cheek i the disease has been taken. 1 A cablegram from Manila to the Dr. Cleo lies A. Hudgetts, of the •New York Tribute says . “Much ins:vinciaal health department, has a:rrivc•al L:r". and is doing all that e an be done with the staff of the t,,a tl doctor; Hospital taut lin to n• 41100.011110041100 As I have disposed of my Harness and Furniture Stook I will be in a position to give more time to selling - Pianos, Organs & Sewing aChl es. H. " ELL ZURICH ONT ,Ag„,..li3,n- ngAo..,.i471:.1'r•. <. •..� •.ir4:.... ww!'i.++' I he Olid and Reliable Ka bfleisch's Saw & Planing Mills.... angles! S aingie ! Parties needing any shingles would do well to see my stock They are the B. C. St1LN-GILES, the best kind, and the price is right. Come at once if you need any as they are going fast. BUILDING MATERIAL/ IAL of all kinds. Contracts taken and satisfaction guaranteed. It will ba to your interest to see zee before you build, as my motto is good work and good material at a reasonable price. Custom Sawing and Planing. re -Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. 7. 0.LBF LEISCH ZURICH m. SEED SI 0 wil They are the good kind and always a.+ We bag to announce that we have a complete line ; of Garden and Field Seeds. In' Garden Seeds we handle -1 the celebrated 'L L May & Co seeds. ; l give satisfaction. s packages Garden deeds for io cents. discussion has been caused here by the fact that no liquor will be serr- ed at the entertainment in Mr. Taaft's honor at the palace. This oto ion is c )n puratively small, and stela is said. to have' been taken at most t of the eases are being treated the direction of the secretary." in private - . si»la ares. We hope this statement is correct. The ct i. e (1» .- ich as greatnu:.iber and that it marks the beginning of dile le. to the fact that those an era in which liquor shall be ex• eladeci from all functions given by or in honor •of officials of the United States government. It is the custom at state dinners of all got-ernments to serve wines. 'oho .t ntr:..test. the disease labored -raider the impression that it was el,icltenp )s: and mingled d with their t ' 1 withoat any hesitation or Dir. Levi Flaani,tachor has again Iraised the weight of his loaves to the standard mark, or in other words, as 5 cent loaf weighs ] lbs. He also sells the Star flour at $2:75 per cwt. Several from here attended a political meeting at Zurich on Thursday evening last. Rev. E. H. Bean of Crediton preached here on Sunday, while our Rev Eidt took charge of the work at Crediton, -' Mr, and Mrs, M. Fenn ot Pa rk- hill visited here on Sunday last. Mr. Jonas Rartlieb has rented his store for a tern Of' years to a. man in Plaattsville, four. ()ne or two cases of a more Mr. T. Hall has disposed of his serious character developed, the The president, einporer, king, arra- village property. to Mr. P. Kraft. Ontario authorities were coin- bassaclor, or minister who Should i sptew ns, would probably be sub- an's Cristiaan Temperance Union jectect to much ridicule,and in the will be held an Friday 'afternoon case of an ambassador or minister Doc. 1st, at 2.30.: p. m. at the home be suspected of stinginess and his of Mrs. 5, Rennie. All the )11etn- influence be impaired. President hers are requested to be present. Hayes is the only bead of a nation The„ County President will take who, so far as we know, ever de- charge of the Erliicational half parted from the prevailing custom. hour, and the various apartments Even AbrahemLinelon, who was so of work will be discussed. In the consistent a total abstainer that ovening commencing at, 8 o'clock when the commitee from the Re- a public meeting'Will be held in publican National Committee called upon him at Springfield to notify him of his nomination for tbe pre- sidency, he refused the offer of friends to provide wine for the occasion,'and drank to the health of the committee. in pure cold rnanicnted with, and gcatrantine not do ao would make 1 imse If con - Tho regular meeting of the 'oni- r stablisheci. The board of educat- ion has issued an order closing all the schools. and the conneil hes linseed a bylaw that every Berson in town must be vaccinated within seven days. To check as cold quickly, get from your druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets called Prevent - les. Di'uggisti everywhere are now dispensing Preventics, for they are not only safe, but decid- edly certain and prompt. Prevent- ics contain no quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sickening. Tak- en at the "sneese stage" Prevent - los will prevent Pneumonia, Bron- chitis, La Grippe, etc. Hence the name, Preventics. Good for fever- ish children. 48 Preventics 25 cents Trial Boxes i cts. Sold by All Dealers. Great clearing scale of harness, trdnks, blankets,and furniture at under any circumstances are part - 1:I. Well old stand, C. Hartlieb, ( ially barred 'from the diplomatic FI,Vcli's manager. ' I services of this country. .Chis the Workman 'Hall, Merner Block, at which an interestng and istruot- ing address will be delivered by Mrs. E: P. Paulin of Gloderieh Special singing, recitations etc. will add to the evening's program. A silver collection will be taken, water—even Linclon felt obliged to All are cordially invited to attend, suppress his persovaai convictions We have reduced the prices of and furnish wine at the state our Ladies' mantle's, and are sells dinners at the White ;House.; ing them at 'bargain pricer. Persons who are conscientiously Mantles, not just the West styles, opposed to serving liquors to guests are going at Eat each. Aleo in Dress Goods, we are giving some special reductions. Ca11 early. J. Predter. 611 RP's • We also have a good line of Field Seeds. Turnip and CLangold seed at lowest prices Try us for your Groceries,' Flour, Feed, Stock Foods, etc.,- we can supply your wants. Give:us a call. 0 * 0 " 0 0 nae t�+ ct Calb�r�-"a rt4ia4 G'W.7. S i *°*h"c o 'O'*g* °.* o ) *** *******moo International Harvester . ;Implements.. . We keep in stock a frill line of the above celebrated ]make of Farm. Im- plements. They are used in every civilized country in the world and are giving universal satisfaction. Tay no other. -We handle the Magnet Cream Separa- tor, the best on the market. Metal Pig Troughs, last much long err than wooden ones, in fact we handle e tery- thin; in the line of binders, mowers, plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all kinds. When in nee3 of a new. Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or Cutter see our lines before you buy. .They will please you: PREDe.. H E.SS:& SON, Rickbeil's Old Stand m ZUR#CM. 0 0 0