HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-11-22, Page 44
1) z. r ,:a 431) ,411)0313 GMIDtlinagrODGIMIDCID411111PODORINAle
Established 185Assets 33,739,244.
Capital $3,360,170 Surplus $3,360,170
depositing money. i r in a.. Bank the question
naturally presents itself—"Is my money absolutely
safer The
Q offers such safety to depositors and pays or com-
pounds interest 4 times a year.
H. J. BILLINGS, - Manaer.
Reiter, Notary Public, 1Fiensall, Ontario. I [IBLI:MED BY E. ZELLER.
At Zixrich (Ze11er's office) evens*Mon-
ristcrs, Solicitors. Notaries Public, etc.,
Gouerich, Canada. W. Proudfoot, K.C.
R. C. Hr's. G. F. Blair.
FRIDAY NOV. 22nd, 1PO7.
BUSINESS CARDS. Preston Citizens Sincerely Regret
I His Decision To Leave The Town.
II_ C DOAN, V. S., AS I HAVE PUR. 1 —.--
ch:teet1 hack my business from E. W. 1 After a pastorate of twelve years
Stoskopf, Ian in a position to attend t in St. Petar's Luthern Church, Rev
to all busiues ;as formerly. Ca[is at J. C. C. Maass last Sunday night
Rau's Hotel. tendered his resignation to take
— -
effect on Sunday, Dec. 15, The
DR. E. W. STOSKOPF, VETERINARY announcement came as a great
Surgeon and Dentist, Zurioh, Ontario. surprise to every member of the
Office over T. & M. Johnson's Store.. congregation and general and deep
Nightcaps ut T. Johnson's residence. i regret is felt Rev. Mr. Maass has
been in Preston for the past twelve
S. HARDY, EXETER, ONT.. LICEXS- years coining direct from Germany.
ed Auctioneer for Huron and Perth. My
rater are reasonable and I will guarantee
the best of satisfaction. For the con-
venience of my friends in Hay and
Stanley, dazes and terms may be ar-
ranged at Mr, HERALD Office, Zurich.
During that time ho has seen great
growth, and expansion in the
church and its work and it is with
satisfaction that he can look back.
open his pastorate here. The Rev
Mr. Maass is a constant and hard
worker. He ttlw ays has the best
R. S. PHILLIPS, LICENSED AUC- interests of his church and people
tioneer for the Counties of Huron and before him and leaves nothing un -
Perth. Farm stock sales a specialty. done which would assist anv one of
Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Ail
orders left at. Lot 23, Con, 0, Hay, or them. He is also a great student
addressed to Hensall P. 0. will be and can speak fluently seven or
promptly attended to. eight languages. As an author he
is well known and many of his
The Zurich Herald.
When the Stomach, Heart, or
Kidney nerves getweak, then these
ort S always fail. Don't drug
the Str°naoh, nor stimulate the
Heart or .Kidneys. That is simply
a niokoihift, Get a prescription
known to - Druggists everywhere
as r Shoop's Restorative. The
Rest ettive is prepared expressly
for hese weak inside nerves.
Strengthen these nerves, build
them up with Dr Shoop's Restore-
tive--tablots or liquid—and see
how quickly help will come, Free
sample test sent on request b;' Dr
Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health
is surely worth this simple test.
Solcl by A11 Dealers.
Few farmhouses in Canada will
be found without the Ftnnily Her-
ald and Weekly sitar, of Montreal.
Those homes that do not receive it
are missing a great. treat. The
Family Herald and Weekly Star is
to clay easily worth ten times the
stbscription price to any farmer.
Its yalue infact cannot bo over-
estimated. It is a, wonderful eom-
bination of a weekly newspaper.
family magazine and an agricul-
tural :•journal without an equal.
Farmers', if you do not read the
Fereily'Herald and Weekly Star,
of:Montreal, you should give it a
trial during 1008. Do not wait un-
til January but remit one dollar
now and you will never regret it.
• All over Canada the newspapers
are telling with surprise of the !
wave of Prohibition now spreading
,over many of the Southern States -
they tell of it with surprise be-
cause the traditional idea is that
the Southerner is the most aecotnp-
lishecl and inveterate of drinkers •
and not the kind of pian to take
kindly to restraints nor to impose
on himself harsh self -denials. The
South of which we have read in
fiction and biography seems an,Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday.
unlikely place for teetototalism to
find general favor it is such a very
long wav from the mint julep tot
Local Option, abolished bars, dry
sideboards and empty cellars. The
newspapers speak not only with.
As I have ' disposed
of my
Harness and Furniture Stock
I will be in it position to' give
more time to selling
:u:. •' 1b •w'„'3XVhn wYq',!3+ti 12x5. �� ' +Hi4U4rt' „ 'gprv.-L''&Z%,.. n,tt'y ..•yS{,�..
1 he Old and Reliable
Kathtleisch'S Saw & Planing Mils....
ales! S t "yin ! les!
Parties needing any shingles would do well to see my stock
They are the .B. 0. SHINGLES, the best kind, and the price
is right. Come at once if you need any as they are going
of all kinds. Contracts taken and satisfaction guaranteed.
It will be to your interest to see me before you build, as
my motto is good work and good material at a reasonable
price. Custom Sawing and Planing.
surprise of the strides the South is
making towards prohibition of the
OR. P. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- beautiful poems have been read by liquor trade, but with reproaehbe•
:luate of the Royal College of Dental thousands. His name appears this cause the Northern States and
Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- year in the dictionary of the Canada are not making as- rapid
ate of department of Dentistry, To- German anthers of the nineteenth progress along the sane line.
ronto University. Painless extraction century, a distinction which has totMuch that has been eairl on flits
of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At be earned. subject, tnevever, is either il[-'in
Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon-�Rev. Mr. Maass in cooling tL ftarntecl '• ttticandid.. •'.I''he hr -c1.ve-
yiav, a I -a- Preet'tu succeeded Rev. Dr. T. then iix§ - South is very�'d1 raja !t
Snyder. He found the church front anrt'htng within, our „e,, ax'
"') CREDITORS. heavily burdened with debt and ienee in Canada. In voting •the
"O3'idig„Le`e, largely ttaroa h his efforts praet- "dry” ticket they are responding
fileAt. - of the estateaof ialiy all the debt has been wiped less to rnnr;tl considerations than
In reel `l .91 • nettles, late of off. But the years of constant work to a racial l necessity. The South
axobn 1,'rht1O " i`L ` ^,a. to the Cotin-
fuo Village of %:t�k�'f��:. eased. and study have undermined the is forced to exclude liquor on ac.
ty' bf Plage ' I+'timer, elm pastor's health and it is for this count of the negro. Intoxicants
Notice is Ii ^ebb vert ti3:if all ''ersthe reason that he is leaving. Re goes have got to be kept beyond the
1,avt•n« sr. cI ebv fw,alemei>�'s 'o, ma-
,„ the to Zurich, Huron County, where he reach of the black hand. It is
late John 1'Y{'lericr: � t 'auetftct, 'who xl:e i will take charge of the congregat- dangerot�.e to let alcohol inflame
on or about, t'be 14t1'rr°a v of August 1 Fi"r 1„: i theta The work will not be :to the brutish mind. White men
at the Village of Zu:1cii nforeQaid, are re- f h�,�.vy and fie expects by an easier whose ancestors have been season
quircrl to vena e peeriv, 3paid, or to tie -
itis hettith 'will be restored. ed to the drug for a thousand
liver to John Sctiaetta.all Zurich I. 0., A meeting of the church council years can be bad enough under its
fhe I tern or r.f i'; will and testa-
"ent of the said de,:t e1�1-{t, 'leir names and
was held on Sunday night to con- influence, blit much worse are the
addreircl and Ind e i r `a "s to writing' sitter the resignation and every blanks ''whose grandfathers ran
1' , of the •tr,- member was very much opposed naked in African jungles and -ate
of their claim, std ,tae 0.- L”' secut,t,a , if
-tints, t, d t e nature c„ tii� . to accept it. But Mr. Maass insist- the prisoners of their bows and
hell by theta. ed Hurl with regret his wish ,cvas i spears. In tale slavery days the
nr,t.ice fi,rt:tergixeu that
a•xid granted. So general is the sorrow i planter could sip hie mint julep on
I_ of 1lecemi,er 11)07 t.e tl,e in the con regati on that another t his veranda and prohibit the stone i
'i proceed to'distrr'lt; ihP effort will be macre to inadecision.
a the jng at the barbecue or at the pos-
sum deceased amon xri i
peter to consider his cleeiswn• stem feast in the hut, but today it
thereto, huvinrr z ben I One member et the council said ! is dl erenr, and he is prepared to
41idl he salt be 1 to the Progre s :-It was tt great sur-' go to any length of self-denial it
tat lie twill not to prise to all of u . Of course tae he can but banish the jug and
Part thereof % knew that Mr. Maass' health was keep the black South in control.
he shell nc not gond, and would gladly have He has got to do it. It is nue of
` ` ee granted hien a long leave of absence many things the South will have
`n'at he. wouldnot accent it. He is to do, whether or no, because of,
early liked here by every mein- the race problem. Over wide
gi " of the congregation. When he ttretta the white population is sub.
be, e t1 e church was heavily in. merged in the black and although
% -d in debt and to day it is virt- the whites rule, they do so by as -
•11 of debt. It seems hard sertiveness, mental superiority and
' would leave note, just a display of unflinching nerve. The 1
tngregation is in a, keeping of liquor out of the hands
him a Inueli. larger of a vast of blacks but for the safety
at him liberally. of white life and white men's pro-
perty.—Toronto Saturday Night.
Trial Catarrh treatments are be-
ing mailed out free, on request, by
Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. These
tests are proving to the people—
`eithotlt a penny's crest—the great
••ie of this scientific preserlption
^ti to druggists everywhere as
7's Catarrh Remedy. Sold
-ru was accepted
.the church
, 0i
Iry �l
tydesdale i"
aid ' 41er, ZZu1 rich,
e dropped con.'
,g centres; this
,1 be lower in the
w. v rna,pIR ,p r. ? iiI`�n, , " ' + i' ..43 ri+rr--„�
We beg to announce that we have
complete line of Garden' and Field
Seeds, ` 'In Garden Seeds •i we handle
the celebrated. L L May & .Co seeds.
They are the good kind and always
give satisfaction.
5 packages Garden Seeds for 10 cents.
We also have a good line of Field Seeds.
Turnip and flangold seed at lowest prices
Try us for your
Groceries,' Flour, Feeds Stock Foods,
etc., we can supply your wants.
Give:us a call.
.*Y*_.j_,i ***.T.TT*iTs+rte.T ,i *i7&*,iI ,T!**•,`*
Marys, Kirkton and Exe
.00ne Co. have issued'their
�ectory of subscribers. The
,:;ory consists of over 160 num.
/lowing, that the company is in
cellent condition and will oom•
,rare favorably with any rural line
in the Dominion. The Elinnville
and, Townline lines have just re-
cently been completed and work -
,men are now busily engaged in-
-hailing the the telephones. After
It its work is completed the comp.
;v will take up the matter of
'ting poles and wires on the
'4'ies Road. extension. There
•-ough polos and wire on hand
r work, but dtfiioulty in se-
' 'hones may delay the work
international Harvester
We keep in stock a full lino, of the
above celebrated make of Farm lin -
plenlents. They are used in every
civilized country in the world and are
giving universal satisfaction. Buy
no pother.
We handle tho Magnet Cream Separa-
tor, the best on the market. Metal
Pig Troughs, last lunch longer] than
wooden ones, in fact we handle e ,"erg--
thing in the line of binders, showers,
plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all
When in need of lu new
Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or
Cutter see our lines before you
buy. They will please you.
Rickbeil'e old Stand - - ZURICH,