HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-11-15, Page 5HOTELS. ria cls ***a el 0* * v"3 t0 * 0. THE to ., m + of COMMERCI RL HOTEL tis tp Or ZURICH th 11 45 fsr w bimmumpomanirm 0 is tb •rt cigar's. 1 11 11 >< T( w Excellent Sample Roorns for Commercial Men. .s..••111.1 0 Strictly up-to-date in modern im provements. Dining rooms is sup- plied with only the very beat. 'i 1T Bar contains choice liquors and to J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. :h'l00G0*3040t+ll1f+ 0b®fb*00000e. d 0 Zbe Tominton bonze. gabbbabgbbMbliniMMEM This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. rho 3ietter Mable in the pominion. R. R.Johnston &Son, PROPRIETORS. The Popular Store at lake Bargain's i n araniteware:: and Tinware Also a lot of Remnants in Prints, Mus= h hnS and Dress WATCH THE BARGAIN COUNTER R. N. Douglas, BLAKE. MMANUEL CHURCH vangelicai Association SERVICES AND MEETINGS WILL BE HELD IN THE EllIl1CANUEL EVANGELICAL 'CHURCH, ZURICH, AS FOLLOWS : Sunday* School at 9.30 p. m. ; Preaching Service, German, 10.45 .a. m. ; English Service, at 7 p. m ; Senior Alliance, 8 p, in. Tues- day evening ; German Prayer meet- ing, Wednesday evening at 7 :30 o'clock ; English Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ; Choir Practice Thursday evening at 8 o'clock; Junior Alliance, Satur- day afternoon, at 3 o'clock. REv. A. D. (ISCnLEit, PASTOR i50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE -et star1,�e'yii` ti iii•I w'ir►_l� L. The Zurich Herald BLAKE Owing to a misunderstanding, we reported last week the Miss Irene Douglas was ill with mumps. This should have been measels. We are sorry of the error but now are pleased. to report that she has altogether recovered. Mr. J. Johnston is busy erecting a spacious woodshed which when completed will make the fuel more convenient. Owing to the high prices of grain farriers are butchering somewhat earlier this fall. DASH WOOD George Edighoffer has his shop allveneered and the windows in with about another week of fine weather the outside work will be completed. When finished he will have a nirse little shoe store. John iGraybiel spent Sunday with his family here. Mr. Dan Molsaac of Zurich, was in the village .on Friday. Jacob Kellerman has nicely set- tled in his new home. i'he house vacated will be occupied by Felix Wild. Charles Willert Sr., has moved to the home of his son Henry. The old gentleman is in a very feeble condition. J. E. Tom, Inspector Public Schools, paid an official visit to the school here on Friday. It is reported that Mrs. Winken- weder will dispose of her house- hold effects here and move to the home of her son in Napierville F. Baker last week built a -walk from the back of the Evangelical parsonage to t'le stable which will be quite convenient to the minist- er's family. The Y. P. A. special entertain- ment on Monday evening, Nov, 18th, will be quite interesting. A tickling oough, from any cause is quickly stopped by Dr Shoop's Cough Cnre. And it is thoroughly harmless and safe, that Dr Shoop tells mothers everywhere to give it without hesitation even to veru young babes. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a lung -healing mountainous shrub, furnish the curative properties to Dr Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the cough, and heals the sore and sensitive bronchial. membranees. • lo- opiums, no chloroform„ nothing blush used to injure or sujpress. Simply a resinous plant extract, that helps to heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call this shrub which the Doctor uses. "•Tbe Sacred Herb" Demand Dr Shoop's. Take no other. Sold by All Dealers. .0 b EXETER The Curling club held a meeting on Friday evening and have orga- nized for the coming season. Miss Amy Johns visited her sister at Sarnia last week. Among those who visited Exeter friends during the Thanksgiving holidays were: Nelson Cobbled]ck of Toronto ; Mrs. Ed. Hilburn of Paris David Long of London Township ; Ab. Moore of Berlin ; C. W. Drinkwater, John Salter, Geo. Jewell, Richard Bissett, Ivlr. and Mrs. J. C. Inwood, James Bissett, wife and daughter, Ed. Tomlinson, wife and child, Adolphus Evans and wife, Harry Graham, Chas. Miners, Robert Leathorn, Missess Maude Taylor. Mary Mack, Flossie Taylor, Mrs. W. Progers and falai• ly of London ; Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Gazzel, Kincardine ; Mrs. a Hop- per and daughter. Belgrave ; Miss Polly Windsor of Maple Lodge ; F. Weekes of Listowel ; Miss C. Fer- guson, Miss Ethel Piper, Fred Pen - hale of London ; Misses Ida Arm- strong and Mary Murray, Will Triebner of Goderich ; Miss Merril Gould of Milverton. HEly •ALL• Mr, and Mrs, James Troyer oele- brated the . 30th anniversary, of their marriage at Seaforth on Thursday last. Quite a number from here were present and: report. a nice social time. L. Harold, formerly G. T. B. agent here has been promoted and is now agent atBrttntford. A number of girls at Joynts evaporator recentlystruck for higher wages,. Their' places were immediately filled : with other. hands. S. T. Hopper was in town for a few hours last week. He is now in the drug business at 587 King St. West, Toronto. Tom Kelly is now occupying the dwelling recently vacated by Corn - ie Cook. Dr. Thompson of London and two children. spent a few days last week with friends here. Looal bakers have reduced the size of bread loaves from 1e to 1 lbs. The Methodist congregation has about completed a handsome shed on their church property. The structure is 50 x 100 feet, built of Dement. The shed will cost over $1500, when completed, For years I was .troubled with biliousness, and constipation which made life miserable for me. My appetite failed. me. I lost my usual force and vitality. Pepsin pre- parations, and cathartics only made matters worse. I' do not know where 1 should , have been to -day had I not tried Chamderlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. The tablets relieve•the ill feeling at once strengthen the degistive function, helping the system to do its work naturally.—Mrs. Rose Potts, Bir- mingham, Ala. These tablets are for sale by J. J. Merner. ST. JO H. aa.ZURICHraa MEAT MARKET' ]E keep, in stock a " full line o fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own saubages. Give us a call. YUNtBLUT & BEICH RT. L. a +vati tura ur±c� } v That New Spring Suit. When looking for your new Spring Suit, do not forget to give us a call. We have a fine range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a large number of Samples to select from. Laundry in connection. EL HOFF AN AFteINTIATIA REINEMEMENSIIKEIEE OlibabbbbtabbbildbObrabbbEtb TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a skott n end description may slnickty ascertain our opinion free whether an invention le probeblypatentable. Communion. tions nrrietly oonild ential. Handbook on Patents ,sent free. Oldest :Agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Mum' & Co. reueiva epee{aQQllnoot®tice, without (Marge, In the Reiman• r 1u idsomely illustrated weekly. Tamest ch. ntatiott of any entontiflc Vernal. Terms. $i a nor • Ions .ninths, $1. SO a byall newsdealers, �` & CQ.361Brcadway Naw York xirarirh Office,. w<' " Nr. wen%inietOn..1) O Clubbing rates. "We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing •mutes with THE 13r4RALD : Daily Globe $ 4.25 Mail & Empire 4,25 Weekly Globe 1.75 Mail & Empire 1,60 Berliner Journal (Gennari) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.60 Daily Advertiser 2,25 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sufi I.75 'Partner's Advocate 2.25 Painting World 1.25 616x2®�GriiliG679G1G9Ci6i3Y�1[iPiGi©WR" • IgWWiii OTTM3I Ei Cou;hs,Colds, oopiugCou This remedy can always be depended upo and is pleasant to take, it contains no oplunllor other harmful drug and may behren askonf• dolly to a baby as to an adult i Price 25 cents, large size 50' tete. 1klunicpal oottncils ;1l over the Province have been d ting illegal acts in regard to remix ion of tax es, Only Courts of "devisi,on can so remit. The 'Alutliraipal World says : This subsection authorizes the Court of Revision to remit tax. es at any time during the year in. which the assessment 'is, made or at any time before the Urst of July in the following year. Nowhere is the power given to - councils to remit taxes. Only the Court of Revision can act. According to • e ores' Stand - rd, one of their local ministers ffered up a prayer for their town ouncil and the two editors. Well, these two classes are usually an overworked lot of inen and a little solicitation for their future state ought to be aporeciated. Official returns regardin g the Saskatchewan crops are now being received by the Department of Agriculture at Regina. The ind- ications are that the total wheat yield will be about 30,000,000 bus- hels with an average yield per acre of about fifteen bushels. Last year the total average yield was about twenty-one bushels per acre and the total production about eight million bushels above that of this season, The falling off in the average yield is the most signifi- cant feature of the report. In a few districts the Drop was so bad that farmers did not bother to take in the grain, but in other sec- tions the yield wag the largest in their history The general result is considered satisfactory. There will be some loss through the low- ering of the grain standards, but high prices are very materially helping the farmers iu all sections. The grain is being marketed rapidly. HARCIONICAS IMPERIAL HOBNER The best 25 cent Moutborgan made. A full line of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY. Repairing a Specialty. and F. W. HESS - - Jeweler. 1 Stomach trouble is but a symptom of, and not fn itself a true disease. We think of Dyspepsia. Heartburn, and Indigestion as real diseases, yet they .aro symptoms only of it certain specific Nerve sickness—nothing else. It was this fact that first correctly led Dr. Shoop in the creation of that now very popular Stomach Remedy—Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Going direct to the stomach nerves, alone brought that success and Savor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. With- out that original and highly vital principle, no such lasting accomplishments were ever to be had. For stomach distress, bloating, biliousness, bad breath and sallow complexion, try Dr, Shoop's Restorative—Tablets or Liquid—and see for your- self what it can and will do. We sell and cheer- fully recommend A NewspapPr storativ "ALL DEALERS" 1 argain The Zurich Herald AND The Family Herald and Weekly O)' MONTREAL „Star L6 TIE Hunan) will furnish you with everything of interest in this local territory. iiivery home in this district should receive the local paper. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal is the acknow- ledged best family and farm paper in Canada. Its magnificent news service; its numerous special departments; its interesting magazine featu- res; its great serials and popular short stories make it the greatest dollar's worth to be bad. Family The combination of the Herald and The T"ally herald and Week - y Star provides the greatest amount of wholesome family reading and reliable news from all parts of the world. Send your subscription to The Herald, Zurich