HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-11-15, Page 1T11 The Official Organ of Zurich Hay Township. Vol. VIII. ZURICH, TIT., FRIDAY, NOV. 1 5, 1907. Nos 16lY ESTEli 3D47 Commercial Correspondence among our students at Wing - ham, Clinton, Walkerton, Orangeville and Goderich. We have incorporated the counsels of our TWELVE BROADLY EDUCATED, WIDELY EXPER- IENCED TEACHERS. Gregg Shorthand taught by a Graduate of the Author, John R. Gregg, Individual instruction. We in- vite comparison and close in- vestigation. OUR MAIL COURSES TEACH YOU IN YOUR OWN HOME. Write for particulars. CLINTON 13USINESS COL- LEGE. Daniel E. Eby, Vice Prin. GEO. SPOTTON - PRINCIPAL —ROYAL— Glycerated Balsam of Fir For Coughs and all Affect- ions of the Throat and Bronchial Tubes. There is no remedy so sure speedy. For Sale by Dealers. D, S. Faust has a good range of men's and boys' winter caps. Miss Alma Brenner of Dashwood, visited friends here, over Sunday. See our lines of axes and cross cut saws. All first-class goods, J. Preeter. Mr. John Kipper has taken a position with L. Prang as black- smith. Philip Bedard will occupy the house recently vatted by Mr. John Mitteiholtz` Rev. A. D. Gischier will conduct the . services at the Evangelical church, on Sunday. LOST—On Sunday evening, in Zurich, a back comb. Finder please leave at this office.. The first shipment of apple jam from Merner's factory, was made to Japan, this week. $1200.00 to loan. Private funds, on good mortgage security. Apply to E Zeller, Zurich. Miss Phoebe Rickbeil, Miss Jen- nie Hardy and Miss Morlock of of Exeter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rickbeil. Mr. Jacob Haberer left on Wed- nesday for Toronto, to view the fruit show and to attend the bee- keepers' meeting. Messrs. F. W. Hess and Ed. Axt were down to the pinery last week, or after ducks. Fred says there are more decks in Zurich than at their old hunting grounds. /c LOCAL NEWS. New ads —J. J. Merner, D. S. Faust, P. Bender, H. Well. Wool and cotton blankets, D. S. Faust has a full range. D. S. Faust is making a big re• duction of ladies' and children coats. A car of hest American coal oil, has been received this week at J. J. Merner's store. Mr, toad Mrs.' J: ,r„,.'Rath are; visit ing reIatives'in Michigan, Walker- ville and Bello River. Messrs. C. Fritz and John A . Truemner spent a few days this week, duck hunting below Grand Bend. Mr. Henry Brennerman of New Hamburg, and Mr. Chris. Bechler of Tavistock are visiting friends in this vicinity. We have just put into stock a new line of men's neckwear and suspenders. See them before you buy, J. Preeter. If yon are looking for a stove or range this fall, be sure and see the Peninsula. Every one fully guaran- teed as perfect bakers and fuel savers Buy no other. J. Preeter. Mr. J. J. Merner will move temporarily into Dr, Wilson's dwelling until Mr. John Schnell's dwelling is cempleted, when he will move into the D. Steinbach house which he leased from Mr. S. Rannie for a term of years. The choir of the. Evangelical church presented their • leader, Mr. Milne Rennie with a handsome fo',4 on;s•li",w k �Sgt% se atfon."was mane at Mr. 1.annie's home, and a 'pleasant social even- ing was spent by the members of the choir. A public meeting w i11 be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Thurs- day Nov. 21, at 7.30 p. m, to speak on Dominion politics. The speakers will be B. B Gunn, M. P. P., I3. Etlber. M. P. P.. Dr. Ches- holm, M. P.. of Wingham, and Andrew Brodier, M. P., of Wallace - burg. 16-1 For the best assortment of dress in he is will c week; appte� l3lpt ere t3at he o� day a next of 73'e 1 Gre Dr. Ovens, Surgeon, Oculist, Specialist will be at Royal Hotel, Hensall, on Friday Nov 29th. Hours 4 to 8 p. m. Glasses properly fitted, Catarrh. deafness, and failing eye- sight treated. Messrs. F. W. Hess and John H. Sehuettier left for a few days' shooting below the Bend. John left his gun at home, but as he is handy with a club the poor ducks will '-get it in the neck” just the same. Mr. H. Well received the sad news on Wednesday of the death of his sister Louisa, (Mrs Hnns- perger) which took place very suddenly, at Cathismet, Washing ton. Her age was 6S years and 2 months. Mr. John Mittelholt%. who bas been employed in the Hesall Flour Mills, has moved with ass.family to Hensel]. on Monday. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Mittel- holtz as residents of our town, but wish them success and prosperity in their new home. The Lutheran Parsonage, is un- der -going repairs at present. The old wood furnace is being taken out and a coal furnrce put in and other improvements made. The new pastor of the oongregation, Rev. Maras of Preston, is expected to arrive in a few weeks. goods, call at D. 5. Faus wast, Mr. J. J. MernerLondon on Wednesday, on Sorting -up trip. For men's and boys' p vercoats. Call at D. S. Faust; giving a big snap. and Mr. Louis Jeffrey family in- tend moving. into Mr, Gottlieb Merner's Block. Mr. J. J. Mernerose down the evaporator this and will not take any more Mr. Robert Deer ofh, visited George with Mr. and Mrs. Clausins, and other friends h s week. busine A man can run a ss with- out advertising and n wink at a girl in the dark—hitt em' hat's the use? Poultry Wanted—Wewill take poultry every Tues nd Wed- nesday, beginning week, J. Preeter. Mr. E. O. Weber rhe, will A. address the Y, P. meeting on His Tuesday evening. subject will be "Grit, Grace and. enbacks." All are invited. Mr. J. J. Merner has been eon - fined to the house nearly all last. week through illness, but is able to be out again. Mr Chris. Bechler announces that his chopping mill at Blake, will run every Tuesday and Fri• day, through the winter. Mr and Mrs. L. Rader, Mr, end Mrs. E. Rader, of Sarepta, and Mrs. Samuel Hey of Dashwood, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Schenck, Sunday last. , Early risers on Monday morning noticed a bicycle track in the snow. The "spoor" commenced at a house in town and went in an easterly direction on the Zurich road. As the snow commenced to fall after 3 a. m. the question arises, what time did the party say good -night and which one of the three young ladies is responsible for prolonged visit. An important business change took place here this week, where- by Mr. Herman Well, who has been in business here since the year 1873, disposed of his furni- ture and harness business to Mr. Charles Hartleib Mr. Well re- tains the organ and piano business and will give this part of the busi- ness his attention. Mr. Hitrtleib also secures the stand on the cor- ner for $1200 00, and his intention is to build en addition to accom- modate his hardware business. An unusual thing occurred o n the farm of Mr. Moses Geiger, a few nights ago when some clogs worried five pigs that he had run- ning in his orchard. One of the pigs was killed and two others are likely to die. Mr. Geiger states that the night previous he had to get up and chase sonic dogs from his herd of cattle. Is it not time that the tax on clogs be reimposed by the Council? There are dozens of worthless, half -fed dogs kept that seem to be of no use except to make trouble, and the sooner they are put otit of existence the better. Highest market prices paid for all kinds of Dressed Poultry and all Farm Produce S. Faust, Zrich sEVIMEMOMENOILM e:7.0 o•ote-7•o'o d a o O o•47 0 t GOOD SH at 4 ,1 ,, 6 Cost money.... but you will find ours a little better than others at the same price. Just now we want to talk WATERPROOF SLOES AND 4P` GUARANTEED RUBBERS a00' We have all the Leading Makes an .. dOD. .,, RICES Ar WAYS. RIGHT. DOG' QP Butter, Eggs and Dried. Apples taken in exchange �$p THE SHOEMAN — ZURICH Wp 4.s 3 3C3i3 c3tr 885784:14343 019 3F3'F3 3 10,1 t3F. ¢0is 3C3`t 3 'e3 3 311138 £3sE i3 3t':£ 3 ZZA ZURICH'S BIGGEST STORE {gyp Y t4.ib.'Y.1'�:;.��R "1's :�V•C1 �.r .i ... .:t.::S. l,'iC l.'s (S7rMiY4a:4`i.Im'.-,:P�".�il...it"FIIA!'M DO NOT MISS TI -IE OPPORTUNITY Y Of seeing our splendid stock of Fall Goods in all lines. Never before has our, large store been fi.illecl with such money saving values. We purchased in the best markets algid have the satisfaction of knowing that ey cry article we sell is genuine and worth the money we ask for it. LADIES' DEPA.RTI1EN T 0 i D 0 0 0 0 0 9 g3 E3 3cttomo teeze i3 3380 3 t t> 3 i 3 3 3 cuz GENTS' FURNISHINGS Caps We have the very newest in Fur -lined Caps. See our line of jockey shapes, very stylish and dressy. Overcoats Our line of Overcoats for fall and winter wear is com- plete with all the latest styles and cloths. Toppers, plain Black Beavers, Fancy Tweed Ulsters, Fur Coats and Fur - lined Coats, and Cravanette Coats. Gloves & Mitts A. full line in Buck, Horse, Mocha and Pigskin, All guar- anteed good wearers and good fitters. Prices Right: Underwear • We handle the celebrated WOOLNAP. All unehrinkable. Special values in other lines. wool and 8 1 1 Dress Goods We have the largest, best assorted and most up-to-date stock of Dress Goods ever shown in Zurich, and at prices that cannot be beaten. They are selling fast but we still have an immense variety to choose from. GIoves, Scarfs, Clouds, Hose, Underwear, etc., in endless variety. Ladies' Coats We still have a good selection of Ladies' Coats left in black and fancy cloths. Blankets We have a full line of Flannelette and All Wool BIan- kets. These are splendid g,00ds at right prices. wx,oumr,oc fot ),30C34uoc3o(1C300s 04 34700. 0411000aacxr0r�atz�aaetiaafes1>CK. X2X1Cera:NICIOCrOc.FAMCIMaSralf ;arc oaS)C20=14:3M3rcrcm =3431axan3a*en3oma�caesaa HARDWARE DEPARTMENT A full lisle of Ranges and Heaters. Buy.a PENINSULA and you uy the e t that t money call buy. A. beautiful line of Hanging Lamps just received. Lanterns, Axes, c. Market Prices for Dutch Setts, Dried Apples, and Farm Produce of alt . kinds J. pREETER, 1 }} k�. 1