HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-11-08, Page 4a - The Zurich Herald. DCE=D13I9 y�}3IC tIEf Kitilti19 ODIORI Bade 1,h rC1DC�3C1le l Established. 1855 Assets $33,739,244. 4; Capitia! $3,360,170 Surplus 53,360,170 «d SOLUTE SLTOURITY n When depositing money in a Bank the u estion naturally presents itself—"Is Illy money ab olutely a safe?" The offers succi safety to depositors any pays or cola- pounde interest 4 times a year. HENS LL. BRANCH H. J. BILLINGS, Manager. LEQAL CARDS. • ( �J_ 7 r::.i j"� TA. J. 1). COO'1iE, }3:t FRISTE1t AND SO , P ....L__ i Y: X31 (: '' 1kit er, Notary Publ}e-, }Ienmall, Ontario. .ikt Ztrl'ieh (Zelier's office) every Mon- ; _- .ay. I FRIDAY NOV, 8th 1907. PC.BLI1ITI:n BY k1 ZELLER. 1'RODDFOOT, HAYS & BLAI' , I>Alc- ristcrs, Solicitors: Notaries Public, etc.. 1 CANADIAN NEWS. t:ut;daz'ieh, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. C. Httva. C. F. Blair. ` The new St.. Marys postoftice is nearly completed. BUSINESS CARDS• TL C DOAN, V. S., AS I HAVE I'L}t chased hack illy business from E. W. Stta ' nitf, I un in a po:atioo to tE .11 TO all business ;as formerly. t,lLis at Ran 4Rotel Mr. Robert Keeler, one of i1I ell's old residents, is dead, aged different. When the Steinaclz, Heart, or Kidney nerves get weak, then these -organs taways fail. Don't drug the Stomach, nor' stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That is simply a Makeshift. Get a prescription known to: Druggists everywhere as Dr S11ooli's Restorative. The Restorative is prepared expressly for these \.weak inside nerves. Strengthen these nerves, build thuni tip With Dr Shoop's Rastore- tive tablets or liquid—and see how quioklyhelp will come, Free sample test sent on request by Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. Yam' health is surely worth this simple test. Sold by All Dealers. JUST TOBACCO A oi,g::;r never hurt any one—if it was left,rtlone, • The unselfish tobacco -User has yet to be'torn., Tobeeoo is Useful --for destroying vermin Onepipefnl of tobacco can cies troy the comfort of a hen lred, yes 'Perhaps of fire hundred; non-tob- aeea users: If vont. dog started to use tobacco you would probably shoot halo. If your *ifs or sister started to use it you would probably be dis- itelI- gusted, • but yourself—ah'. that's 4i rears, One smoker Makes ninny: and Dl:. E. W. STOSKOPF, VETERINARY, Surgeon and Dentist, Zurich, Ontario. °tee uvcr T. it M. Johnson's Store. Night eta1 s at T. Johnson's residence. S. PlAlIDY, EXETER, • ONT.. LICc.\S- t:' i etioneer for Huron and Perth. My rates are res-o:...',,le and I will uaraut ee the lest Of sa1i-faction. For the coo -1 ':etnenee of my friends in Har and Stanley, ci:lte- and terms may he ar- rar,ge':l at 1'II1: I'Ii:a.tai) Office, Zurich. 1 D. S. PHILLIPS, LICENSED Al'C- tioaeer fir the t'unntie of Heron and Perth. Farr.: : stot'k sales a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All order•, left at 1.:,'. 33, Con. 3 IIav, or :Aare -Neil. to : ensall P. 0. will be promptly atter. ..letl to. D?t. F. A. SI LLElt1, DENTIST, GRA - Amite of the Royal College of Dental Surg+-ons, Toronto, also honor gradu- a , of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate Work a speciality. At Dominion. Rouse, Zuricb, .every :11on- ter. v. •i -•?ti Single Buggy Harness and Team Harness IN STOOK Trunks, Suit Cases, Travelling Bags, Fine Leather Purses House Furniture A FULL STOOK AND ALL STYLES AND PRICES.' Organs & Pianos 00 Saddlery %10111=112.1=11§ ZURICH ONT The NIS and Reliable a bflehsch's Saw & Planing Mils.... The East 7nrrn farmers were fin- not one is improved in .the mak- Y Aga„ art = etc <':> and costs for atm mg, their ing, A Christian smoker is apt to e milk. The final fitnres give Owen. Con- .orv'l'ive, a majority of 115 in Nortllnniberland. (;rahnnl and J;Inrtell, of London have been refused a enol and bill- iard license in Goderich. The Lord's Day Alliance is in- vestigating alleged Sunday labor on railway near Flesberton. The bI (1 R has laid off its con strnntien gene of 450 Men. mostly foreigners, for the winter. R, L. Borden will aiirireee a meett- in4 in the P,useel1 Theater, Ottawa on the night of Nov. 27. 1\lisc Martha Mark., of Parkhill, Itis dead frog- TltntntliTle nnisnning, caused by eating canned goods. An ingiic t is to be held on the death of T)nvid (lrnr. found ruing in the Woodbine Hotel at Brant- ford. rant-.forte. A little ebilal. of John Teeter. a fernier ',err Flechertnn, was torri- ley.s •atldf d by frilling into boiling •WA'ter:a, • 14iis� "t . Pof Tnrnnt-, • was m:arrierl art 'Brussels to Mr. '('. •NT' iliCE TO crLE DITOP 3' In tiie matter of the estate of ;oho Thomson, Tato of the Town- ship of Hay, in the Connty of i'Iu- :ron, ytoneuiatson, deceaa&ed. No•i,00. i berel:y.given that all per:ons cavi(:^, any claims or demands ag,etinst the hito I r.1tt Thomson, NI -elm died o•) or about thv ' 1t •1 day of September 191:", at Bar River, Ont.,are re ped eel to :11,l by post pre, iel o' t , defivNi to the unler rgne.l. .:..., ). ,or Elsie Thimo,on and Demean t th< Lest \'rill :and to l.t.:t of tile said dere: -r d, then' untnt- e• a drive••:, marl 'nil p..)4 ' hi " in v'r r if their c•leims .,ed . tateme it. of .. .•con mu . 'til the rat we of the `e - e iT any. "'' a:•. 1 -'"to: i- tot 111-w !`irkil tit::t after t. _ :.1dry r Nr encu r 1907, the :'.d.1 e 71., Itill iu,tt:•l t+t ,tiarihrtfe t'o ilaz i.i le,tsa"=:.1 ancon'* the ent,t tl 101' 1 ', k,\lne rr" f•1 lain-of\a10,i t10;'11111tl.'11 111..11.n1u1r,-:111 that they mill not. he . teie1wthear-r't•'r.r,:1.' tent 1 lieroof to art; !1+•t'5 )1 of wi.o-e ,,n.: :hes Shull not ti -n have rrl'i!(V0.1 no/ l:'l+dal at I -lee -all the , .?t, ,lov of Or'tt1- ,,:r, 1t;./ . 11. .T, D. ('(1' 1, • lu l for the said .l.xeeatt"r•. T, 'KefferOf that Discs, on Wecl- tlesrlttV last Alfred Pillrinr,tr'n, of St: Thnlnns stn ianyoln•, r in ilii?'T T. 0. R. s:1,opa. feet en ere Satnrtlay by a niece of flying steel. W. T. Towne1(r. fnrmprly of Owen Sn11'n+l, <cnn neridently killed h - felllin° from his wagon at Na.pirka, filen. Owing to lark of mnnpr Donne .o• (4n1•lt'Z amain l'nvprr of North 11:,korai, 11ve boil to trait haying ;'hent in 1 ianitoila Fo's-e1 •F?1'111011. of ()ra+nnevillc. 'w:,a elven t)'ree rear's in Kingston for fnra•anr>• tilt. Merlin of Crown At- torner 7TeT' nr, of St. (`nth+trines. ..T 1c ,1- Roger.Qa1 1i;-rt'tu•-old },nv of 1`7•1rvvr:'r1 was 1)resontrtl n'ith a Td,ltrt, e S ir'ief ' i' erbi1 1'o1' ea vina,*. the Iiv: '; (If t\vn hullos from drown '(writ, T')+•. '1.1'r'Tnnia, T'rnvinninl ;t.tt,nitohtl, W(0 gfrioli r,tl ("lt't npvserrltt'itis v-hi'n nett a11nn+•41-itr. and is 1n al ('1'itieal r'nl! r1 it inn. make move smokers than Christ:- ain s. Yonr tobacco costs you more than the money you pay for it. Impair, ed health. lessened labor power, waste of time, loss of will power, diminished Christian influence ; these are some of the things tob- acco costs some of its users. Tobacco and chivalry are foes. Jerry McAuley claimed that no drunkard ever reformed perman- ently unless he abandoned the use of tobacno. The church is ton sacrad to be fouled with tobacco smoke, so is the hone; while the body of man is more sacred than either. If Your body really belongs t Gael, can Ton consistently put to pipe between 'your teeth, or fill your mouth with the poisonous weed: Tobacco is ton r.ften the first strip in intemperance, Don't whine when you aro bit.. Don't hide behind some other plan. Don't ploarl weakness. Face your foe al,, fight it. "k'r)l1 < lniT if you will. If• isn't ,ensy,,mititis phssiTile. "TheithtleFf that cigeret-smoking hill iii -jure a boy, • but pipe -smoking will not hart at grown elan, some- how (does not sound quite logical The parents who wish their boy to follow their example by learning to use the weed etre very few in number. - E. M. Williams. Press Supt. F.lr 'VV9 fri,1 Lai,'rit>r. hiT' 1'1'N1 It r{)'a'It'.la 7t•, .l ,.1,1.;.;.t`,� 17„'tr(Ten sand Other Canadian rf'fir'ers ( i'� ,• 11aye1$o"1'nviterl 1-n v1ti)t' (xaTtys- In tho rant tor of t' r'aitntr' of h""n ', 1(finnall t tilit: "r Park. in ;1 .10,i 7i'reder1ok '6011u ttie,7', late of r' :lot• t t !-tat iinintr>r" for t' tahtislt• t l r (i1loi o of , ,rit'h, In the (I run. 1 t, l a..1 tc1 0, Farmer. 1m'r. t'leeeai-O l.. Notice i5 hereley ivim that all persons 1 acro• any claim:- ra ]11.10.'1')1- against the ;ata ,lutea r rr:derit s S :hunt ]ler. who (1101 (n nr shout the l:i h day t i Augnst 19111 t ,.he viii tore n,' Znrieh i. 0.01111, are re. nig 1'n"•n anon park on the Plains of Abraham. S7e111try Roberts, a well•knmvn real estate agent of Brantford, is tinder arrest, Charged with the trrnlla•r 11 almrnprintion of ramie. by post l tauicerl toscuda'tT al, or 1U de. The ('n -•e 1s the ootennle of at reel fuer to John s+:huctticr, I.uri,.h P. O„ es tate'least with Ernest. Blundell, 1 ho E necut.Or of the last \;ill .ani testa- of alt,'' sumo City. 100111 tai the said deeease:1, their names and taddroloes, and fall particular's in writing of their claims and statements of theirae- <•ounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by then,. And notice is further her gnen that after the, 10th duty of December 11197, the .said fr.:ecutcr will proceed to d+."tt'ihuto this assets Of the said decea0ad among the parsons entitled thereto, having,regard only to the claims of which he shaft then have had notice, and that ha will not be liable for the atsscte or any part thereof to any person of whose claim he shall not then have received notice. • Dated at lurieb the Gth day of Novena.- GOOD QUALITY—RIGHT PRICE bee, A. D. 1007. • FOR QUICK. SALE }T. J. 1). COOKE, _.....- Solicitor -for tho Executor. LARGE QUANTITIES ZURICH TLEs r ;1 'YARDS.. 3009000 CRICK Trial Catarrh treatments are be- ing mailed out free, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are proving to the people-- withotit a penny's cost—the great value of this scientific prescription known to druggists everywhere fns Dr Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by All Dealers. FIRST-CLASS TILE ALL SIZES ON HAND Chapped bands are quickly cored by (applying Chamberlain's Salve Price ,i.l cent. For sale by ,T 7 itlerne r. Q'( et our Prices before you buy, 4-4 J. B. FOSTER. N()VE1IBE'}i ROD AND (:11; N. November is the month of the big game hunter, a month to which he has long looked forward and an outing in which will well ropey hint for the grind of the other part of the year This outing will be vohhcd of much of its interest if it cony of 1110, NT,vcnilx.r 1001(0 of "R()l7 AND (iUN AND MOTOR, SPORTS IN;CANADA" nub1isihocl by IV. J. 7 aylnr, atW'uodstock, (int . is not included amongst the articles taken, to . the rrttnlr Al- though the October number was devoted t() hnntun t•, the sante tall]e i t Rept well to the front in the '. November issue, other s11hjt>ott3 1- being allowed, a place and the variety wllic'h appeals so strongly to all lovers of out of doors snorts being kept well in evidence. There are several articles ill this number which no sportsman ought to miss and included in that category may be mentioned those entitled "How Ono Settler Treats the Deer," and •'The Story of the (ante Warden." Sh ga. ! Parties needing any shingles would do well to see my stock They are the B. C. SHINGLES, the best kind, and the price is right. Colne at once if you need any as they are going fast. BIJILDINO MATERIAL of •all kinds. Contracts taken .and satisfaction guaranteed. It will be to your interest to see ole before you build, as my tnotldo is good work and good material at a reasonable price. Ouston7 Sawing and Planing. ;,"Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. o 6 KAL1311E SC .9 ZURICH Sv,x,I:a1%rWS(("�yi�j9r / ..fit71 ar Je :z `2.n.SG 11' `n L:+:t 7ed t$ err SEE y E .+.w•+ . .'r We Beg to announce that we have a complete Liffe os Garden and Field Seeds. In Garden Seeds we handle the celebrated L L May & Co seeds. They are the good kind and always give satisfaction. 5 packages Garden Seeds for io cents. We also have a good line of Field Seeds. Turnip and flangold seed at lowest prices Try us for your Groceries, 1 Flour, Feed, Stock Foods, etc, -we can supply your wants. Give us a call. n d U& dm1 Mr. A. E, Burgess, a prominent jeweler, of Toronto, (11010st lost his life the other day by taking .t pill sent to him through the Mail a.0 a1 sample. As a result the question of the distribution of samples of medicine is 'causing considerable discussion among physicians and others. To check a cold quickly, get from your druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets called Prevent- ics. Druggists everywhere are now disponsi.,ng Preventics. for they are not only safe, but decid- edly certain and.prompt. Prevent-. ics colatainno quinine, no la.tttive, nothing harsh nor sickening. Tak- en at the "sneese Stage" Prevent - les will prevent Pneumonia, Broil- claitis, La Grippe, etc. Hence the name, Prevention. Good'for fever- ishchildren, 48 Preventios 25 cents TrialBoxes 5 its. Sold by All Dealers. '*: Y�-r ' pa o. 7; o' 0 ' International Harvester implements. . We keep in stock }e frill line. of ti:e above celebrated niakv of .arch- .TLlll p)le1uent5, They are used in every civilized conntry in the world and are giving 'universal satisfaction. Bay 11u,, other. We handle the hIFI flet Crealn Separa- tor, the best o11 tho 1narlcet. Metal Pig Troughs, last much longer than wooden ones, in fact we haladle e rely - thing in the line. of hinders, mowers, plows, etc., etc., and.. repairs of all kinds. When in need of a new Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or Cutter see our lines before you buy. They will please you. FRED. liESS & SON 9 Rickbeil's Old Stand ZURICH �i'� .i�r.;� ***** **rig *** * 0: 0. 0 •Q:. .sr,• * * ° d 0.0