HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-11-08, Page 3LESSON VL -1110V. le, igoq.
Joshua Renewing the Covenant. With
Israel-Josb. 24: x4-28.
9ommentary: L J'osi ua's earnest ap`-
ippeal (vis. 14, 15)n14, Now therefore -
In view of the fact that Jehovah has
brought you forth with such a. mighty
hand. Pear the Lord -=-Reverence the
Lord and walk carefully before hili.
Think of His Majesty and respect His
authoritty, and remember that His eye
is ever upon you. Always make ilini the
object of all your worship. Serve Him-
limPerforin His will; obey His command --
merits. In this address• Joshua ealls their
attention to the many thins (4od had
done for them. An idol emder do nothing
for -any one, why then did they cling to
idols? In, sincerity and in truth -With-
out hypocrisy. "The Latin word from
which our `sincerity' conies, denotes
`honey without wax; unmixed purity.
The Greek word iti considered by same
to be founded on the idea eaf soinotriug
held up in the rays of the sun, and prov-
ed to be without speck or flaw." -Coln.
Bib. Pitt away the g(1 -.-it would seem
from these words that there were some
anion; them who privately kept the im-
ages or gods which had belonged to their
forefathers. The gods which their fore-
fathers worshiped were (1) the gods of
the Chaldeans, They worshiped ed fire( light
aeods to nd sun and made
The images worshiped by the Egyptians
which were the ape, serpents, vegetables,
etc. The inhabitants of Canaan also wor-
shiped idols, which world become a snare
to Israel unless they put away all hea-
then worship. Joshua saw that they
could not be sincere in divine worship
and use idols. Beyond the River (R. V.)
.--That ie, beyond the Euphrates, in Mes-
opotamia and in Ur, the land of Abra-
ham's nativity.
15. If it .cent evil ---If it seem unwise
tions of blessings for obedience and pun-
isiilnent for disobedience. "Their con-
seienee will be their witness, judge and
23. Put away, etc. -Prove your inten-
tions at once. Begin the work of refor-
mation before your hearts harden
against your promise. Let the Heart
incline toward God, and the acts of the
life will harmonize with the divine will.
24. Will we serve -The thought of
prompt action did not ohange them,
but only settled their minds more fully
The better they understood. the more
determined were they to obey. The ser:
vitae of sin is wrong, degrading, painful,
destructive; the service of God is right,
exalting, happy, saving. God's service is
reasonable, worthy of our beet efforts.
25. Joshua made a covenant -A eov-
ennnt had been concluded by God on
Sinai iwith Israel and solemnly. ratified
(I.xod. 10, 20). This covenant Ivioses
had renewed in the field of Moab (Dent.
29, 1).
IV. A memorial stone (vs. 26'28). In
these verses we are told that Joshua put
their covenant in writing and erected a
memorial stone under An oak. This
monumental atone would remind them
of the vows they had made and be. a wit-
ness to future generations. God under-
took to make it easy for them to remem-
ber to do the right, and He held them
responsible for the fulfilment of the
voles that they had the". solemnly made.
T. Reasonable service. "Now, there-
fore, serve him". (v. 14). "Therefore....
will we also serve the Lord" (v. 18).
Joshua's •call and the people's choice
were based upon a review of what Uod
had done for them. So we who are
"justified by faith," because "Christ died
fo" us" (horn. 5:1, 8), are free from sin,
are delivered from this body of death was released for lack of tevidence.
(Rom 7:24), are under "no c'ondemna_ The other man under arrest in Philtt-
tion " for whom there is no separation delphia is one of the trio- whom Dete'e-
(Itom 8:1, 35-39), can say that ours is tive Richard Tipton arrested at Bolton
a "reasonable service." Fair an October 9. He had them planed
IT. ,Sincere service. "Serve him in sin -
Woodbridge jail on. the nominal
osen us.. charge of vagrancy while the criminal
eerily" (v. 14). Christ has "ch
that we should be holy and without records were being searched, but being
Menne before hint, in levo" (Egli. 1:4). released on $500 bail each they all fled.
stones," that will stand the '!,fire' of
the judgmenti or is it "weed, hay, etub.
ble" that shall be "burned?" (1 Cor. 3,
12-15, Ask God -to show you.
A. C. M.
Arrested in Philadelphia Last Friday
Were Receutly in Toronto.
Toronto, Nov. 4 --- The photograplis of
two daring crirninals vvho attempted a
daylight robbery on the United States
sub -treasury in Philadelphia last .Fri-
day and who were captured before they
could get away with their booty were
received in Toronto yesterday and in-
formation asked about them.
The photographs of the men were at
once recognized in Toronto, for strange-
ly enough.. both men had been arrested
on suspicion by members of'the Toron-
to police force within the past two
weeks, one being discharged 'far lack of
evidence against him and the other, who
was being held on a charge ; of vagrancy,
forfeited $500 bail and fled,
The man Bate; is the, man who was
arrested on October 5 on Yonge street
on suspicion of being tui neeomplice in
the recent case of money -snatching in
the Toronto branch of the Bank of Ham-
ilton. Superintendent Walsh of the
Canadian Detective )3nreau - recognized
him as an American crook; known as
Billy Burk; alias Billy the' Iiid. as
being in Toronto, and he was according-
ly arrested and 'searched. He gave the
name of. Ireland to the detectives, but
_lie Want to help you, • her baby g'il'l - ' °'
or inexpedient. Choose you. oto. -lake said to "I.u."aret Ilottome, as she was
Elijah on Carmel (1 Kings 18. 21). ,los- putting down the carpet. So the mother
butt calls upon the people to at onee de- gave her the saucer of tacks to hold.
cide as to whom they would serve. "They But presently- the tiny (rands grew un -
had been harboring idol: (v. 23) and steady, the saucer fell. and. the tacks
worshiping them in emeet, while openly ray scattered upon the carpet. It seem -
professing to servo (rod. It was high tine e.1 the mother was hindered inetead. of
for this to cease. The whole hope of the helped. She looked at the grieved lips
nation depended upon a whole -hearted of her child and kissed theist into smiles.
eel -Vice of Jehovah. There was no good Quickly into her heart came the thought
reason for 'thele . to defer the matter a of her imperfect service for God and his
single moment" As for me and.my hoose loving acceptance of it, and afterward
--Joshua is outspoken. .IIis decision was relating the incident she said,"Baby did
made many years before this. "Ile al- help mother better .than she knew." God.
so resolves for Ms family, his children counts sincere) service as blameless, cov-
and servants, and such as were under axing all its imperfections with the man -
his care and influence and protection. tie o: mother love. If we will be blame -
Though he was tl ruler, Joshua did not less here (Phil. 2:15) he will present us
neglect family religion. 'lie speaks as - faultless there (Jude 24).
though there might be some of his peo- III. True service. ' "Serve him.-- . in
ple who would tura to idol worship, but tsntlt" (v. 14), A tiny 'boy was leaving
in Inc household he would net perruit soon' a good time. with • his bloel when
of r He 'ave -them his deei len and , ' C''x.,tne dean- rt �n' tinnh
Id tut y,.,, g � I .,, Iris mother stet(;_ (. , , „ d.
example before receiving their reply."' to lit the bloeks 'away and get res y
II.. Ian:lel's Solemn Promise (vs. - tot noes • "Oh: emaerea ' begged. the
16-18), 16. People answered -Through child "let me stay a - little hanger -just
their leaders, and by hearty acclaim till the clod: strikes again" It oxily
on their part the people promised
fidelity to Jehovah. God forbid --The wantedothfifteen yououtes of op ch, r the
force of the original is that such a mother said, If will stag cheerfully
rousse would be a "profane thing" to when rho clock strikes T will let you
them. Forsake the Lord -This shows play on, Iia promised. ' It seemed only
that they isle consider themselves as a. minute to the busy block -builder when
•belonging a God. la ever may lock on the mantel told the hour
Ti dear child looked up in
I ram•
Toronto Farmers' Market.
Grain receipts .to -day were a little larger
than yesterday. Goose wheat lower, with
100 ,busbels selling at $5t . Oats are easier.
400 bushels seting at Ole to 62c. Barley un-
changed, 400 bushels. setting at 90c, Buck-
wheat sold at 40e a bushel for One load.
Ilay quiet and steady with sales of 30 loads eels(
$20 to $20 per ton. Ono load of straw sold
Toronto, Out,Nov. d (Sp )
at eft; a ton. An inspector was selected by .lion- hexa
nreesed (togs are unchanged at 18.18 for Agriculture,
tight, and at $8."i for heavy. Monteith the Minister of A„''
wheat, whits, bush. .. $1 08 $ 0 CO this afternoon to pr0eed to GrimebyT
1 06
Withdrawing Shareholders of the York
Loan Make Claim.
Toronao, Des. --Referee George Kap-
pele resumed the hearing yesterday of
the evidence of those shareholders in
the York Loan Co. who had given notice
of withdrawal prior to the date of the
receiving orders.
The contention of the' .claimants is
that having complied with the bylaws
which provides for the payment of-witli-
Proposal to Bali the Pears --Deputation
of Fruit -Growers Ask That Disease&
Fruit Be Not Allowed Into Ganda
Penalties for Canning Facto -ties.
Do. red, bush, . .. ..
Do.. spring bush, .. ., ,. .. 1 05
Do. goose, bush. 0 98
Date, bush . . .. .. ... .. .. 0 02
Barley, bush. . , .. .. .. 0 110
Rye, bush .. . . .. . . . . .. .. 0 00
Peas, bush. .. .. .. ,. .. 0 87
Ilay, Yon ,.. .... 20 0)
Straw. ton ...............10 00
Aleike, leo. 1, bush.... 8 75
De,. No. 2. .... .. .. .. .. 8 09
Dressed hogs .. .. .... .. .. 8 20
zege, per dozen ..........0 30
Butter, dairy .. .. .. .. '
Do., creamery ..........0 80
Geese, dressed, 10...........0 10
(Chickens, lb. . .. .. .. .. ..0 10
Ducks, dressed, lb. .. .. .. 0 11
Turkeys, ib. 011
,Apples, per bbl. .. .. .. .. 1 50
Onions, per bag .. .. .. .. 1 2.,
Potatoes, per bay, ........0 80
Cabbage. Per dozen .. .. .. 0 4t1
ace, hindquarters .. .. .. 8 Cd)
Do., forequarters ........4
Do., choice, eareese . .. .. 7 50
De„ medium, earease .. .. 0 00
Muton, per cwt. .. . .. .. 8 00
Veal, prune, per cwt. .... 7 d)
Lamb, per cwt. .. _^Y .. .. 9 00
Toronto Live Stock.
000 and take, charge of the five cars 0f pear
O 00
infected with. the San Jose Scale, seized
0 00000 oo Saturdaay.:Be had been instructed to
0 00 treat the fruit in such a way as to pre -
2t) 90 vent the scale spreading. As a result of
W the importation of the fruit into the
o Province, it has been suggested that the
9 1" pears be placed in boiling water for five
8 u0 minutes. This will destroy the parasitsc
S 7" and may 'not, spoil the .fruit. The des -
0 s 1 truetion of crates which contained the
0 32 fruit and the ftunigation of the ears
0 12 ' desired.
0 ; The new inspector will also visit other-
() 18 ' paints in the Province .where it is re --
s so I ported infected fruit has been taken.
1 32 ' A -deputation of fruit growers waited.
1 00 i on the Minister of Agriculture this-
() to ; morning.The wish the Ottawa author -
10 OD; hies
s s0 i sties to take preliminary measures to
s 00 ' prevent the entry of diseased fruit into
0� I Canada. The Ontario Department wa.a-
10 00 ! asked to confiscate ranch fruit on its
1000 entry into the Province, and to provide
for the inspection of imported fruit and
• c.anniii,P `aetories with a view to prevent -
Receipts of live stock at the city market t ing the. spread of such pests. Finally
were 82 car loads, composed of 1308 rattle, 1 the deputation desired some rigid legis -
991 hogs, 1918 .cheep, and :Alii calces. laden passel embodying penalties for
There e is little change In the quality of ra.nninn factory proprietors bringing•
the cattle •delivered for sale, either in qu0.1- 1 1
sty or prices, lint what eita2,6'e there was : scaly ft'u}t into the country. The deloga.-
for lower• quotations, and it till toolts as ;tion inelud++d J. 1'. Pett}t, 01 Grimsby;
though prices would recede farther before . ,I 1V Sii ,ti Winona; W. E. 3.e. r.
bulls there was nothing doine' in the export 1 lir. Pettit said that the importation
they 4e higher.
Winona, and. E. .1. �5-oolverton, Grimsby.
'Exporters -With the exception of a Sew ,
class. Bulls sold at ILO) to .7.70. ,,f the scaly pears into the Provinee,
Butchers ---There was one lo..d of butchers' ; tivlticll has been fighting the Ora&ire for
cattle sold by James Corbett, 1050 lbs. each, " t p
at elm, which was the highest price quoted.: some tinge, had caused a storm of intim
Best cattle offered sold at 83.90 to $4.40; light, nation an the district. Since the Grimsby
medium, butchers, at 93.3J to 8:(.02: fair to incident had been announced reports had
good cows, at 1.....c. to $,.,,., o: cwmtnon, medium
sows, ;2.20 to 82.x0: canners, 91 to 92 per . been received of the arrival of similar.
r, e. tainted fruit at -t. Catharines.
Feeder+ and stoelters--Well bred steers of
good weights are scarce and wanted, but 111 -
bred -stockers and 11.ght feeders are almost
unsaleable wiht prices about steady as fol-
lows • Best feeders,1050 to 1100 lbs at 83.25
hl 51.62: fair feeders, 1000 to 1100 lbs.. 43.25
to 8,).f0 best stockers. 700 to 901) ibe., $2.50 1
to 12.0 medium stnrkers, i+)n to 90') (tis.. Ita•yei-1�7eim Dei Grosse Was,.
$2.25 to 80.50; eontmoa feeders, :,00 to 700 lbs.,
drawale in the order they were receiv- $1.; 0 to �� a.. Steered With Propellers.
spring -
Miters and Springera There was a fair
ed, they are preferred creditors. This is trade for good to choice Imt.11ters and spring- i
opposed by the liquidator, and the gen- era. but common, Inferior light cows were
eral body of shareholders who raise the slow sale at the lowest prices of the sea- ` Plymouth. Eng., Nov. 4 --- The North
con • German Lloyd steamer Kaiser `4'ilhelm•
question of the solvency of the company
previous to the date of the winding up.
Prime cows sold from $50 to Olt medium i der Grosse, from New York, Oct. 22, for
ao good at 935 to $45: Interior to ccmtnou $S3 Bremen, by way of Plymouth and Cher --
the succeed in their contention there
� to gS0 each.
will b e a great deal of ubdiv tiling in 99.60
6 tleea�ecafives. 't1 calves ,"old at 93.50 to' ing, �r cuidarrived reported that the loe at 9.30 lls of her
WS class (10. 4). ;�; Sheen and i.amrl�-Zralte� was slow in the ,ruder occuired nLeu she _teas two and
is morn-
73urirlgf: its last ynt+a ,,fes ri'7G`..,.-;iS Ijni�d• sheen"e1a.,�og. ,�,•ea:mt.,:s�h� .$;f.5". t4., .",4.'i0: t - r
out in withdrawals. - ,n. , ' " inm"s, trade dull Yon inferior enmity: prices ! - malt lose. grit from Nett' Yea:, While •
,, ranging front 91.00 to '8a-.40 per cwt, Few 1 a fierce. storm teao. raging:. She steam-
fnrmors ore baying limbs for feeding ed the balance of the trip to Plymouth,
Hogs-ylr. Harris ono se er s 1 1,150 miles, steered ... ler grope ars
with light unfinished hogs at $5 to $5...,. alone. Her commander. Capta.}n Polack,
Narrow Escape of Steeplejack a „ I remained incessantly on the bridge and
in Air. British Cattle Markets. i did not have any sleep until the .team
L3.2 4-4 --London cables are firmer at 10e I ea reached the I,r.�+lish channel. Beyond
' London, One., Despatch ---A steeple- t) 12 1-4e Per lb.. dressed weight: refriger- ,
jack, named Reynolds, had a' marrow aim beef is quoted at 10c per lb. :t delay of thirty (lours in reaching this.
esc:t a from death this morning 'chile The Cheese Markets. port, the passengers of the Kaiser W l -
p g helm der Grosse were in no way disoom-
Stlrie)g, Ont.--To-day there offered 180:. mode(' and she left Plymouth for (,her -
sold at 12 1-8e; balance refit ed.
Canl.Pbellford.-To-day 1281 were offered; 76 - boars thee morning, without any as -
cold on the board et 128; balance refused at . sistance.
lee: meetly all sold on the street at 12e. c
LOST HIS SEAT. N i ted i t t by1 11
5 Feet
b t G d 'What a the c en •aged in 'Wilting thesteel. etack at
hove been their sins they were not of seven. to a b r ' P h
readyto forsake the service of Je- surprise, slut his lips tight, drew a lone the London Dolling Mills. He: was up
breath, and then said as cheerfully as lie 125 feet in the _air working with his
hovah. They reply with firmness•,
leaving no room for doubt. "Joshua could, "I didn't think it would strike $o , thuslstwhen,
o ► n, as
inde blew leaned
it over
front the
did everything possible to confirm soon, but I must keep my truth:' g
IV Voluntar • ser\rce. "Choose'' (v, . Quick as a flash he grasped the rope
their decision and to render it en- 15). (cod's chine to Israel's service was 1 b which his assistant seaids -up sup -
during, That brought us -Some sea- based u on soushi "Israel i$ my son, plies and down this he slid With great
;0216 are now given which led them even my first -bore; and . t ..let my :sou , slfeed. The coat sleeve With torn off and
to make this decision: 1. God had de first-bore;
uta" (lixotl. 4. sus arm badly burned by - the friction
livered them from Egyptian bondage.2. The ` es. ' et, y
t God ineer compels, He core'
land. 3.Theireat spesery prens" servation fortt in -' strains (Dent. 30. 19. 2 Cor. 5. 14). Is
years in the wilderness. 4. The e.:- rtiah would never have been the prophet
pulsion of the :C.morites. of the Most High had he not said. "Here
18. Therefore will we also -Joshua alis I, send me' (Isa. 6. 8) . Paul would
would not be permitted to stand never have been shown his 'service of
al -were ot suffering had he not said, "Lord, what
the lsan e in hmind, is oand wouldice. for e claimethe wilt 'thou have lie to do."
V. Personal service. "Choose you" (v.
same God which they had madwould e 15). God's, Call is to individuals. Davids
break they word to the "congregation was, "Who
III. A Covenant Made (vs- a1can- their offei•eth willingly to consecrate
19 � e cannot serve the Lord -Ye can-
not in your own strength, while still
clinging to your idolatry, and with
hearts unregenrated. Joshua did not
intend to suggest an impossibility,
and the people did not so understand
it, for in the verses following they
commit themselves unreservedly to
the service of Jehovah. An holy God.
He is holy in his character, and
. will not allow his people to be defiled
by any impure worship. A jealous
God -He is altogether 'unlike the gods
of the nations around, and if they
would serve him they must make him.
the highest obect of their love and
devotion. Will not forgive., .. your
sins --Rather, will not pass by your
sins as if taking no notice of then.
-Gray. He will not tolerate sin. "The
explanation is, that while God is
forgiving to the truly penitent, he
vigorously punishes all incorrigible
sinnel•s.' -Whedon. -
20. Then he will turn -Cod is unalter-
ably fixed in His attitude toward sin,
toward the repentant sinner and toward
the righteous. He never changes, but
as we change ItTe assumes different atti-
tides toward us, as we put ourselves
in different relations to Hien. See Jer.
' 18, 7.10. Do you hurt, etc. -They could
not deny God's goodness to them, but
He had made a law and if they trans-
gressed the wrath of God would certain-
ly fall upon them. They fixed their own
punishxflent. Consume -Punish them se-
verely, 21. We will serve the Lord -
They understood Joshua's meaning, and
declarethey will not cause God to turn
and do diem hurt. Whatever He re-
quires, at their hand, they pledge them-
selves to be obedient. They promise to
-put from among themanything that
hinders God from having their best an
factions. 22. MV'itnesses against your-
selves -They had deeided and publicly Lord" (Ler. 10, 2, 10; 'lea. 52. 11). Is
promised to obey, accepting the (tomtit. your service";..old, silver, precious the fine," he do dared .
against the rope. Had he not been
able to grasp the rope he would have
fallen to the roof, 65 feet below.
' Winnipeg Wheat Market.
Folluwi lg are the ,losing quotations 00
Wiumpeg grain ftures to -day:
Wheat Oct. tl.00 3-4 bid, Dee. 81.00 1-4 bid,
May 91.12 (.-L, bid.
Oats -Oct. 61 1-4e bid, De,'. 16 3-4c bid,
May 20 1-20 bid.
Bradstreet's on Trade.
° Montreal. -General wholesale and retail
trade eolninues to hold it. guod tone here. The
money str:ugeney has sail a disturbing ef-
fect upon business. This has largely been
respor:siblo for the declines 10 the values of
Canadian securities during the past week.
While lade of money is in some cases re-
stricting Canadian ihduetrial enterprises,
there is still a brisk tone to all lines of
manufacture, In some particular branches,
such as textiles, the manufacturers are un-
able to turn out sutfieient geode to meet
all demands. Values continue to advance.
Underwear is going higher, The advance in
llncp', is creating a heavier deivaud for cot-
tons, The demands upon hardware mauu-
facturers is keeping factories busy. w'hlle
the demand for builder,:' supplies has Palien
off somewhat there is etlll a fairly good
movement lu this regard, Grocers report
markets generally steady to firm and the
demand for staples good,
Toronto ---A healthy and generally brisk
tone is reported to all lines of trade here.
Stoclte are moving well and the outlook for
the winter business is bright. Money is still
very scarce and the granting of credits Is
being done with extreme caution. Whole-
saler, report there is rather a better tone
to collections from nearly all districts. The
high prices which farmer are obtaining for
grain and this. The products
are largely is m k tingtheir p(e for
earlier than usual on this account. They
aro not generally, as is sometimes the case,
balding off for still higher prices. Wholesale
drygoods men here state that the demands
for renewals are not so beavy as they were
a year ago. October settlements were gen-
--J. G. Loveland Premier ":and Minis- craps quite guod. fn some districts oP tho
� 'FVeet however, rollectlons ere stilt slow. All
Reports From. 68o Divisions for Month of
Toronto, Nov. 4 -The report of the
Provincial Health Department. for Sep-
tember shows that 680 divisions repre-
senting a population of 1,920,000 made
himself this day unto the Lord:" (1• returns. They gave a total of 2,060
Chron. 20.. 5, R. V.), The Spirit's call deaths from all causes• for, the month,
to the "churches is, 1Ie that hath an a rate of 12.1) per 1,000 compared with 2,-
ear to hear let him hear" (Rev. 2. 11).381 deaths in a reporting population of
"Be that overeometh.... to nim will .I 1 2.076.600 in September last year. The
give power" (Rev. 3. 26). returns show slight increases 111 ,small.
VI. Immediate service, "Now; there- pox, scarlet fever and diphtheria, and
fore..choosc you this day" (vs. 14, 15). amarked decrease in typhoid fever. Con -
"Remember now thy Creator" (Leel, 12. sumption claimed 129 victims tampered
1). "Now is the accepted time..... now with 115 in September, 1006.
is the day of salvation" (2 Cor. 6, 2). .A.
mother stood beside the open grave of NEW NORWEGIAN CABINET.
her Only child. As the clods fell upon
the coffin. she threw herself ripen her Premier Forced to Resign Owing to 111
knees and looking heavenward , cried, HeaItli.
"Lord Jesus, I rive myself to thee here
and now," "Whatsoever tby hand find- Christiana, Nor. 4 ---M. Michelson
eth to do, do it" (Ecc1. 9. 10), They the Premier, resigned to -day en ac -
found 'on the fly leaf of a little boy's count of ill -health, which ltd to the re -
'Bible after he went to heaven, "I take signation of the Ministers of Pub-.
God this day to 3m my (Tod and no fool-
lie Works and Justice Ding Iiaakon
ing about it" later made the following appointments
Deliberate eervice. "Choose....
whom ye will serve." There cxt11 be no
compromise. If heathen gods are really
better, serve thea. Count the cost (Luke
14. 28). Know tate worst. Face the cross.
There are trials and temptations in serv-
ing God, bat it pays. Then choose, Take
a. -bunk sheet of paper. Rule it. Write
God's name above one column and Sat-
an's (lame above the other. Weigh de-
liberately, impartially, each service,
Write honestly in one column the reasons
why you should serve God and in the
other all the remelts why you should
serve Satan. Thee deliberately determine
to serve God. Write your name to it
and ,stand by it.
VIII. Holy service. "The Lord....is
an holy God" (v. 10). If you choose to
serve, it must be in His way. In the
book of the priesthood we read, "Ye
Shall be 11017 for I sans holy" (toy, 11.
44), He must have at rc
holy service. Be
e clean that bear the vessels of the
ter of foreign ' Affairs; - til Bredn.l, lines of winter drygoods are moving well and
Minister of Justice; Captain Dawes, Coad sorting orders in fall lines are coming
Minieter of Defence; Magnus Halvor-
sen, Minister of Finsnce; .. W. Berge,
Minister of Public Worship. Premier
Loevland was Minister of RorelePt
Affairs in the last Cabinet. The re-
construction of the Minietry has no
political significance,
Company Will Pay the $25,000 Assessed
. by Judge Riddell.
Detroit, Nov. 4: The Michigan Cen-
tral Railway has decided to uay the
$25,000fii3 imposed by Mr. justice Rid-
dell for the carelessness that caused the
explosion of dynamite at Essex., Ont.
lila -„
r * Itusstll, counsel for the, eons". dere: are geed amt proseiiets for the winter
y rt axe bright. I'rnm most direntions
Hamilton Deputation Protests
Against Foreign Invasion.
forward. Sugar is quieter and steady'. Teas -
and general lines are firm in tone.
Winnipeg. --The 00110011 for general trade
here continuos to grow brighter as the sea -
sou advances. Tlu•eehing returns are show-
ing better than was expected and with grain
prices- High country trade promises well, The
grain 1s being marketed rapidly and from
most districts collections are Improving. Gro-
cers report a fairly good business in all sta.
*lee. 'Prices on new goods show coustder-
abie advances.
Vancouver and Victoria -A11 lines of whole-
sale trade report a good movement here, in
fact, rho trade all this year has been heav-
ler than it was last. Values in all lines are
firm. Flour and feed prices have advanced
sternly, The fruit trade is heavy,
13nmilton--'The volume of whlolesale and re--
trader Is shoe here
entd andacoilee-
tions are goneralle fair to good. Values in
an lines hold very firm.
olidon-=There is little change in the bust -
Toronto, Ont.. Des. - (Special)
deputation representing the Hamilton
braneh of the Fish and (sante Association
waited on Hon. Dr. 'Resume, the Minister
of Public Works, this morning. It wase
composed of President Thomas Upton,.
Viee-President Ii, Barnard and Secretary
Wm. llendrie. 'These gentlemen. called:
the attention of the Minister to the
fact that game was destroyed both in
season and out of season by foreigners -
in the province who eltrried firearms on
Sundays as well a$ week days, and shot
at all kiede of birds. They also Re-
tested against the shooting of mune,. park--
ticularly deer, by unlicensed hunters,.
especially along the line of the various,
railway lines. 'Those ',len sell deer, it
is said, to unsuccessful license holders.
The .delegation was told that the At-
torney-General's Department was co-
operating with the genie .and fisheries•
authorities to stop such breaches of the
This statement was made by Mr. Hen- seSS situation here Wbolcaa.le sorting or -
"'('('e leaded guilty awl we,vr-111 Pay seasu
p g alnllections ire goat!. Loral industries aro
busily engaged.
Burglars Visit Hudson's Bay Store at
Fort William,
Fort William, Nov. 4 . - The Ilud'son's•
Bay storewas robbed yesterday morn-
ing, and the burglars after gagging and.
binding et young clerk named Wrenn,.
who sleeps on the premises, prepared to -
blow the safe. They drilled three holes
in the door, but for some unknown rea-
son, probably fear of attracting suttee -
tion, did not use the explosive, cense
qucutly did not obtain the money in.
the vault. Wrenn urannged to get loose -
from his fastenings and called the police.
So far no (wrests have been made.
Will Sue United States for Violating
Patent Rights.
Paris. "3' ov. 4 - a'cording to the
Blatin': Berlin correspondent the
Krupps are arbour to start an action
against the United States for violation
of their patent rights, making General
Crozier, chief of ol'dtsaliee, the defendant..