HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-11-08, Page 1Vol. V111. The Official Organ of Zurich. id Gay Township. ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, Nov 1907. No. 15, Commercial Correspondence among our students at Wing - ham, Clinton, Walkerton, Orangeville and Goderich. We have incomes:4kt the counsels of our TWELVE BROADLY EDUCATED; WIDELY EXPER- IENCED TEACHERS. Gregg Shorthand taught by a Graduate of the Author, Jelin R. Gregg, Individual instrturtion. We in- vite comparison and close in- vestigation. OUR MAIL COURSES TEACH YOU I1STYOUR OWN HOME. Write for partionlars. CLINTON BUSINESS COL- LEGE. Daniel E. Eby, Vice Prin. GEO. SPOTTON - PRINCIPAL —ROYAL— Giycerated Balsam of Fir For Coughs and all Affect- ions of the Throat and Bronchial Tubes. There is no remedy so sure or speedy. For Sale by Dealers. 4 LOCAL NEWS. atinatinaanac-aastairsaanassanssaaa-seeee <Ise Dried apples and butter wanted at Hartleib's. Mr, Wesley Memel', of Elmira, is home for a visit. Mrs, W. Oallfas visited relatives, at Dashwood lest wtek. Misses Phoebe and Elora Foster of the Babylon Line, left for De- troit on Monday. Rev. E. Sehtielke's personal effects were.shipped from ,Etensall: station on Tuesday, to Heidelberg. Mr. 7'7'elacilas Foster, Sr,. cele - Touted nig 85th birthday on Friday, and is at present enjoying good health, Mr. Daniel McIsaac, who has been employed at Prang's black- smith shop for the, past year ex - Deets to leave town shortly. Mr. Joe Serums brought in a turnip, 'which weighs 12 lbs. If this keeps up for a few weeks, we can winter our "devil" on over- grown vegetables. Next ! Messrs. F. W. Hess, C. Fritz and J. P, Ran, attended the shooting tournament at Ointen, on Friday, and report a good time. The best score (10 out of 20) was made by Fritz, in 0130 event. • Mr. Seth Brown of the Town Line, entertained a large number of his neighbors and friends to a duck dinner on Thanksgiving evening, and his quests speak highlY of Mr. Brownias a host. Rev. Maas of Preston, delivered two very able sermons in the Lutheran church on Sunday. The morning service was 'conducted in German and sermon in the evening itt theEnglish language The rever- end gentleman is a very fluent speaker in both languages and was listenedt to with the closet atten- tion. It is said he will become the permanent pastor of the church here. The record for packing apples has been broken by Jacob Seawall- zentruber foreman, assisted by Arthur VTeber and Moses Gascho. They packed ton barrels recently in Mr. Treffrey's orchard, in 44 minutes, and on Monday afternoon packed 33 barrels This gang wish to state that they challenge any other gang in the Township for *50.00 or more. These men are packing apples for Mr. Andrew Mittleholts of this town. The weekly match of the Zurich Gun Oltib. on Tuesday was of more than usual interest owing to its being the 'first •shooting for the Pain medal, which was won by F. W. Hess with a score of 16 out of 20, although he was tied for first place by three others. J, P. Rau NVOla the Hess medal with ten straight. The following is the score. J. A. Truemner 11 ; E. Zel- ler, 10; 0. Fritz, 16 ; H. Yurighlist, 16; StiiT1 Fattst, 6; Jake Deichert, 16; P. Sipple, 15.; J. P. Ran, 15 Hurley Weber, 7,, F. W. Hess, .16 ; W, G. Hess, 1.1 ; W. O'Brien, 11; J, Preeter, 3. Halters with shank 65' cts at C. Hartleib's. Inspector Tom visited the Zurich school on Wednesday. • Mr. Brown of London is a guest at the home of .Mr..0. Eilber, Mr and Mrs Innes spent Sunday with the latter's parents at Hills - green. If • you want a creed light try our American coal oil. 20 cts per gal, at Hartleib's. Rev. Father ,,Strodder attended the funeral of the late Father Barry, at London. on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Marshall of Merlin, visited their daughter, Sirs,.E. Zeller, ()Ver the holidays.. We would like to have all sub- scriptions paid to the end • of the-. year, and those inarrears should rake this hint and remit at once. Miss Lizzie Trueinner returned to Detroit on Monday afternoon, accompanied by Miss. Laura Stein- bach, who expects to make Detroit her home for a while. Rev. Hart Jr. of Hensall preach- ed to a large Congregation, in the Evangelical church an Sunday evening. His hearers 'were well pleased with the sermon. 'Mr. John Dechor Sr. recently sold - his heavy light grey 'horse to Mr. Handford for $200. He was offered $210 f or this horse, sore tinie ago. Mr. Decher has since purchased a mate to the dark grey from Mr. W. Caldwell. . Mr. 0. Hartleib has secured the services of Mr. Percy Wiggins, of Ridgetnwn, for his harness shop. Mr. Wiggins has had eight , years experience in the business and conies highly recommended. Rev. J. P. Hauchof Tokio japan will occupy the pulpit in the Evang- elical chtreh on Sunday, both fore- noon and evening, and at.the 14th. Con church in the afternoon at S. p..in. Morning service at 10 o'ploCk. and: Sunday sohool at 2.: , Evening: service begins at 7 o'clock. These:- .. . hours will continuo dtssin winter months. ' , • Mr. Louis Jeffrey. foreman . itt Kalbtlei.sch's flax mill intends mov- ing his dwelling near St. -Joseph to Zurich. The scarcity -o2 houses . is rather severely felt in. town, dvery nook and corner being filled. It is hoped that some one will erect, a few moderate priced dwellings ast soon as possible. Owners of sui; , able building hits should also navel same put on the market at reason- , able -prices. Rocking table apple phrers,o ots, at Hartleib's. Miss Maggie Stelels of Clinton, spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Roxie Eilber of London spent Thanksgiving at ber home here. See Preeter's line of Silver -re when looking for soinething good and reliable. For a good waterproof ,ti,",-ibe er a first class rubber call on (:". the shoeman, Zurich. Mr. (ns. Smith of Sehringrille, visited his sister, Mrs. C. artle ib on Thanksgiving Day. Wednesday afternoon at 2;30 the W. C. T. U will meet at ti ss; home of Mrs. J. A, Williams Mr. and Mrs. Julius ed relatives and friends. at Bruce.. field and Verna over Thaa'Vsgiving. ! Mr. Harvey Colosity svh0;evesea.f Itis eonneotion With J. Peer, left on Monday for Berlin, -cr.,7:here he intends locating. Mr. Sol. Williams of St;', Joseph , moved to town on Tuesday''alid has1 rented rooms at the rear ‘if. Mrs. McCormick's store. rEnzwYwNIMDZWME221MMYSZEISSILIF2=1:=IIMMEMENZI A Misses Albina and Cecelia, grams- 1 kopf of Dublin, are visiting their! grand -father, Mr, 11. Bakst and: I other relatives in this vieinity, 1 tzt,..,,,„„zr,,,,„, ,,,,s,,,,,,2.,==,,,,,,m,,,,_ ,,,,5= ,,,,,,,_,,,,,x,_, ..,,,,,,. ..,.,,,_ ,,,.,„__ , , . Dan Mitch the champion fsteea, ,,,,,,,,,,mmesesuct,unsaacr. vation.cver. ae.:: ...7.v...sasn.se,- ep"..,., u.. ml, x.Intevawnrypar.,..m.na. 21t, went a mile recently, at New Or- -------- a ,. • - --- ------- leans, in 2 01, which shows that he. .....--ss.........na.--assa,,,.aa,.... •••-.....,..,...,,,...,.. 'sa. NEW FALL DRESS THE VERY LATEST FLANNELS ti FLANNELETTES • A LARGE NEW STOOK JUST IN LADIES'. A PULL LINE • n.astr4=misnianzaawalAvesx.artonsamx...reamma0.2....metramva I invite one and all to my Store for Fall Supplies: it will pay io,000 lbs, 209000 lbs ried Apples Wanted rge Onions Wanted ,01 ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE WANTED Pan is still able to defend his tilde as the world's hest pacer. Dr. Ovens, Sturgeon Osalist, Specialist will be at Royal ,Elotel, Hensa.11, on Friday Nov ;NMI. ours 4 to 8 p. m. Glasses properly:lifted, Catarrh. deafness,and h4ling, eye- sight treated. Rev. Theobald Haueliassiipsran- ;nutted minister of the Et -min -shoal chtireh, also Mrs. Hattelsand one daughter arrived here this week, land will occupy the dwelling re- oently purchased from Mrs. :mei. Mr. Hauch svas is. _Urines iator iere and his rettsess Tena as permanent residente., Some one, probably ivit ious intent circulated the that the apple butter made a ner's factory was not hndll in a 4.A F R 1 T Z cleanly manner, and to get facts we made a personal tion of the factory and found very - thing neat and clean, in fat, the most particular person coal. not find a single fault in the ihanner' that it is managed. ialic- -port 9 ( op tZr) o 44:eat 7 4V ‘.q6 Cost money:— but you will find curs a g•';.1 DO0 little better than others at tile same * priee.• • Just nowe want to talk • WATERPROO SHOES AND. d.6 •--•tiA.:7..:ANTEED RUBBERS • • . • . VP• Jlave all. Leading' Makes • and, P.4. • .Meis t spheec- -,13RECti,., ALWAYS. IITC-1B,T. Butte', Eggs and Dried 'Apples taken in exchange V 8 , . ' . a w ov, THE ,:"HOEMAN - ZURICH co .ap7 - . 7 .,:,.....,.....,,,:_--7.A....,-,-; ...,,,,....0,,;-..--,------, R.,,,,..:? -,E--,,.---:,:„..,•,,,,,---• ir9 '119 3,1:3.6.240:0118c3x-eiro3c3rec:zocie)=0.:395435431ectr--3:a.C.Iarx,30.10g.),...7.00-:"-:(8-=.‹.X=5,34. Nrza,.•10.7.i.loziacrz Nt'• I catrAEM". 4''ZAM:Mttrrr'lltra2ZErZZMZSrEra&4i'r*MiVrarEZ'a 0 0 1 0 0 ZURICH'S ILALT e Crir'rj, TORF seesswee • DO NOT MSS THE OPPORTUNITY Of seeing our splendid stock of Fall Goocls in. all lines. Never before has our large store been ililled with. such money saving values. We purchased in the best markets and have the tsatista )71 knowing that every article we sell is genuine and worth 'the money we ask for it. GENTS' FURNIS INGS 4 LADIES' DEPARTLIENT Immaranatravx.intn.mat.msvtnormwmatmammuetamanc....c.maKctranms.r.veso Caps We have the very newest in Fur -lined Caps. See our line of jockey shapes, very stylish and dressy. Overcoats Our line of Overcoats for fell told winter 'wear is pm- plete with all the latest styles and cloths. ' Toppers plain Bleak Beavers, Fancy Tweed Ulsters; Fur Coats and Pur lined Coats, and Cravanette Coats. : Gloves Sc ilitts A full line in Buck, Horse, Mocha andPigskin. All guar. anteed good wearers and good fitters, prices Right. Underwear We handle the celebrated WOOLNAEI All wool and nnshrinkable, Special valises in other p.nes. kets. These are splendid goods at right prices. ' . , ,esessaa.' .saasasaesseasa.s.a..a.esam..eara3a.,„sasssassea.asseasa-acs=saissessossmamaassa=aasssaes 0 0 '?$ Dress Goods We have the largest, best assorted and most tp-lodate stock of Dress GI•oods ever shown in Zurich, and et prices that cannot be beeten. They are selling fast but we still have an immense variety to choose from: Gloves, Scarfs, Clottas, Hose, Underwear, etc., in endless variety. Ladies' Coats We still have a good selection of Ladiee' Coats left in black and fancy cloths. Blankets We have a full lino of Flannelette and All 'Wool Man- litt% PDWARE DEPARTMENT .A full line of Ranges and Reaters. Buy a PENINSULA. and you bu buy. A beautiful line ofElnging Lamps just received. Lanterns, Ax y the best that money eau es, Handles, Etc. Market Prices for Dujch Setts Dried Apples, and Farm Produce of • ail kinds LI, M:!8014E Vat. V.X!...".1.3rZI‘SCN '0=3T.305.174).1r2SICK=OCIVeatilaVtWISMZ3VIZAN=3;q•MA,''t. 1 00 0 a . 0 0 =40E:IMS.ISICC-TeSSC"..-10.1=4=a0tfaCXXX.SIZOIMS!'st