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The Herald, 1907-11-01, Page 1
Vol. VIII. The Official Organ of Zuric aad Eay Township. ZURICH, ONT., FRIDfirift NOV. 1, 1907. Eig lU�� Commercial Correspondence among our students at Wing - ham, Clinton, Walkerton, Orangeville and Goderich.. We have incorporated the counsels of our TWELVE BROADLY EDUCATED, WIDELY EXPER- IENCED TEACHERS. Gregg Shorthand taught by a Graduate of the Author, John R. Gregg, Individual instruction. We in. vite comparison and close in- vestigation. MAIL COURSES TEAC YOU YOUR, WN HOME. H Write for particulars. CLINTON BUSINESS COL- LEGE. Daniel E. Eby, Vice Prin. GEO. SPOTTON - PRINCIPAL D. S. Faust has'a good range of. Laclies•Fur Ruffs, Oall and exam - line them, ' The ladies Aid will meet at the hone of Mrs. 11! i. Kaercher, on Nov. 7th, at 2 ,0 o'clock. A thousand picture post e,ards, gold ink, cranberries, sweet pota- toes etc., at Mrs. McCormick's. Thu Misses Oantelon, and Miss Smith of Clirnton were guests at the home of Mr. Thomas Johnson on Sunday. A fur glove was found by Mr. J. S. Meliuk, last week. Owner may cure same by calling at THE Hxa- —ROYAL— Glycerated Balsam of Fir For Coughs and all Affect- ions of the Throat and Bronchial Tubes. There is no remedy so sure speedy. For Sale by Dealers. LOCAL NEWS. for $1.00 Lined horse blankets, each, at Hartleib's. D. S. Faust has a full Ladies' coats. See our mitts, best and` cheapest in town, at Hartleib's. Miss Mollie Suhilbe of the 14th Con.; left for Ottawa on Wednes- day da'y inorning. Mr. Burke of Brussels 'was a guest at the home of Mr. Geo. ,]renes on Sunday - For up-to-date dress goods, call at D. S. Faust. All colors and prices right. or No 4. 1, If you want the laltest in neck ties, go to D. S. Faust. See our hot scotch lantern globes. Heat' will not break their, at Hart. leil . Rev, Hart of Hensall will preach in the Evangelical church on Sun- day - evening. D. S. Faust has a full range of ladies' and children's' hose. Call and see them:. - Mr. and Mrs. Jake Welker, of Berlin, are visiting at Mr. Chas. Welker's this week. , Several members of the Zurich se Gun Club will go to.Clinton -.today ALA' office, and paying for this' (Friday) to take "part in the shoot- advertisment. inte tournament. Rev. Maas of Preston will occupy Mr. ClaytonSmith of St. J osepb, the.pupit in the Lutheran church left at our office a turnip Neighing an Sunday. The morning service 9A lbs, a garden beet ;nearly as will be German and the evening heavy, and a red mangel of nearly service',in .English. twenty pounds weight... Mr. Alex ()ballet has been ap- Major Beattie, (Conservative) pointed agent for Massey Harris was elected on Tuesday; as mem- Machinery, for this vicinity and ber for London ;in the House of will have his . head -quarters at Commons by over 1000 majority Zurich. Alex is a hustler, and will over Jacobs, the Labor' candidate. make a good agent.. Dr. Ovens, Surgeon,' Oculist, The Zurich Gun Club was pre- Specialist will be at 2,7ava1 Hotel, seated with a handsome medal, by Hensall, on Friday Oct 4th. Hours Mr.. J. B. - Pain, of London. The 4 to S p. m. Glasses properly fitted, medal will be competed for once a Catarrh. deafness, and failing eye - month at 20 targets and has to be sight treated. won three times in succession, Mr.James Hagan. of the Parr when it will become the property Line, recently disposed -of a well - of the member. elated heavy team to 'Ir. Hand - We would call our readers at- ford of Exeter, for over $400.00.. Be- tthhis isis is tsutoe. . This bank has stood the Maisons Bank ad in fore the drop in horses, Mr. Hagan ed $500.00 for the :team. the test for over 50 years, and is refus stronger to day than ever. You A few days ago, onthe farm of can do your banking, through the Mr. Wm. Lamont, Stanley, Mr. mails quite safely, and ties Hensall Jacob Meyer Jr., assisted by J. branchloffers every facility of mod- Kennel' and J. Kipfer packed 10 ern banking to its cnstomers. barrels of apples in 1 ,hour - and 25 .An exchange says :--.'Knowing minutes. This is the record up to. ones , hereabouts claim that the date. coming winter will be a warm one. Local option is nowin force in The husks on the corn are Said to one hundred and fifty-three Ont - be very thin this season, the squir- ario municipalities, anti_ arrange- rels have not stored up as large a ments are being made to have local supply of nuts as usual and the option bylaws submit cl t New bees have hot made honey', all of which are claimed to be suteeasigna .,x 4.yes•. of ra;''svarni'vvinte . range of Mr. G Brown of Crediton will preach in the Evangelical church on Sunday morning. - Bring your Harness to be re- paired we have a first class harn- ess maker at Hartlieb's, Mrs. J. 0. Kalbfleisch returned on Tuesday from ber trip to the West. She also spent a few weeks with her children in Detroit. The trustee board of the Evangel- ical Church have granted a few weeks' leave of absence to their Pastor, Rev A. D, Gischler, and he and his family left on Tuescay for Heidelberg, where they will visit Mrs. Gischier's parents. An interesting and instructive address will be delivered to the members of the Young Peoples' Alliance, in the Evangelical church, on Tuesday evening, Nov, 5th, by the Rev. D. Urquhart, of Kippers. All are cordially invited to attend. A silver collection will be taken to defray expenses. The weekly practice match of the Gun Club was held on Tnesdav and an even dozen members attended. Thelmedal went to 0 Fritz as usual. Charlie has won the medal the 7th time in succession. The score : C Fritz:,. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 9 FW Hess ..,...1110 100100 5 JPRau 1010111101 7 W O'Brien... 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4 P Sipple - 1 11 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 7 Faust.... –3. i 11100001 6 T Truemner 1 111 1 10 1.0 1 8 H Yungblttt 0 0 1 1 10 1 1 0 1 6 I; Zeller 0 1 0 0. o 1 1 1 1 1 6 T Deichert 0 1 1.1 0 0 1 1 0 0 5 II Weber 001001 0011 9 T 1'reeter 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 i.. 3 To Correspondents,—We would ask ottr correspondents to send in their budgets each week whether they are little or big. We aro look- ing to the interests of our subscrib- ers in their particular locality and want the news whether it is little or 'much. Sometimes you may not have much news to send but don't, keep that little until your have 'more. When news is scarce that is the time your two or three little items, or even one, i5.specially ap preciated by the reader in your section. Send us a big budget every week if you can, if not the small .one will be welcomed. Any of our correspondents who are in need of the required stationery kindly let us know. At Clinton on'Tiiesday last, be- fore Police Magistrate Andrews, Reuben Graham of the Graham Hotel, was charged with selling liquor after hours. Graham plead- ed not guilty, but after hearing the evidence the magistrate imposed a fine cf $100 and .costs, it being a second offence. The costs were $6.65 .Crown Attorney Seager, of Goclerich acted for the prosecution. Years in eighty..one, Blore. Ina couple, - -now when the 7.e`. OPEN PO FALL NEW FALL DRESS 0005 THE VERY LATEST FLANNELS og FLANNELETTES A LARGE NEW STOCK JUST IN LADIES' FURS A FULL LINE I invite one and all to visit my Store for Fall Supplies. It will pay you.... io,poo lbs. Dried Apples Wanted 20,000 Ips Large Onions Wanted ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE WANTED tist9 '°r. rich -1• , :xl1ti0sI iron 8Shoe Satisfaction , 400 0.4 eOur aim to supply our customers with nothing 4u0 p but first-class Shoes has given us a good reputa- 4 D tion, and the result has leen, that our sales have Op increased wonderfully, Whether you want an up- t p D, D to -date Shoe of the latest style or leather, or a p Shoe for every day wear we can suit you. Our 0 t 4p prices are as low as any and it will pay you to ea D 0 o us before you buy. 40'i�'i.mr Wear � l Ql� 8 •�VI hit' tis t'wl41M n. It. ... 1'# el a 3V 11 p • e begins to Q ooiY be" le ' •:., cull' ilas ectio>t 'of same local option it it be am r S p come up, it will be amusing to see ��p opinion on the three•efthsrmajority Q is respectfully, solicited. b l7 change sides. When it 'conies to Butter and Eggs taken i21 exchange_ 3(a[l +v_ be a case of unendeavor to repeal �pg proal option bylaws, it will be found D C i F I T v -v, The L„ oe r n. QQ prohibition men that will be found 8 �,,�A �� denouncing t')e three-fifths ma. X00 jority as unfair and "un -British" ax - and the prohibition leaders that Q�,•p�.p�, 4€4..ogg .ezeg ag ee,g Sag will be found supporting it. �" ea•©•'o e+ ea a''a �.-ea. .'4 �''o �..4•aa. -ta' 4.0• 3�3L..�F ��s.•3�i�3�i3»!''���`->�•3s�'i3�.-c�,L"`-.,4�ki3�i;�flt��3>�3a±3£�r3�3>E�£i�3aF�34���- £3€�Es�a':.+ -3r�3>'�f3�'�c.' ?? BIGGEST STORE ZURICH'S t:w,nWr'.-'.: 97:10., 117. Y ••1Sitn ..: Wi$4, ..,•41AV Orleei.'.'4J, tl,"Fi+'1Al_ ^Nr1.:. ..r..'. DO NOT I1ISS THE OPPORTUNITY Of seeing our splendidF stock of Fall Goods in alllines. in the best beforesre ha ans d large estore beetiolllled with such money saving values. We purchased knowing that eoery article we sell is genuine and worth 'the money we ask for it. �,o:,rx,oau�,«ae�s�sa,oew,�xxu.�e,oaoc>�>�a>��a�> � �„7o,�r�«,a>mtwo+7�t,as>,�:�+,00«��>��«,�,�>� mr�•>« GENTS' FURNISHINGSLADIES' DEPARTrIENT Caps We have the very newest in Fur -lined Caps, line of jockey shapes, very stylish and dressy, Overcoats Our line of Overcoats for fall and winter wear is com- plete with all the latest styles and cloths, Toppers, plain Black Beavers, Fancy Tweed Meters, Fur Coats and Fur - lined Coats, and Oravanette Coats. See our Gloves &.Itts A full line in Buck, Horse, Mocha and Pigskin. All guar- anteed good wearers and good fitters. Prices Right. Underwear We handle the celebrated WOOLNAP. All 'wool and unshrinkable. Special values in other lines. `,�„� ,cn mRlC taaacn x3aY�t) 0000 )3 %1 u6ds e»3S)b£T u7erCasze� tt5(icurX mt7cKx CcP itznt f >0a;Ceo I1ARDWAR.E DEPARTMENT A full line of Ranges and Heaters. Buy a PENINSULA Iandolyou buy theHandles, tthan money can buy. A beautiful line of Hanging Lamps dust received. Market Prices for Dutch. Setts Dried p les) and Farm Produce of kinds Z RIO 1 Dress -Goods We have the largest, best assorted and most up-to-date stock of Dress Goods ever shown in Zuricla,'a.nd at prices that cannot be beaten. They are selling fast but we still have an immense variety to choose from. Gloves, Scarfs, Clouds, Hose, Underwear, etc., in endless variety. Ladies' Coats e still have a good selection of Ladies' Coats left in black and fancy cloths. Blankets We have a:, full line of Flannelette and All Wool Blan- kets. These are splendid goods at right prices. jea EET , l li;3 3 ezozcx 3t,- �<`e" ' 3 cozo=361=Ams-8*.z.x3=wx=icsscaozr4=INg