HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-10-25, Page 44
0111MOD eleadiD0001)41111,000D rgile 00151111D4D
-----•-Tai E--
y ...SON K
.assets $33,000,000*
Established1855 a
A place of safety and security for
the accumulations of all who work
and save.
Deposits of any amount accepted and interest
paid 4 times a year at highest current rata.
- Manager.
,idDfISindDcit.4..rC3DctY..�fist3Da a�!�es:a,atlD (ipi ?+3Kt
The Zurich Herald.
punt of a few
The following
of our thriving industries appear-
ed in the Huron Expositor of last
"sok and We are pleased to present
it to our readers, E'Zurioh is rapid•
ly forging to the front as. a manu-
t oturixag oer tre and if it continues
at the rate it has been going for the
a past year it 'bids fair to become a
• second Berlin 'which is one of the
best manufacturing towns in Ont-
ario, For meets years Zurich has
been noted for the excellence of
the out put of the carriage works
' ofMessrs, fired Bess & mons and
this establishment is still being
conducted on a larger scale than
ever and the vehicles turned out
are not surpassed in style, finish
and workmanship by the vehicles
of the largest oily establishments
and their popularity is the best
proof of their superior quality.
Next in order comes the extensive
flouring mills of t. A. Williams &
(Jo., which also do a large and con-
tinually increasing business both
locally and inthe distant markets.
Mr. S. Rannie's tannery is also an
old established and well known in-
stitution which has served to en-
hance the name of Zurich as a
manfaoturing centre and although
there is not as large a business
done in it now as in former years,
it is still a profitable industry in
the Place.. The flax mill of the
Zurich Flax Company is another
industry which does a large bus-
iness and give profitable employ-
ment to a lanes number of working
people. Of more recent years is
the fruit eveaeorator of Mr. J.
Merner whit'la has a large annual
out put and which brings to the
village a good deal of trade and
its into circulation a consider -
iieiter, Notary Public, Hens all, Ontario.
At ZiariGh (Ze11er's oDice) every Aon -
asters, Solicitors. Notaries Public, etc.,
Goilench, Canada. W. Proudfoot. E.C.
R. C. Hays. G. F. Blair.
PtilILIallr P tit F. ZELLER.
FRIDAY (.)cr. a thm 14107.
—Discussing Sir \ "ilfrid Laurter's
speeoh before the Canadian lfanu-
faoturers' Association atToronto,
The London Morning Post said: It
will not be forgotten that in the
Alaskan boundary affair the sacri-
fic of Canadian interests, by the
acceptance of a peouliar1-constitu-
BUSINESS CARDS. l ted arbitration tribunal, took place
with the full concurrence of Sir
'----.-----------7m-- i cit -1 Wilfrid Laurier himself, despite
I oilseed
back �'. y., AS I from
to ulur belief to the contrary.
Stswed my business. cit from E. the l p
to alio u I air in a rm position to Calls at days nd i �of any epartner nation in the
to all Hotel.
;its formerly. l
Trau'e hotel. 1 Empire being forced against its
! will into any commercial treaty.
VETERINARY The principal followed in the case
DR. E. W. nd Dentist,
of the recent Franca Canadian con -
Office over
& . JZohnson's
OStore. ventian, to which Sir Wilfrid
Nigh over at T.
M.onSr ature.
Night calls at Johnson's residence.: Laurier
een agolwhen the previousd many
between France and Canada was 6 t�ible guru of money annually. Mr.
S. HARDY, EXETER, ONT•. LItlne negotiated in Paris kry Sir Charles Merner has this year added anoth-
ed Auctioneer for Huron and Perth. tee Tupper. Since that .time the Im` er important industry to that
rates arereasonable satisfaction.
and I will the scot erial Conference has more than
the best of my
For the Hort- P
veuience of toy frietelrntq � Hayay anal air l � t Q factaryea assurances i'rc�mlting thawhich he previously had. establishment.
Stanley, dates ones
ranged at Tar: i%i sar.n Office, 'Lurich. Government r theab t`veen Canada
'000410110 elen>4100°4111111"S15"1113"011"1111111"011"
Single Buggy
Harness and
Team farness
Trunks, Suit Cases,
Travelling Bags,
Fine Leather Purses
House Furniture
Organs & Pianos
Fa rnitatre
H. li. E LL
Saddlery .
1 he Old and Reliable
Kalbtleisch's Saw & Planing Hills....
Shingles! Shingles!
a cider mill and apple butter fact-
ory. This new esti .
Tbe present ire whish is situated in the western
r side of the village, is equipped with
i:. S. PHILLIPS, LICENSED Alec. 1 and Japan came into force only ation of the the most complete andqui modern
last year, on the f,machine for the purpose and the
Porth. forF the Countiesck of Hispecialt and i Canadian Government after it bad;
Farm stock sales a pay. All ;machinery
put is of the very finest quality
ath rs left at Lot23,guaranteed or n � and in forcerb between
- Ae land commends ready sale. It also
orders left Lot 3, Can. Hay. or 9 t affords a local Market for an inn
addressed to Renals P. 0. will be i enrdingly there does not seam to be les which
promptly attended to. !sufficient justification in present1 a fur qt aarntity bofala apples
i circumstances for this denuucia-
1 but DENTIST, GRA_I tion of British diplomatic methods pThis is n enteto grow rprise wnd hich b ids and
Lig, F. A. SELLERY,as affecting Canada, however much .
fearn the onto, lsote o r Dental ground there would be for similar t should prove alike profitable to the
fear eons a tment of honor g, To o protests enter meirig ro rietOr and the.
ate of Department of Dentistry, on .indBut Fin (the longcrams stllxtga Jest h' f t
roanto •teetersitv, Paiul s
of teeth; Piste cask tt SpeeiS%tY• ekt meet important result of the new
7)omi>xion House, .'2nrio]i eve*" 3104e racial ; uoven1ent in Canada un -
day, i-ri doubtedly, will be: in connection.
with. Imperial defence. The desire
to maintain a `white Australia" wand establishing them here on a
has stirred the Australians to mach Iareer scale than before and
thins: seriously a .bout their naval; adding largely ti his machinery
position, and the desire to again and equipment. 1= ie has his flax
tain a "white Canada" can hardly 1 Mitcompleted, and in
ge crop ratioof n,
fail to produce a similar result. o It : season.workin
up. the g the flax mill is
cannot be expected that the foreign has completed a large building,
policy of the Empire as a whnle s
e_ _. ._ - _ will ever e adapted . which he is fitting up with the most
adjoining t is ac -
Cary t $at,ct.Mr. Fred Kaibfleieh
y as bnieli g altrost a.village cf his
own. He is removing his plant and.
machinery' in from the township
Parties needing any shingles would do well to see my stock
ishey right. theCome ab one SHINGLES, f you need nytnd, and as they are going
of all kinds. Contracts taken and satisfaction guaranteed.
It will be to your interest to see me before yon build., as
my motto is good work and good material at a reasonable
price. Oustom Sawing and Planing.
,'Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday.
d ted to the madam
300,000 I K 1 al desires of Canada and AnstraIas- modern machinery as a planing
�y is until the country which now a mill anti sash door fact 1 ted anis
GOOD QUALITY—RIGHT PRICE bears the largest proportionate n he expects to have comp
FOR QUICK SALE.hare of responsibility for naval ! ready for work in a few weeks. In
defence is able to feel that the addition to theseto stabi-
IARU E .(Jl A TITiES !Imperial alliance is sufficient by " relents he is preparing o e next
Itself to preserve her own inter + spring a large saw mill. Ile also
esty # has a brick enlp and boiler house
FEST-CLASS To check a cold gtucklr get from which is equipped with a new
your druggist some little Candy Goldie gird McCulloch engine gad
.ALL SIZES ON HAND Cold Tablets called. Preventics.' boiler, which will be used for driv-
Druggists everywheae are now i ing the machinery in several fact
FtrGet our PriC • b a for they are oriel in his list. Mr Kaibfieish is
Prices before you try. dispensing Preventic..
not only safe but
decidedly certain earring out his plans
e� with
cv, view
FOSTER. anti prompt. Preventics contain to both economy fuel used will be
no Quinine, no laxative, nothing operotina
harsh nor sickening. Taken at the mostly furnished from the refuse
-sneeze stage" Preventics will pre- rf the flax and saw mills, and when
vent Pneninonia, Bronchitis, La he has all his establishments com-
Grippe, etc. Hence the mine, 1 pletedhe will give employment to a
i Preventics. Good for fee erish large array of workmen and koep
! children. 48 Preventics 25 cents. in constant circulation a large slim
1 Trial boxes 5 cents. Sold by All of money which can not fail to oe
of immense benefit to the village
and which roust acid greatly to its
increased prosperity. And as one
enterprise has a tendency, to bring
others of a kindred nature, we pre-
dict that the growth of Zurich in
this direction is ouly just commenc-
ing and that ere long its manu-
facturing establishments, will be
more in proportion, to its excellent
lid many handsome well
• • • Dealers.
Hon. Wm. Pugsley. the new .lin:•
ister of Public Worka, has reiterat-
ed his assertion that at the last
Dominion election a little oirele of
Mr. Bordeh's Montreal supporteas
'� raised fond of 8500.000 for dorrtipt
- i Gent
s purposesa , and that .$25 000 of this
amount wrs employed in one New
Brunswick county.
Few people take Mr. Pugsley quite tor' and comfortable residences.
a seriously as he takes himself butt p
Hatnilton, 'Uct. 22.—The balloon,
the United States, of which Moor
Hersey. of the United States
weather bureau at Washington, is
the pilot, landed about 12 miles
south of this oily at 5:15 o'clock
tonight. The United States cros-
sed the State of Illinois, thence
across Lake Michigan and Lake St,
Clair, in the middle of Lake Erie,
when a change of wind carried it
north into Canada 'to the plane of
The distance' from St. Louis to
Hamilton, on an t.ir line, is ap-
proximately 620 miles. Therefore,
the United. States traveled about
silo miles,, which is far ahead of
the record made in the European.
'mesa by Liettt Labxn. whose bal-
loog won the internatioaaal cup by
sailing helm Paris to a point in
England, 4012 miles distant.
For the baltance of the
yeur to Nen Sub-crib-
ers in Canada for....
If yon have sons or
daughters at distant
points, how could you
please them more than
by sending them their
the eharge contained in his state-
ment is too grave a matter to be
i„ Bored. By some means, a Parl-
iamentary inquiry if neoessarr, the
truth or falsity of the accusation
should be made clear.
Aside from this partioular MSS
there is the undoubted fact that in
almost are expended, and thaelectiont the sums
e funds'
U used are in most cases contributed
by a few men who hope to be re -
a'{ ?� F' cooped ten fold at the public ex -
1 y,lr"+,. r s � �`, ��' pease. There should be some,
means, in all elections, of provid-
G' hen you want a quick cure without Ing for full pnbiclty in advance of
may loss of time, and one that is followed voting of the source from which
by no bad results, use campaign contributions are derived.
Chamberlain's Such pubtoify would render praot-
ioally impossible the raising of such
corruption funds by corporations,
Diarrhoea R E3 m e d y beaiase the mere knowledge that
It never faits and is pleasant to take. his was being done would tend to
I•t is equally ateeeble for eon&ren. et is I (=sure the Wet of oandidgtes re-
famotIs for its cures over a large hart of Delving a a,sd from so improper a
elle ciyiiised world. sotarde,-- Weekly Bun,
We beg to announce that we have
er replete' line of Garden: and Field
In Garden Seeds we handle
Seeds. .
the celebrated L L May & Co seeds.
They are the good kind and always
give satisfaction.
5 packages Garden Seeds for xo cents.
We also have a good line of Field Seeds.
Turnip and riangold seed at lowest prices
Try us for your
Groceries,1 Flour, Feed, Stock Foods,
etc,, we can supply your wants.
Give;us a call.
Samuel Rennie
y�� ._--� � � y� � .�.� y.� y.� yam, y� y�
* 0 7 C7ic?;C?iC �;C* r7"c7'c�7' * ° 9 9 ** *° * *
International Harvester
. .Implements.
'VTe keep in stook a full line of the
above celebrated make of Farm Im-
plements. They are used in every
civilized country in the world and are
giving universal satisfttctiolz. Buy
no other.
We handle the Magnet Cream Separa-
tor, the best on the market. Metal
Pig Troughs, last much longer than
wooden ones, in fact we handle e ; ery-
thing in the line of binders, mowers,
plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all
When in need of a new
Buggy, Carriage, Wagon, or
Cutterlines you
y Thy wlplease you,.
R ckbeil's Old Stand - ZURICH,