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The Herald, 1907-10-25, Page 1
TIDE The Official Organ of ZHay Township. Vol. VII I . • E)43‘irEii AgY Commercial Correspondence among our students at Wing - ham, Clinton, Walkerton, Orangeville and Goderich. We have incorporated the counsels of our TWELVE BROADLY EDUCATED, WIDELY EXPER- IENCED TEACHERS. Gregg Shorthand taught by a Graduate of the Author, John R. Gregg, Individual instruction. We in- vite comparison and close in- vestigation. OUR MAIL COURSES TEACH YOU IN YOUR OWN HOME. Write for particulars. CLINTON BUSINESS COL- LEGE. Daniel E. Eby, Vice Prin. GEO. SPOTTON - PRINCIPAL ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, OCT. 25, 1907. No, 13 Miss Vercy Witwer retarned home from Loudon last week. We want 25 tons of dutch setts at once, T. Preeter, Mr. H. J. D. Cooke barrister, of Hensall was here on business, on Monday. —ROYAL— Giycerated Balsam of Fir For Coughs and all Affect- ions of the Throat and Bronchial Tubes. There is no remedy so sure speedy. For Sale by Dealers. or Messrs C. Rau and John Zuefie of Crediton were visitors hero on Wednesday e venin g. Mr. Conrad Fuss was the ' pur- chaser of the Henry Wurm farm on Wednesday. price as $3500.00. Mr. and Mrs. George Thiel, Sr., of the 14th con:, have moved to town;and have taken rooms with their son'; Andrew. For a good pair of gloves or mitts try' us. We have them in buok, mocha, horsehide and pig- skin at all prices. J. Preeter. Mr. Fred IKalbfleisch was fortun- ate enough to get all his flax under cover, and. in good shape for scutching, `Tho planning mill will also he ready for business early next week. Mr. Sol. Hardy of Exeter con- ducted the sale of farm, and chat- tles of the H. Wurm Estate. Sol. is well known here as an old resident and will make a successful auctio- neer with a little more practice. Among those who took part at Miss Murdock's Recital at Hensall from this vicinity were, Misses. Lizzie Rennie, Pearl Wurtz, Mabel McKinley, Mamie Lamont, and Messrs Robert Williams, Milne Rennie, and Marshall Zeller. The pleasant purgative effect ex- perienced by all who use Chamber- lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, aid the healthy condition of the body and mind which they create makes one feel joyful. Pride 25 cts. Samples free at J J Merner's store. Mrs. Win. Meldrew, who for some weeks has been at Clinton Hospital, • died there on Monday, the interment taking phial' to Exe- Mr. E. Brokenshire of Dashwood was in town on Wednesday, Kr. J. P. Rau, of the Commercial Hotel, is laid up with a sore foot. A. 'ball and suppei' will beheld in Rau's Hall .on the evening of Thanksgiving Day. LOCAL NEWS. Miss Agnes Kaereher returned from Michigan last week. Black gauntlet found on Tues- day. Owner call at this office. Miss Bagler and Miss Butt of Clin- ton are visiting friends in town. Mrs F Hess, Sr., and Miss M. Best, visited friends in Seaforth over Sunday. Messrs. Jack White and J. G. - Stastk i of Exeter were visitors in to WnSeteSaturday afternoon. Say, 'Inert:!, For something real good in winter underwear buy Woolnap. It is all wool and un - shrinkable. For sale by J. Preet- er. Mrs. Fred Witwer is still at Exeter, where she had gone to. have an operation perormed. She is progressing favorably towards recovery. Dr. Ovens, Surgeon, Oculist, Specialist will be at Royal Hotel, Hensall, on Friday Oct 4th. Hours 4 to 8 p. 'm. Glasses properly fitted, Catarrh, deafness, and fulling eye- sight treated. One of Ontario's leading Com- mercial schools has a change of ad. in this issue. We refer to the Clinton Business College, on page 1. This popular institution has added mail courses. The regular practice of the Zurich Gun Club was held on Tuesday, and only four members put in an appearence. 0. Fritz leads again, and it has been suggested that Charlie bas them all scared by his excellent shooting. Quite a number of the boys are very busy these days however, which accounts for their absence, and our J. P. is laid, up with a rheumatic toe. The score : O. Fritz 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 9 P, Sipple 1 01 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 .7 E. Zeiller 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 5 F, W. Hess1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 8 Mr. Eli Eenhefer's residence had a'narrow escape on Monday even- ing. The old man was doing some measuring and had to get on the table to reach the ceiling and as the table was somewhat weak in the joints, it gave way and in a second Eli, lamp, dishes and other etceteras with which this import- ant piece of furniture is usually loaded, were mixed up on the floor. It is said by those who happened to bo on the streets, that the blood- curdling yells that arose immediat- ely .sifter would have given a wood- en indian a fit. Eli's cries of fire were distinctly heard down town and some one promptly rang the fire bell. In the meantime .a few of the neighbors had come on the scene and managed to extinguished the flames before any serious dam- age was done. Eli is the sole oc- cupant of the house and had he • been hurt seriously by the fail, the chances are than he and his house would have been speedily reduced to ashes and another mysterious tragedy would have been recorded in, the world's history. Mr. Harry Bossenberry of Grand Bend, was a visitor Jere on Wed- nesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Rickbeil re- turned home from their three months' visit, with their son Fred and other relatives and friends in North Dakota. Stomach. troubles; Heart and Kidney ailments, cart be quickly corrected . with a prescription known to druggists `everywhere as Dr Shoop's Restorative. The prom- pt and surprising relief which this remedy immediately brings is en- tirely due to its Restorative action upon the contaolling nervts of the Stomach, etc, Word was received recently ann- ounoing the death at Sheldon, N. Dak., on" Friday, 4th inst., of David Rife. The deceased had oiily been sick a short time but;iso particulars have been received am, to the cause of his death. Mx. Rue was well known in this neighborhood. Re was a native of this township, hav- ng been born on the homestead farm on the Parr line. He lived for years on the Parr line in Hay and Stanley, but a n amber of years ago moved with his family to North Dakota, where he was very success- ful, and a few years ago he retired and went to live in the town of Sheldon. His wife who is a daught- er of the late John Troyer; of Hills - green, and a number of children survive him. About three years ago Mr. and Mrs. Rife paid a visit to their old friends, and relatives in this county. The sincerest sym• pathy of a large circle of friends. will be extended to the, bereaved wife and family. ' , Thomas Edison ontie 'told this story ;4, In the year, 1813 a roan. ter cemetery on Wednesday. The from Massao'.usetts, e to Cal: - deceased' wasitliateiter of the late',Ifornia' 'Withe a cti uta` Iver etlin- Alexander MoAllister of the Parr plaint. He searched all lover the Line, and at one tline was a teach- coast for a mineral spring', to cure er in the pubeie school here. the disease, tnid finally be found Her first husband was the late down in the San J oaquin Vlley, a Robert Buswell who for some spring. the waters of whic almost years conducted a successful store, instantly cured him. .lie t ;erefore and tinware business in town, and started a sanatoratim, and people all who predeceased her nearly 20 over the world. oalne, add were years ago Mrs. Meldrew was a quickly cured. Last year this man general favorite where she was died, and so powerful bad been the known, and her death will be sin- action of the waters that they had cerely mourned by a large circle of to take his .liver otit and kill it friends, and relatives. with a club." PI3N FOR F ` L NEW FALL DRESS GOODS THE VERY LATEST FLANNELS & FLANNELETTES A LARGE NEW STOCK JUST IN LADIES' FURS A FULL LINE I invite one and all to visit my Store for Fall Supplies. It will pay you... /0,00Q lbs. Dried Apples Wag ted 20,000 Ills Large Onions Wanted ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE WANTED ricF st,.rr ogo�ooc�oo'000�0000gcy��a©�ac�d 0.�q GOO•p•O•d•O e7•d•O•!!•O.O'•O.4.4.0•d•4 O'O.4•P•rTO�n 0 Shoe Sa.tisfa.ctiont1Q0 v,v D. D Our aim to supply our customers with nothing Q D . but first-class Shoes has given us a good reputa- 0� D, 4 tion, and the result has been, that our sales have O Q increased wonderfully. Whether you want an up- to-date Shoe of the latest,style or leather, or a To A Shoe for every day wear we can suit you. Our ab prices are as low as any and it will pay you to call4�D pQ on us before you. buy. r. —014 • 4. ' Our line of Shoes 'for summer wear will k„,;1 soon be complete and your inspection of sameis respectfully solicited. Q0' Butter and Eggs taken In exchange. 00 F ITZ9 The Shoeman. D,�O • ' 3S f3t:3 3 3�. `e3 s =Keit— a3 :, , {> r* n: is :3£ 3C: CAtr.� 3Itsf:3-0.` ? x 0,• , / EST STORE DO NOT IIISS THE OP OR.TUNITY Of seeing our splendid stock tock of Fall Goods in all lines. Never before has our large store been filled With such money saving values. We purchased in the best markets and have the atisf etion of knowing that every article we sell is genuine and worth 'the money we ask for it. ; of;...............,ocro....a...... rra. s tcs,arattac c........cr«aoc.oa.s3...... ..,test ..r«zs....,..... on )3120=0:2(00( GENTS' FURNISHINGS LADS EPARTIENT 1 Caps We have the very newest in Fur -lined Caps. See oar line of jockey shapes, very stylish and dressy. Overcoats. Our line of Overcoats for fall and winter wetU is com- plete with all the latest styles and cloths. Toppers, plain Black Beavers, Fancy Tweed Ulsters, Fur Coats and Fur - lined Coats, and Cravanette Coats. Gloves & Mitts A.full line in Buck, Horse, Mocha and Pigskin. All guar- anteed good wearers and good fitters. Prices Right. Yy Dress Goods We have the largest, best assorted and most up-to-date stock of Dress Goods ever shown in Zurich, and at prices that cannot be beaten. They are selling fast but we still have an immense variety to choose from. Gloves, Scarfs, Clouds, Hose, 'Underwear, etc., in endless variety. Ladies' Coats We still have a genal selection of Ladies' Coats left in black and fancy cloths. Blankets Underwear We have a frill line of Flannelette and All Wool Blare_ sh handle the celebrated WOOLNAP. All wool and kers. These are splendid goods at right prices. unshrinkable, Special values in other lines. eekeeseare tsee aatsersa ',see lee n a.,ser rae aesee eieeaoa�tare esseasaeae ar eerie aaiaaa3: eeees )190Mk3a�=ille=,e9F• 3�xtoaz:sEico¢.�f1m7l1ort3�4toarc+s.�t.r„icu.aatoc�p� �o U A VV A D E A �.! '.., A full line of Ranges and Heaters, Buy a PENINSULA and you buy Axes, t e est tha es,tcmoney eau buy. A beautiful line of Hanging Lamps just received. Lanterns, DutchMarket Prices for Setts, Dried Apples' and. Farm Produce of all kinds J. 0= f) 3 3ti 1,= ; ax r 3 < .�3 = rt yy SeTr'c3r". 3 3S=SCIa 3 3 Xta