HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-10-18, Page 6TO DISTINGUISH EVERGREENS.. 1f tar to Differentiate Between the Vari- ous minds. Mere is a suggestion fora little nature gaudy for mothers and children during atea summer Vacation, 'White pint -Five needles in a bundle, ,d:I,;s of cone thickened ht the top. ;See Leh pine -Two bluish -green, short dies in a bundle. Fir --Erect cone; fiat, spreading nee - :aka scattered singly. Austrian pine -Two long dark green wadies in a bundle. Norway spruee-Large hanging cones; aessttered needles point all ways. riuemlook--•Small hanging cones; flat tray. Red cedar -Bluish berries; sharp elrly spray. Arbor -vitae -Flat branches; cones few tied and only two seeds under each, 'White cedar -Cones roundish, with tear to eight seeds under each. Pitch pine -Dark stiff needles arrang- ed. "as: threes. -Primary Education. IEEE* STEADIES THE NERVES ,SrN used ase bever- tell age with meals, makes steadier, stronger nerves be- cause it helps the stomach do its work better. Your own doctor will tell you that the right use of beer is good for almost every adult, - women especially. The little alcohol in beer (less than there is in cider) helps dig -est food. Get the right idea about beer, and be healthier for esin,e, it. *BEhthn Prnetbe covers Jt cafe Moires Mrslnpllfe` beverr gez team trader roes. bra;wntt enneiitr,•us, ttom (mewl° borhq• ;Ate test in the curio:, 31.11•. Lets azul porn water int 0,0,41._......,. Not for Furniture, (.h'. Y. Sun.) r>iselo Iliram-Down to New York they have 'added vans. Attut Maria -hes! that's for the removal of ghis tenants. *range, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured &t Sit minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion. Fa u,over tails. Sold by druggists, 41• �^ Interesting Use of Gas. A very interesting use for producer gas is made in a factory in Jersey City, t¢tiere tempering of metal to be made hays curtain springs is successfully and eaonomieally done with its heat. Coke tree were formerly utilized for the pur- pose, but the temperature varied to such i.n extent that a great deal of the ma- terial was spoiled. With producer gas sa absolutely constant temperature is secured and the work is done in a morn cleanly manner, with to possibility tri' error as to the degree of heat. Conso. 4, atently the waste heretofore encounter- ecal ba( been reduced to a minimum and she teaulity of the product is absolutely :uniform, • Canadian Han, Restorer. dVili restore gray hair to its natural �c*ot-lo'r. Stops failing hair, causes to itching and al scalp diseases. dandruff, rico oily or greasy ingredients, Nota dye. lar;tee76cents-To Introduce will nsfirst order for 30 cents, coin or postal note. Address TAB FORM CO., Windsor, Ont. Making tip the Deficiency. 'Girls," said the manager of a quick- %taaeh joint, "I want you to look your best to -day. Add an extra ribbon or sing. Give your cheeks an extra. daub of powder." "What's the natter?" asked the fair head waitress. "Butter bad again?" "'No," said the manager; "the beef's on the hum."- 4'ittsihnrg Dispatch. r, Cit Glass Bon. 1.33oxt Dish Pea $1,50 AS aninexpensive girt, nothing could be more acceptable than this beautiful Cut Glass Dish, which amond Hall is offering at $1.50. 1--1E cutting is very deep, the design artistic, and the finish could :zot be better- tun. etter.O r handsomely ttiauntrated ,47e¢taing:tso may boa 1 -soca by cond. Jasvg sae your names and cat3ross. IhrilIE BROS., tzzatod 134.13S d cadge Si. Touch TO ACCIDENT TO A TORONTO t L, UI John Felstead, a bui der, of 312 Wil- ton avenue, Toronto, \ working on a temporary scaffahi., the plank broke and he fell through. He receive sev- eral severe cute on the ,leg, a bruised knee, and a thorough shriking. Lam- Buk, the herbal balm, was applied to the cuts and gave him great relief. He says: "'Last-13uk was so effeetive that al- though my leg was badly cut, I was able to go on without a day's break from work. Lanz -Duk takes the sore- ness out of a wound at once and then it continences to heal. It it without doubt a wonderful balm for skin in- juries, and I am glad to make this virtue known." Lana-I3uk is a sure and speedy cure for cuts, bruises. and all ekin diseases. Art all stores and druggises, 50c .a box;. or The Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, 3 boxes for $1.25, Ballooning Not Dangerous. The uninitiated are prone to look up- on the balloon as a sort of country fair attraction, whose principal interest lies in the risk the aeronaut takes. This is a mistake. Like the automobile, the balloon re- quires an experienced pilot, and when such a one is in charge, serious or fatal accidents are never recorded. Most bal- loon clubs require a11 ascensions to• be made under a regularly licensed pilot who receives his certificate from the chub only after having demonstrated hit fat- ness. The pilot, who is willing to go up only in favorable weather' and to come down at the proper time, need never throw out a handful of sand and he can prevent his balloon from coming down or can send it up. When he is ready to land, he picks out a favorable spot ahead of him, lets his balloon come gradually down near the ground, eats loose the anchor which stops his pro- gress, then opens the valve again, if ne- cessary. When the car touches the ground, he tears out the ripping strip, and the balloon stretches on the ground a flat and empty bag. -From "Balloon- ing and 'r'� Aerial Navigation," by F. P. Lahm, l.�a S.. A., in The Outing Magazine for October. Charlie and Dugald. (St. Thames Journal,) Dugald Ross didn't have the staying powers in staying out of sight that "Charley Moss" had. TRADE MARK REWSTEREa- TABLETS euro Neuralgia, Rheumatism, coldness of hands and feet, showiness of breath, weak heart, palpitation, weak digestion, nervous- ness, poor b)tod, impaired vigor and all wPst-ness ,arising Evia excesses and indiscretions. far -a cane tiara With Mira Blood Tonic and Mtn Ointment, they cure the most ctubbom CasesolEczema end other sarin diseases. 50e. box -6 for $230. Dru(gists or The Chemists Co. of Canada, Limited, Hamilton -Toronto. as Discovery of Steam Power. A little bay one day in the village of Greenock, in Scotland, sat with. his head between his hands watching a kettle boil- ing on the fire, while his mother was kneading the dough for griddle cakes, The lid of the kettle began to move up and down under the pressure of the eteant beneath. At each rise and fall of the lid the boy would say to himself, "Jamie, mon, there's power there." Sud- denly his mother turned around, and, giving him a stinging box on the ei'a, exclaimed, "And, Jamie, mon, there's power there! To think of sic an idle neer-do-weel sitting by the fire while his puir, acid wither is a'most deid free work." Little did the honest woman dream that the "idle neer-do-weel,' af- terwards the illustrious James Watt, was at that moment perfecting his ideal and inventirig the steam engin. Another Seoteh laddie, Thomas Car- lyle, was born in the obscure village of Ecclefeehan, in Roxburgh, where only himself and the minister could read the Bible; but he had an ideal -he saw a chair waiting for him in the temple of fame, and day and night and night and day he bent all his energies to secure that seat, and never stopped until he occupied it as the greatest master of English literature, These sturdy Scotch youngsters had ambition, they had ideals, but, just like you, they did not know of what they were capable until they tried. 1 Herd of Cattle Sunstruck. Hicks Myers, living about thirteen miles northeast of Trenton, lost eleven teadof fat steers Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Myers had changed the steers from a shady pasture to another about. an eighth of a mime away, in which- utero were no trees. His boy discovered one dead about noon and Mr. Myers, on arrival at the pasture, found the whole herd olo.tthy bunched, trying to get shelter from the burning sun in the shade thrown by their own bodice. He cut out all the yearlings and drove them to another part of the field, but too late to get the herd to shelter before eleven had fallen dead. The steers were worth about $65 a total Toss.--•y'rom the Trenton Repub- liean-Tribune, wore tipdicted by the Grand Jury in the General Sessions because of the tragedy at the Bay street crossing, Toronto, on May 24 last. Mixtttrd's Liitiment Relieves Neuralgia.. Christian' Homes the Hope of the World, Frverythth g that le good in the ohuroh or s4 tis first pleated, shielded, nurtur- g homes. A. tbaroughly ateletiar. -teems implies ai, great deal, The aptnit of Christiawlty• altos at the totality ofour be- ing, mind and heart, .as well as console/toe. There aro many sides to our nature and all need'to be 'duly ' cu»tivated. The •solenase of life elf o Use •groatint. of the sciences, The art is 'Om chief of all the arts: And it Would' .be na ttennet> to eupposrt that an !bbie ldlgld�h m° eh uL by anY'soa't at blind' and 'tees is, , "A' house t)bwt Is really goad, rad•teally and thoroughly Christian, is at centre art setter !noos�sant,, manifold ac- tivitties, it is full of anSnvation. It ie itii-ve to itself and Ireealy sensitive to its aur- roundancgs. Fvo'y'tbing that, is human Is of interest to It. pooh true Christian home semis to itself to be the very canine of the world from which its lines of intelligent syinaa'hY reach out everywhere. The arcate -no more 'ib, • the individual -does not ex- 1et for itself. :If It tries to, • it will miser- ablr fan. Every good family is conscious of being next of the whole family of which Gad 1 the Path•er, and its an..,ttbers are eag- or to keep in communication with the deep - ant 1.3111012,811, the worthiest notions, the no- blest thong tie the finest utterances ,of otth- ere everYwhote, past and present, and so of st 1r' all to ittto the swim and mid -current Of world, If Christian mightiest missions 1have f any meaning, At de In the creation and multipli- cation of geed" homes. Good homes are the hone Of tate world. -,Advance. Accidents to pour horses may happen at any moment. GET. READY for emergencies. Buy a bottle of FelbmW Lee t� Essence For Lameness in Horses Only. 5©c. a bottle - and saves dollars worth of time by curing lameness of every description. At dealers, or front 12 . 4attaw! Drug•&. Chemical Co, L,rrrlted, MOM -REAL. Strength of Ccocodile's Jaws. Sir Samuel $alter in his book on wild beasts says that the power of the jaws of the crocodile is terrific. Once he had the metal of a large hoole the thieltuess of ordinary tele- graph wire completely bent together, the barbed point being pressed tightly against the shank and rendered useless. This compression was caused by the snail of • the crocodile's jaws when seizing a live duck which he had used as bait, the : hook "uelii•'i,+�-fastened . beneath the wing. On another occasion he found a fish weighing seventy pounds bitten Mean through as if divided by a knife. This again was the work of the snap- ping jaws of a eroeodile. A Frenchman, Paul Bert, once made experiments on the strength of a croco- dile's jaws by means of a dynamometer. He found that a crocodile weighing 120 pounds exerted a. force of 303 pounds in closing his jaws. 'Tile lion has an enor- mous jaw power. An African traveller onee pushed the butt end of his gun in- to a lion's mouth and the pressure of the jaws cracked it as though it had been struck by a steam hammer, --•-Chicago Daily News. Minard'a Liniment Coe Limited: Gents, -A d a very bait ease of disstemper in a vaours t able horse by the use of MINARD'S LINI- MENT. Yours truly, SIE Fes. From Candle Light to Lamp Light. The old parish churelt of Blanford St, Mary has this week, for the first time in its history, been illuminated with lamps. During the last` two or three centur- ies it .has been: dimly illuminated with candle light, anis eonsequentTy no evten- ing services have been possible e'uring the winter months. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. ;AVS 8 . Two pool halls, one grocery store, ease dry good store andone furnishing goofs store -the other twenty-three places sa- loons. Three more across heli street. That's the business inventory of the wettest block in Kansas City. It's on Ninth street. between Bell street and the State line, and thenumbers, only run from 1,700 to 1,724. It's a ahortblock and to supply the demands three other saloons are just across Bell street in the. next block. In order to squeeze in the twangy -three damns opt, one building at the corner of Ninth and Bell streets is occupied by two pla4ee. Tho buildings for the mast port are narrow "aliacks." A few are two storey buildings, with rooms for ledgers above the saloons. -- Prom the Kansas City Times. .bP4fr The vegetarian, niay,not eat meat, bttt he will play palter for stakes. Bathing elate ate not alwiayls modest, aititougli they may be shrinking, LEARN DRESS -MAK Nf BY MAIL in your spare time at tomo, er Take a Personal Course at School. To enable all to barn we teach on cas)ror•Instalment plan. We also teach a personal class at school once a month, Class commencing last Tuesday of each month. These lessonsteaohes bow too cut, fit and put together any garment from the plainest,,hirt waist suit, to the most elabor- ate dress. The whole family can learn from one course. We have taught over seven thousand dress -making, and guarantee to gine five hundred dollars to any one that cannot learn between the age of 14 and 40. You cannot learn dress-malcing as thorough as this course teaches if you work in shops foryears. Beware ofimita- tions as we employ no one outside the school. Thiele the only experienced Dress Cutting School in Canada and excelled by none in any other country. Write at once for particulars, as we have cot our rate one- third for a short time. Address :- SANDERS' DRESS -CUTTING SCHOOL, 31 Erie St., Stratford, Ont., Canada. ksOM E OP I N I ONS. There is nothing in the Bible, says a minister of accommodating nature, against marrying people while roller skating. No, nor against doing so while standing on the head. -Chicago Record - Hera 1 d. ecord-Herald, l+alstaff's forty knights in buckram never created as much discussion as Fair- banks' forty cocktails at luncheon. - Louisville Courier -Journal. "Sleeves will be worn longer next year," says a fashion item. If that will add to the cost of dresses, the average husband may have to wear his trousers longer, too. -Washington Post. It is net immoral to be rich. It is im- moral only to be rich unjustly. It is not a crime to make money, no matter how much. It is a crime only to make money unlawfully, no matter how little: Min- neapolis Tribune. There are many discussions about keeping young men an the farm.---10- cent milk and dearer pies ought to help some. --Boston Record. In New York and other Eastern cities milk is so high that the cream must have hard work to rise to the top of it. -Kan- sas City Journal. A Kansas woman is suing a hotel be- cause there was salt in her ice water. Possibly she regarded that as an insinua- tion that be was too fresh. -Washing- ton Past. There are increasing evidences that the supply of immunity baths is going to fall far short of the demand. Indian- apolis News. For Churches aadi Jult one Ceiling is ideal for Aureate encs schools for its bcsutr, ecoor,liaess, economy -•.for" lis xzitiiafy pe:fettion (no enema to catch dist)•–forata-fire-proof qualities pE,l LA ART .` ereetia iu aBILING8 Above 2.00 modem designs in every style of good alt—aide-wallh to match in hafnium), with interior schemes ---adapted to any color-nt lreme for architectural motive. Allow us to send you illustrated details and quote prices. Address :as The PEDLAR. People Cirij Oshawa 4aontteai Ottawa Toronto London Winnipeg So Very Simple. A woman riding in a Philadelphia trol- ley car said to the conductor: "Can you tell me, please, on what cars I can use these exchanges? 1 am from another town, you sec, and these mix me u somehow." "They really shouldn't, na'- am," replied the polite conductor. "It's very simple. East of the junction by a west -bound ear an exchange from an east -bound car is good only if the 'west- bound car is west of the junction formed by the east -bound car. South of the junction formed by a north -bound oar an exchange from the south -bound car is good south of ;the junction at the tante of iseue, but only south of the junction going south if the south -bound oar was going north at the time it was south of the junction. That is all there is to it." ISSUE NO, 42, 1907, 111 LP WANTIOD—p$M4x , iY AIItIVDLADIEIS TO DO PLAIN AND light sewing at house, whole or spars time; goad pay; work sent any distance; charges paid; send stamp ter full Partial}, lard. National Manufacturing 0e., Montreal, Quebec. Spontaneous Combust/Oil. n, A marvellous story of spontaneous combustion is reported by the Banga- lee, Calcutta. In the little village of Manner, near Dinapore, there lived a saintly widow of the Komi castle, and if the tale is to be believed, it happened that one day, as she was lying on her cbarpoy, fire began to issue from her toes, and, spreading, soon enveloped her. At Iength, when the mystic fire went out, a pollee officer conveyed the smoul- dering body, to the District Magistrate, who reproved him for the thoughtless act that he had clone in interfering with what appeared to the villagers a divine manifestation. SL George's SIN Powder is best for Biscuits - best fo. Cakes -best for Pies -best for everything you bake that requires Baking Powder." ccOne can to try, will always make you buy St. George's." Rave you a copyofour new Cools: Book? Sent free if you write National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Moutreat, ar Giving Him a Chance. Mrs. Wilson's husband was often oblig ed to go to New York on business, and frequently did not reach his home until the arrival of the midnight train. Mrs. Wilson had been in • the habit of sleep- ing peacefully at these times without fear, but a number of burglaries in the neighborhood during one of her hus- band's trips to New York had disturbed her calm. On the night of his retuxu Mr. Wil - eon was stealing carefully up the front stairs, as was his wont on such ooca- sions, so ' that his - wife would not be wakened, when he heard her voice, high and strained: "I don't know whether you are my husband or a burglar," came the exeited tones, "but I am going to be on. the safe side and shoot, so if you are Henry you'd better get out of the wayl'- Youth's Com,nanion. The Farmer Vote. (Toronto News.) Chauffers should recollect that there are more farmers than automobile owners in the Legislature. aa• ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard, soft and calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Sa.ve $50 by use of ono bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by drug- gists. Nothing Monotonous. (Life.) "She's a very bright girl, isn't she?" "Frequently. nut it isn't .sustained. There aro moments when she is marriageabie," Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. 4e•o. THE LENGTH OP L7S,aitiNi'1'TT t Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Mrs. C. W. McCulloch, of Chicago, OA e-* taking up her new office of Juatiae of theli AN APT QuoTtsirtoN. Peace, tale a Chicago reporber that in her John SharpWilliams teals of stn pfd dark).Scrformance at marriage ceremonies ale „ whosn he once encountered in a railroad ?moos h to omit the hward "obey " station at Charleston, and whom the Con- Iu t ese enlightened daye, tai Min. pressman, expecting to amain in town but meaning i; "the "Word 'obey' has loaf a• 1 a few minutes, desired to take a note to a think nw in the insiwop as me ga • 1 a ess Srlend in the city. think we sboukl drop this nneaningi "Arc you euro you know where the house ?" attxfowsly inquired Mr, ,Williams.Willia. "I tword was to anlcert 1n beas arish htusNnn other is worst my friend to get the nate at once." Weil, soh," ansysered the negro, with a roll of his errs, I only wieb t I had es many dallahs as I knows where dot house the huabaud had been particularly neer and hlg wife bean to err. " 'rliget years ago,' sheobbed, 'you swore eternal love, and now—' !u, ea@ti" " 'Oh,' .growled the matt, 'hew long do you expect eternal love to last, anyway p' „ '�•r'•'il,rte4',a,,�t'"ra'-;�it�'-13i+'tiGr"I�C�Y�.k."ir":d wt,T•��.��y. �,,I�,� ........... ..........,,..,,,.�,. LAMENZSS �.•... B..ars.v�-�'�Lle`"ii'�•�ar.5i�t`S: tr.¢reA"::h<ta�l,'1.lt4�'-a��,K,.M..A'�t+,i:.�tlr*vl't` . Whether it is a fresh Bruise, Cat or Strain --or an old Spavin, Splint, Ringbone or Swelling -you et; s eure your horse with Ken, +T ,9 p e Thos. Castles, of Ncwvark., N.J., bought a horse --lamed with a jack Spavin -for $100. Re ,cured every sign of lameness with Kendall's Spavin Curs -won five races with the horse -then ;;old the animal to his former (mita for vl,000.Oo. Wsaxr2.rraTo21, N.Z., :Nov, 2nd, 'IDS. t'r'have faitnd your "Spavin Cure a very doe remedy for dlLsorta of latntyiessds; horses and 1 ant never without it."' y, •staszgr• Get' Ttenilf+llig Spavin Cure -the remedy used by two nations for two generations. $1. a bottle -6 for $5. Our book-" Treatise On The Horse" --will save you many a dolier if carefully read and acted' upon. Write today for a free copy. • Drs." i!!. J: KENDALL GO., 7.7 N0SIetunel Nltu:a, VasMont, U.S.A. eve ateagegne