HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-10-18, Page 5HOTELS. re 43 e $ * eTHEt9 ) $ $ + g COMMERCIL HOTEL tth re t$ * ZURICH 0 0 * i9 fk Strictly up-to-date in modern, im • provements. Dining rooms is su- 5' plied with only the very best. 11¶ el • lar contains choice liquors and tU cigars. ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ • Excellent Sample Rooms * for Commercial Men, VINIONOINESIMIMMIMIONOMIIMO tb tdt ft J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. g►* Globes* h®'li Ge ereeireet ai*e4 Zhe dominion ibouse. This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. o getter fable in the pominion. R. R.J ohnston & Son, PROPRIETORS. The HICKS' FORECASTS, A regular storm period embraoee the full Moon very o lose to the celestial equator, This matter of the Moon being on the equator at new and full appertains to the equinootiel periods, and they cor- respond this month so closely as to suggest equinoctial phenomena not far from the 7th, as well as the period 18th to 22nd. Seismic dis- turbances will be quite natural at both periods. This fourth storm period covers the 18th to 22nd, and promises to bring veru decided autumnal storrns. Early in the period, in western extremes, falling barometer will announce approach- ing storm conditions. By the 20th cloudiness and rain will appear, and from Sunday the 20th to Tues- day the 22nd, storm areas will make their transit eastwardly across the country. The crisis of the period will fall on the 20th and 21st in all the central parts of the country. Rain and wind, with lightning and thunder, will attend the first stage of these storms, but change to cool, autumnal rain, with snow possible in the north and west, will result on the north and west flanks of storm areas, all followed by very cool nights and frosts, reaching well to the south- ward. A Reactionary storm period is central on the 25th, 26th and 27th and falls within the brace of the Mercury disturbance. It will bring a period of mistiness and thick. prolonged cloudiness that will hardly break away during the re- mainder of the month. As all who have studied our forecasts know the Mercury influence, es- pecially in the autumn, is promot- iee of cloudiness with lowering, drizzling weather, often resulting in sleet and heavy frost work. Some early Gleet to the northward will be reported before the close of this Mercury period, which. as the storm diagram shows, is central the 31st and extends into Novem- ber. A regular storm period begins on the 29th, is central on the 31st, ex• tending to November the 3rd. As October comes to its close the barometer will indicate the ap proach of positive and general storm conditions from western sections. From about the 31st, to November the 3rd, autumnal rains will take up their march from west to east, touching most parts of the country, and being followed from the west and north by rising baro- meter, change to cold, westerly winds, with early snow and sleet over large areas to the northward. '174rs warn all concerned of the pro- bebility of .severe , eerthviesterly gales and stories on Etnd about tha The Popular. Store at Blake ' SHOOTING TOURNAMENT The first tournament Trader the auspices of the Zurich Gun Club was held here on Friday'' fast. There were seven t3ventson the program and each one bro'aght out some very good shooting. `, Fred Kerr of Crediton Won lst• prize ($5.00) for highest Waverage, with a score'of i5 ort of 100. D. Hartlieb of Exeter, 2nd, $x.00 with 88 and J. Dodd's of Seafoeth 3rd, $2.00 with 87. The clay Wes not an idea1.one for shooting, a ' several showers. during the afternoon in- terfered somewhat, but the shoot was a success in every respect. Be- sides the local men there were pre- sent, J. Ireland, Clinton,.'W, Hol- mes, and 3. E. Cantelon, of Clinton J. Hannan. and Ezra Brenner. Shi- pka ; F. Kerr, Crediton 3, Dodds, seaforth ; J. Triebner, If, Triebner, W. Sanders, and D. Hartlieb,'Cxet- er. 1st. Event -10 Targets-Ireland,8 Holmes, 7, 0, Fritz, 7, P. 'Sipple, 5, Hannan, 8, Cantelon, 10, Kerr, 10, Dodds 10, S, Faust 4, W. O'Brien 5, F. W. Hess 9, J. ri'riebrser 5, J. Ran 5, J. Diechert 5, E. Bren- ner 5, F. Triebner 6, H. Yung- blut 6, Hartlieb 9, J. Schztettler 7. 2nd. Event -15 Targets -Ireland 8. Holmes la, Fritz 12, Hannan 9, Cantelon 9, Kerr 13, Dodder 12, 0' Brien 8,F . W. 'desert, J. Triebner 4, J. Rau 6, Brenner 11, 11'. Triebner 7. Bartleib 14. Come and see our Bargains i n Graniteware:: a n id Tinware Also a lot of Remnants in Prints, Mus= Tins and Dress Goods:: 'WATCH THE BARGAIN. COUNTER R. N. Douglas, \ BLAKE. MMANUEL CHURCH vangelical Association THIS PHOTOGRAPH WON A FORTUNE . Chicago, Oet. 14-A despatch from Milwaukee says : Mrs Lydia Paesei,ke, of this city, has been left a fortune of $400,000 by Senor Juan Joe Mancla. of Mexico. The senor saw a photograph of Mrs, Paeschke and fell in love with it. He wrote a letter to the :young woman ardently expressing his love, but she did not respond. Soon afterwards he died, and when his will was opened it was found that his entire fortune was left to the wonnan of the picture whom he had never seen. KIRKTON RACES. 2.30 Trot or . pace, lst, Ruebon, J, G. Jones Stratford, 2nd, S. S, G. Schroeder Dashwood, 3rd, Kentucky Zue, U. H. Petrie Stratford. 4th Lucy 3 Nairn Wood- ham. 2.40 Trot or pace. 1st, Nellie, J. G, Jones Stratford, 2nd, Twister Queen, W. R. Levy Mitchell, 8rd, The Japs, W. Kunz, Exeter, 4th, Bill Bruno, M. Watson Fularton. 3rd. Event -15 Targets -;Ireland 7, Holmes 13, Fritz 12, Sipple 8, Hannan 12, Cantelon 12, Kerr 15, Dodds 13, S. Faust 10, O'Brien 6, F. W. Hess 9, J. Triebner 10, ,f, Rau i1, J. Diechert 10, Brenner 11, F. Triebner 13, Yungblut 11, Hart- lieb 13. 4th. Event -10 Targets -Ireland 11, Holmes 13, Fritz 10, Hannan 10, Cantelon.11, Kerr 15, Dodds 10. 0' Brien 10, F. W. Hess 11, J. rrie- biener 10, Rau 6, Brenner 12, F. Triebner 11, Hartlieb 9, 5th. Event --10 Targets -Ireland 8, Holmes 9, Fritz 5, Hannan 6, Cantelon 10, Kerr 9, Dodds 9, F.W. Hess 6, J. Triebner 6, Ran 6, J. Diechert 3, Brenner 3. F Triebner 5, Hartlieb 10, W. G. Hess 8, Sanders SERVICES AND MEETINGS WILL BEHELD IN THE EMMANUEL EVANGELIOAL CHURCH, ZURICH, AS FOLLOWS : Sunday School at 9.30 p. m. ; Preaching Service, German, 10.45 ta. m. ; English Service, at 7 p. ill.; Senior Alliance, 8 p. in. Tues- day evening ; German Prayer meet- ing, Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock ; English Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at, 8 o'clock ; Choir Practice Thursday evening at ,8 o'clock ; Junior Alliance, Satur- day afternoon, at 3 o'clock. REV. A. D. GISCHLER, PASTOR 50 YEARS' EXPERIENC¢ TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description mal min quickly l loo Eton ti probably pr atentable. nion free whether ntrle teHandbook !lone Odoency for pat Mita. Patents taken through Afuntt k Co. receive tpccici rntijcee,,{twithout charge. In the�th J1mt1 ka11. i handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest efn q^uletion of any salanti.o journal. Terms, $a a eu' t four months, $1. Sold hyali newadawlors. MUNN & Co 36iSraadwap, New York 'trench Office. M.' :' Bt WasNinaton'.O C. great lakes during this period. The indications are that general autum- nal storms and weather will be ushered in about this time, and much inconvenience and loss may be averted, especially to agricul• turaiists and dealers in perishable goods, by a prompt and vigilant roundup of the autumn's work. All the opportunities in October should be wisely and industriously used preparatory against storm and weather in November. 8, Zeller 5. 6th Event 15 -Targets -Ireland 12, Holmes 11, Fritz 11, Hannan 13, Cantelon 13, Kerr 14, Dodds 15, Faust 11, O'Brien 11, F. W. Hess 8, J. Triebner 10, Brenner 7, Rau 10, Yungblut 8, Hartlieb 15, W. G. Hess 11, Sanders 9, Zeller 11. 7th. Event -20 Targets -Ireland 17,:Holmes 17, Fritz 19, Hannan 12, Cantelon 17, err 19, Dodds 18, F. W. Hees 17, J. Triebner 1a, Rau 9, F. Triebner 16, Hartlieb 18, San- ders 17. HOW, INDEED. "I hear you play at Basket Ball," The Science Student said The maiden smiled a happy smile And sweetly bowed her head, "You have a uniform, no doubt?" Ho said vrith earnest atr. "0, no" the maiden made reply, "A badge is all we wear." The Student blushed. His nerve was gone. He said : "How do you pin it on?" I have been afflicted with sore eyes for thirty-three years. Thir- teen years ago I became totally blind and was blind for six years. My eyes were badly inflamed. One of my neighbors insisted upon my trying Chamberlain's Stave and gave me half a box of it. To my surprise it healed my eyes and my sight came back tome -P. C. Earls Cynthiana, Ky. Chamberlain's Salve is for sale by J J Merner. THE YOUNG VETERINARY SURGEON. AN ATTRACTIVE PRIZE LIST Over ten thousand dollars are off- ered in cash prizes at the Ontario Provincial Winter Fair to be held at Guelgh, December 9th,to 13th, 1907, The following are the different departments of the Fair and the a- mount of prize money allotted to each. Beef Cattle $1400 Dairy Cattle 1300 Sheep 1850 Swine 1450, Live Poultry 2350. Dressed Poultry and Specials ...... . Seeds Judging Competition Clubbing rates. 19"We have made arrangements to off* the following low clubbing rates With THE gtr,RALD : 4.25 Daily Globe . . $ Mail & Empire 4.25 Weakly Globe . . 1.75 Mail & Empire 1.60 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.60 Daily Advertiser 2.25 Weekly Advertiser 1 ,50 50 Weekly Sun 7f' arnter'la Advocate 2.25 Farming World 1,25 00 OU 00 00 00 900.00 550 00 20.00 *tyUZUHIOH. I MEAT MARKET E keep in stock a full line o fr esh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noti d for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sauages. Give us a call. YUNfiBLIJI DEICIIERT. My boy is taking a course at the Veterinary School in Toronto. and he carne home last night to see his mother. His mother hasn't been well, "Dad," he said, after supper "let us go out and see the folks." ' The horses heard us corning, and the whinny ran through every stall. For they had heard that Billy was going to be a. -veterinary sur - To check a cold quickly get from your druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets called Preventics. Druggists everywheae are now dispensing Preventics, for they are not only safe. but decidedly certain and prornpt. Preventics contain no Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sickening. Take/eat the "sneeze stage" Preventics will pre- vent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La Grippe, etc. Hence the name, Preventics. Good for feverish children. 48 Preventics 25 cents. Trial boxes 5 cents. Sold by All Dealers. EXETER Dr. C. S. Edy in the interest of the International Reform- Bureau addressed a meeting in James street church on Friday evening. The address was of a Temperance nature. Four points are specially set forth as fields of work in which the Canadian branches should en - gaze, viz., the banishment of the public bar. the repeal of the law which legalizes race track gamb- ling, to ask the oieilized govern- ments to unite in measure$ for protecting the uncivilized lands from the ravages of the 'white man's train° in intoxicants and opium, as well as other forms of evil introduced, and an appeal to Britain to release China from the treaty requirements which compel her to allow the hideous opium traffic. A discussion took place as to the advisability of forming a branch of the Reform Leatlue in Exeter, but no definite notion was taken, although it is expeeted that a branch will be formed later. Total ..$10020,00 There are classes and prizes for all the leading pure breeds and also for grades, crosses and dressed car- casses. In addition to the cash prizes there are special primes, consisting of valuable silver cups, medals, trophies and goods for competition in the live Stook, seed, and poultry departments. These will have a value of more than $2000.00. The specials for the poultry de pertinent will be published in a sep- erate list which will be ready for distribution about November 'loth,. Poultry exhibits in competition for these specials, should send their contribution to A. P. Wesleryalt, Seoretary, Toronto, before October 15th,. The Secretary wilit furnish prize lists and entry forms free of charge to any intending exhibitor. It That New Spring Suit. When looking for your new Spring Suit, do not forget to give us a call. We have a fine range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a Large number of Samples to select from, Laundry in connection. W. H. HOFFMAN peon. •. , Billy stroked the o]a marea44414 and whispered in her ear "How are yon, old girl?" "Oh I'm awful sick, Billy. What do you think would be good for me? Billy felt her pulse, took her temperature, looked at her tongue, listened for her heart-beat, counted her respiration ; and then wrete out a prescription : "Four quarts of oats." :'I'm sick, too, Billy," said the big gelding. gelding gul ot his medi- � And the big gelding b cine right there. And then we went out to see the hogs. "Oh, Billy," said the brood sow, "I'm awful sick." "Give this lady a barrel of swill and two bushels of mengels." And then we drifted into the cow stable. The bull calf -he's a terror, that fellow -promptly laid down and began to groan. "What's the matter with you, my poor child?" says Billy, "I'll fix you" And he wrote a prescrip- tion for ten cobs of corn. And then we went into the poul- try yard. When the old hen saw Billy she got pain in her chest. "What's the matter with you, mother?" "Oh, Billy, I've an awful pain in my chest." "Take this down to the store and have it made, up, and take a dose six times a day," This was it : "Chopped liver, bran, wheat, and skim milk. Shake it all up together and wait till it settles." And then we went to see the sheep. When the ram lamb saw ;Billy coming he began to bleat. "Oh, I'm so sick -I'm so sick !" "You're pretty sick," says Billy. "What's the matter with four cobs of corn three times a day for e week?" And I think that the ram lamb will recover. I and under the impression that Billy will be a pretty good veterin- ary surgeon. -The Khan, ' Trial Catarrh treatments are be- ing mailed out free, on request, by Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are proving to the People - without a penny's cost --the great value of this lloientiflc prescription known to deuggiste everywhere as Dr Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by All t eelors. A weak Stomach, causing dyspep sia, a weak Heart with palpitation or intermittent pulse. always means weak Stomach nerves or weak Heart nerves. Strengthen these inside or controlling nerves with Dr Shoop's Restorative and see how quickly these ailments disappear. Dr Shoop of Ritchie, Wis. will mail santpie5 free, Write for them. A test will tell Your health is certainly wortbthis 'simp- le trial. Sold by Alt Deol,rrs. I-iARTIONICAS IMPERIAL HOHNER The best 25 cent Mouthorgan made. and .A. full line of WATCHES. CLOCKS and JEWELRY. Repairing a Specialty. F. W. HESS - - Jeweler. Apples Wanted -At the Bengali Evaporator. 40 cents in cash per 100 lbs, for peeling apples and 10 cents per beg for chops. 11-2 Geo. Joynt prop - MEN WHO ARE BALD. Did you ever think of replacing the lost hair by artificial -Leans? Prof. Dorenwend can do it for you so that your most intimate friends would not see it, He will be at the Commercial Hotel, Zurich, on Thursday Oct. 24th. 1907, where he invites you to call and witness a practical demonstration of the fact. Mr,Adeen Faust has a hiefer calf for dale. .APply at once. ADDITIONAL NORTH- WEST EXCURSIONS Ronseseek•ra' escoad•cless roatd•trtto Excursion. Nave Toronto TUESDAY, AUG.. 27 SEPT. 10 OCT. 8 as 22 a• •• as •• LOW RATES for return ticket. to .1l North -Wort points, ranging from Winnipeg $32 re Edmonton $42.50. Coed for 60 Jaye TOURIST SLEEPING CARS o. each excursion. Comfortable bertha M small extra cost. Must bo reserved early, through local agent. Free pamphlets, rates end all information may be ebtainedframearest C.P.R. Ticket Asset, sr direct Peeps C. H. FOSTER. District Paweuosr Aamat, C.P.R.. Toronto. ....®..e PAIN Pain in the bead -pain anywhere. has its masa Pain is congestion. pain is blood pressure -nothing else usually. At least, so says Dr. Shoop, and to prove it he has created a little pink tablet. That tablet -called Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablet - coaxes blood pressure away from pain centers. Its effect is charming, pleasingly delightful. Gently, though safely, it surely equalizes the blood drew Latton. if you have a headache, it's blood pressure. Iouaoslplstnervous,sbof yPainful periods with n stoniestion-blood pressure. That surely is a certainty, for Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets stole it to 20 minutes, and the tablets simply distribute the unnatural blood pressure, Bruise your finger, and doesn't it get red, era won, end pain you? 01 course it does. Its con- geation, blood pressure. You'll and it whore paint- It's aintLt's simply Common Sense. Ws sell at 25 cents, and cheerfully reeohnmm ll Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablet "ALL DEALERS" •