HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-10-18, Page 4Dctlac'D>eDlacllidsal■rlrmtarrEaanteleMID M►. ee A MOLSONS BANK Eatablisbed 1$55 Assets $33,000,000. A place of safety and security for the accumulations of all who work and save. Deposits of any amount accepted and interest paid 4 times a year at highest current rate. HENSALL BRANCH J. BILLINGS, - - Manager. *V CROWCS41 WOW OD GSM E) ea e�. a COO D GOND D MED 43 EP CCM MED 43* LEGAL. CARD$. 11,3.D. C00HE, 33ARR1STER AND SO- lieiter, Notary Public, Hansell, Ontario. At Z,xrieh (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR- risters, Solicitors,, Notaries Public, etc., Goderich, Canada, W. Proudfoot, K.C. R. C. Hays. 0. F. Bair. BUSINESS CARDS. I DDOAN, V. S., AS I HAVE FUR- ohasecl back mfr busiiaess from E. W. Stoskopf, I am in a position to attend to all bustuess ;as formerly. Calls at Rau's Hotel, DR. E. W. STOS1 OPF, VETERINARY Surgeon and Dentist, Zurich, Ontario. Office over T. & M. Johnson's Store. Night Balls at T. Johnson's residence. ; t . t l i c ,: t f t I , i I t . h t, t e s a e al a w o 0 L si bl so cto ls R to th no an th per Do go S. HARDY, EXETER, ONT.. LICENS- ed Auctioneer for Huron and Perth. My rates are reasonable and I will guarantee the best of satisfaction. For the coo- venience of lay friends in Hay and Stanley, dates and terms inay be ar- ranged at Tun Einen.Lo Office, Zurich, B. S. PHILLIPS, LICENSED ATC- tioneer for the Counties of Huron and Perth. Farm stock sales a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All orders Ieft at Lot 23, Con. 2, Hay, or addressed to Hensall P. 0. will be promptly attended to, DR. E. A. SELLER)", DENTIST, G.RA- Iluato of the Royal College of Dental Burgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth, Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every '31.ot - dace. 1-•26 .,RicK 300 (GOOD QUALITY—RIGHT FOR LARGE ST` ALL MrGet our :g.�rk Ki �.• URIs. TILE __ 000 BRICK PRICE QUICK SALE QUANTITIES -CLASS TILE SIZES ON HAND -e Prices before you bay. FOSTER. TM... FILRAL For the year ers in - If you daughters points, please by sending reae balance ,cif the to Now Subscrib- Canada for.,,. a Gents have sons or at distant th how could you them more than them their HOMEY:, PAPERP , ar xis !au wh bal 85, oaa.s„iiioe, When you• want a quick cure without • any lose of time, and one that is followed by no bad results, use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy it aver Nis and is pleasant to take, It is equally valuabble for children. at is famous for its cures over a large part of the civilized world. PUILISIIED BS E. ZELLER. FRIDAY, OCT. 18th, 1907, At the Convention held by the Liberals of South Eluron, at Hen- sall on Thursday last, Mr, Jacob Kellerman of Dashwood, was unit. minously ohosen to contest the seat in the Provincial Legislature, now Feld by I3. Eilber, M. P. P. The meeting was of a very enthus- iastic nature and Was largely at- tended. Hon. A. G. Mackey K. 0 , leader of the Opposition gave a stirring address on the political topics of the day. As•Mr, Keller- man was the uninimons choice it is expected that he will get the olid Liberal vote at the next eneral election. Pain anywhere, pain in the head inful periods, Neuralgia, tooth- che, all pains can be promvtly topped by a thoroughly safe little ink Candy Tablet, known by ruggists everywhere as Dr Shoops e dacha Tablets. Pain simply neaps congestion—undue blood ressure at the point where pain xists. Dr, Shoop's Headache ablets quickly equalize this un- aturel blood pressure, and pain u�rxxediately departs. Write Dr hoop, Racine, Wis, and get a free ria 1 package. Large box 25 cts--- ruggists. Sold by All Dealers. A special correspondent of The London Darly itlail writes from 7ohannesburg: Tb.e .Dutchnthe Transval Parliament is nois solid as it looks. The floeBader° have had afore difficulty inijontroliiug their own supporters' air in answering the Opposition. a `ee di v,ided into The he neve' school, You acv©,, heard the n:ehool, 13otha and Smuts and De Viiliers are Progressives in tern- eraament. They honestly admire he expansion of Canada and Ausralia. They want to see similar nterprise and prosperity in South Africa. The old school you in nglttnd have not heard, because lie old school is not given to peechmaking. The old school has dvanced but little beyond the ortrelcker stage. It abhors tax- a. It dislikes visible signs of s..overnment. It wants to be left lone. It has asked for the a'eoli- on of all municipalities save thost; Johannesburg and Pretoria. It ants its repatriation debts wiped i, its farans fenced at the expense fthe State, its Church and its ehools subsidized by Government, longs for "eoinpensatie" and and Bank loans obtained upon ender t+ecuritr. Against znost of peso things the Ministry have ernly set theirfaces, Mr. Smuts untly refused to subsidize their ools ; and in the distant dorps e predikants have already begun underrnine his power, The izns of the officials cif the old °public .have not a .roused in Pre. ria the prompt sympathy which back -veldt anticipated. It is t really a racial question. The dschool does not ask for these ngs because they are Dutch and ti -British. It is simply that °v like old ways best; they sus - et new methods, That the world sznoved ahead is nothing taxani. C5N2LEMEN Air, Yov BALD? n't miss seeing Prof, Doren. d's fatuous Art Hair Coverings, onstrated at the Commercial tol, Zurich, Thursday Oct. 24th 07, with toupees and wigs that eso perfect in construction that en placed in position on any d head wilt defy detection. Over 000 gentlerrzen of every profes. in life enjoy the wearing of se art goods to -day. They are rotection and comfort to the head and beneficial to health. Gentlemen. throw off those old style grandfather's caps you are wearing in your stores, offices and residences and Det nature's own proteotion for baldness, hair, as invented by Prof, Doreuwend. If you value health, youthful and Woe appearance do not stand back, but investigate for yourself, as no charges are made for fn41 illustra. tion. Renieniber. 4,1 Iar,lcn. r1era t$ tAemtvoor, Rev, Mr, Bowen spoke in the in- terest of theible society in the izreh of this place on fig", Mrs. Will Sr. is very ill and little hopes entertained for her reoovery. Mr Hand oved with his fam- ily- to Berli Monbay, Mr. Axid Jas. Kenny left on Wednesday South River, where they will in their future home, Mr. Geo, ghoffer our popular sboe-man, ving been made zi present of t -bop he now occupies, and a lot on sin street will hove the shop th; on and fix it up in first class s zte for a shoe -store. Mr. Johii Hall of London was here last week negotiating for the sale of his property here, but thus far no sale has been nsmade. He also had another load of his household effects moved to London. Mr. Hoggins and family from near Traverse City Michigan are visitors ab the home of Mr. Fred Goodznan, Mr. Joseph Wambold has had his shop sided with galvanized sheeting and also repainted, which greatly adds to its appearance. Rev. L.K." Eidt preached at Lis- towell on Sunday, his work here was taken by Mr. Brown of Credi- ton in the morning, and by the Y. P. A. at night. Evangelxnal" Tuesday eve LIMERICK COMPETITION. Cash for Mail and lil Mpire Readers. The sucoess of the Limerick Com- petition, -which has been running for the past few weeks in the Tor- onto Mail and Empire, has been so phenomenal that they have decided to raise the amount of prize money in the contest, which commenced Friday, Sept. 27,to $100.00, The person who sends in the best suggestion for the last line of the incomplete Limerick will receive $30.00. The other prize° are as follows : the second, $20.00 ; the third and fourth, °10.00 eaoh ; the fifth and sixth. $5.00 each, and ten consolation prizes at °2.00 each. It is probable that these contests will be eontinued from week to week, and the conditions governing them will be found in both. The Daily and Weekly el ail and Empire The Council of the Township of Stephen met, in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday the 7th of October 1907 at 1 p. ni. All mem hers were present. The minutes of the previous pleating were reed and adopted. Webb -Sunders ".!'hat'By-Law No 23, being A By -Lew to amend By- LIM No 8 of 1907, having been read the third time, be paesed end sikned b -r the Reeve and Clerk rand the Seal of the Corporation attaoh- ed thereto," Carried, Kellerman -Senders "That Gott- lieb Brown be appointed Colleotor of Taxee for 1907 at ti salary of *80 which amount itloudes postage re- quired for mailing ont the Tax Notice°" Carried. Sandoris.liellerman "That Br. Lew No 22, appointiixg C ottlob Brown, es Collector of Texeb, hav- ing been read the 3rd time, be psis sed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Seal of the Cerpnrs.- tion attached thereto" Carried, Webb -Senders "That. the Clerk reake a Schedule of the amounts repayable to the parties aesessed in connection with the .Mild Creek Drain" Carried, It wee resolved that W. D. Sand- ers relit the gravel contract on Block 1 Fairfield read. A nrtnnber of orders were paid. The council adjourned tomeet again in the Town Hall, Crediton, Monday, the 2nd day of December 1907 at10 a, in, Henry- Silber, Clerk, Evsny LA1DX's HAfRR requires at- tenttort at titres, Let Prof. Doren - weed point out what to do to pre- serve it and dress it by mean of his very beant;fttl art special styles in bangs, wavey fronts, switches, Ste, Fashion hinggee on his advices At Cotnmerciel etei, Zurich Thursday Oat; 2 laity 1907. • �wn.nr0. ne pn• Single Buggy Harness and Team farness IN STOCK Trunks, Suit Cases, Travelling Bags, Fine Leather Purses House Furniture A FULL STOCK AND ALL STYLES AND PRICES. Organs & Pianos. Y Y urni �e Y/ w E�L Saddlery. ZURICH ONT The Old and Reliable Kalbfleisch's Saw & Planing Mills.... Shingles! Shingles! Parties needing any shingles would do well to see nxy stock They are the 13. 0. SHINGLES, the best kind, and the price is right. Come at once if you need any as they are going fast. BUILDING l r'IATE R!AL of all kinds. Contracte taken and satisfaction guaranteed. It will be to your interest to see me before yon build, as my motto is good work and good material at a reasonable price. Custom Sawing and Planing. ear—Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. F. C. KALBFLEISCH, Mills .4th Coll. ZURICH V'si' n. t 4N SEEDS! SE S1gi We beg to announce that we have a complete line of Garden and Field Seeds. In Carden Seeds ' we handle the. ,oelebrated L L May & Co seeds. They are ' the good kind and always give satisfaction. 5 packages Garden Seeds for zo cents. We also have a good line of Field Seeds. Turnip and i langold seed at lowest prices Try us for your Groeeries,'l, Flour, Feed, Stock Foods, etc., we can supply your wants. Give:us a call. Samuel Fannie ... werMwm,:gwoMm .. .., * .3K************************ ********* ***_*. *****.*Jz"'.*T C* International Harvester 0 ..implements.. We keep in stock a full line of the above celebrated make of Farm Im- plements. They are used in every civilized country in the world and are giving universal satisfaction, Bay no other. We handle the Magnet Crean, Separa- tor, the best on the market. Metal Pig Troughs, last much longer than wooden ones, in fact we handle e rery- thing in the line of binders, mowers, plows, etc., etc,, and repairs of all kinds, When in need of a new 0, Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or Cutter see our lines before you buy. They will please• you, FRED. HESS 8t. SON, * Rickbeirs Old Stand - ZURICH ******************04****.