HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-10-18, Page 1TIDE The Official Organ of Zurichh,,nd Hay Township. Vol, VI[l. ZURICH, ONT., FRIDM"4„ OCT. 18, 1907. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE EDUCATES to meet the living demands o f a progressive age. Most exac- ting, modern city offices de- lighted with our graduates. Our management 'rains more young people annually than any other in Western Ontario. We have incorpo- rated the counsels of our TEN TEACHERS into one grand unexcelled whole. Both courses for price of one Day students znay attend night classes free. FALL TERM from Sept, 2nd. Enter any time. Individual instruction. Write for handsome catalogue. GEO. SPOTTON - PRINCIPAL —ROYAL— Glycerated Bassam of Fir For Coughs and all Affect- ions of the Throat and Bronchial Tubes. There is no remedy so sure or speedy. For Sele by Dealers. LOCAL NEWS. Miss Lizzie Truemmer of Detroit is visiting friends here. 20 tons .dutch sett wanted et once. Highest market price paid. J. J. Merner, Zurich. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Truemner of Dashwood are visiting with Mr. . i$. Lipphardt this 'week. Mr. Nelson Denozny has .Moved to his farm near St, ,7oseph, whialz; lie piireblased froth his father, We pay 40 eta per hundred for good peelers at the evaporator, and 35 cts per bag for good cider apples J. J. 3elerner. Miss Vera Murdock. music teach- er of Hensali, will give a Piano Recital in the opera house, Hensall, on Thursday next. A number of her Zurich pupils will take part in the program. Dr. Ovens. Surgeon, Oculist, Specialist will be at Royal Hotel, Hensall, on Friday Oct 4th. Hours 4 to 8 p. m. Glasses properly fitted, Catarrh. deafness, and failing eye- sight treated. Mr. Leon Jeffrey's sale on Tues- day, vas not very largely attended, owing no doubt to the fact that farmers are very busy these fine days. Mr. Jeffrey will shortly move to the Rummel Homestead just west of town. Subscribers who are indebted to THE HERALD On subscription are earnestly requested to send us the amount clue. Do not wait for a personal thinner. Every -body knows that even the editor has use for money occasionally. • Only six members faced the trap of the Gun Club on Tuesday, and the notorious Charley is wearing the medal as usual : C Fritz 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 W O'Brien F W Hess. P Sipple. 5 Faust .110011101.0 6 0011011111 7 1010111001 6 1111010001 6 .7 Dumart .0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 7 Stomach. troubles, Heart and Kidney ailments, can bo, quickly corrected with a prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr Shoop's Restorative. The prom• pt and surprising relief which this remedy immediately brings is en- tirely due to its Restorative action upon the contaolling nervts of the Stomach, etc, The annual election of officers of the W. C. T. U, which was held at home of Mrs. Fritz, on Wednesday afternoon, resulted as follows: Pres., Mrs. Carrie Heyrock, Vice - Pres., Mrs. Fritz, Cor -Sec., Mrs. ta. Merger, Rec-Sec., Addie Witwer, Treas., Mrs. Magel. Departments work with their superintendents :- Evangelistic, Mrs. P. Bender, Anti. Narcotics and Law Enforcement, Addie Witwer and Ethel Williams, Parlor Meetings, Mrs. Fritz Supt,, with Mrs. Merrier, Mrs, M. Geiger, Mrs, Rennie and Mrs. .J, Geiger, assistants, Missionary and Lumber Camp, Mrs. Williams, Purity and Mothers Meetings, Mrs. Heyrock, Press, Ethel Williams. Wheat is selling at Hensall this Week for 1.09, and oats at 61 cents. Miss Jane McBride of Galt is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McBride, Stanley. Mr Oscar Klapp has purchased his brother Horace's interest in the farm at the 14th, Concession. The Dashwood Plaining Company have decided to remove their plan- ing mill and sash and door factory from Dashwood to Goderich. The annual missionary services *ill be conducted in the Evangelical church on Sunday. The usual collection and contributions will be taken up, in both morning and evening services. Mrs. Jacob Weber Sr., celebrated her S3rd. birthday, at the home of her daughter Mrs. W. B. Battler, on Wednesday. A. full account of the day's celebration will be given in these columns next week. Rev. E. Schuelke intends leaving for Heidelberg this fall. A sum essor has not yet been seoured, but we understand an effort will be made to secure a pastor that can hozcl services in the English lan- guage as well as German. The pleasant purgatiue effect ex- perienced by all who use Chamber- lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the healthy condition of the body and mind which they create makes one feel joyful. Price 25 cts. Samples free at J J Merner's store. Eighty-nine municipalities have decided to vote on Local Option By -Laws at the next municipal election. In this neighborhood there are few, Goderich, Bayfield, Hawick and S'Proxeter being the only places in Huron County. 16 licenses are held in these four places. BETTER THIS YEAR THAN EVER Any person who has read the Family Herald and Weekly Star for a feet years baek ai a • ldwo der how at ei:attesi b l :year. to year. Still every one will adu'fit that dnr.- ing the pest twelve months there has been a wonderful improvement and the Family Herald and Weekly Star is today bigger value than ever before. Nepspaper Magazine and Agricul• tural Journal all combined., it is certainly a unique publication. Any person who does not know the Family Herald and Weekly Star should give it a trial for 1008. It is a wonderful dollar's worth, Nos 12 Kr OND.f RFUL $. ED. That was certainly lnarvellous • performance of .the new Cunard liner Lusitania crossing from Queenston to New York in four hours, and eight ninnies less than five days, In making this record th'e ship maintained . an average speed of a little better than twenty- seven and one-half Mileper hour, across the Atlantic, a greater speed than is made by any save through upon trains, on Canadian railways, The record becomesall the more remarkable when itis remembered that the Lusitania's engines have as yet hardly been shaken down to their work, and that they are of a type that has been created within the last ten years. But after all, is anything really gained by this great ;;Speed? The majority of those wile cross the ocean do so as part of .a season of rest ; and what rest is'pdssib1e, with engines tearing away beneath one at nearly 30 miles ent hour, and daily dispatches by Wireless con- stantly obtruding the world and its cares on minds that should be care free? ADVICE TO FARMERS. Once more The Sun: would warn farmers against the danger of giv- ing way to sudden panic: over the feed situation. That situation is serious enough, but , it ..does not justify the payment of; 'a cent z pound for hay and yearly two cents for grain, on the one hand, or the sale of good co lit, 810 and 820 on the other. We elieve that a man with feed enough to last him during February, would be justified in holding .on to- all the stock that is worth .holding, and the deferring of buying .the food necessary to see them ljhrough to spring until the necessi tY of buying arrives.. In seasons stajtl,,�-�4;e to the' present, very high, '' ,+- le :fel. have ,been followed bynitibh lower priees before spring. ' And it looks as if history will repeat itself this year. At the same t. me it should be remembered that there are on Ontario farms every year a lot of scrub stockers and inferior cows which do not pay for the feed put into them. It is folly to maintain such at any time; this year wis• door will he shown by knocking these useless feed-constamers on the head and realizing on the hides and tallow.—Weekly Sun. OPEN FOR FI4LL NEW FALL DRESS GOODS THE VERY LATEST FLANNELS a FLANNELETTES A LARGE NEW STOCK JUST IN LADIES' FURS A FULL LINE I invite one and all to visit my Store for Fall Supplies. It will pay you.... 10,000 lbs. Dried Apples Wanted 20,000 lbs Large Onions Wanted ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE WANTED S. Fau t, o•O.O.O.O.O•d•4.0.04 �•O•D.O•p•'O•�.4.�.4.00.�• apQOd•000•-74dP6dd00�4•d•U•Od•p•p• 4p 4a, 000 Shoe Satisfaction D.0 4.0 09 Q�0 Our aim to supply our customers with nothing but first-class Shoes has given us a good reputa- tion, and the result has been, that our sales have increased wonderfully, Whether you want an up- to-date Shoe of the latest style or leather, or a p OShoe for every day wear we can suit you. Our pQbprices are as low as any alld it will pay you to call 4Q4 Our line of Shoes for summer wear 'will T tsoon be complete slid ti'ouiOis respectfully solicited. & Butter and Eggs taken Q Qp D ,,,C. F ITZ The hoe a . orocopo _ oa•o 4�,,,..•44ag444�4g4444Q404 � ar inspection of same in exchange. X3 3E7.''r iX3s' W=i;8 xs'1- -3 3 3 r3:f; 3EC"3c Mr3£3 MISIEW 38C3F320:3 ? MWOME OZZ 3CW3 3CO i ; ,o0.2.3c Senear eetc. ,creca ,ocuiauct000s ala aauemactoe octrocx.o. wocaoc c amsocaxcea®acroc2 ccs a xuocr Kaacs9000ricgozfecatnar tcorr:moc ZURICH'S BIGGEST STORE ratrit,r.s'ih P.,::,eA nee ea., e.5t.:;'\:l DO NOT MISS THE OPPORTUNITY Of seeing our 's'plendid stock of Fall Goods in all lines. , Never before has our large store been fiilled with such money saving values. We purchased in 'the best markets and have the satisfaction of knowing that e'c ery article we sell is genuine and worth .the money we ask for it. GENTS' FURNISHINGS Caps We have the very newest in Fur -lined Caps. See our line of jockey shapes, very stylish and dressy. Overcoats Our line of Overcoats for fall and winter wear is cone- plete with all the latest styles and cloths. Toppers, plain Black Bearers, Fancy Tweed Ulsters, Fur Coats and Fur - lined Coats, and Cravanette Coats. Gloves & Mitts A full line in Buck, Horse, Mocha and Pigskin. All guar- anteecl goon wearers and good fitters. Prices Right. Underwear We handle the celebrated WOOLNAP. All wool and unshrinkabie, Special values in other lines. 1 1 LADIES' DEPARTMENT Dress Goods We have the largest, best assorted and most up-to-date stock of Dress Goods ever shown in Zurich, and at prices that cannot be beaten. They are selling fast but we still have an immense variety to choose from. Gloves, Scarfs, Clouds, Hose, Underwear, etc., in endless variety. Ladies' Coats We still have a good selection of Ladies' Coats left in black and fancy cloths. Blankets We have a full line of Flannelette and All Wool Blan- kets. These are splendid goods at right prices. ?tea the 3s #3 .r4ataS3'x(2% maze. sa oa,oa,eatmt,mnccinam arx oc x a3exyoa ;taacama,ears tte=gfP 0 acc+cro r a :;:wcx=mwov >OKicaeco=tot, aaa¢xwewxexttz»zerosb==O K=crh«gzooti taes;yoo=ocg HARDWARE DEPARTMENT A full line of Ranges and Heaters. Buy a PENINSULA and you buy the best that money can buy. A. beautiful line of Hanging Lamps just received. Lanterns, A Les, Handles, Etc, Market Prices for Dutch Setts, Dried Apples 'and Far Produce of all kinds P R E -ET E Fe, 10 3 3 3 3 3 t ===te c fS ?'1 3 3CWRIZXr aDt3 3t c1 €3