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The Herald, 1907-10-04, Page 4
The Zurich Herald. LEGAL °ARL S. 1I, ,7 ,1). COOK.E, BARRISTER AND SO- liaitf`i, Netary Public, Ueusa11, Ontario, At Itarieh (Zeller's °Mee) every Man- ROUDPOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR- risters, boliei'tors, Notaries Public, oto,, Gocterioh, Canaflia.. W. Prondfoot, 1s.C, R. 0, hays. Cl. F. Blarr. . �, 1 DQAN,1'. S., AS I HAVE PU1i,- chased back my busiaaess from E. W. Stoslxopf, I area in a position to attend to all business teas formerly. Calls tit Rao's Rotel. P1.1Bb1 SHED liY 7G. zioweene. it"RIDA , OCT, 4th, 1907. Vol. 1, No, 1 of the Pairie News of Govan, Sask., of which Mr. S. J. Latta, former principal of our. pub- lie school, is the editor, arrived at our office this week. The new weekly is .gotten up in good style, carries a lot of local advertising and contains a n111nber of out.S which are the production of Sam's nimble fingers, Tule HERALD be. lieves that S. y. hits "found his _--- ---- calling" and zszll mtikc a success of ME. W. STOSKOPF, VETERINARY his new venture beyond a doubt. - Surgeon and Dentist, Zurich, Ontario. i We would not be surprised to hear Office over T. & M. Johnson's Stare. of Air. Latta becoming' the editor Night calls at T, Johnson's residence. II of some big daily in the Great West. He has all the gealifi.Cations. NS- 5. ed Auctioneer for Huron and Perth My rates are reasonable and I tiwill guarantee the best of satisfaction. For the cou- considerably erten ded the special veuieeoe of my ,friends in Hay and delivery list of post offices, so that t m v Stafne *, dtates anf erms ata, be nr and The postoilice department has 1 range eLt MB HERALD Office, Zurich. ' the special delivery letters can nowbe 'sent to the following places : Halifae, St. John,St:. redericton, D. S. PHILLIPS, LICENSED A.L'C- uahec Sherbrooke, Hyacinthe, tioneer for the Counties of Huron and Three Rivers, Montreal, Ottawa Perth. Farm stock sales a specialty. , Satisfiaction•gumranteed or no pay. All Kingston .Peter baro, Toronto, Ha - orders left at Lot 23, Cou. 2, Hay, or milton Guelph, Brantford, Berlin, addressed to'Homan P. 0. will be Stratford, London, Windsor Win- promptl,y attended to. nipeg, Calgary, Edmonton, VanCoo.- ver. Victoria. Tha special delivery DR, F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, 03A.- stamp. costing) o0 cents will in addition ivate of, the Royal College of Dental to ordinary l , sre Surgeons, Toronto, also honor grade- special delivery in usually 15 or 20 ate of Department o£ Dentistry, To- minutes after the letter reaches its Tonto University. Painless extraetiomm post office of destination. of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. 1-26 The Liberals of South Huron will COtJ T .4 J:."1E WS. Mr. W. McNeviu. who moved from Goderiche to St. Catharines about a, year ego, has decided to move ,with his family to Kendra, where he is foreman o a large flour mill. meet at'lensed on Thursday next ONTARIO 1'OTER.S' LISTS ACT. to select et candidate to contest the Tbe gold, mine in which E. V. Canmpion, of Q.oderioh is interested has been capitalized at $750,000, and the company is known as The Boston Amalgamated Mines, Ltd. The mine consists of five claims near Larder Lake, in all of which Mr, Campion has a quarter inter- est. Stomach. troubles, Heart and Ki.clney ailments, can be quickly corrected with a prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr Shoop's Restorative. The prom• pt and surprising relief which this remedy immediately brings is en- tirely due to its Restorative action upon the oontaolling nervts of the Stomach, etc). TOWNSHIP OF HAY. seat now held by Henry Eilber of Crediton. Both parties are at it given that a court will in earnest all over the Province Notice is herebylicking things into shape for the be held, pursuant to "The Ontario Voters next election, which will likely be Lists' Act," by Hi;i. Honor the judge of held about the middle of next the county court of the county of Huron at the Town Hull, Zurileh, on Friday, the year. We have not heard who the 11th day of October, 1907, et 10 o'clock in Liberal candidate will be in South the fornoon, to hear and determine coin- Huron but it has been rumor ed plaints of errors and omissions in the vot- that Mr. Jacob Kellerman of Dash- ers' list of the muuieipalitp of the Town- wood will be one of the men whose ship of Hay for 1907. Dated the 31st day '�of September 1907 RED HESS, Slt., Clerk of Hay. Stock For Sale. I have for safe, 12 young 3iigs also some cattle anct hor.5es have disposed of 75 acres of land:;: so now I have' more stock than. I.. need. Prices Right, John Hey Jr. ZURICH VARDS...,.... O09OOO BR ( Angus Ford, who was arrested by Constable Bissett of Exeter a few weeks ago, charged with steal• nig two head of cattle, was before Judge Doyle on Saturday last. He pleaded. "guilty" and was sentenc- ed to twenty enonths in Central Prison. The cattle were stolen from G. O'Leary, of Stephen town- ship, who owned two farms and had the cattle on the farm where he was not living. Ford entered. the field where the animals were, drove them. away and sold them. To check a cold quickly get from your druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets called ,Preventies. Druggists everywheae are now dispensing Preventies, for they are not only safe, but decidedly certain and prompt. Preventies contain no Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sickening. Taken at the "sneeze stage" Preventics will pre- vent Pnennmonitt, Bronchitis, La Grippe, etc; Hence the name, Preventies. Good for feverish children. 49 1t'i ventics 25 cents. Trial boxes 5' cents. Sold by All Dealers. 1, names. will go before the Conven- tion. South Huron has always beeii represented by Liberals until the present member stepped on the scene, some six or eipfab years ago. ONTARIO'S POPULATION, ;• (tmm "s etati ,e..e `onitained `in a sunnicipel bulletin of the lPro- winoial Bureau of Industries, show that in the year 1906 the population of Ontario increased by 40,511. In the year 1906 it numbered 2,141.771 as compared with 2,101,260 in 1905. The report gives the population in 1906, of Toronto, as 253,720, of To- ronto Junction as 10,151 ; of North Toronto as 3'2.57 8 ; and of • East To- rontoig given The annual': -.convention of the Huron County Sundsay School and Christian Endeavor Association will be held in Blyth on October 8 arid 6. A full program is being pre- pared..A.mong the speakers will be Revs. 33. W. '1le"rill, B. A., of To- ronto; R. J. 1..d. Glae ford, of Guel- ph ; G. .N. Ha assn.; of • O.oderich J. C. Reid, of:,Nile, and A. 0. Wishart of Brussels; also Mrs. Rut: m.11. ,' a returned ruieeionary from Ceylon, and Mr. A. Cullens, county secre- tary of Y. M. 0. A. in New Jersey. W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, is press dent and Jas. Mitchell of eoderich, is secretary. At a meeting of the Huron Old Single Buggy Harness and Team Harness IN STOCK Trunks, Suit Gases, Travelling Bags, Fine Leather Purses Douse Furniture A FULL STOCK AND ALL STYLES AND PRICES. Organs & Pianos Furniture 1 ....,f WELL ZURICH O NT Saddlery, pY 1 he Oki a d Reliable aIbfleisch's Saw � Planing 'Ells.... 5 ` ry I ng1 es! Sh h ie s! Boys' Association of Toronto, on Tonto as 3, 771. ri Friday evening Of last week, E at 13,219, St. Marys 3,374, Listowell, Floody, honorary president. was 2,367, Mitchell 1,885, ' Milverton presented with a com»liinentaxy 835, Eulbro 558, Woodstock 9,422, address and a beautifnl gold watch in recognition of Ms services to the foderieh 4,416, Clinton 2,435, Seta- association since its ornanizaation, Sea - forth 4,206, Palmerston ri 1 .151 New and of thegood..will of the members Hamburg 1,308, Berlin 12.151. Galt of tine association towards him. E. J. B. Duncan made the presenta- tion, which was replied to in very feeling terms by the recipient. The Association has - a membership of Parties needing any shingles would do well to see my stock They are the B. C. sameLES, the best kind, and the price is right. Come at once if you need any as they are going feat. 1L' ..rig `ir./ I L D } N O MATE � �.,, of all kinds. ContractA taken and satisfaction guaranteed. It will be to your interest to see ine before you build, as my motto is good work and good material at a reasonable price. Custom Sawing and Planing. earChopping done every Tuesday and Friday. GOOD QUALITY—RIGHT PRICE 8,002, Hespeler. 2,321, Preston 2,711, FOR QUICK SALE Waterloo 4,208. The assessed value of real property in Ontario in 1906 LARGE QUANTITIES was $1.023,470..2e7. In 1905. it was RPM -CLASS TILE ALL SIZES ON }LAND lerGet one Prices before you buy. 4-4 J. B. FOSTER. •©o For the balunee of the year to New Subscrib- ers in Canada for.... 25 6nts If you have sons or daughters at distant points, how could you please thew more than by sending them their II 0 BI APE 8978,249,325. Business assessment in 1900 was 09.592,477; in the pre- ,vion year $10,083,043; 1906, taxa:h- le income, $20,480,918 ; previous year, *12,577,762. The total asses- sed vnluee tor 1000 are $1,103,502,- 692. When you want a quick cure without any loss of time, and one that is followed by to bad results, use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and arrhoea i emedy It never fails and is pleasant to take. It is equally valuable for children. It is famous for its cures over a large part of the civilized world. F. C. KAL mills 14th ;Com. ,1;" L I S C H, ZURICH 0. P R. and'E+nmbro Road -r1`be following paragraph is clipped from this year's annual report of the C. P. R. company : "An agree- ment has been made with the St. Marys and Western Ontario Rail. way Company for the lease, on its completion, of that Company's line from lit Marys in the Province of Ontario to a connection, at or near the village of Emnbro, with the Proposed extension of the Tilson- burg. Lake Erie and Pacific Rail- way, leased to your Company, a disttu ce of about 15; miles. The rental to be paid. is 40 per cent of the gross earnings, but not less than $7,930 per annum, which re- presents the interest at 4 per oent, per annual on $198,250 First Mort- gage Bonds of the St. Marys and Western Ontario Railway Comp- any, to be issued by that company. and being at the rate of $13,000 per anile of its railway ; your comp- any having the option of aegtiir- ine the 'whole of the eapital stock of that company at any time with- in twelve years on payment of the sump of $25,000. • over 500 in Toronto. Pain anywhere, pain in the head p inful periods, Neuralgia, tooth- ache, all pains can be promnvtly stopped by a thoroughly safe little Pink Candy Tablet, known by druggists everywhere as Dr Shoops He claohe Tablets. Pain simply means congestion—undue blood pressure at the point where pain exists, Dr, Shoop's Headache Tablets quickly equalize this un- natural blood pressure; and pain immediately departs. Write Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis, and get a free trial package. • Large box 25 cts— Druggists. Sold by All Dealers, A rather amusing incident occn.r- red here last week. A young coup le arrived in town and sought out the Presbytorittn Manse with the intern,tion of getting remarried. 3tev. IV Ir. Mol' Smith happened to be out and to fill in their time they eva1k ed up and down the sidewalk. While enjoying .this felicitous employment, the mother of the intended bride, drove np and get- ting out of the rig caught her by the arm and drove off leaving the disconsolate lover gazing open mouthed at the departing vision of loveliness,•--Hensall Observer. The Gun Olub practice on Tues- day was about the best held here, the scores being very good. C. Frits is again the victor. The score. O Fritz ..-.111111111110 W Hess 1 0 1111.1 1 0 1 8 P Sipple ... ,1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 8 W G Hes8. . ,r0 1 1 17.11.1 1 0 .8 TI Yungblut 1 1 1 111 0 1 0 1 8 W O'Brien.„,01.11111001 7 Satn Faust, .,1111111110 9 J greeter 1 1 0 1 1 1 10 0 0 6 ] tir1ey Weber 01 0:1 1 0 0 1 1 0 5 u}=Y Cv1:1R hf ix! rza EDS! SEE t� U 04eeie i�, ' ""�`I'i to ;a, .nouuce. that we have a 'complete line. of Garden and Field. Seeds. In Garden. Seeds We handle the celebrated L L May & Co 'seeds. 'they are the good ]rind and always give satisfaction. 5 packages Garden Seeds for to cents. We also have a good line of Field Seeds. Turnip and Mangold seed at lovvest prices Try us for your Gr°oceries,1 Flour, Feed, Stock Foods, etc., we can supply your wants. Give,us a call. ie it f s� h� � n r'w^;' +' r � C” 'Y+ .k�u �,'7�Y �y,' ��yr, .,`: wg !s cpm.• aAi ' t A aMii -'kkl:4-[ iWie44' •'MIA ,z, ,yz ,i„,,ars **h�*yr *** a, 'o�h'c*c' ' ******* * * c+ 0 International Harvester o • .Implements. . . 1 have been afflicted: with sore eyes for thirty-three years. Thir- teen years ago 7 became totally blind and wits blind for six years. My eyes were badly inflamed. One of my neighbors insisted upon my trying Chamberlain's ; Stave and gave nae half sa box of it. To my surprise it healed my eyes and my sight came back to ine—P, C• Faris Oynthiana, I1r. Chamnberlain'S Salve is for sale by J J Merner. Wanted 10,000'bbshel of Ontario Wheat. At present we are paying 95ets per bus. It will pay you to Call and see t'ls,-before selling yoter r Snow. dgrain elsewhere, ,i drift flout. Cooks &Son It Hensa11. e 0 0 3 'We keep in stock a fall line of the above celebrated make of Farm Im- plements. They are used in every civilized country in the world and are giving universal satisfaction, Buy no other. 'We handle the Magnet Cream Separa- tor, the best on the market. Metal Pig Troughs, last much longer than wooden ones, in fact we handle e ,ery- thing in the line of binders, mowers, plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all kinds. When in need of a new Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or Cutter see our lines before you buy. They will please you. FD. Rickbeii's Old ***° 0 0 o' •, HESS :, Stand » ZURICH. .aP!��'*,�� '•T�*T qua �'ir i7'c .,*`�•�'* '11