The Herald, 1907-09-20, Page 1or. Vol, VII I. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE L'r\JDUCATES to meet the living demands of a Progressive age. Most exam ting, modern city offices de -- lighted with our graduates. Our management rains more young people annually than any other in Western Ontario. We have incorpo- rated the counsels of our TEN TEAC FIF4RS into one grand unexcelled whole. Both courses for price of one Day students may attend night cla,sees free. FALL TERM from Sept, 2nd. Enter any time. Individual instruction.. • Write for handsome catalogue. GEO. SPOTTON - PRINCIPAL The Official Organ of Zurich. and Hay Township. ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, SEPT. 20, 5 'LOCAL NEWS ? " eirMr"IrWIMOMIrA.4"164-104111418.4114-16e The Rev. A. D. elschler is at- tending the Y. P. A. Convention, at Waterloo, this week. See onr new stock of buggy whips, at J. Preeter. Miss Annie Heideman of Detroit is visiting her home here. Mr. Neil Matheson of Parkhill, called on Dr. Campbell on Monday, Miss M. Parsons of Exeter, visit- ed her friend Mies Ida, Brill, over Sunday. Messrs, John Weseloh and John Erb of Waterloo, are in town visit- ing friends and attending the Fair. Miss Lydia Faust left on Wed- nesday morning, to attend the Y. P. A, Convention held at Water- loo. Mr. John Dumart landed in town last week, from a trip through the West. When Jack forgets' Zurich the Millenium will have arrived. Mr, Peter Badour of the Sauble Line, recently sold six head of fat made to Mr. P. Lamont, for a good figure. It pays to raise good stook and Mr. Badour always keeps bis in prime condition. The•Goderich Fair directors, are going to experimentewith Bears and Monkeys, Happy Emma, Happy Hooligans and other sensational fia,pdoodles to draw a crowd to their Agricultural Fall Fair. which will be held next week. I have stiffered with tetter for thirty years and have tried almost countless remedies with little, if any, relief. Three boxes of Cham- berlain's Salve cured me. It was a. torture. it breaka 'out a little sometimes, but nothing to what it used to do—D. H. Beach. Midland City, Alta Chamberlain's Salve is for sale by J J Merrier. A flag presentation will take place in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Friday evening. Mr. J. L. Thomas Fred Kallefleiscat has a car of first-class shingles on )and for quick eale. There will be no preaching ser - 'tithe in the Evangelical church xt Sunday morning and, evening. ele'.rbert Schilbe, of the 14th con. •2u -enle hesday for Detroit, where Irk a, situation. ‘ley of Kipeen. visited ,t.. ken. M. Koehler, over purchased the 411.77 Mill, _15A., 'tore it d.own. 4 .1, ete.'.„e01- left a purse at JLieli his daughter the Fair grounds. ifor sante, • fceiget to eall and see gee teugnificient stock of irs when in town. A larger and )etter stook than ever before and �t satisfactory prioes. Mr. J. S. Meliek was severely bitten on one leg a few days ago while making a call on a farmer on the eeth con, It -rectaired number of stitches to -close the wound. Among the young ladies who graduated as nurses on Thursday last at the Hamilton City Hospital were Miss Florence Northcott of Exeter, Miss Matilde. Clemens of Goderich and Miss Ida Carr of St. Marys. A complete lino of eooket kerves, knives and fbrks, careers, spoons, etc. at Preeter's. Mr. Joel Bechler will run his cider mill on lead , Wednesday, and Friday of each Week, H. Randall and J. Zottel are leasv giving the outside • of the Town Hall a coat of paint; Misses Helnaa, and Ada Koehler left for Toronto on Meeday morn- ing. The latter will ettend. College in that city. Lose—On the fair grounds Thursday, a hand bag containing a small amount of meney. Finder please leave at this office. The proceeds at Theiraday night's entertainment amounted to about $45 00. The program was well rendered and merited e better at- tendance. Dr. Ovens, Surgeon, °millet, Specialist will be at Royal Hotel, Hensel, on Friday Oct 4th. Hours 4 to 8 p. m. Glasses properly fitted, Catarrh. deafness, and failing eye- sight treated. • The furniture and contents of the Commercial Hotel, Hensall will be sold. by public anction on Wed- nesday Sept. 25th, commencing at 10 o'clock a. rn = 8, S. Phillips a,uctioiaeer. T Heffernan. proprie- tor. Wanted 10,000 bushel of Ontario Wheat. At present we ere paying 86cts per bus. It will pay you to ealLaud see us, before selling your grain elsewhere. Try our Snow- drift flour. B. Cook & Son, Hen- sel'. One of the best and brightest things we can give, is kind words. They have well been likened to the bright flowers of earth's extistence Use them everywhere, biltespecial- the newly appointed engineer for 1"ae eantr,ound the fireside.; .,,they- will Hay Township, has kindly donated! wake a paradise out et"' a. 4i3Vej. e° --.4 iNbthing can he.a). r uxided hettet: a handsome flag to the s ho children' of this tow/IS-hip. whodvi:tel 6 ,0,110er ier,:*e. a , t,:k4 Itmei present it to the school chilrett Of rds. 4 Irl'er4714 ea"'"'-- -- Hae, y, Heiefordshiee, En nd. e-'4 n stocking' kni " Then*enlganesefeepEena wel;--eV Battler. J. el Forrest; o. a na. N ill present the, flag Pereonale- , te, J:9 Foreeet I Brow ly. .'' , he 11 elkieFenitted, wars • - the big boiler iheeleetreeeeee teen's HERBERT RASPBERRY. inill, on Tuesday. The 1/work of Something new in a R,aspberry., threshing the flax will be proceed - 'The best Red Raspberry tested ed.with as fast as possible. The here" writes Prof. Maconn, Ottawa planing mill is yet to be erected "The heaviest yielder among all and when completed the combined Red Raspberries" writes Prof. plaint will be a hive of industry nn. Hutt, Guelph. We have the only eceintlled by any in town. A few large supply in Canada to offer, 6 more such additions to Zurich, and plants $2.00, Express paid. Agents the railways will be falling over wanted to introduce this new each other to give us the much specialty. Brown Bros., P O. looked for transportation ftC00713,- Browns Nurseries, Ont. modal -ion: 1907. numustacomadmaw I have sone Fine Muslins which I am running off at Big BARGAIN PRICES MUSLINS Regular price 15 ceiats, now for .10 cents , .. 123' cents, now for 8 cents 10 cents, now for 6 cents Just received—a, new line of Striped Ginghams -which I am run- ning at a Big Snap. Just the right thing for boys' blouses and ladies' waists GINGHAIIS Regular price was 15 cents, now for 10 cents MEN'S SHIRTS hie some men's shirts which I have put on . the table at a snap. Regular prices were $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00, for 50c. PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE aust, ri • ear Shoe SatisfactIon Our aim to Supply our customers with nothing A but first-class Shoes has given us a good reputa- tion, and .the result has been, that our .sales have increa-sed wonderfully. Whether you want an -up- to-date 'Shoe of the latest style or leather, or a Slioes for every day wear we can suit you:' Our low as any and. it will pay you to ci.tR. •04,i4,,,,,,,„-,; '6'' 'e, you buy. ,' -- '.. ,,..„, ,„. . . ''. kit .-. ,'''',-, ' . - . .- i '6, A suocessfal operation for ap- pendicitis was performed this week on Mr.. R. trrterfield's six-year- old daughter, by Dr. Gunn of Clinton, assisted by Dr. Campbell. The patient is progressing rapidly towards recovery. Wanted 10,000 bushel of Ontario Wheat. At present we aro paying 86 ots per bus. It will pay you to call and see ns, before selling your grain elsewhere. Try our Snow- drift flour. H. Cook & Son, Hen - sell. The Gun Club practice on Tues- day was not marked by very high average scoring, although C. Fritz made ten straight, The score. •P Rau . 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 F W Hess 0101110100 5 0 Fritz j Deichert n Zeller S Faust .1 1 1 1 1 1 1.1 1 10 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 1001000000 2 Schuettler...0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 5 W G Hess.... ,0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 5 Hurley Weber.° 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 4 A great many in this section will learn with regret the death of Mi. L. Staebing of Berlin, which sad event took place at Berlin, on Tuesday of last week. The late MT. Stuebing was a familial. B.glire in town for many years and always made this his headquarters -while travelling through this section. He was a member of the fitm of Stnebing et Smith, 'wholesale small - ware dealers, and made several calls here' yearly, in the interests of his firm, for over twenty years, e was of a jovial disposition, and his death will be sincerely regret- ted by the inerchante of Western Ontario, :0•,'Stit-nrriej.r Viii, eapi., L .. Our line of Shoessum for mer wear soon oon be complete and ,our inspection of samee::• q . is respectfully solicited. 44‘). Butter and lEggs taken in exchange.. p C® FRITZ, The hoes 200:KOWn=n1:zet38eMeganeeCere3-VM3XeCnene:12k9139ieretMlenreneneteQ0eneeCeienent=e8C304e2184138(0:00=enEMOClle3Cee 1 )1 i 0 e 0 0 14 0 0 il fi ;t\ 1 -01:36g3SCI":213C,4Xne8C3e00M3e..n1043%e=eNeeXe0MeeraneeM• eff:XeC3e04201:Xeiniene38CeeeeCneeeneigIMeCateC381Z34 0 0 0 1 A n ler tee YOUR. FALL SHOPPING At Zurich's Biggest Store promises greater pleasure and more satisfaction this season. than ever before, Think what it means tq be able to do your shopping at a store which has anticipated your every need by buying only the best tope had in. the leading markets. We maintain quality to the higuest standard, yet charge prices so extremely moderate as to set a precedent of value -giving. No trouble or expense is spared to make thi a, most desirable store to shop in- -a store to which all may turn to, to do their shopping. We guar tee the,style, value, condition and wear of every article to be exactly as represented, either in our stori or in our advertisements. DRESS GOODS Our Dress Goods Department marmites many. The large stock of fashion ne and splendid qualities to be found /bore at such reasonable prices will sibely please the most particular custoretrs. We have the latest and newest shags in Broadcloths, Venetians, Cho Ote, Vicunas, Cashmeres, Lustres, Mo Ars, Panamas, etc., etc. Extra. Special , Plain Broad. Cloth Unshrinkable and Unspottable, 52 inches wide, tie new shades. • Plaids A large range of fanoy Pltiefts and Scotch Tartan Plaids, in Lbp blended. colorings. Ladies' Misses and Children's Coats New Models in fall and winter coats. All the latest in fancy Tweeds and plain cloths full backs and box front with strappings fo match. It will pay you to call and see those before making your purcha se. Wrapperettes, A full stock of Wrapperettes, Flannel- ette, Underwear, Hosiery, Clouds, Gloves, etc., at prices as low as the low- est, qnality considered. Flannelette Blankets A large stock of Flannelette Blankets also EXtrr Super white unshrinkable, Wool Blankets, and grey unshrinkable Blankets, at close prices. Men's Clothing A large stock of ready-to-wear Cloth- ing. The very latest designs in Men's Suits, ,Overcoats, Boys' Suits and Over- coats. ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIALTY A large range of now Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds, Plain Vicunas and Cheviots in black and navy :last arrived.. We blive the correct goods foe a nice nobby suit. We invite your inspection. Underwear, Etc A full range of all kinds of Men's Underwear, fencer Tweed Caps, negligc Dress Shirts, Ties, Gloves, Hats, eta. Hardware A full lino of Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, Lanterns, Whips, Oils, Glass, Putty, eto. LiNERY OPENING We nesnay and Thursday, Sept. 18th and i9th Oar Millitiery Departine t is in charge of MISS GRAHAM, who gave entire satisfaction to our many customers last season and will endeavor to do the saina,llais season. Our stock in this line is all complete in the very newest shapes and designs. Every lady is rocoested to mill andtlaspect our rnagnificient display ofMiilinery. J. P E ET E zu /OH