HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-08-30, Page 10HARD" oNlCAS IMPERIAL and RQHNER The best 25 cent Irlouthorgan made, A full line of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY. Repairing a Specialty. F. 'trtF. HESS - • Jeweler. ormumammuzaraefflam That New Spring Suit. When looking for your new Spring Suit, do not forget to give us a call. We have a the range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short nstice. We also have a large number of Samples to select from. Laundry in connection. VI. H. HOFFMAN er caucus, tr.1Arseirere MEE r m YES S' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS CDESEGNe COPYRIGHTS &C. -ono sending a slcetc.n and description may Iy ascertain our opinion free whether an ,inn is probably patentable. Contmunics- gtly confidential. hmdbook0n Patents `Oldest agency for securing patents. taken. through Munn & Cu. rceetva without charge, in the tific ,j, -der i.att. oiy illustrated weekly. Largest ctr. r oe any acientt4C Journal 'ferns, $3 a tou,nontbs,4+L Cold byallnewsdenlere. r N & co�261Eroadway, Now Tcrk amt.,Othce, t : ct.. Was`•ina Chamberlain's DiarrColic.hoea oeaCnRea ant. Diarrhoea Remedy. Never fails. Buy it now. It may save life. eR€DITQN The lawn social held on Friday evening by the Ladies' Aid of the Evangelical church was one of the best ever held here. S. Hardy auctioneer of Exetert was busily engaged last week a. W. Fiukbeinerrs sale of groceries, Large quantities of goods. Were solei. Misses Clara Heist and Saloma Hirtzel are attending the millinery openings at Toronto. Chas. Zwioker our popular mer- chant is adding a seed warehouse to his premises. Wm. Erb, who has been oinploy- ed at Schweitzer's mill for several sears has secured a situation at Brantford. Children's Day was observed in Zion church on Sunday and the services of the day were well at- tended. Mine Host August Hill attended the funeral of an old acquaintance in Zurich, last week. D S. Faust, has a full stock of flannelette, bought before prices advanced. This is a snap for you. ADDITIONAL NORTH. WEST EXCURSIONS I4oa*eseekers' secoed-clues rotrad•lrlp Excursions leave Toronto : TUESDAY, AUG. 27 SEPT. 10 "24 OCT.L8 6i 66 A6 if 66 22 , Lore RATES for return ticket* to all North-West points, ranging from Winnipee $12 to Edmonton $42.50. Good for ()Oder.. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on each excursion. Comfortable berths at areal{ extra cost. Must be reeervcd early, through local agent. Free pamphlet., rete. and all information may be obtainedf tom nearest C.P.R. Ticket Agent, or direct from C. B. POSTER, District Passenger Ascnt, C.P.R.. Teronto. ,HENS/1LL Abner Arnold of the Sovereign Bank has been transferred to the. Toronto office. Mr. and Mrs. William Moir are, visiting their daughter, Mrs Joseph Case, in Toronto. P. L. McArthur, who has been visiting his parents on the 2nd coria, has been transferred from St. Thomas to the head office of the Imperial Bank, Toronto. Mr. T. Murdock is remodeling his residence and when completed he will have a model dwelling. Mrs. Hassell, who spent the past. few months with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, 3. W. Ortwein left on Wednesday last for Macon, Georgia. A, Mc$rine, who recently sold his harness business here, has bought out Mr. Johnston's business at Clinton. Charlie Moore, a former employe at the station here, is home on a visit from Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoneman spent the week's °end with her friends at Lambeth. The boys wheeled there and will return in time to go to school. Mr. Urquhart finished fly ling last week. Mr. M 1shes this week. The boys gave Will glad. welcome on his return fr the far west. Will is well known in sporting circles. , Mrs. Styles left this week for Racine, 'Wisconsin to visit her. daughter. Mrs, S. T. Hopper is spending the week in Toronto with her sister, Miss Dulmadge. On Labor Day three rinks of our bowlers will journey to St. Marys to give them a return match. lc Herald. pi}` Q} if 3®D GSMQDOEM 3D( 01 DONIED4 OM D GEEDGilp DMUD dDOEM D MUD+QEk Weet3, a v 1 a Cee es se, a a 1 a P 1 a P 1 { DtIA10a60141DOD010111DCDQ2DCOMM66agppCDCIpYDCDCWDCD®OD el466.1DCENDaDepWDCD614mCUd®60D(6111IDabeir40 0661614D®6146a Q F E are making a Clean Sweep of SUMMER DRY GOO Consisting of ss lifts tin fists s. '°Irts and all White Goods. HESE GOODS are a 11 new, and as our motto has always been 'we carry no goods over' will be sold regardless of cost. Fred Manns is combining busi- ness and pleasure in Toronto for a few days. George Miners, who has been clerking for J. Weismiller for near- ly two years is going into the hardware business in Alviston. Some fall wheat has already been delivered, some going 02 lbs to the bushel. The market opens about 1.0c better than a year ago'® 820. r E 1 GENERAL MERCHANT D. S. Faust, has a new stock of mens suitings, for fall. Regular 518.00 suits for $16.00. Good fit guarranteed, J. J. Merner spent part of this week in Toronto, purchasing machinery for his factory. Miss Vera Murdock of Hensall, has taken up her class in music in town, after the summer holidays. qty 0 �t aims. ENDE I 0 4 E are going to reduce our Shoe Stock anewill give you a GREAT BARGAIN on every pair of shoes you buy. It will pay you to see before you buy .elsewhere. When we say they must go, YOU KNOW WIiAT THAT C1EANS::: P. BENDER, Zurich ie'a'?11:F.+Eh+>E+++s-0.4w^,IM,46,"MR.'#i" -**4-'3'.14`,0.4 43084-43**34 11i a c> I 1 0DC 3CD CD(EDQD®QD 'fDCD(EDCiD QD�D,1D�93QD®aDMEM D®aDMUDd0 ONT, {, pm/s ogs's)aDa soaDmtmo Douro CII®C D®DdD 06111)466e40 4D®0061®CD®CD®(14 MID DQ76144D01®aD41411DCD4O1Ma RURAL TELEPHONES. The first lot of phones of the Farmers' Telephone exchange, will shortly be installed in town. As soon as possible the rural lines will be started, and as the rates are only x12,00 per annum it is expect- ed that phones will soon be as common among farmers, as binders, especially when the convenience can be had for $1.00 per month, The Literary progranim, which was gived by the young men only, was very interesting at the meet- ting last Tuesday evening. It was opened with. a Solo, by Mr. Milne Rannie, followed with a reading by Mr. Stanley Humphreys, a &lett by Messrs. A. Gellman and Briscoe 'Humphreys,, a reading, entitled "the Bible by Mr. Jos. Gellman and a chorus by the young men. D. 8. Faust is givivng away with every ib of Arts Baking Powder. A granite kettle or acereal booker or a retinned tin pail. Dont miss these snaps. Mrs. Eliza Truemner,, accompan- ied by her son John and daughter Arnistena, left this week for New York, to visit her brother. Mr, Charles Greb is putting an- other storey on the 'back part of his block now occupied by Mr. J. Preeter, Mr. W. Zeagle of Niagara Falls. N, Y., was a guest at the home of Mr, H. Well, last week. rw ,. FOR 3riari Great Io per cent DISCOUNT SALe TRUNKS • VALISES FLYETS SINGLE CJ S, Great Quantities to choose from SCREEN '°SO A FEW FANCY AND PLAIN E!SDOORS AT COST Call and See how Cheap you can Buy ‘• C. HAR Jl LE11, " = Zurich.