HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-08-30, Page 8PARABLE OF THE TALENTS,
A Cleveland Millionaire's New Version
Of It.
A reporter was talking to Thomas E.
Harley, the young Cleveland million -
Aire who is going to tour the world for
a. wife,
°`A young man of your means," said the
reporter enviously, `°should have no dif-
ficelty in. finding a wife, Me shouldn't
have to tour the world for her"
'"Oh, shouldn't he?" said Mr, Marley.
"Don't you know that the right kind of
1 doesn't judge a man by his money?
oney my friend, is the last thing to
judge anyone by.
"Yes," the young millionaire went on,
°ase who judges people by their money is
apt to fare like the Cleveland man who
save a dollar to each of his little sons.
""Now, boys,' said this foolish man,
IL am going away for a week. Take this
Stoney and see how much you can make
ext of it in my absence. To him that
Maes the best I'll give a fine present.'
"On his return at the week's end he
wiled the boys to him.
"'Wen, George, how have you succeed-
?' he said to the first.
George proudly took two dollars from
lax. pocket.
"`I have doubled my money, sir,' he
'Excellent,' cried the father. `And
"ou, John, have you done better still?'
moo, sir,' said John, sadly, `I have lost
rttt mine.'
"'Wretched boy,' the father exclaimed,
Sow did you lose it?"
"rI matched George,' faltered the lad..
Down the St. Lawrence,
through the 1,000 Islands, running the
rapids, past Montreal, and quaint Que-
bec, to the far famed Saginaw river, 800
miles of varied scenery, by boat, with ev-
ery comfort and convenience. Can this
delightful summer outing be surpassed?
If you are arranging for your va-
cation trip consider this, and eek your
rarest ticket agent or write, H. Foster
Chaffee, A. G. P. A., R. & 0. N. Co.,
:Toronto, Canada.
Irish Riots and Irish Bacon.
'flacon curers are usually among the
.wort prosperous firms in Belfast, but
'They have had to warn the farmers
d.hroughout the north not to kill any
more pigs until the strikes are settled,
.for it is impossible to handle the carcass
.ce. Business has thus been diverted to
,other Irish bacon curing centres, al-
though the majority of farmers have
simply respited their pigs and are mak-
ing no attempt to supply the market.
rash bacon factories will thus profit.
Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
Her Dear Friend.
m was at the telephone.
said. "Is this Mrs. Wel-
cd the voice at the other
eikinring there?"
as gone out driving and will
.veral hours. Who is—"
s. Capsicum hung up the
gena," she said, "tell William to
e the carriage ready at once. I am
going to earl on Mrs. Welkinring."
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere.
Uncle Allen.
"Once in a while," said Uncle Alien
Sparks, "you meet a man who is so busy
talking about the `higher life,' the `uni-
versal brotherhood of man,' and the ten.,
.mal uplift' that Ire never has time to
change his socks."
Some men are so slow that it is even
doubtful if they go fast asleep.
A girl may have teeth like pearls and
be as dumb as an oyster.
Talks an..
• tg king
`' ng
by k ail
erHE making
JLL ofaMan
Every man has before him a serious
problem in providing for future need.
The thoughtful man must map out
his plan, guided by his best intelligence,
and stick to it.
In figuring on the future it is safe
to note down one thing ---you'll need
4% Compounded Quarterly
A few hundred, or a thousand or
so, ready to hand in case of emergency,
has been the peaking of many a man.
You might see an opportunity to
make a few hundred dollars—if you
had the needful nest egg.
Our booklet E sent free on re-
quest, gives full information on Banking
by Mail at 4 per cent. iatcrest. Write
for it to-dey,
Li Company A Limited
Capital add /deserve $2,9OO,OOD
t °
There is one roof that saves money
becauseit will last 100 years,
Guaranteed in writing for 28 years,
This roof saves you work because its
so easy to put on (do !t yourself with a
hammer and !snips), and save you worry
because they fireproof, windproof and
weather-proof the building they cover.
Write us about it and hear all about
cal ROOFING RIGHT. Address
The EDLAR PeopleABsj
Oshawa Montreal Ottawa Toronto London Winnipeg
Cakes and Sausages in Germany.
"Germany is the land of variety in
sausages and cakes," said William
George Bruce. "When I made my visit
to eat at restaurants in practically every
to eat at resturants in practically every;
city I came to. I am not stretching it a
bit when I say that in one restaurant illy
Dresden there were 200 varieties of sau-
sages on the bill of fare.
"The same holds good of cakes. You
enter a restaurant or a bakery in which
coffee is served. The obliging waiter
will set before you a specially designed
ties are placed in convenient tiers so
ties are placed in conventient tiers so
that you pick out any kinii you want
without disarranging the -whole.
"There is another feature of restaur-
ant customs in Germany that struck me
as out of the ordinary. While perhaps
a dozen cakes are set before you to
choose from, you only pay for the exact•
number you eat. When you are done
with your luncheon the waiter will count
up what is remaining and charge you
for the difference."—Milwaukee Sentinel.
From Suspension Bridge, Niagara
Falls, via Lehigh Valley R. R.
August 9th, 30th, and Sept. 0th. Tick-
ets good 15 days. Allow stop -over at
Philadelphia on ;Sing and return trip.
For tickets and further information call
on or write Robt. S. Lewis, Passenger
Agent, 54 Kiug Street East, Toronto,
Holland Sea Signals.
Holland seems to be pioneering a new
development at sea simile which 111n.y
render coast 1ightshipe of double utility
to vessels in tunes of fog .>,t a p
the Nerth Sea northeast of T
is mooredthe Dutch -Tight
which for some days now has bee
ped with a novel system of subma
signals by means of sunken bells. In
fog, snow or hail, or whenever from any
cause the weather is judged "thick"
enough, these bells can be sounded once
every three seconds. The ssytem has
been installed as a practical working
test, and if the results are deemed to be
good enough it will be adopted generally
on all Dutch lightships—perhaps also on
those of Belgium.—From the London
Globe. ,
The Meriting: Not the Evening, the Best
Timer the Watohmanker Says.
"Most people."* said the watchmaker,
"vvind their watches at night; but it
would be 'batter to wind them in the
"You see, we are liable to go to bed
at different hours, and aro to wind our
watch at irregular intervals; and it is
better to wind it regularly. Then we are
more liable to forget to wird. our watch`
at night than in the morning and so
may let it run down,
"But we are pretty sure to get up in
tho morning at our regular hour, what-
ever the hour at whichwe went to bed,
and so by winding it then we may in-
sure regularity of winding; and the
watch is brought to mind then, when
we put it on for use, and we are lens
likely to forget to wind it.
"So morning is the best -time to wind a
watch, if you can get yourself into the
habit of winding it then."
Ono packet
has actually
killed a bushel
of files.
lac. per packet, or S packets for 25c.
will Istat a whole season.
Electric Clock at Berlin Enjoys a Unique
This is said to be the electric clock
in the basement of the Berlin Observa-
tory, which was installed by Professor
Foerster in 1865. It was inclosed in an
air -tight glass cylinder, and has fre-
quently run for periods of two or three
months with an average daily deviation.
of only 15-1000 of a second.
Yet. astronomers are not satisfied even
with this, and efforts are made continu-
ally to secure ideal conditions for a clock
by keeping it not only in an air -tight
case, but in an -underground vault where
neither changer of to r ire nor of
barometric p' e ' affeof it.
Do you want a
Painting Book
It's FREE,
Astir your mother to
send us her name and
address and we'll send
you one of these splendid.
Painting Books with the
colors all ready to use.
We'll also send aquarter-
pound package of Cellu-
loid Starch for your
mother to try next ironing
TheBrmtf W tbLimited
dna& ass
Fair and Unfair Burials.
The jurisdictional dispute between the
woodworkers' and the carpenters' unions
has reached the coffin industry, and
there is considerable doubt in a union
man's mind as to what style of a coffin
to purchase in order to secure the pro-
perly labeled union article. Even the
Union Burial Association, organized es-
pecially to decide this matter, is at a
loss to decide the matter and is selling
caskets bearing the label 'of the carpen-
ters' union, which the wood workers de-
clare to be non-union.
The carpenters claim the exclusive
right to place their labels on caskets and
the woodworkers declare if a man is bur-
ied in a coffin bearing such a label he '
goes to his last resting place to remain
through all eternity in an "unfair" arts- 1
cle. The Chicago Federation of Labor
has been asked to appoint a committtee
to pass upon the merits of the dispute.—
Chicago Chronicle.
remedies mut all skin and blood diseases—Eczema,
Salt Rheum, Sores, Piles, Constipation, Indigestion
and other results of impure blood. They correct
the cause and destroy the evil condition.
Mira Ointaxenl soothes a'sd heals all diseased skin.
Mira Blood Tonic and Mira Tablets cleanse the blood
andinvigasazte stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels.
Ointment and Tablets, each 50c. Blood
Tonics, $1. At drug -stores — or from The
Chemiiti Co. of Canada, Limited, Hamilton....
(From the Philistine.)
to govern is often mts-
zeal in the cause of hu-
rr. to MI
Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of
in30minutes ne by Whuman
l ora sos sanmals cured
itary Lotion.
It never falls. Sold br druggists.
The Deserted Doll Speaks.
(Denver Republican.)
The Teddy Bear destroys the instinct of
motherhood in little girt.—Interview with
an observing priest.
She put me away lest summer, and told me
ehe didn't care;
She was weary of lips like cherries, and pink
cheeks and golden hair;
She had fallen In love, she whispered, with
a "cute" little Teddy Bear!
So, I've waited here in the darkness at her
Highness' commands;
Oh, the hours I've spent in longing for the
touch of her baby hands!
For e'en though she loves another, she holds
me in iron bands.
It my rival was only handsome I would
never shed a tear,
But ugh, that horrid monster, that never
would let come near.
Oh, the thought of that Bear and her High-
ness is driving me mad, I fear.
But I hope some bright, bright morntag, she
will turn to her love of old,
And the Teddy Bear's place wil be taken by
her dolly's bend of gold;
And the arms of her loving Hig'haness will
my waiting arms enfold!
oro ,
Sandpile Morality,
The sandpile fb" the small child, the
playground for the middle-sized child, the
athletic field tor the buy, folk dancing
and social ceremonial life for the boy and
the girl in the teens, wholesome means
of social relationships during .adult life
—these are fundamental conditions with-
out which democracy cannot continue,
because upon them rests the development
of that self-control which is related to an
appreciation of, the needs of the rest of
the group and of; the corporate conscience,
which is rendered necessary by the com-
plex,• interdependence of 'modern life...
Charities and the Commons.
A pretty maid
Upon the beach;,
A man declares
She is a peach:
'rhe parson makes
'them man and wife;
Behold the pair .
Of married life.
The apple of her life
Is Jerry,
While she becomes
lira huckleberry.
But now they fight,
Ales, 'tis true
It was a lemon
That each drew.
dally work, and we'll
also we'll pay our railroad
no' longer evade aur taxes.
•ergymen are allowed to ride on railroads
p, child's tioket, not because they take
the room of a child, but because they have
ldiish minds.
y old friend Beatrix Fairfax says that
ere there is a quiet wedding, the essay on
ce is an appropriate ,gift for the bride.
e book can be bound in lavender, ,pr not,
the ease may be.
ve like a sensible poor man, no matter
w much money you have, or it's a loco -
tor ataxia for you, and tho nut college
your children.
Spanking does not cure children of
wetting. There is a constitutional
use for this trouble. Mrs. M. Som-
ers, Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will
nd free to any mother her successful
me treatment, with full instructions.
no money but write her to -day if
our children trouble you in this way.
n't blame the child, the chances are
can't help it. This treatment also
res adults and aged people troubled
We urine difficulties by day or night.
Revolutionized Smelting.
A French inventor claims to have
ought a revolution in the smelting of
pper, and practical smeltei}•s are coming
1. the way from America to study the
rocess. Instead of, costly furnaces, elec.
ricityapplied. to tanks, and it is as-
erted that ore can be thus reduced to
7 per cent. pure copper at about 75
ents a ton.
Queen 0
Mistake to suppose that he is the Lai ' o
Gi ormuck or some other equally famous High-
land chieftain. He is nothing of the sort, As
a matter of fact, his name is Hodgkins, nod
he is employed during eleven months of the
year licking up envelopes for the firm of
Elsenstein & Ritzbelmer on the shady side
of Lothbury avenue, 18. C.
Another mistake which strangers aro apt
to make lies in supposing that the good
people of Scotland talk Scotch. I shall mover
forgot my surprise on the occasion of any
first visit to Edinburgh when a policeman
at the oornsr of Frederick street, to whom I
remarked pleasantly that it' was "brave, brient
nicht the nicht, whatetfer,' told me to push
off and stop asking him conundrums. Scotch -
men do not as a rule talk at all. They pos-
the Iift of k ow llence to a a gillie named Donald who
lives in Perthshire in whose society t have
sometimes spent whole days stalking the
elusive stag without his ever vouchsafing a
single remark of any kind. I remonstrated.
with him, oxide pointing out that such silence
SG his almost amounted to taotiturnity. Ile
promised to try and cultivate a certain meae-
ure of garrulity, and anter wo had walked
across the heather for five hours, during
which time I oould see that hie brain was
working feverishly, he suddenly turned to me
and claimed, ' Totes a foarfu' earthquake
they had in Janratest' atter which striking
effort he relapsed once more into his ha-
bitual attitude of respectful silence.—Lon-
don Tatler.
The theory that it is never too late
to !Wend is very com£ortfng\to those who
aro in no hurry to begin.
inard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc.
Advice They Heed.
"Yes;, I'm going abroad at once. I
tta go."
"Oh, you mustn't let the doctors sears
"I got this from a lawyer."—Washing-
ton Herald.
ISSUE NO. 35, 1997.
Very Serious,
Shortly after two o'clock one° bitter
winter morning s physician drove tour miles
in answer to a telephone eaf. On his ar-
rival the man who hand summoned him said:
"Doctor, I ava't in any partiaulaz' pain,
but somehow or :other I've got a feeling,
that death is nigh."
The doctor felt the man's eelso, and Baton
ed to his heart.
"Have you mode your will?" he asked
The man turned pale.
Why, no, dootor. At my age—oh, doc, it 1
ain't true, is It? It can't be true"---- ,
"who's your lawyer?"
"Higginbotham, but"---
' Then you'd better sand for him et once."
The patient, white and trembling, went to '
the 'phone.
"Who's your pastor?" continued the doc-
"The Rev Kellogg M. Brown," mumbled
the patient. "But, doctor, you think"—
"Send for him immediately. Your father,
too, shorild be summoned; also your"—
"Say, doctor, do you really think I'm go-
ing to die?" The man began to blubber
The doctor looked at him hard.
"No, I don't," he replied, grimly. "There'sf
nothing at all the matter with you. But I'd
hate to be the only man you've made a fool
of on a night like this."
11 esmdas11'a Spavin Cure
N.B., March 5 '06.
"I am using your
Spaviu Cure and eau
say there is nothing
to be compared with
it." GrlbertMuzerall.
and all
$r a bottle -6 for $5. Our great book—
Treatiseon the Horse "—free from
dealers or 32
Dr. B. KENDALL CO., Leesburg Falls, Yeast, U.S.A
Same Kind of a Cat.
Ethel, aged 8, had succeeded in making
her dog stand up on his hind Iegs, but
her efforts to make the cat do likewise
resulted in the little girl getting a bad
scratch, whereupon she exclaimed, "You
d—n cat."
Her horrified mother, who overheard
her, punished her severely; but, not dis-
heartened, Ethel the next morning again
endeavored to induce puss to emulate
the dog, and again she felt the force of
her feline claws. "You—" the angry
child began, when he mother said warn-
"Well," she continued, "you are
the same kind of a cat you were
Nurses' & Mothers'
to F'
—most reliable medicine
Used over 50 yyears.
by Dr. P. E. Picas,
Makes Baby
Restores the little organs
health. Gives sound sleep,` w
resort to opium orother injurious do
44 At dreasetu', 25c. 6 bottles $1.25.
Nation•lDrua&Chemical Co. Ltd.,
Cheerful Hint.
Among the presents lately showered
upon a Maryland bride was one that was
the gift of an elderly lady of the neigh-
borhood with whom both bride and
groom were prime favorites.
Some years ago the dear old soul
accumulated a supply of cardboard mot-
toes, which she worked and had framed
and on which she never failed to draw
with the greatest freedom as occasion
In cheerful reds and blues, suspended
by a cord of the same colors over the
table on which the other presents were
grouped, hung the motto:
"Fight on; fight ever."— Women's
Home Companion.
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff,
Slept With His Fathers.
A certain type of story, having the
sodden and terse conclusion to a direct
statement, has been claimed as purely
American, says Marshall P. Wilder.
For instance: "Willie 'ones loaded and
fired a cannon yesterday. The funeral
will be held to -morrow."
But the truth is, it is older than Amer-
ica; it is very venerable. If you will
turn to the twelfth and thirteenth verses'
of the sixteenth chapter of II. Chronicled
you will find these words:
"And Asa in the thirty and ninth year
of his reign was diseased in his feet,
until his disease was exceedingly great;
yet in his disease he sought not to the
Lord, but to the physicians. And Asa
slept with his fathers"
t Papers.
,<=!i!;:4,tilbt',",,z'ta'n,i;e ru.
'Are the VFIZY BEST values going. WE Invite eempar'ison as missies
QUALITY and QUANTITY of paper supplied. Compare by actual wont
the number of sheets in the so-called cheaper papers with the Eddy mak%
and you will find that you get more far the same money in Eddy's.
Always Everywhere in Canada, Ask for