HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-08-30, Page 6L..EQA1. CARDS
lioiter, NotaryPt blie,'Hensel", Ontario.
At Zu ieh (teller's office) every Mon -
risters, Solicitors. Notaries Public, etc.,
Goderich, Canada. W. Proudfoot. TLC.
R. 0. Have. G. F. Blair..
chased back my business from E. W.
Stoskopf, I am 1.1 a position to attend
to all business ;as formerly. Calls at
Ilau's Hotel.
;sturgeon and Dentist, Zurich, Ontario.
Office over T. & 3i. Johnson's Store.
Night calls at T. Johnson's residence.
ed Auctioneer for Huron and Perth. My
rates arereaeonaole and I will guarantee
the best of satisfaction. For the con -
The Zurich Herald.
•++2.,�. x•43«•43•- *Ef. 44.4EeeEe4E44
043. +3-43.--43.--0-a0-.r+ +4•.-E+>a
FRIDAY, AUG. 30th, 1907.
The Department of the Interior,
hasissued a map which., on a. con-
venient scale,
on-venientscale, gives a very clear
birdseye view of the whole railway
system of Canada, including the
trunk lines and their ramifications.
There are different colors for the
different railways, and different
markings for sections in operation,
sections under construction, sec-
tions for which tenders have been
invited. and sections that are mere-
ly located. The railway organize,
ns indicated are the •Grand
venience of my friends in Hary an I Ontario
Stanley, dates and terms mai• be arof win -
ranged atlas HLr, aLn Office, Zurich. I sho m ettgeesend little importance
LICENSED AUC- las independent lines. These give a
f•. u rfortheCPHILLIPS, total of 3,706 miles in operation,
Perth. for Farm
�s ock sa of Superron laty. I the
Perth. Farra s»oek sales a specialty. _, of which the Canadian Pacific has
order left atofguaranteedO orn. no pay. All
I Canadian Grand06, the Iorthern Trunk 3,9.1(6r08� the
orders sedt o ;.et 23, Con. t
addressed to Flensall P. O. will be � Dominion Government 1,719, and
promptly attended to. I the Great Northern 470.
There is on the map a table show -
OIL F. A. SBLLERY, DENTIST, GRA- ° ing the distances of prominent
eluate of. the, Royal College of Dental CanadianI d'a n cities front Montreal in
Surgeons, Tcrento, also honor gYadu
I sta.tut miles 1 se4 ; Halifax 756 ; St,
ate of Depnrtntenof Dentistry, t To -
Rev. J. S. Henderson of New
Westminster B. 0„ called on the
members of his former congrega-
tion. at Sensall recently, and was;
given a very hearty reception.
Mr. Ransford of Clinton recently',
received.90 head of stockers which
were purchased. on Manitoulin Is-
land. The Island -is short of feed,
hay, selling at x,25.00 a ton and oats
at 60 cents a bushel
George Stewart of the Waverloy
House, Clinton, has left for parts
unknown, and the house is in
charge of R. Phalen of Goderich,
representing C. Huether of Water-
loo, who holds a mortgage on the
191 stop you thin free. To show
do you first—before you spend a
Trunk and National Transcontin-
ental, the Canadian Pacific the penny -what pay Pink Pain Tablets
Canadian Northern, the Great can do, I will mail you free, a Trial
Northern. the Mt.chigan Central, Package of them --Dr. Shoop's
Head -
the Dominion Government and Headache Tablets Neuralgia. Head-
(Iovernnient raiiwaYs, and ache Toothache, Period pains, etc.,
are due alone to blood congestion.
Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets
simply ki11 pain by coming away
the unnatural blood pressure. That
is all. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine
Wis. Sold. by All Dealers.
John. 481; Quebec, 172 ; Toronto,
route University. Painless extraction 333 Ottawa, 111 ; Port Arthur, 993
f teeth. Piree work e. speciality. At , y-Qinnipe� 1,124: Brandon, 1,556
Dominion Ba.:se, Zurioa, Y '
Prince c e ever on-' Saskatoon,
- , co Albert, 1,965:
1 -?6 q 1,925 0 251 Regina,
r1:r, Edmonton, .�, ;
1,780 ; Calgary. 2,264 ; Vancouver,
ANTED. ` 0 905 • Lethbridge, 2,186.
`"' T @ distances from
Montreal and
t Halifax, respectively to a number
Rye Straw, flail threshed, ! of transatlantic ports are also givTo-
for Collar purposes. Made''en in a table of easy reference :
tip in s iita,blle bundles, de- 1 Liverpool from the above rports,
respectively. 2,760 and 2,485 0 ee-
livered i n ippexi. Parties ; raphi^al miles; to Glasgow,
having some would do well `aging 2,408 ; to London, 3.211 and
to communicate with ine. i and 2,719 ; to Southampton, 3,062
Alex McKenzie,and 2,54o • to Gibraltar, 3,194 and
2,671; and to Cape Town, 7,108 and
On Tuesday Antonia Bertram
was brought before Judge Doyle,
Goderich, charged with unlawful-
ly wounding, alleged to have taken
place in a car on the C. P. R.. the
wound not being a very serious one
and to have been inflicted in a
struggle between plaintiff and de-'
Pendent, while the former teas
trying to put him out of the oar:'
Crown Attorney Seager prosecuted'
and Wm. Proudfoot, K. C., defend-..
ed, and at tbe end of the case His
Honor acquitted the prisoner.
. Free, for Catarrh, just to prove
merit, a Trial size Box of Dr.
Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Let me
send it now. It ie a snow-white,
creamy, healing, antiseptic balm.
Containing such healing ingredients
as .Oil Eucalihtus. Thyfnei. Menthol
eta., it gives instant and lasting
relief to Catarrh of the nose- and
*rout. Make the free test and see
for, yourself what this preparation
can and will accomplish. • Address
, wis. Large
11 Dealers.
t "\in
aug 30-p11 Kippers' 6,42e. From Churchill, on Hudson's
i The route of the newGrand.
TT:RS' LISTS, 1907.£rani: Pacific is also outlined, the
nI total length of which from Moncton
Count of the Township of }fay. i to Prince Rupert being '3.596 miles.
be County of Huron.
?,ie hereby given that 1 have The map may be seen at Tnn Inn
or delivered to the persons ALD office
In Section 9 of the Ontario
Act, the copies reg.uirie& by j' !t"see+eiieet ea •�
i to to so transmitted or de.. Grahrim will enter the
the':st matte pursuant to said
rx persons appearing by the last Government. It is, perhaps,
•Assessment Poll of the said Muni- ral that he siimul d come to this de-•
, to be entitledth said
1 the (p-
- Bay, to Liverpool is 2,926 miles.
when in need of a SEWING MACHINE
or Needles and oil
lir IE SINGER has been recognized as main-
taining the highest standard of excellence
e ing r
among family Hewing machines, and now
sold at a lower price—quality considered—than
any other.
Call and see them at my Store.
Furniture ® Saddlery
a L
'I he Old and I,eliable
Kai bf leisch's Saw & Planing Mils.......
shingles! Shingles!
Dr.. Shoop, Ru
jars 50 c
f t
Parties needing any shingles would do well to see my stock
ght. the C moat SHINGLES,
if you need anylas,and the they are going
of all kinds. Contracts taken and satisfaction guaranteed.
It will be to your interest to see me before you build, as
my motto is good work and good material at a reasonable
price. Custom Sawing and Planing.
re -Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday.
Mills 14th .Con. ZURICH
We beg to announce that we
etc .; line of- Garden aur:
eeds. In Garden Seeds we h
to vote in e ; eision. The leader a lip of
Op -
:Apathy, at Elections for Members o
.,- ` egislative Assembly and at Munici- 1 position in the Legislature would
.I'Mentions; a•�d that tl►e said flat vas involve personal sacrifice and an
19t. posted ay o up at 1st, office , -Enrich m i the
day of At:� 1st, 1907, and reulain, Snneialb condefeat inIthe inext eertaiin.
thn I inspection.
And I hereby call upon the voters.to � however, that be did much to re-
take immediate proceedings to have tau; store the character of the Liberal
errurs or emisc$:,int corrected. according - platy in Ontario, and to infuse
law ' enthusiasm and energy into its
Dated at 1,,.,.c :, t'.iis 2OtH day of Aug-; broken ranks. With his dieappeax-
u x,1903, FRED HEss, sR ; ante from the Legislature the parte
Clerk of Hay. I in this Province again will be sadly'
4- - i ` demoralized, and all hope of a vic-
tory in the noxt Provincial elections
must be finally abandoned. Failing,
to call in •'a capable outsider."
and this would be clifhcult to da:
• neem if tT
he outsider could bo found
' �i'r b;iaclinv, of North Grey. will
lerk of
4 Vit.,at on 1
of in
price. It ..wk
the Warden .and engineer to get
the work done at once The com-
mittee drove to 'Bayfield and in-
spected the bridge. It was directed
that piles be driven around. 'i south
alxutment and pier, and that ;tend-
ers for superstructure. be placed
before Council at December meet-
era �0) can;
,e eiAdered
the hands of
' probably succeed to the leadership
of the Provintrial Opposition. Ile
_ is a better speaker than Mr. Gra-
ham and a stronger Parliament�at•-
�nr fan But no leader can gain the.
j o i BE
• ditions were
of a State in twelve
ro QUICK SALE more favorable than those which
I Ntr. MacKay must confront in this
-- ; Province. Sir Wilfred Laurier
LJ.P( i QUANTITIES and the Liberal managers have de-
;literatelypartyinnyderto sacrifced irestrep ;Provthenincthiaol
i party position at Ottawa. This,
ALL SIZES ON HAND ; perhaps, is a natural course from
-_--...--..e.:_-_-..= the party standpoint, clearly as it
— ?rices ,r ___ _._ . buy, reveals the indifference of politic-
rerGet our f fans to any higher interest when
R. iprarty is in question. Mr. Graham
has undoubted political strength
t certatin,and cell,deserved pereonel
I popularity. It will not be pretend-
ed that he is a man of commanding
talents. But there -is no reason •to
doubt thtat be will bea satisfactory
Minister+ and an efficient manager
• • , of the party in the constituencies.-
1Toronto News.
Rev. John Garner probably en-
joys the unique distinction in Cana-
. 6011 t
dist Methodism of being the oldest
25 man still oil duty. On Sunday
morning, (July 28), he occupied the
I pulpit of the Methodist church
:if yon have sons or I here on the occasion of the siXty-
dotlghters, at distant i eighth. anniversary of his entrance
points, how could You ; into the ministry. He started it
please them tliore than. I the age of sixteen years in Merrie
by sending them their . England, and so is now eight' -four
H 0 years of age. But in spite of his
scarfs he looked p
Piles get quick end. certain re-
lief front Dr Shoop's Magic Oint-
ment. Please not it is made alone
for Piles, and its action is positive
and certain. Itching, painful, pro-
truding or blind piles disappear
like megio by its use. Large nickel -
capped. glass jars 50 cents. Sold by
All Dealers.
The Huron Rifle League is fully
organized and will meet, at Auburn
on Tuesday, Sept. loth, when the
semi-anneal match will be shot.
Seven men frotn each of the twelve
associations have been chosen in-
stead. of ten as formerly'. and the
ranges will be `200 and 500 at yar20ds,'
seven shots quick firinb
yards to the ininnte, Individual
prizes will be the same at each
range, $2, $1,60, three prizes of $1
each, and three of 50o. each, ma.k=
ing a total of $8 in each event. The
troi prize will be the same, $8 for
the highest total at all ranges,
divided as tbe others. The medal
winner will be awarded to the
highest scorer in all events, whioh
is valued at $5. The trophy for
the highest scoring team is a hand-
some silver cup, valued at $35.
`i-4JB. IP',� in Eastern Ontario, and he has a
For the balance of the
year to New Stibscrib-
crs in Canada
articularly hale
vreiri ° and beast* last Sunday, and great -
r bed with vigor, He is really a
wonderful old wen, and his many
Send the Xs and addreses Mende hope he will live to be a
and we will do the rest, l hundrod.•,-Tho Hanover Post...
the celebrated 'L L May & Co se
They are the good kind and alw'va
give satisfaction.
5 ipackages Garden Seeds for 10 cent
We also have a good line of Field. Seeds.
Turnip and 1 -languid seed at lowest prices
Try us for your
Groceries,) Flour, Feed, ' Stock Foods,
etc., we can supply your wants.
Give:us a call.
Samuel Rennie
'o °a xo***?7•c%i•c7CT"cG'***?off* o-*?rC*7c*******o.
International Harvester
Stomach trouble is but a symptom of, and not
1n itself a true disease. We think of Dyspepsia.
Heartburn, and Indigestion as real diseases, yet,
they are syptomsonly of a certain sbeel"
Nerve sickness-mnothing else.
It was this fact that first correctly led Dr. Shoop
In the creation of that now very popular gtoreaoh
Remedy -Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Going direct
to the stomach nerves, alone brought that success
and favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. with•
out that originai and highly vital principle. no
such lasting accomplishments were ever to be had.
For stomach distress, bloating, biliousness, bad
breath and •sallow complexion, try Dr. Shooks
self what it can and vrill do. 'We dell and'cheer-
Resfully recommendTablots or Liquid -and see for your.
Dr. hoop'
o ..Implements.. .
We keep in stock a full line of the
above celebrated make of Faun 'Ina-
pleinents. They are used in every
civilized conntry in the world and are
giving universal satisfaction. Buy
no other.
We handle the Magnet Cream Separa-
tor, the best on the market. Metal
Pig Troughs, last much longer than
wooden ones, in fact we handle e; ery-
thing in the line of binders, mowers,
plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all
When in
need of a new
Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or
Cutter see our lines ,before you
buy. They will please you.
Rickbeil's Old Stand w, ZURICH.