HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-08-09, Page 8The Zurich Herald. ,AR rI O N 1 C AS IMPERIAL HORNER The best 25 cent' Mouthorgel.n made: A full line of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY. Repairing a Specialty. F. W. HESS - Jeweler. and 1 That New Spring Suit. When looking for your new Spring Suit, do not forget to give us a call. We have a fine range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a large nnniber of Y Samples to select from. Laundry in. connection. W. HOFFMAN FZZIElltot HAY COUNCIL, The council of Hay -net at the Town Sall, on Thursday,. Aug. 1st-. A. petition was, presented, signed by a majority of o'wnex:s asking to have lots 20 to 21 inclusive, in the 4th and 5th Concession. drained wi- der the provisions of the.Municipal Drainage Act. After consideration it.was decided that the petition be anted upon and that J. Lewis Thomas, 0, E., of London be ap- pointed to make an examination, 'a report and an assessment in this matter. Mr, Thonias was also ap- pointed engineer under the Ditches and Watercourses Act. 4•The following are the tax rates struck for the current year :—Coun- try rate 1 7-10 mills; Township rate 2 mills ; General sohoo3 rate 2 mills ; Zurich Police Village 0 mills. Spee- cial school rates :—S 0 No 2. $200 ; No 3, $285; No 8, $175"; No 11, $150 ; V. No 15, $133 ; No 10, $250 ; No 6. No ,4; 1,o 4, 14. 00 U. No $6156, 50 No 12, $250; U. No 16, .$200 ; No 9, $156 ; Sep. No 1—Sep. No 11— Sep. No 1 Say and Stanley—The following accounts were ordered to be paid :—G T R freight $2.55 ; J Preeter, cement $33J5 ; Zurich Flax Co. teaming $38 3Q; H Heide- man, making tile $5.90 ; H Lipp- hardt, making tile $6.3,0 ; Schatz and Pfile, culvert Con 14, $12.00 ; 0 Truemner, rep cul $2.50 ;E Bender, tile drain 4,2.00 ; E Hendripk gravel- ling and ditch $7.00 ; Sol Martin. part payment on "Martin Award" drain $60.00 ; S Thompson tongue on grader soots. ; H Zimmerman, sanitary inspector, $10:00; Ruben Goetz, lumber 5 B.. $11.70; L Fost- er, hauling tile and grading $67.25 ; Chas Blackwell, statute labor $3.25 John Case, Can. Co. statute labor, ,111.70 ; John Case, openin ipit and gate $11.00. The council will meet again on Wednesday the 4th day of Septem- ber, at 2 o'clock p. m. F. Hess', Sr., '.Clerk. Tires Sett While You Wait. .. s a. 3 ,•---- .y rte" i r* 444M DOEINDeaD42361Da443SSIEVQl7GIONDQD f MEMODmF9 CP, ° A' 0 I0 e 'tock t V7DM{�/vD\i?iQ.'rVD VDI •4DV��17.g ca 1 The New Way No burned or blackened tires. First-class work and satisfaction guaranteed. llarse=shoeing and Repair= log promptly attended to. Your Patronage Solicited At the PE. `; LE'S STORE ZCRIC '.. Have spent a week with Toro, to• Wholesalers and have secured some Splendid New Lines of Summer Dry Goods at very close prices Mr. J. J. Merner is digging the foundation for his cider milk; and jam factory. I'll stop your pain free. To/show you first—before you spennbleta penny -what my Pink Pain can do, 1 will mail you free,,ja Trial Package of them—Dr. 15houp's Headache Tablets Neuralgia, Head- ache, Toothache, Period pains, etc., are due alone to blood cit ngestion. Tablets Louis Prang ZURICH — ---- ONTARIO SO ¥EARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketC.h and description mnv quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an inventtrm is probably Patentlehle. Co,mmnnIra. Ions strictly cmltldCn,tbtl. ISundbnok on l'al tints soot free. Oldest agency fur securing patents. Patents taken through Moon & Co. recelvo sprotainnotico without charms,iithe "�,$� scientific American. f handsomely Illustrator! wookl` Lnrlest t'r. Ntlatina or any salami dc ;o,rnol Terms: 5 a •car : four .,lonths, *1. S,'•ld by all ne,r sneakers. r' M . 8 CO.3d 1 Graddwar it 6W KCI. rarauch CitSca: r4 ." QL. 4:'n s` nw,. S.•. C Dr.Shoop's Heada simply kill . p 9 )VFW na ;c�tvay the unnatural b oo p D t Tiat is all. Address Dr. S� p, fiRacine Wis. Sold by A11 Deas. Mr W. C. Callfas,, did`'ihis first threshing job of the seson on Wednesday on the farm o Mr. C. Fuss. The new outfit works splendidly, makes clean work, cuts up the straw, and deposits the same to any part of the 's barn. Threshing with an up-tb.date machine is about as pleasant a job as any on the farm. The ,yield of wheat was over 200 bush* from about 5 acres, which certainly is an • exceptional yield and' shows that "Coon" knows how to till the soil. J" THE TRAP. Tho weekly blue rock niatch was held on Tuesday evening,when to the surprise of all, Jaco Deiehert captured the medal, Which now adorns his expansive 'chest. It was a close call for Jake hoj�rever as C. Fritz had tied for; first place, The score. \1V G Hess ......1 1 0 1:1 1 1 1 0 1 8 H Yungblut .... 1 1 1 1.,10 1 1 0 1 1 8 W O'Brien. 1 1 1 091 1 0 0 0 0 5 li W' Hess 1111'111010 8 'JP Rau...... 10190111111 8 C Fritz 1 0 11<1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 W Schenck, . 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 7 5 Faust J Dei.chert 1B Zeller 3 Truemner And we will pass them on to you at A SMALL ADVANCE ON COST 8 G1 1 1 DGiDDCIKII Csmansass moo asasco arzio D®GD47CIDCDMED 0D®GD@EOGDCV=CD®GUfimDGDGME, CD®)ODC�CDm®GD®CD 6140 DOM) GDC't1111) =We `. e• ii 1 � � � f !� 4 yEATER HC. ME , Dresden Iluslins at 5 ceras per yard DMVO Dal= GD® CO 6111?) a DLC® GD*)' CD® CD mCIDGD(MD GO COM as G®ODGIIM DUMW (ID COW CD =MO®CD"^aGD®GDGQI OD 0I7ID.ID GI= CD QM) GD CM GD 621440 es ounters a ':d Tables are piled high i •' s •a We have the goods that will keep you cool Our Shely 11) with 4 rens l�„'x , ,ds, Figured ns, Fancy ingha s, 1 eordclL:t. Or.rndies,Or 1 Dresden and sl of ?slin� © These are all the latest importations and will be ° .0111010000 4 11191110111 9 .3.0;00001110 4 0000101110 4 11.0*Ef'4£4e€4.+E+.+£++aCa,a9.-C4*vig*Io.+3.•M3+.3«43+*3* .•+ +3+43++34^*3-21 41 re r At 4 4, NDEw S t r. E are going to reduce our ;Shoe $tock and. will give you a GREAT' BARGAIN on every pair of shoes you 6 buy. It will pay you to see befoi'e.you buy elsewhere. When we say they iifist go, YOU KNOW WHAT THAT N ANS::: P. FE1,,, Zurich 44.0 +++ w+,+-1.- '4b^ s,4%.,4abei W os ala 'i •' .4^*. 43++ 34,4310.144,+34-4-3+ 4-34" 41 sure to please you. .dee our ° 1 1 ki a ea v ®Q!? CD,3 943D QD ,Gli *DC�ffif{DGs3f9DG�?�3D��iYfI7aD�aDC?aDQD ere T NER tay" PUSSY'S PREDICAMENb. Tl following.was handed . to Tint g1r±;ix&nn for publication. " The editeaNvill not vouch for the truth of the story. but the . party who brought it in Says he can produce the can—also the cat. Here is the story._-a,Greatr excitement prevail- ed the other night in one of our quite home circles. The family treated themselves to salmon for supper, -while pussy vas looking for soma too. But on being refus- ed. she turned upon the empty can to get a taste. .The bead of the can was a , little small for her head to gain admittance, but she was'bot1nd to get to the bottom of it. She pushed into the can and she soon discovered that the can would'not ettraet itself. Then, the fun coin znenced, with wild leaps up against everything in sight. The women screamed, cat -screamecd. too, but soon found herself exhausted and half choked, she fell to the ground. The women in a trembling state picked tip courage. With their hands wrapped in their aprons one seized, the cat and th'othei~ the can and poor pussy was relieved... At last reports the cat was living. *Mr. Moses Hestle, harnessmaker for Mr. C. 1lartleib, leaves for the West on Monday, where he intends working at his trade. We are sorry to lose citizens lilte Mose. Don't forget that we handle GOL MEDAL L. THE BEST EY TEST _.. Three-quarters of the people are con- vinced that tl i. is the. Best. Twine to use and we aim to convince the other quarter before we are satisfied. PRICES FROM 19C UP C. 1iA TLE B = Zurich.