HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-08-09, Page 5HOTELS.,.. f ti 000 tt'snCio 000til€'3r o'.ca'y^twoa. iPflat` olooet • t• ee e rt etT et e teal e t1Y 4 3 • dlOilliflERCl k1 HOTEL Ile et pi td 4a zURIOH e et 0 0 ee "aa 0 i1 0 J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. f e 4000004 e00000000000000000. i' 00000a0000 0 Strictly up -to -elate in modern im_ provements. Dining rooms is sap plied with only the very best. `,1 ¶ 2 Bar contains choice liquors rind ; cigars. ¶ 9 ¶ ¶ ¶ o Exceller t Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. 0 the orniniOf i Ouse, This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted. Houses in the Province. o getter %able in the!Dominion. The Zurich H4rakLa EXETER Mr. Wtn., Grigg celebrated his 870 birthday on Monday last, and is still quite smart despite his age. Our 'business men axe elated at the baseball victory snatched from the Crediton business men's (dab, on' Friday last. The :Dore Was 21 12. Tom Acheson and Harold Bissett are on a visit to Thomas Oke at Kingsville. They will also spend a few days at St. Thomas and Ridge- town. R. R. oh►J nston &Son, PROPRIETORS. H. Horton of Tuckersmith, had part of his barn roof blown off on the ist inst. He was insured in the Huron Weather Insurance Co., who have adjusted the loss. 'REMARKABLE OUT3REAK Or CUTWQRMS, Last week much alarm was creat- ed in:the;ne].ghboncood of Leatteinge ton, Ont„ by an extraordinary. outbreak of caterpillars which de- voured everything before them. Applicationwas made to' the Agri- cultural College at Guelph for utivic$ and LS$istY.nce,, tin Mr. L. (Jaesttr of the Etntonlologie,al De- partnlent. was at once sent up to investigate. The insect proved to be the Variegated Cutworm (Peri- droura saucirp), which has on pre- vious occasions appeared in 'devast- ating numbers, the most serious outbreak having occurred in Brit- ish Columbia and the neighboring Pacific coast states in 1000. Near Leamington the worms were first observedd in clover fields where they soon devoured the crop and left the ground bare > and black ; they then marched on to the next field and cons>lmed 'whatever vegetation they met with, Dorn and tobacco_, tomatoes and other vegetables, seemed especial favou- r'ites for consumption. If a fruit tree happened to be in their way, they climbed it and de'veered both fruit a.nct foliage; many peach trees were thus attacked and the fruit ruined. Like the cutworms these cater- pillars feed only at night and re- main in concealment during the day, hiding in the ground where the soil .s loose and under any rubbish or other shelter that they call find. When fu11 grown the worm is about two inches long, with a yellowish stripe on each side above the legs„ the rest of the body is darker and mottled with black, white or :grey; the most characteristic feature is a row of yellow or white spots, five to seven in Enumbex, along the middle line of back. Some are already chang- ing .into the chrysalis stage. for which purpose they bury themsel- ves in the ground and form there an oval earthen cell. The moth, into which they finally turn, has a wing expansion of about an inch, and is Clark blackish brown- in col- our, often clouded with red to wards the front margin of the wings. but with no conspicuous or distinguish - in markings; the underwires are whrte,with a pearly lustre. Like so many other of our most destruc- tive insects, this one has come to ns from Europe. Many specimens have been sent 41 the College for identfication from various parts of the Province ;the complaint being in most oases e worms are destroying the Ca ?tomatoes .by 'oring great ores throngh and through them ; bl.soule cases Dorn is badly injured and, in gardens vegetables of all kind are attacked. A large gang, of workmen are busy at the depot rearranging the switches and making preparation for the laying of the new switch for the Canning factory. The new' station will also be commenced` shortly. On Friday evening last news reached T. H, Me0aalum• of the serious illness of his brother, Chas. at Midland, but before he took the train next morning further word was received that he had died. the night before. Mr. McCallum. sad undergone an operation which proved unsuccessful. He leaves it widow and several children. J. W. Broderick a former and much respected business man of Exeter and who for the past ten years has been in business in Gode- rieh, was last week presented by the choir of the Victoria Street Methodist Church Goderieh with a handsome gold headed cane and an address. Mr. Broderick has di3- posed of his business there to G. M, Elliot and leaves shortly for London to take a well-earned rest from the activities of business life. Free, for Catarrh, just to prove merit a Trial size Box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Let me send it now. It is a snow-white, creamy, healing, antiseptic balm. Containing such healing ingredients as Oil Eucaaliptus. Thyinel, Menthol etc., it gives in3tant and lasting relief to Catarrh of the nose such throat. Drake the free test and see for yourself What this preparation can and will accotnplish. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large jars 50 cents. Sold by A11 Dealers. The Popular store for X907. 3i The people have shown by their• increasing patron- age during the past year that they fully realize that this is place to buy their Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Haed- ware, Paints and Oils, Etc.. at the right price, and also the right quality. , from the int tbe14th It .s fall into them as they march and being uuable to climb up the loose sides they travel along the furrow and fall iiito the post holes ; there they will he fctlnd in dozens or hundreds in the morning and oars easily be killed. Where the soil is stiff clay, this plan will probably. not be so effective, as the 'worms may be able to olinab up the sides and go op their way ; reliance will then have to be placed. in the poi- soned bait. Where very numerous a heavy roller may jbe' employed with advantage, if the soil or crop will permit of its use. It must 'be remembered that live stock or poultry must not be allowed in any place where the poison is scattered. The worms are no doubt attacked by parasitic insects and many will perish. from; bacterial' diseases -this is the usual experience when out- breaks of a similar character have occurred -and .therefore there is litle danger of a repetition of .the plague next year. Everything, however, should be clone to check the visitation now before more damage is inflicted and . to reduce the number that may survive for the production of another brood. --t,; C. J. S. Bethune, 0. A. College, Guelph.,; HICKS' FORECASTS. A regular storm period extends h to central on the 12th and will. out to crisis, neutrally, :battle and west extre4nes of the country, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 13th and 14th. .A. reactionary storm period is Thanking our many cus- tomers for past fax -Ors, we ask for a continuance of the same. R. N. Douglas central on the 17th, 18th and 10th. As this period begins it will grow warmer, first in the west, barome- ter will fall and reactionary storms of rain, wind and thunder will pass eastwardly across the country, BLAKE. reaching their culminating stages on and touching the ith and lOth. A regular storm period covers' in 01 ubji perturbing flower the 21st to the In rate The Sovereign Bank I will Mail you free, to prove merit, sainples of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative, tend my Book on either Dyspepsia. The Heart or The Kid- neys.Troubles of the Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are merely symptoms of a creeper ailment. Don't make the common error of treating symptoms only. Symptom treatment, is treating the result of your ailniedt, and not the cause. Weak. stomach' nerves—the inside nerves—mean Stomach weakness, always. And the Heart, and Kid- neys as well, have their controlling or inside nerves. Weaken these nervas, and you inevitably have weak vital organs. Here is where Dr. Shoop's Restorative has made its fame. No other remedy even claims' to treat the "inside nerves" Also for bloating, biliousness, bad breath or complexion, use Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Write me tdday for sample end free Book. Dr Sfoop, Racine, Wis. The Restora- tive is sold by All Dealers. s,. 26th. During this period the Moon passes perigee on the 21st, full on riarWe have made arrangements the 23rd, and the celestial equator to offer the following low clubbing on the 2dB h. as his period rioed seismicalso gates y with A .BALD : 4.25 period, centering on the 23rd and Daily Globe $ ,, Mai.I & Empire 4.25covering the whole period. The Weekly Globe . 1.75 telegraph will report seismic shalt- „ &r Empire 1.60 es in widely different parts of our Berliner Journal (German) 1.755 tropic l stores, callianet. See! In ng, probabilityah- eels fulnessand care, will reach our 1.50 southern roasts during or very 7,75 close to this period. The barome- 2.25 ter will also give timely indications 1.25 of active inland storms between 1 25 the 22nd and 26th. In case of low barometric eonditions in the south northerly winds and high barome- ter follow inland storms from the northwest, making frosts more than a possibility in northern sec- tions during the last week in Aug- ust. A reactionary storm period is central on the 29th, 30th and 31st It is a wellknown fact that great tropical storms, coming up from equatorial regions, outlive, as a rule, the limitations of the ordin- ary storm periods. This is true especially in cases where the Ven- ue equinox and other astronomic causes unite with Earth's equinox. But in all such cases it is safe, to' say that these storms take on re- newed energy and violence'as they run into the storm periods next following those . in which they originate. Hence, if tropical storms appearing at the period 21st to 26th outlive that period, they will grow in strength and magnitude as they reach our coasts and march. into our interior' during the closing days of the month. ill .40.4 A000rding to the New York Sun, there is no wild rush.of immigrants from across the line to register with the United States Consuls ,to preserve their eitizenship. They appear to be quite satisfied' to be- come Canadians. Out of about 60,- 000 only about 200 are said to have applied to be recorded as retaining United titat(a status, HEAP pedes;-TofoNTQ. Paw r.rp CapZtai: • o $.3,0QQ.000 4 $OARD OF DIRECTORS; Y T�residenE .1garxrURYS 7ARv;s, E'sq., x..- RANDOLPH MAEDONALD, Zsq. rsl V:ce-Presidxvz! t. ALLAH, Esq., - • 2nd Vicc-PY4sid4nl ,erre. D. McMxLLAN, h..E .DY ENT, Zag ,, M.P. P. MON. PETER. MCI.AREN, W. IC. McNAV0rm, Req., M.P, ALEX. Bauer:, Esq.,. X.C.X GeneralI/ane e. X. G. 7aMgExx, - - - . It. CASSELS, - - 4331. General-Afonag'eri Savings Rank Department Interest at best current rates paid quarteriy. ZURICH BRANCH Jos. Snell, = Manager Family Herald & Star Daily Advertiser Weekly Advertiser Weekly Sun Farmer's Advocate Farming World Weekly Montreal Herald MMANUEL CHURCH vangelical Association 5ERVIOES AND MEETINGS WILL BE HELD IN THE ) MMANUEL EVANGEiLICAL .CHURCH, ZURICH, AS FOLLOWS Sunday School at 9.80 p. m. ; Preaching Service, German, 10.45 a. m. ; English Service, at 7 p. rn ; Senior Alliance, . 8 p. nl. Tues- day evening ; German Prayer meet- ing, Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock ; English Prayer meeting, 'Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ; Choir Practice Thursday evening at 8 o'clook; Junior Alliance, Satur- day afternoon, at 3 o'clock, REv. A. D. CGis0HLER, PASTOR REMEDIES. Thea most effective remedy for nocturnal marauders is the poison- ed bran mash, which is macre by mixing, half a pound of Paris green in 50 lbs of bran (the proportion for larger or smaller quantities is 1 to 100) ; the poison should be added to the dry bran little by little and etirred all the time till the whole is tinged with the green color, then add water sweetened with sugar or molasses till the mixture is suffici- ently moistened to crumble nicely through the fingers. If bran can- not be procured, shorts or flour mey be used and. for field work natty be distributed dry by means of ti seed drill. The mash is sprink- ledabout the plants at sun-dow'n and after dark the worms eonre out and eat it in their places of con, cealrnent. Paris green, half a pound to 40 gallons of water may be used on many plants advantage . When the worms are very num- erous and are moving on from one field to another, their progress may be checked by ploughing a deep furrow ahead of then -two about 4 feet apart would be better -in those post holes are boredordug from 12 to 15 feet apart: •The furrow should be made in the morning so that the slnight a foil dry worms re- liable by �, or the first in four years the co pieta results of the department- al aminations Will be published. Itexpected that they will appear in tele days or two weeks. Four years ago the education depart - en '' oeased publishing the results m of c. hip; pariso men tttL scho ■ a n L U fl i €J u■ n a7 01 MEAT MARKET E keep in stock a full line o fr esh .seats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give usacall. YUNtII LUT rEc DEICHERT. inations owing to the a a R the . smttlle&;, fat invrdiotis cons 'were being made, detri- "to the interests of the• Instead of this the results war 's sent to the different princi- paie.; and made known by thein. This however, was found to cause ntinierous delays, owing to the ab- sentee of the . plrinei.pals on their holidays. The .results tbis year Will be published according to counties and not of schools. DA.SHWOOD Miss Ida Finkbeiner of Ore diton was a visitor with Mrs. J. Keller. 'van last week. Miss Ella Ronnie' of Zurich cal- led on her sister, Mrs, H. Guenther on Wednesday evening last. George Schroeder attended the races at Zurich. on Fridayeverting with his trotter S. S. George has a.- good horse but lacks training. The Zurich Turf Club intend holding it series of races on Labor? Day, Monday Sept,. 2nd., "Mien good pulses will be offered. R ES KERS Roundrip6E eursiox. a o heart Strrgt fleart Strength, or Heart Wealmess, means Nerve Strength, or Nerve Weakness—nothing more. Fos- itivelr. not one weak heart in a hundred is, in it- self, .actually diseased. It is almost always a •hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault. This obscure nerve—the Cardiac, or heart Nerve —simply needs. e ncontrolling, snorep governing e stability, 'strength. Without that the Heart must continuo ,to fail: and the stomach and kidneys also have these same controlling nerves. This clearly explains why, as a medicine. Dr. Shoop's Restorative has in the past done so much for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoop first -sought the cause of all this painful. palpitating, suffocat- ing heart distress. Dr. Shoop's Restorative—this Popular prescription—is alone directed to these it;strengthenwasting ;ait offe s real, genuine heart helps, If you would have strong Hearts, strong di- gestion, strengthen these ;nerves — re-establish them as, needed, with LOCAL SALESMAN —WANTED FOR— ZP I C and adjoining country to represent Can4da's Greatest Nurseries A permanent situation for the'right man, for whom the territory will, be reser- ved. Payee eekly. r Equrpxbea. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS NORTH-WEST Leare Terouto TUESDAYS JULY AUGUST SEPT. 30 13 And 37 10 and 24 tickets good returning within sixty day.. VERY LOW RATES for second-class ticket. to Winnipcs and allimportant North- . West towns TOURIST S1EErINt' CboRS on each excursion. Bertrerysmall havu 44,4'1141a onal cost pBertto must lee reserved early: local agent at least a Week before eaenttieh leaves. Aa.k aieeroat C.P.A. Ticket, Agent for tawre initnemrtlota oe write c,*. FOSTER. Dirt, POW Ant.. C.i'.R.t,Toronw r.oop9S Stone 8. Wellington Fonthill Nurseries. Over 800 acres. TORONTO - ONTARIO �storatiVe ALL DEALERS” HEW% f 1 4 B For the balance of the year to New Subscrib- ' ers ixt Canada- for.... 25 Gents 'If you have sons or daughters at distant points, how could you by please sendinghem their H 0 E PAPER P Send the %s and addreses and we will do the rest. Fai The Exhibition the People all like to Attend EXHIBITORS AND VISITORS FIND IT PROFITABLE TO GO KIY LBEIe1S1FIl7E'S AIRSHIP daily and a full list of Attractions, with plenty of Music. rireworics after prograarl each evening, con- cluding on.- c1 id ` TIE withthat OF dGIBR.A.displaLTAR" REDUCED RATES ON ALLRAILRO AA• M. ADS Sett o the Secretary for Prize Liss, Programmesand ll HUNT,'Secretary W. J. REM, President