HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-08-09, Page 1The Official. Organ of Zurich Axid Hair ,Tow
This management during th e
past year ;trained over Tw o
Hundred• young
iad,ie s 200 an
ge ntl e= men, a s
steno- graph_
ers, and placed them in excel-
lent situations in leading Can-
adian and American cities.
Individual instruction.
Write for catalogue;
�!C'� t�lE'rt8'aC��ati'.��7i�'8tiT-y'ft��►
Dan Molsaae spent Sunday at his
home in Dashwood.
Mr. Fred Sclinettler is stz11 ailing:
and he has slight hopes of recov-
Cornq,l Holtzman is visiting re-
latives and friends in Galt, . this
Miss Cleve Foster of Detroit is
visitingg at her home on the Baby -
Jon Line,
There will be no ,preaching ser-
vfceri•,n the Evangelii;ai ehuroh next
tun¢ morning.
D•-mbelby of Detroit is visit-
ing bete-p1ts, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
3,assow, Brotrson Line.
Mr. and Mrs. 3, D Merger and
miss ,f i1v Merger, of Ftutmv,, ar ".
visiting relatives here, this week,'
Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Hess and
son, George, left on Wednesday
morning for a week's outing on
the shores of Lake Huron. south of
Grand Bend.
Dr. W. E Sehellig leaves for De-
troit Friday to take charge of his
practise, where be and his brother.
Dr. G. 3. Sehellig are in partner-
ship as dentists.
It is said that there are about
1400 carpenters idle in Edmonton
at present owing to lack of work.
Has that far Western city been
going too fast a clip?
Friday evening last was a busy
one in town, there being no less
than three attractions ---the races,
Ice cream social. and a dance,
All were well patronized.
Mrs. J. L. Brisson and G. Brisson
of Detroit, Denis T. Brisson of
•Montreal, and Max A. Brisson of
Stratford are visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. John E. Brisson, Drysdale.
Mr. Orville Ehnes of the Sove-
reign Bank stair, New Dundee, is
spending his vacation visiting his
brother, Rev. M. Ehnes, of New
York. His mother, Mrs. A. G.
Ehnes, accompanied him.
The ice cream social held, at Mr.
13,. Well's on Friday everting was a.
success, the proceeds amounting to
over $20,00, The feature of the
evening was the rendering of seve-
ral songs by Rev's A. D. Gisohler,,
E, ,I•i. Bean, Burn and Mr. Geo,
It is seldom that the peace of our
good town isdisturbed at night but
reoently, a number of young men.
some of whom are known, annoyed
Mrs. Waiver by throwing stones
on her house and even going as far
ee setting $re'ta a board near the
house. Mrs, V alper requested
1'3rcRAr,D to.inform these boys that
unless this practice is stopped, she
will have them brought before the
In the meeting of automobiles
the drivers of vehicles are generale,
iv more frightened, than the anim-
als they are driving. A story is
told of a tvonian living not far
from Exeter, who on seeing an
automobile approaching quickly
scrambled out of her buggy, climb-
ed over a fence and ;chid in n, hay
field, leaving the horse to shift for
itself. The animal, however, Iiaacl
evidently seen better • days and
was glad of a rest, as i''`+idn't take
any more notice of thealaite than it
would of a passing bugs t;; The
woman climbed from her hiding.
place after the auto had gone past,
Exeter Times,
R1DAY, `AUG. 9
'Miss Ella, Moser of Blyth is,^v-isit-
Yngfiiends here this weekly
Fiather Stroedei• is spending the
week at the retreat at Sandwich.
Mr. and Mrs. 33. Bossenberry of
Brueefield, visited'. friends ,here on
Miss Ethel Murdock of London,
visited her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Camp-
bell, last week
Be sure and attend Preeter's big
Summer Cleating Sale. The bar-
gains are going fast.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Dietrich, of St.
Clements, Ont., visited N. Foster,
Sr., on Sunday last.
Miss S. Schultz, of South Bend,
Ind., is visiting friends and relativ-
es here for a few weeks.
Chas. Fritz and family returned
from the Bend. on Monday, where
they had been camping for allow
Mrs IL F. Sohiedel left for DR -
trait on Saturday after spending
week with her parents. Mr. ands
Mrs. Geo, Sehoellig, Goshen Line.
Mr. Henry Greb, one of the few
remaining first settlers of . this
town is down. since Sunday with a
paralytic stroke. His condition is
The Sacrament of tbe Lords `Sup
per will be despensed in the 14th
con, Evangelical church" next Sun -
clay a. ni. Rev. S. M. Hauch of
Stratford will officiate.
Rev. Mr, Burn of Colborne oc-
oupied the pulpit in the Evangeli-
cal church on Sunday morning and
e:vening,• and was listened to by
Large congregations at both servic-
es. "-
Mrs Catherine Fee, ' widow 'of
the late Walter Fee died at the old
homestead, Goshen Line, Hay, on
Saturday at an advanced age. Her
remains were interred in Layfield
cemetery on Monday afternoon,
the funeral being largely attended.
During the severe lighted.
storm which passed onexrfha
a-last - The sd
se of Ga sleds.
Babylon Line, and the large
of Stephen Meidinger, of the 14th
con., were struck. Luckily no fire
Mr, Henry Gallinan left on Tues
day for Exeter, where he wiII assist
Mr. August Guhr to move his
dredging outfit to Gadshill, near
Stratford, where he has secured a
large contract for ditohing. Mr.
Guhr has recently completed a
large ditch for the township of
Mies Clara Koehler lett on .Satur-
'l,ay for Grand Bend to enjoy a few
weeks' outing.
Geo, McKay was an town Wed-
nesday evening. He expects to
begin bkying our walke, shortly,
Mr. and Mrs. G1eo. Gram attend-
ed the'funer tai of. the latter's grand-
mother. Mrs. C. Beaver, who 'vvas
buried Tuesday P.:iM., at Crediton,
Dr. W. E. Solacing and his motb-
er, Mrs. G Sobbing, of the Goshen
Line, south, spent;Friday and Satur-
day last with friends in Goderieh.
Mr. Chris Haueh, of, Walkerton,
visited friends and relatives here
over Sunday. He passed his second
year in medicineaat Toronto Il"ni.
versity. r
Mrs. (Mathes $tickles of Detroit,
is visiting her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. H. Greb. lir, W. Grob of
Stratford was also a visitor over
Ernst Gies, . wit,'. -his "pin;",
team reoontly took over: io3 busbels
of wheat to the Bewail mills.
Messrs: Cook say it was the biggest
load of wheat that has been deliv-
ered at their mill.
Eiiber has a green pacer th
will maks thezxi all go by the
the fall fair races are on. S
'only been trained a few we u.
half in 1. 2i was knocked off on
Friday evening wi boat tan efirort.
A traveler in the ?,tiling -car of a
Georgia railroad had ordered 'fried
e gs for breakfast. ;t"Can"t give
yo7t,• fried eggs, boss," . the negro
waiter informed' hint "lessen yo'
Want to wait till we stops." "Wby
how is that?" "W.11, de cook he
says de road's so rough dad ebery
time he tries to fry;taigs dey scramb-
I ha,,~e some Fine .Merlins ` which. I . ani
ening off at Big
Regular Trice 15 eents, now for ..10 cents
124 cents; now for , . 8 'cents,
" 10 Dents, now for .... , , 6 cents
Just' received ---a new line of Striped Gingha ns which. I am run-
ning at .ay Big Snap, Just the right thing for
boys' blouses and. ladies' 'waists •
Regular price was 15 cents, now for 10 cents
I hate some men's shirts which I have put on
.V the table at a snap. Regular prices
era thea0, $1.25 and $1.00, for...:.... 50cs
i The members, of tbe Zurich Turf
tab tnet at the Town Hall on
nesday evening and bane arrang-
ed. a program for the day that
should draw an inain#nse crowd. At
()plc there vile aaa ' baseball
between 'two neighboring
towns, the winners receiving fi10.00
and the losers $5.00. At one o'clock
b tug-of-war between picked mien
firm Zurich and Hensall for a
prfee of Ten dollars. .At two the
raees will oornmence. three events,
as follows :---Green race, purse
$30.00, half mile heats, li in 5 ; 2 50
clitssi purse $30.00, a mile heats, 3
in 5 i 3.130 class, purse: 00.00, mile
eats 3 in 5. The Jubilee Band will
furnish good music. Conte to
Zurich, Labor bay; Sept. 2nd.
,•p.� 0'G'•G�'r9'G7`ll'•p:e7�4�l'�"!•� O C''Y7 G''-4^G,G'•er'� � :r1
da Shoe Satisfaction
Onr ann. to supply our custom , ..with nothing
!but first-class Shoes has green, ins a good reputes
Hon., and. the.result has been, tit Jolla' sales have • {
increased wonderfully,',': Whether you want an up-
to-date Shoe of the Th.teSt style, or leather�G or a
Shoe for every day 'w'e4ti t e . s140yl;u. }il
prices are aslow as ani'tUl t;ill nay you to:.. call
us be#ore:yau buy
Our line of Shoes for summer wear
asoon be complete and 3 our in f;nectien C f same
is respectfully solicited,
Q4 Butter and Eggs taker$ In exchange..
d C. FRITZ, k The Sh
r...r. or�.r�. c�.o.r ✓. �:or.. •v a.�-c� . c.• �•t•ll•
Attend Preeter's ig Clears ce Sale of Rimier goods
In order to make room for our Large Stock of New ;Fall Goods which are commencing to arriv-e,
we have decided:,: to clear out a lot of odds and ends in Summer Goods at Prices that will sell
them quick. `i Below we quote a few prices.
Prints, etc.
•7 ends Print, regelarf
loo goods, to clear
11 ends Print, regular 1t
& 15e goods, to clear
6 ends fancy Sateen
Prints, regular i:Sc
and 20e, to clear at
13 ends plain and oliecke'd
Ginghains, regular.
12 e. and, 15c, to ole ar
8c ay
IOc a yd
1c a y
Dress Goods
Also a Iot'of Remnants in black
and fancy Drees Goods at about Half
Price. These are ends ranging from
2 to 5 yards; you can get them al-
most at your own price,
White L nder6kirts
Regular 85 cents, now for 65 cents
Regular $1.35,. new for 90 cents
Dinner Setts
a DinnerSett, regular o0 0
514.00, to clear at
2` ginner Setts regularQ (la
$10,00, to clear at .4f
Toilet setts
A. large quantity at Close Prices.
Top Shirts
A new line of fancy Told Shirts just
Ladies' Hose
Black, 3 pair for 25 Cents.
Machine Oil
Just srrived---.-a barrel of best
quality Machine oil.
Farm Produce of all
kind s taken in exchange.
Summer Suits
1 only light grey Tweed
suit unlined coat and
pants, reg $8.50 for
1 only light grey Tweed
suit unlined coat and S� 00
pants, reg $11.00 for 4P .t►
$ 7.00
We have just opened up a large
shipment of the celebrated Diamond
Enamelware. This is the finest line
of enamel goods on the market—the
best that zimuey can buy, Sete as for
volar Preserving Kettles, etc. All
first quality, we dont carry any
Binder Twine
We still have a supply of Gold
Medal and Deering twines on ]land..
and would ask you to give us a dill
when in need of any,
Everything in the line of Roofing,
Eavetrough and General Hardware at
Rock -Bottom Prices.