HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-07-26, Page 8The Zurich Herald. HARIONICAS IMPERIAL HORNER The best 25 cent Mouthorgan made, A full line of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY. Repairing a Specialty; and P. W. HESS - • Jeweler. 111 That New Spring Suit. When looking for your • new Spring Suit, do not forget to give us a call. We have a fine range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a large number of Samples to select from. Laundry in connection. W. H. HOFF', rAN • .:mu: LOCAL NEWS kid,WA' ? iKaiei .; 3r '1'i teitiei*5 500 pails of cherries wanted at once, at Hartleib:'s la ardware. Cash or trade. With this issue TrnI HERALD completes its seventh year of pub- lication. ublication. The Jubilee Silver Band has au engagment near Blake on Thursday evening next, Toronto has about 25 cases of small -pox on hand. The disease is of a mild form. Tires Sett While You Wait. aaCilhs'44 The New Way No burned or blackened tires. First-class work and satisfaction guaranteed. liorse=shoehhg and Repair= ing promptly attended to Premier Laurier returned from England, recently and was accorded a rousing welcome on landing on Canadian soil. Hon, Edward Blake has' resigfed from the British House of Com- mons, owing to ill -health • and is returning to Canada. To our Correspondents. -Our worthy "scribes" would confer a great favor if they would see that their budget of news, whether large or shall. is sent early in the week and each week. Try; and mail to us every Monday evening. A most interesting, instructive, and inspiring sermon was delivered by Rev. A. D. Gisohler, in the Evangelical church on Sunday evening, and was Hauch appreciated by the large audience present. The subject of the sermon was "A '\Tornan's Choice, and Way. She made it." His remarks,being based on the text found in .the book of Ruth, lst chapt. and 115th verse. The principal characters Were tla.at of Ruth. who made her. choice for right, remaining true and firm to her religion and her God, regardless of her many trials, discourage- ments and afflictions. Why did she make it? Because of her strong and noble character, being cautious of the choice of her associates, and environments, which tended to in- fluence her only for good. How importannt that the women of today make the same choice, standing true to her Christian prin- cipals. and ever careful of the "in- fluence and choice of her associates and surroundings. While Opha who also started out in the ehristian pathway, soon became weak and discouraged. when called to pass through the sleep waters of sorrow and trouble, made her choice and returned to her country and people to adopt their religion and worship their heathen gods. How many Orpha's are there in these ldays, who are fainting by the wayside, forgetful that God sends only what it best for every one?, Another pleasing feature of the evening was the large choir, com- posed only of female voices,:: who rendered appropriate and excellent music. Your Patronage Solicited Louis Prang ZiJRICIi — - ONTARIO 5O YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and deeeriTition may untold), ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention In probably patentable, Conanatiicn, tions strictly cpnndei ttul, I3andbooken Patents seat free. Oldest agency for securingpateuts. Patents taken through Munn & ,u. receive special n4t1Ce, Without charge, in the rfieJgy an. , handsomely illustrated weekly rarest ells year• four,nont.hs, yL 8o dbyall newarlcalers. tailation of any aelentiflc ]n,a+nal. re me, t%i a B2, r.®1181 Broadway, New V(irk nraneh Unice. kyr:" St— :V1,_nkinctOti• Z. C. *p�GiDgDQQkD es re rli C!D eiDaDEDielle , CIDOEIDellialeilD4POINIFICE101111111D116 Ey C7 es es v es es BLAKE A garden Party under the auspic- es of the Presbyterian church will be held on Mr. Egleson. Esler's lawn on Thursday evening Aug. 1. Every effort is being put forth to make this a crowning success, and the munaging committee are look- ing forward to a good. attendance. The Zurich Jubilee Band will be present to furnish music for the occasion, Mr. Ross, the far-famed piper, late of Glasgow Scotland, will also render some choice selec- tions. All are cordially invited, Admission. 25 oents, children 70 cents. es Mr. Wm. Miller trecited his men at the brick and. tire Yard th an ice cream supper, Hurrah for our boss Wm. Miller. Brick and tile are going fast at present. All kinds on hand. Messrs Conrad and Ed:. Miller paid Smoky Hollow a tying visit last Saturday. Mr. Ezra Kaercher lost a fine cow this week. I. Or at $ $ $ rg iris $ $ $ A $ At EN E 9S1 $________.+ . 1.10....11.".....*ONIMIA0111.. 0 VVE are going to reduce our Shoe Stock and will give you a GREAT BARGAIN on every pair of shoes you buy. It will pay you to see before you buy elsewhere. VVhen we say they' must. go, YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IlEANS:::: • P.' BENDER, Zurich ts es Have spent a week with Toronto Wholesalers and have secured some Splendid New Lines of Summer Dry Goods at very close prices 14 And we will pass them on to you at A STIALL ADVANCE ON COST youerrevommramoist DONIEXIIMEIDODOXIDGD =ID GD MED a D CM) D CIEMDC 311111>CDCW1)(1DOVIOD(10 01121)4 0:20,1116161DCD =ID aD =MD MUD GD aRaW D MOD CD 01110)(1N111109 OVAL) (ID MIND (MOOD a WEAT ER AS We have the goods that will keep you cool Special Dresden Iluslins at 5 cents per yard Our Shelves, Counters and Tables are piled high D es G o s, igure awns, Fa cy Gingh eor ella Or andies, res n a s t slins with as These are all the latest importations and will be sure to please you. See our WHITEWEAR ere T MANUEL CHURCH vangelical Association SERVICES! D MEETINGS WILL DE AULD IN THE EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL Prea,ching Service, German, 10.45 day evening ; Gerinaii.PrOter meet- ing, 'Wednesday evening, at 7:30 Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ; Choir Practice Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ; junior Alliance Satur- day afternoon, at 3 . RET. A, D. GISOSELER, PASTOR The brightest comet seen in four years has just come to the notice of Mr. .7. EL Plaskett who has charge of the big telescone at the Dominion Observatory, The wan- dering member of the solar system. is approaobing the sun, and. ie daily growing more brilliant. At present the comet can be seen through. an opera glass in the early morning towards the southeast, and in a few weeks will probably be 'visible to the naked eye. It Cali easily. be distinguished, from a, star on ac- COttht of its haziness and. larger diameter, The comet will increase in brightness till September when it v,till be nearest the sun, Collo, Choler rid liever )304it now. It may save life. stay" , CEKNISIDEDMENVeDelligliDeet WAWMAMMMAAMMNAMMIMAWAWAN Don't forget thkt we handle GOLD NIKDAL Three-quarters of, the A),eople are con- vinced. that this, ig tht 'Best Twine to use and we aini'qo ApArince the other quarter befOe'.,/we gife satisfied. PRIC :OM 100, UP C. HARTL Zurich. AAMNIAMWRWOMWARMIMMWM