HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-07-26, Page 6A Horse with a trained • Shoulder is sound as a dollar in 24 bottrs after you rub the sore spot with Fellows' I,eeming's Essence. It gives instant relief in all cases of Strains, Bruises and Swellings — dr=aws the pain right out — strengthens the weak back, shoulder or knee. Whether you have one horse or twenty, accidents are liable to happen any time. Keep a bottle of Fellows' Leeming'5 Lis i.,, mice handy so you can receded. have it when see. s bottle. At dealers. t@AY1ONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL 1 e Signs of Long Life. 'Bacon took a deep interest in Ienge- +e?ty and its earmarks;" said ati physician, rend Bacon's •signs of long life and of ,short life are as true to -day as they ever were. "You won't live long," Bacon pointed cent, "if you have soft, fine hair, a fine eitdri, quick growth, large head, . early 4nrpulenee, short neck, small mouth, lai'ittle and separated teeth 'and fat "Your life, barring accidents, will be rry €engthy if you have slow growth,, coarse hair, a rough •skin, deep wrinkles to the forehead, firm flesh, a large teonth, wide nostrils, strong teeth set d%s -together, and a hard, gristly ear." Minneapolis Journal. e.410. Get this FREE Book before you build. Tells why fire- proof metal material is cheaper from first to last—tells why one kind is the cheapest it's safe to buy. No matter what you mean to erect or repair, indoors or out, send for book. Ask nearest office ;Thae PEDLAR People is i""v 1c,m.Smec Montreal Ottawa Toronto London ta'tnntreg binding the Difference. „ °Some people are going to be mighty •ettrprised when they find out that there ".fee a difference between real goodness rend a receipt for pew rent.—Florida times -Union. rirco Mame. Prairie Scr€.tehas and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured is 26 minsAtos by.•:Watford's. Sanitar :Lotion, never sails. - Sold br di ggistst. • -s Cow Carried Away a Golf Ball, - on Saturday two golfers were doing the Maud of the Bury when amostFieldremarkabler incident Newport Peg - !Sell. o- rred, One of the golfers in making a cleek shot carsick a grazing cow on the hindquarter's. • dropping the ball lodged th the whisk of � a cow's tail. Expecting to see the ball fall 't.vhen the cow moved, the players approach- ed the animal, which started off on the run, tt,2te ball still lodging in the tail, The move- rYe4nts of the animal caused the ball repeat - telly to striire her on the legs, which made her kiek out viciously. For fifteen minutes the players gave chase in the hope of dislodg- Lhg the ball, when a specially vicious kick awttsed the ball to fall to the ground.—Prom the, Loudon Evening Standard. sea Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. What's the Use? (Toronto Globe,) The list of drowning fatalities continues to goer. There seems no remedy except to repeat and repeat too warnings, ,.,o.,.7,.1.µ Talks on.. Jankiner i ,s by ECURITY a Vital Point An important consideration to evety one with money to deposit is the matter of security --the strength of the depository. The immense resources of the Union Trust Company are represented by— An Authorized Capital of $2,504,000. A Paid-up Capitol of $2,500,000. A Reserve of $400,000. CoEnpounded Otuar>rteriy r • is ii �.r Thinking people realize that four instead of three per cent. interest on eevings deposits means one-third added tette earning power of their money. To putit another way, it amounts to one-third clear gain to you. Then why be satisfied with 3 per cent. when you can get 4 per cent. hom the Union Trust Company? Our booklet E sent free on re- quest, tives.full information on Banking by,:Mad at 4 per cent. interest. Write for it to -day. The 'I TON Eu UST Cosabaay c Limitsd TEMPLE $¢1IL131/113, TOiONTO • Capital sari Yte.sesva, $2.9•00.000 Lbitialtie Wild Geese Late in Northern Flight, Skowhegan reports. that at 3.30 a.m. Saturday a flock of wild geese, estimat-, ed at 4,000 or more, flew over the city, bound north. While they wero passing over the town the air was so full of them tbait it seemed like, the approach of a storm cloud. The first gentleman to witness this remarkable sight was Summer 0. Ward, who is an early riser. The flap- ping of their wings awakened him from a sound sleep, and his first impression was, until he went out an the lawn and.; saw what it really was, that it wee' thunder. The remarkable part of it is that the geese wero going north so late in the' season. It is past their breeding time,;! but as everything has been so backward'. this spring it is presumed the' birds, waited for warmer weather before loay'` ing the southland.Lewiston Jottrsi4l. '. 4.0 . London's Exposition itt 2908. An exposition in Londan is officially announced for the summer of 1908, to include science, art, products, manufac- tures and systems of education of the whole British empire, together with those of France and all her colonies. The preliminary arrangements were made last November between the offi- cials of the Governments named and, a Site for the eshil'ition agreed upon. Minard's Liniment Co., Limitsd. Dear Sirs,—This fall I got thrown on a fence and hurt my chest veey: bad,'t.o I could not work unit it hurt me .',to breathe. 1 tried all kinds of Liniments and they did me no good. One bottle of MINARD'S 'LINEMENT warned on flannels and applied en My breast, cured me completely. ' 0. H. COSSA.I2•Je)M. ` Rossway, Digby Co., N.S. .1.90111. Red Riding Hood's Wood. Jack killed his giants in Cornwall in the clays of King Arthur, and Tom Thumb flourished at about the same time, while at much later date the babes were left by their Wicked Uncle to die in a wood in Norfolk—distinctively in Northwest Norfolk. Northwest Norfolk also contains "Lit- tle Red Riding Hood's Wood." Twenty years ago it was a 1oveIy iutunt for the nature lover. In the heart of the wood was a lake, in the midde of the lake an island, and on the island a tiny, unin- habited cottage. Flowers were every- where in profusion, especially spring flowers—wild in the wood, cultivated .in the cottage garden, which was kept ;in order by the owner's bailiff. IL• would have been nkind to tell the villagers, ewho firmly believed that the episode in the life of little Red Riding Rood actually occurred, that Germany claimed to' have sent us the story,Leedoiz- 'ltxl O. —and all stomach 11).e and bowel disorders Makes puny babies plump and topsuccessful Proved 4, by 50 years' successful use. Ask your druggist ccfor it— D'u1L�.ls' ES' and gl32Tii1's' Tr'e mre beide. $1.25. National Daae to Chemical Ca. Limited es rr'l Pvicnaeal Testing Bulls With Automobiles. That the automobile can be used with great success in determining the cour- age of young bulls intended for the bull ring has been demonstrated by Pedro Fernandez Somelleika on his San Isidro hacienda in this etsate. The novel experi- ment was made a few days ago with a twenty-two horse-powea' car. On all haciendas where fighting bulls aro raised the young animals are "tested" with a view to determing their future fitness for the bull ring. These that prove their oourage are marked and left to grow up for future conteste,- Up to this time the tests' have been Iconducted by men on horseback, armed t''itli pikes, like picadors. B'ut M. zroa mml- i lera, who is an enthusiastic motorist, this year decided on an innovation by intro - I clueing the motor car in place' of '?;the horseman. Accordingly, after ..,bhe young bulls had been herded into a; large cor- ral the machine was driven into -the en- closure. The occupants were armed with the usual pikes. The experiment proved an exciting suc- cess. Several of the young bulls charged the machine at mad. speed, and it was only by ,clever driving that the car and its occupants were kept clear of the horns of the surprised and apparently indignant animals. The bulls that attempted to mix With the automobile have been credited with exceptional bravery, and they are . x- trected -to bring fame to the Can Isidro hacienda by their future • performance in the bull ring. --Guadalajara corres- pondence Me:cieen Herald. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. a-•. rib - - �,�;i3 Mrs, Vanderbilt's Cheap Gown, .- • Mus. Vanderbilt, of 7 anetre rc:, etas re . cently appeared in a yellow gown made by a cracker woman of the North Carob ling mountains, The material was grown spun and woven by the ammo women and cost its wearer just $2G. It is hoped that the almost last art of hand spinning and weaving may be revived if a fad far homeepun anion.g weall'thy women can be started. This is a pleasing hone.--ltxl change., :O Dolt take risks with your skin. Use the soap that you KNOW is free of harsh alkalies and in- jurious colorings and perfuniea- �.R®w'al Cro rn9' Witch®Hze1 T islet Soap It is made of pure vegetable oils—and soothing, healing witch -hazel. 3 cakes for 2$e. Insist on having "Royal Crown" Witch -Bezel Toilet Soap, to Getting Tired of Bosses. The people :are less and less well dis- posed toward boSeres. They want none of .them. The political boss is coming into constantly increasing disfavor. The voters are more and more awake and determined }lot only to know but • to' transact their own business - without waiting to be told by any self -constitut- ed guardian. -There have been recent • examples showing that conventions can be controlled by the politicians, but;- that ut;that the voters are free and independ- ent, and that when they go to the polls they east ballots according to their own ideas and as they cherose.—Utiea, N. Y., Press. WILSON'S Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, eta „b Ills house is coolon the hottest day, for itis ceilings aro high, its roof over- hangs, it has jalousies instead of glass wistdovre and it is bare of thiek eshtpiibs 4 Every packet will teill more 'Ales than 303 sheets al' sticky paper —SOLES IDV— MONISTS, GROCERS AND C£PIRRAL $TARES 1Cc. per packet, or 3 packets for 25c. wisp Leta whole season.'.' The Refuge Against Old A. Robert Louis Steveneo-u wrote : r` " Cling to your youth. It is the artistsstock in trade. Do not give up that you are aging, and you won't age." In this iamlliar and homely advice is hidden the secret of the artist's power and charm. He never grows old; things never become commbnplaee to him; the colors do not fade. As it matter of fact, they never fade; it is the perceptions which become duller, the interest which be- comes less keen. A good many men and women have discovered that it is agood thing to associate intimately with persons younger than .themselves. This is ono refuge ekgainst old age, but the real refuge Is with- in. It is the assertion of one's Immortality, the oonseieusness day by uay, in all relations and occupations, that one is going forward and not backward; that the world, which grows sadder because one's companions go out of it, is gnawing •brighter because one is .pushing toward the dawn and not toward the sunset. There Is a great mass of mis- leading and cynical philosophy about old age. Poetry is full of images of disenchant- ment created for the greater part by dis- enchanted men. There was a profound truth In the old Greek picture of the spirit begin- ning fts life in a strongly built house, pro- tected from all the elements; finding pres- ently that the house begtne to be less se- cure; discovering at last that it begins to cruronste, and at the end that It falls in ruins —only to leave the man free under the open sky.—From the Outlook, Naw York. . :,t• • ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMEItT Removes all hard, soft or eaiicn eed pimps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin,' curbs, splinta,hringbono, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, eon s, oto. Save $5O by use of one bottle. ar- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by druggists, o.e Completeness of French Census. France is a country where the census assumes almost the elevation of high art. The cult of detail of the personal kind carries passion for statistics to its apotheosis. There is nothing like it in this country, The timid bachelor who cares to know the Department in which W0111611 outnumber men, and are there- fore least likely to reject a suitor; the woman yearning for matritn.any who would leara where men are numerically the preponderant sex, and therefore com- pelled to respect the law of supply and demand, need only east their, eyes over these abundantly classified sttttictics. Similarly, one may find at a glance which province or department most in- clines to bachelord0rn or spinsterhood, which to widowhood and which to di- vorce; where all the deaf and dumb came from, and where blindness is in fashion. This last is perhtt s the most curious in detailof all. Why, for in- stance, •should there be 163 blind people to the 100,000 in Corsica and only 46 in the Department of Vienne?—London Globe. Gray Rorses iu Maine. ISSUE NO, :30 After the disquisition on the value of. grey horses, as compared with horses of other colors, the Parkhurst writer sagely notes; "You may change a farmer's reli- gion or polities, make him think he is rich and handsome, coax his wife to run away with you, •ol' sell him adog, but you will never make him think a grey home is not a jewel. 1 read somewhere reeently that grey horses were not up to the standard., or wards to that effect. I never was so astonished in my life. i have always drought, and do now, that grey or white horses were the handsom- est, toughest breed on the pianet, "The celebrated Arabian horses are white or dapple Frey. Famous generals in all wars have ridden white or iron grey chargers. Circus men select grey horses to draw the band wagons !n street parades. A great packing company al- ways selects Perclteron horses, not so much for the color, but because their feet will_ stand travelling on the pave. ments better than any draught breed it is said that Joan of Arc rode a milk - white horse, and St. John, the revelator, saw a white horse in Heaven (Rev, vi. 2). Half of the draught horses in Aroostook are white or grey, and another decade twill see 90 per cent. of them of that color."—From the Lewiston Journal. 488 Minard's Liniment Cures 'Diphtheria. The Spirit of Militarism, (Philadelphia Record.) Tho Mores In tho Philippines aro nearly ali killed off : in the work of benevolent as- adltttion, and General '?wood is now get- ting ally et Olongnpo• to protect the army and of the tinned. Stetos against an ire- - 41060 snore). emV.aEa Eve 23 Nervous men and women, unstrung nerves— sleepless nights—depresion—weakness—psle- ness--pain andsuffering—a11 reap -when you take • ?RA'0e MARK REGISTEh'L'A. Tablets. They bring sunshine•into your life— restore you to health, and strength, and happiness.. If you are aenous—if the system is run down —and especially if you have any weakn — cure youreeif with Mira Tablets. 50c. bas - 6 for $2.50. Drug stores or The Chemists' Co. of Canada, Liatit'e, Hamilton—Toronto. is The Backslider. The June brides in white bathing snits id silk stockings, paced the beach arm 1 arm. 'There is only one thing —" And the blond bride sighed. "There is only one thing more remark - :hie than the fortitude with which Tom Nave up smoking as soon as we became "r.gaged." "And what is that, dear?" asked the ,trunette. "The haste with which he took it up again after our marriage."—From the Minneapolis Journal. We,Us&Co. (Toronto Telogr•am.) Ontario is the home -of nearly 2,500,000 free, happy and contented people, who have pro- duced fewer triumphs of art and literature than any similar eommunity of free and fair- ly well educated citizens on earth. 1 190 ethyl id a:rsawasr®zr2+9.-:, a�s�mscas rgrryp.atrt'r Easier ironing giver better finish on things starched with Celluloid Starch, the only no boil cold -water starch, that can't stick. You will like it best, once' you try it. Buy it by name. Any good dealer. S aves L &abor— T e Line Haunted Rectory Abandoned. Luffincott, where the rector refuses to reside in the rectory because he saw the ghost of tt predecessor named Par- ker, is a remote parish of 'West Devon, in the picturesque valley of the Tamar. There are about thirty "haunted" rec- tories and vicarages throughout the country, but cicrieel ghosts have never hitherto been taken so seriously, though . Fielding's truculent Parson. Trulliber would make a formidable apparition. However, the Bishop of Exeter intends to stop the present week -end visits to the rectory of rowdy ghost layers—who certainly do not "do" their "spiriting gently"—by- declaring the living vacan'L As the population and endowment of Luffincott are both exiguous, the parish could be worked, without disturbing the ghost, by uniting the rectory to some adjoining beuefiee.—From the Westmin- ster Gazette. @.a0 BETTER THAN SPANKING Spanking does not cure children of bed-wetting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Shan - mars, Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont., titin send free to any mother her stmeesrfotil home treatment, with full instructions. Send no money but write her to -day if your children trouble you in this wary'.' Don't blame the child, the 'chances one it rstn't help it. This treatment oleo• cures adults and, aged people tiota,l ied with urine difficulties by day or n g1fft. Something in That. Ir the people ore neglectful of their pell- tical duties and vote sgooraing to i b of bosses, then they would tare squall under municipal ownersnip and under pH vote or 'public ownership Instead of Ward-, selves and the bosses, than they wamtd gWE good service under either private or pub ownership. It all Domes back to the Seo er's wilItngivess to be independeht of mhts' boss. .it' 'zVn':y1 LAMENESS eNESS Whether it is a fresh Bruise, Cut or Strain—or rru old Spavin, Sp'firtt, Ringbone or Swelling—you can cure your horse with e.all's 1:vin CUTre, Thos. Castles, of Newark, N.J., bought a horse—lamed with a; jithk Spavin—for $100. He cured every sign of lameness with Kneurial1te Spavin Cure—won five races with tare horse—them sold the o i1naoT to his former owner for $1,000.00. Wnnmre'roer, etzerNaseandl; "I have foaudyonr epr?cin Cure n vtfy .fate none; (oz an sorts of lameness in honks axed 'T am ne'fer witttosf1 it" E 1. wtaosy. Get Kendall's Spavin Cure --the, remedy used by t'sso nations for two generations, $1. a battle -8 for $a. itrsr book—"Treatise On The 'IRcrvs vglli save, you mnnpp, a clialinsv`if carefully recti and acted upon. Write today fora free spar. DR. 13. J.KENDAU.. OLi., 2? Errosprimo t:JsLI:s. - Vstlltsio;tai 0.484 Ktiq ASK YOUR MULE FO Duchess and Priscilla.Fine Hosiery For Ladies Rock Rib and Hercules School Hose Strong as Gibraltar Lititit .of Strength Little Darling and ,Little Pet For zn�n, Lambs' Wool and Silk Tips- All Wool . • . • Fine Hosiery Manufactured for the Nfh'ologale Trade, by tis©, CHIPMAN-DOLTON KNITTING RI .LIMITED, HAMiLTA ONTARIO. rieneireari Mee • ?t�2ae;:l;ltit`�;l .h,C'iri{e''rdi t 1±l,nt111`911 iJtYl1 �i+,tEr iS a i r, r !laird Are the VERY BEST, going. WE invite comparison as. rege, QUALITY and QUANTITY of paper supplied. Cbtipate by actual° eotcat' the nuniber'of'sheat 'sin the' 'SO-called.cheaper ;papers "tviththo Bddy,Meir and you will, find that you get; more' for the` nte• motley' in'Etitiy'so Always ` Everywhere in Canada, Ask for a t? i wersaawasissessere