HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-07-26, Page 5• 4 • • tt HOTIE S. % Eaataaiattnliarsaaatellatitastosststa ai .* . it * . * *THE sa: tt Oa * et a # COMMEBC1 �L: HoT W.�ji'`+, oft * t'a '$ oa ZURICH $ t°} €i *i. r1 . an at on ti ( 1a.7 in; Ott. of sr as Pr is is SC vl T: tc m bi di al c B t Strietiy up-to-date ill model. , ` e prov'etnents. Diniugroon s at op 11,1plied with only the very beat ¶ ¶ t Bar contains aloiee of to ji ail cigars. ¶ 11 1 ,.�«.., f 1f 0 R Excellent Sample r"� rrot iia R ': for Commercial Mt 0 S ..�.... et J. R RAU, FROI!'FUETOR. a io0etaaaaaaetaaciaaaalaa ell ams 0 the Moniinfon o z e . This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Hooses in the • Province, o aletter gable in the pominion.. R. R,J.oh'nston & Son,i ,a'"sOPRrl1TORS, "'o"�""o'_' .. The Store for A • The people have shown L by their increasing patron- age during the past year that they fully realize that f this is place to buy their t Dry Goods, Groceries, loots and Shoes, Hard- i ware, Paints and • Oils, Etc.. at the right price, ` and also the right quality. Thanking our many etas- tomer for past'""'fairo'ia� 1 ask for a continuance of the same. . , R; N. Douglas 1 BLAKE. 1 ] Clubbing rates. .We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with THE HARALD Daily Globe . . $ 4.25 ,, Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe . . 1.75 ,, Mail & Empire 1.60 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family -Herald & Star 1.50 .Daily Advertiser 2.25 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 3.75 Farmer's Advocate 2.25 Farming World 1.25 Weekly Montreal Herald 1.25 THE CHRONIC) KICKER. Every town has its cranks and -kickers, who try to make trouble. At all times and in various ways. We relate the fate of one herewith. "He kicks at the weather. He -frowns at his foes. He grumbles • at children ant) he magnifies his woes. Sae is for ever oomplaining about this one or other, For be never is satisfied till he rows with smother , Do you know of a neigh- `bor who's at peaoe with this freak? (wliy no you can't find one) He's too cranky to speak ; But alas 1 'should the kioker, go benoe some tine day. Sae will growl at St Peter In prose, about this way :-Peter, , • 1 dont like that stain on your gate. Cant you polish it up a bit? Div 1 are all those kids staying here? I'll be blamed but I can't put up with them. And say Pete, when you :shut that door don't bang it so hard ; you know that•I was always nervous when I lived in Zurich, What! say's St Peter, are you the. Ricker from that town? You go clown onoe already. No-siree 1 vve have no place for 'you here. Go aleVial in the male pen and kick all you like." Moral: Don't be a kicker. Peter Lamont shipped cattle •from Hensan station on Saturday. Cotic Cholera and Chamberlain's u ed OiowwNoea elft� tut »Ii5V Mils, Buy it aOW. It May save txfe. ,0 RAND ,BEND t eetipg held at Grand Bend th, it was decided to Bold a ala Day and celebration at end on Aug, 6th. .The affair itended to be quite an extensive u ]e and will consist, .of aquatic arts in the morning oalithumpian cession, football match, horse es, trotting and running, tug -of - r, fie.d sports in the afternoon which valuable prizes will be en. In the everting will be given e of the finest displaysof fire- rrks ever seen outside of the, rge cities, some of the pieces be specially imported for the 00- sion. All events open. The affair is under the auspices the business men of Grand t3end a management of Mr. A. W. pith, who has successfully man- ed the campers' celebrations in evious years. Mr. W. B. Oliver sec-treas. I RE'DlTON Miss Mary Finkheiner of Detroit home for her holidays. Fred Jones of London, a popular Moist, is visiting friends in the llage. The new Township engineer Mr. honors made his first official visit the Township recently. Mrs. Valentin Ratz of Parkhill d Mrs. Hallman of Berlin visited rs. C. Zwicker, last week. The public school grounds have en much improved by putting wn a cement walk. We' believe at Crediton has the finest sohool• td grounds in the County. ' The Seventh annual business eeting of Y. P. A. of the Evan. hurch was held Wednesday last. ollowing is the result. Pres. Miss Tara Kingsley ; Vice -Pres., B. gown, Sec'y. Melinda Trick ; Cor - ea., August Kuhn ; Treas.. Clara Caist ; Organist,, Olivia Holtzman; ss't, Mary Ann Morlook ; Library ►ella Brown and Pearl Holtzman. HICK' 5'OIiS�CAfTS. A regular' storm period will be at its crisis on August the 1st and 2.: Thunder storms, with many stiff; local gusts of wind ' and rain will center on and about the lst and 2ncl'. Immediately after . these f a storms pass east o any given locality,; the wind will shift to westerly, the barometer will rise and ohatige to some cooler will take place. Cloudiness 'with a degree of threatening conditions will remain for several' days,'even after the storm.. areas have passed away. Such axe the characteristics of the Mercu.ryr equinox. which. is central on the 4th, extending. from July 28th to August the loth. A reactionary storm period is central on the 5th, 6th and 7th, on and ab"'out which days may` be ex- 'meted x 'meted'a return of storm conditions.. The .:warmth will increase, the barometer will fall. and cloudiness will grow into decided areas of storminess and precipitation. These storin areas will, of .course, not cover the whole country on any one date, but they will start in western parts and progress in re- gular' order eastwardly. across the country. A regular storm period extends from the 10th to the 14th. It is centrful on the 12th and- will come to a crisis, centrally between east and west extremes of the country, on Tuesday and W ednesday, the 13th acid 14th. If you are far west `;doll wail get your storms a day or :two earller ; you who are far to the east will read of the storms before •tiers ' reach you. Bide your time .and watch things grow. The new Moon is on the 9th, hence hot, threatening weather may hold through'''the Mercury brace. Take seven days, with the 9th as the central day, and you have a period of great seismic probability. Read reports from the world generally. The funeral of the late Miss M. Lamport who met a tragic death in London, was held here Thursday. t was one of the largest attended unerals ever witnessed in this own the entire community turning oat to show their sympathy to the bereaved family. The floral offer - vs were numerous and beautiful. A special wreath, with the words, From the Girls," was sent by her associates of London. Rev. Mr. Andrews, of the Methodist church conducted the services and eulogiz + aftbsaictiiaurxf',u'ter of Miss :,.Leari s rt,�. I was so well 'known. The in- terment took place in Fairfield cemetery.' EXETER Miss Jennie Hardy is spending ter holidays with friends at Port Iuron. Gilbert House has removed to [ensali, where he has purchased a arness shop. Exeter is offering $10,000 worth DS debentures. Tenders for same rill be opened on the lst of August. Gus. Coughlin of Stephen ship - )ed. twelve cars of cattle recently roma this station to the Old Coun- ry market. John Handoock, a former resid- ent recently committed suicide in North Dakota. lie leaves a widow but no fancily. ENTRANCE EXAM. Following is a list of pupils of this district-wbo passed the entrance exa,lxlinatitna, and the number of marks obtained by eaob. The number of marks required to pass was 370., ZURICH k'. S. Harold Appel 391, Eleanor Hart - leo.) 424, Elgin Hess 425, Lee Hoff- man 447, Humor Well 401, Eva Williams 370. I'll stop y our pain free. To show you first- before you spend a penny -what my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I will•uzail you free, a Trial Package ' of them -Dr Shoop's Headache. Tablets • - Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, Period pains etc., are clue alone to .blood conges- tior}. Dr. Shoop's Hearlaobe Tablets simply kill pain by coaxing away the unnatural blood pressure. That is all. Address Dr. Shoop,Racine, Wis. Sold by All Dealers. The Molson's Bank building at the South end is being tlun down by the puschasers, Messrs. Rowe & Atkinson who will use the material,. in the erection of dwellings. The Summer School of the Exe- ter District of the Methodist Church will bo held at Grand Bend from August lith to 18th inclusive when a number of the leading ministers of the conference and others will take part. A handsome souvenir is being issued containing a number of fine engravings of those who will take part and the program. of •the services. • sit:mama Punta sorcooL. 'W. R. Belt 488, JamesH, t3nllard 370, Harry H. McArthur 459, J. J. McArthur 441,. Alois. Smith 383, Pears Drysdale 448, Arnold Hob-• kCixk-418, Luella Ortwein 400, Irene Pepe 370; Lily Yungblut 432. lane HAY TOWNSHIP. NO 6 -Milton Haugh 371, No18- Milton, Oestreioher 402, No 11-- Nellie 1-Nellie Campbell 472, Chas Overholt 371, Willie T.tylor 370. No 2 -Bertha Munn 403, No 3 - Maggie H. Wilson 434, W. No 411, W. Grain 415, W. B. Wilson 382;' No 10-W. B. Elder 370, Alpine MoEwen 370, No 14 -Eliza: M. Thompson 443. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. No 3 -Fred Reid 390, No 4 (north) -Roy Dewar 393, Cora Nicholson 433, Nellie Watson 370, No 4 (south) -Maggie Campbell 419, Ford Spivrks 370, No 6 -Leonard Reid 432,,Estr1 S. Wanless 442. Garnet 425,' No t7 -Geo Stephenson 413, Hebert :Stephenson 370, No 10 - Jessie Aikenhead 467, Rhea Rouatt 386, No 7 -Claudia Cocbrane 376, No 14..2Manzxp M. Fisher 481, Aggie Gem i ell t350; James J. Jarrott 442, Rent lt` M`c;eath 380. CREDIT0:7 PUBLIC SCHOOL. Lillian Finkbeiner 476, Elsie M. Geiser 529, Pearl Must 420. Wm. Oestreicher 420, Matilda Oestreich- er 442, Fred Sintth 430, Harry Trick 388. STEPHEN TOWNSHIP. No 1--Austinpuplau 404, Mervin Elston 406, Margery Hepburn 402, Hazel Hicks 476. Nena McCurdy 441, Archie Robinson 399, Lillian Robinson 370, Eddie Sims 439, Jos. White 403, Gordon 0, Wilson 380, No 2 -Beryl A. Hill 406, Olive E. King497, Clayton Sims 401. No 3 - Harry Triebner 447, Celia M. Ford 476, No 4 -Nellie E. Amy 441, Ethel M. Kestle 389, Gladys Kestle 483, Sybella Morlook 454, No 7 - Margaret L McKenzie 391, No 12 - Ezra. Webb 379. Separate School, Mt. Carmel- Marjbrie Guinan 499. Principal McLeod of the Zurich solioo , is to be congratulated on the succeae.ef' his `six pupils, all of wllolti .. 8t cls, ""dais. has been a faithl f" orker, and has made every effort to bring our school up to the standard and with a better support from the lower rooms, his success would no doubt be more marked. Considering the handicap he has been working under, ho has certainly done well. Tian HERALD hopes encl. expects that the new assistants will put more energy into their work in future and thus bring our public school to the standard for efficiency. THE JULY ROD AND GUN. In acct July our thoughts go out to ;eoeS woods and, waters and as a most citable companion on these -t'rt`pst de even as a substitute for one if', business or other engage- ments prevent one from going, is the Jnly issue of "Rod and Gun and atdtor Sports in Canada," pub- lishrd by W. 3. Taylor, at Wood- stoOls,, Ont. In this number is to be fourtcl accounts of both fishing and hunting trips together with exploration , papers of value, A story that:will be long remembered by those Who read it is entitled, A glondyke. Tragedy. and in force and pathos it surpasses anything published in rnagizine form for a long time, while it possesses tIe additionalforce of truth. This story alone is worth all that . Is charged for the complete magazine and there is a *wealth of- good things between its covers in addi- tion. The interest in the question of dog hunting versus still hunting keeps up with ever increasing in- terest and the dog hunters have a hard proposition to face in the fact that practically (with the exception a`f`('.)ntario and Quebec) the whole NcIiTa . American continent is fygaiiist them. .A specially illustrat- ed';• descriptive account of the Canadian Indians' tournament at Quebeois one of the features of this number. The license commissioners of South Huron met at Exeter on Satur- day last for the purpose of taking up the matter of granting a license to the Metropolitan hotel. The hotel was cut off when the licenses were granted in April owing to the population being too small for four licenses within the Municipality. It was found that the population is larger than the commissioners thought and the hotel was given a license for the balance of the term. The hotel has been newly painted and improvements made in the interior. Mr. D. Cunningham of Khiva has also been granted a lic- ense for the balance of the license year. Bad Burn ' Quickly Healed. "I am so .delighted with what Chamberlain's Salve has done for me that I fuel bound to write and tell you so," says Mrs. Rebell Mytto», 457 John St., Hamilton, Ontario. "My little daughter had a bad burn on her knee. I applied Chamberlain's Salve and it healed beautifully," This Salvo allays the :pain of a burn almost instantly It istantly- It is for sale by ,l J Meaner. The Sovereign Bank of Canada HEAP OFFICE :-TORONTO. Paid Up Capital: a $J,oO0,0OOp,j BOARD Olt DIRECTORS: ./Escrr.ttes jARvts. $sq., - Prerfdene L&NDOLPU vacDONALO, Esq. to' Ylce•Pretidenp'. A, A. ALLAN, Esq., - - and Vice•Pres{den4 Iron, D. Mcliataan Attest. CAMPEELL, E;s A. E. »xMr.NT, Esq., M.P. HON, BETY.R D(CT,a*ssN, W. K. 1KCNAUOBT, Esq., M,P, Ax. x, BRUCE, Esq., K.C. X. G. Jests $ar, - - General-Managea i It. CA.SSELS, - - - ASO. General-Martseri Savings Bank Department lastest a best current rates paid quarterly. ZURICH BRANCU Jos. Snell, = Manager We0K Kideys ' Weak Kidneys. surely point to weak kidney 'Nerves. The Kidneys, like the:Heart, and the .Stomach, find their weakness. not in the organ itself. but in the nerves that control and guide and strengthen them. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is controlling nerves. specifically dopreparedhto :each lone •$s futile. It is a waste of time, and of money as well. If your back 'aches or is weak, if the urine scalds. oris dark aid strong, if you have symptoms .of Brights or Other distressing or dangerous kid - Tab ets or'Licuid and see what it can and th- will do for You/ Drtiggiet recommend and sell Round Trip Excursions to Caue.dtan yTI 'E T Leave Toronto TUESDAYS JULY AUGUST SEPT. 30 13 and 27 40 sad wkr tickets good returning wuhin cittY days. VERY LOW RATES tat econd-elan tickets to Winnipeg and*liirnportentNor;la- ' west 1nwpII TOURIST ShEEPIN( CARS an anis excursion, bertha at small additional cod. 8etila }rt4st bereeved early very helm, 4amand. Apply to Ines! *gent al lest n week before excuution leaves. Ank neara:st C.P.13. Ticket Agent for more information or write C. B. FOSTER. Dist. P. Age, C.P.R.. Toros Another shipment of pure paris green arrived, on Wednesday, at Hartloib's, Victoria, B. t). was visited by a disasterous fire on Tuesday after- noon causing a loss of $2C0,000. The area swept ;is about one nide long and half tt ip1le wide. "ALL DEALERS" 13- to YI � ■ S 011 7 O Y MEAT . ARKET E keep in stock a full line o fr esh meats, hales, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the. best. We make our own sau;,ages. Give us a call. Y UNfiBLUT DE1ClERTe LOCAL SALES.;,., A -WANTED -��^FO�R-y IE and adjoining country to represent Canada's Greatest Nurseries A Permanent situation for the right man, for whom M,, .Ytlia �etrltory will be: reser- : vr::fl:." Pay; Weekly." Free ' Equipinent. wrrrE FOR PARTICULARS Stone & ` eilington. Foothill Nurseries. Over 800 acres. TORONTO - ONTARIO 00 B el For the balance of the year to New Subscrib- ers in Canada for.... 25 Gents If you have sons or slaughters at distant points, how could you please there more than by sending them their PAPE Send the Xs and addreses and we will do the rest. The Exhibition the People all like to Attend EXHIBITORS AND VISITORS FIND IT PROFITABLE TO GO E.NAEENSPIUE'SS AIRSHIP daily and a full list of Attractions, with plenty of Music.. Vire-works after program each evening, con - Chid "THE rSIEGE OF h that aGIBRALTAR" REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS Send to the Secretary for Prize Lists, Programmes and all information )y. J. 121E1®, President A- M. HUNT, Secretary LINDON ,SEPT. 6 TO 14