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The Herald, 1907-07-26, Page 1
The Official Organ. of Zurich and Hay Township. Organ Vol. V11. ZURICH, ONT.,�FR1D.AYJULY 26, 1907. No. 52. .i. l Term OPENS SEPT. 2 This management during th e past year 'trained over . T w o Hundred young ladies 20® a n d go n t 1 e- t��''' men, a s steno- graph- ers, and placed them in excel. lent situations in leading Oan- adian and American cities, Individual instruction. Write for catalogue.. CLINTON BUSINESS. COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON . - PRINCIPAL ..100111101, nuc -ea acaca avea-va-ea-Ts r T�QCAL ..NEWS.: You -can bay Gold :,Medal and Deering t' +inns at;Preeter,s. Miss Minnie Hartung is horse from Detroit for a few months' visit. Misses Josephine and Georgina Schilbe are home for a visit from Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fritz and family, and a. number of freinds are camping at Grand Bend. D. S. Faust is offering somebar• gains, in •muslins, shirts, etc. Read his ad. in this issue. y• John Deoher has gone to Winita, peg, with a car load of horses for Mr, T. E. Handford of Exeter. • The frame of Halbfl,eisoh's .flax, mill was raised on Moiidaaaa.nd'. ril soon be ready for the mrchinery. A number from the village at tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Alex Murdock at Hensel' on Sun- day. Tian $RRALD front has been brightened up by a coat of paint, by Messrs. H. Randall and John Zettel. Mrs. Gordon of Cleveland is visit- ing with relatives in town. Itis expected that flax pulling will commence next week. Don't forget the matinee races in Zurich this (Friday) evening. Mr, T. Pfeffer, of Milverton, cal- led on old friends in town on Tues- day. Wanted at J. J. Merner's, goose berries, black currants and cher- ries. Miss Nora Grab of Berlin is visit- ing at her home here for a few weeks. Dr. Wes, Schellig of Detroit, is visiting his parents, Goshen Line south. Miss Lottie Galster spent the past few weeks with relatives near Bayfield. Jacob Deiohert has hada neat stable erected on his property east of the village. Mr. Loris Moser recently dispoa• ed of a fine tears of heavy horses, to Mr. Reid. of Lucan for the big sum of $180.00. The directors of the Huron Weather Insurance Co. held a meeting at Exeter on Tuesdey. The loses so far this year have been small. The examination which Miss Lizzie Rannie has so successfully passed, is the Junior Piano Exam. instead of the Primary, as reported in last week's issue. Ed, Zimmerman, hostler at the Commercial Hotel stables, had the misfortune to run the prong of a fork through his arm a few days ago and he is laid up as a result. Allthe pupils from the Zurich Public School, who wrote on the entrance examination, were suc- cessful, and we extend congratula- tions to to Mr. A. McLeod, the principal, who prepared so thorou- ghly. Mr. Daniel McCall. a former re- sident of this Township and asses- sor for one year for Hay, made ap- plioation to be admitted to the Duron House of Refuge, but owing ' • to some disease admission was re- fused. Apatent medicine "artist" en- livened our town for a few even- ings last week. His sales were not numerous, which he ascribes to the slowness of our residents. The real reason however is that lightning seldom strikes twice in the same place, and many of our citizens have been "struck" before. Miss Vercy Witwer of London returned home on Friday and will spend a few weeks in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wenzel' of Crediton were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Eilber on Sun- day. A number of farmers have start- ed cutting wheat and the -harvest will be on in earnest in another week. Dr. and Mrs. Fee and two child- ren. of Reno, Neveda, are visiting their brother, Wm. Fee, of the Goshen Line north. Mr. and Mrs. D Studer and son, of Tavistock, are visiting the • Tat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ry. Koehler, for a few weeks. A terrible rain : and hail storm visited Stanley Township of Wed- nesday evening, while in this sec- tion there was barely eno{igh rain to lay the duet. Miss tiTla Rennie of Goderioh, is spending a few weeks at her home here. Mr Alae Bender of London, is visiting at his home here for a few days this week. Mrs. H. Wt}rrn returned from a few weeks' viiit with relatives at Crossra'eil, Minh. A.nuniber of ' young men from Clinton have been in the vioinity lately+trading horses. They have curiosity. in the shape of apony weighing less than 4.00 pounds.. The litGi+eqei'io 'ii. f`v dtl uvoer^ ' 1 a mart lively with two passengers. He has been much admired, especi- ally by the young element. Tuesday .was ldensall',s Civic Holiday and a large number passed through ' town on their; way to Grand Bend. Mr $ J. F. Rennie. son eg Mr. A. Rannia;of' the Babylon Tine, has beentransferred from the Save- reignrank, Dashwood, to the Our goods are always„u.ew. They Exeteryranch, are nearer long enough on. our shelves to get old. The quality and price se .s them quick. Give us a call. J 'Treater. Mr. 1 Mrs. S. Beaver and Louis Rader o `,Stephen, Messrs. Arthur Webei,William Schrader' and Fred Rat* of 'Dashwood, visited at the lsoziri` 'f ,), -Ar. and Mrs. J. Sohwart- z tt: %hp Bronson Line, Sunday last. ' Ever olumn in a newspaper contains .” om 10,000 to 20,000 dis- tinotpier' of metal, the displace- ment ofAmy of which causes a blunder er typographical error And yet !Orae people lay claim to a phenomenally brilliant mind if they can discover an error in a newspaper.'Ai Free, for Oatarrh, just to prove merit, a Trial size box of Dr. Shoop-'s,Catarrh Remedy.% Let me send it now It is a snow-white, creamy, healing antiseptic bahn. Containing such healing ingredients as Oil E ucaliptus, Thgniol,. Menthol etc., it gives instant and lasting re- lief to 04trrh of the nose and throat. Maks the free test and see for yourself what this' preparation can and'Aill accomplish ;, Address Dr. Shoop, Ranine, Wis, Large jars 50 :'mats. sold by A1. Dealers. een frequently s�uggested tiAgestid.ii is`i 1 codx'. one, for ev.ry farmer to plate his name and the" name of his farm, on his road gate.. Not only would persons driving to'a place more easily find it, but it would add much more pleasureto people driving from place to place. This last result would have special effect with re- gard to well kept and pretty hous- es An observing person, will sel- dom pass a beautiful farm without desiring to know who is its enter- prising owner, Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Merger were called to Goderich on Saturday owing to the death of the latter's father, Mr. E. Graham. The de- ceased 'was in the grocery business in the County Town for years, and was well liked by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Mer- ner and to the bereavedfainily. THE GUN. - Tuesday evening wag an ideal one for shooting, and the following score shows it to be about the best made by the Club. Tungblut car- ries the medal for this week. �V G J3ess 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 8 J P Rau0111100001 5 W O'Brien,. 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 8 ]Ci V' Hese 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 7 Geo Hess 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 7 S Faust 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 6 E Zeller. .. 0 11 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 P Sipple ... 0 0 1 1 01.0 1 1 0 5 .T chert1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 00111011111. 1 10 1 11 1 7 H, Yungbltit . -...1 0 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 I have some Fine Muslims twhich I am runn ng oil at Big BARGAIN PRICES r MUSLIN! Regular price 15 cents, now for ..10 cents .. „ 12% cents, now for ...... 8 cents .! 10 cents, now for .. 6 cents Just received—a, new line of Striped Ginghams which I am run- nirig,at a Big Snap. Just the right thing for boys' blouses and Iadies' waists uiNui ALIS Regular price was 15 cents, now for 10 cents rlE r'.$, slIIR.TS .tq, I Bate some men's shirts which I have put on :the table at a snap. Regular prices were $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00, for 0c. 'PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. rw s t , fYl1 ...ric D O•d•4 d• p 4 0 4.d•d•0.4.0•0.4.4 ©O •t1.O: ago Shoe Satisfaction OAl Our aim to supply our customers with nothing �ba but first-class Shoes has given us a good reputa- tion, and the result has been, that our sales have 4 increased wonderfully. Whether you want an up- . tc date Shoe of the latest style or leather, or a Shoe for every day wear we can suit you. Our 4prices are as low as any and it will pay you to call affi d . us Wore you buy. Q. 0 ,°=Sur line of Shoes for suzhnler wear ',will soba be complete and your insj;ectiou of same Qis respectfully solicited. - Qd� Butter and Eggs takers in exchange. Qo C. F ITZ "'The i eman. 3 32=e£3 01:39 3a : ?3t a:90 :V3 3 '3s` 5's Y.€3 s£ : 3 x• i3r i3 z3 3 3 c Iti 1 LADIES' WEAR Ix ., Dress Muslins.. We have in stock a tial' line of fancy Dress Muslins bought at a specially low price, to be cleared at reduced prices! • Mhite Underskirts A special line in white Un- derskirts at 50cts to 1.00. This: is a splendid line and worth much. more. than we are ask- ing for them. Corset Covers Beautiful designs and open patterns, special values at 25cts to 50cts. Ladies' Vests A complete line at lOcts,` 12icts, l5cts 2Octs and 25cts. Ladies' Hose - Do not fail to see our line of Ladies' Hose. Special val- ues at lOcts to 25cts. Summer Dress Goods All the 'latest in Summer Dress Goods and Materials. Collars and Belts An .especially good 'blot - stylish, cool and corgi stable. New designs and special zeal- - ues. Men's Wear. Ready-made Suits We have a most complete stock of Ready-made Suits. Only best material and latest at very reasonable prices. Fancy Shirts We have received a fine line of Fancy Shirts. Stylish and well made. Special values. Underwear and Fancy Socks See our lines. Special qual- ity and grand values. Hats and Ties A complete line in Hats and Ties for summer wear. See our lines. They will suit you. J. PREtETE aine4M. Table Linens We have a special line of bleached Table Linens, var- ious patterns, good wearing qualities at 35cts, 50cts and 65otsb White Quilts See our special .in White Quilts at $1.00. They are splendid values at that price. Special Values In Lawn flowers Screen oors Screen Win= dows Paris Green Sprayers Fencing Wire, Roofing Ea.vetrougliiaig Etc., Etc. URIOH tl