HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-07-19, Page 8N he Zurich " H eraid •�AR1"1ON)iCAS IMPERIAL HORNER The best 25 cent Mouthorgan made. and. A full line of WATCHES. CLOCKS and JEWELRY. Repairing a Specialty. F. W. HESS - • Jeweler. That New Spring Suit. When looking kr your new Spring Suit, do not forget to give us a call, We have a fine range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a large nnmber of Samples to select from. Laundry in connection. 1 �. H. HOFFMAN Tires Sett While You Wait. c The New Way No burned or blackened tires. First-class work and satisfaction guaranteed. fiorse=shoeio g and Repair= ing promptly attended to. Your Patronage Solicited Louis Prang ZURICH — - - ON l AItIO 50 YEARS` EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sk@tth and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an ,nnaentfnn 1e probably patentable. Cornmuntra. tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent frac. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn is Co. receive vacua notice, without charge, in the handsomely illustrated weekly. largest air. celatlon of any scientifle journal. Terms. fa a year • four months, 0. Sold brill] newsrtealers. M UNN & Co 3618"""' New Y rk armlet,. Office. Imp" :" St, 'Mfg .shinwton. A. C. 7 LOCAL NEW mmoneonomnimasommiiew 500 pails cherries wanted at Hartleib's. Mr. Alf Gellman visited friends is Blyth over Sunday. Miss Helms, Sipple left for De - trait on Thursday last. Misses Laura and Ellanora Hart. leib are visiting relatives in Seb- ringville. Don't forget the matinee races on Friday evening July 26th, Zurich race track. 100 tubs good butter wanted. We pay highest market price cash or trade at Hartleib's. B. B. Gunn, of Seaforth, M. P. for South Huron, was a visitor in the village on Wednesday. According to the Voter's Lists for the township of Usborne just published there are 801 voters. 380 of whom are marked as jurors. Miss Lizzie Rennie passed her Primary Exam. at the London Conservatory of music with first class honors. her marks being 90%. Messrs. H. Randall and John Zettel, are painting the dwelling of Robt. Armstrong Gosh'en Line, Stanley. They have also five or six houses at Dashwood and are kept busy. Mr, Robt. Armstrong got tangled up in a rope attached to: a cow which he was leading, the latter part of last week, and received a severe shaking np before he man- aged to get the rope off his leg. The new metal siding and roof has been put on the mill of the Zurich Flax Co. and the building is greatly improved in appearance and stability. The flax looks good and if nothing unforseen happens an average yield is expected. Bill Nye hits the nail a hard welt on the head when he says: "A man may use a wart on the back of his neck for a collar button; ride on the back coach of a railroad train to save the interest on his money till the conductor gets round ; stop his watch at night to save wear and tear ; leave his "i" or "t" without dot or cross to save ink ; pasture his mother's grave to save corn ; but a man of this sort is a gentleman and scholar compared the man who will take a newspaper two or three years, but when ask- ed to pay for it pots it into the office and has it marked. "refused." "A few weeks/since;Nixon Sturdy put a fine fence around his lot next the Post office on West street, and the fence was throe ri:dtxwn before it had been up a week It would serve the "short ant" people, right if a few of them were fined a few dollars and costs for trespass." Thus says the Goderich Star of last week. This is either a sign, that the citizens of the Count* town are waking up to the strenuouslife, or it may be they want a near-cnt to the beer•shop. For our own satisfaction we would like to take a bee-Iine-Iook at that fence fr om the Star office door. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. 006ACiE+OISIV3}? !©)( Oidk)C KiDdaf O18P QiA fd® ENEKID IRDG0(IE► )QDQ b0 Mrs. John Hey of the Babylon Line, was presented with a hand- some rocking chair by her child- ren, on the lath inst, it being her birthday. The children took pos- session of the house, together with a number of friends and after the presentation a lunch was served, the balance of the evening being given over to amusements and all enjoyed themselves thoroughly. The address: Blake, July 121h, 1907 DEAtt'_Vlornsa—Your children Iyave as- sembled here this evening to celebrate your 51st birthday, and we now present you with this Rocking Chair as a token of affection to our dear mother; not for its intrinsic value, but to show our love and honor to our dear mother, and our wish is that you inay enjoy many more happy birthdays. Signed by your children. Johnny G., Melinda A., Clara E. Annie A., Willie C., Samuel 0.7. „^C�{"4£4.4s. .E4 ": ,' " ".} t3+-43.3,^' '.4 3•- • IOreat Bargai s I At BENJtER'S • • E are going to reduce our Shoe Stock and will give you a GREAT BARGAIN on every pair of shoes you buy. It will pay you to see before you buy YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IlEANSt::: elsewhere. when we say they must go, P. BENDER, Zurich . �*��*€�<Ea�Ea �£��w�r.•�.ill..�dr.b�.�w,�a3t�•a�+�•��"��«' a a R b Q A pa C7 MERNER mere To Stay" EiDGIVAIDIIID( DQID®QIiC DQpC3 )Q1Hl DQfDOILIDGWANDGf) 0111SEMD GlailD02D MOD (ID01111111)61)431111Dd IG w Stoc t At the :'EORLES STORE. ZEJRIC Have spent a week with Toronto Wholesalers and have secured some Splendid New Lines of Summer ry Goods at very close prices FOR SPOT eAsn And we will pass them on to you at A SMALL ADVANCE ON COST D ObA1E,eDGIIMP{IDC.i1q DGYDGOd®4pd11116GD4Cge000'NDGp 011111D OD 01111DGD CINAUGpG•DGDIINOD4D lt.04DlM11113G6 CNIAf4DG!®GD MINIX D® GDOISIDGDGIFIVGpMID gpCOM e WARM WEATHER HAS CONE We have the goods that will keep you cool Special Dresden Iluslins at 5 cents per yard *OEMG D COD DD n1® G DOMED 40.01111DGD<INEDG D GOOD D®GDC GD4ISID4 1,0MID4D OEM D (IMO MID On MID 0 b®GDGSM) GD 40•DG0 4111:6,ID 4M 4D CD) O DOW ODCNMA)q Our Shelves, Counters and Tables are piled high ,4 ,ith .rel. ress Goods,Figured. Lawns,FancyGinghams, eordella Organdies, Dresden and spot Muslins These are all the latest importations and will be sure to please you. See our WIIITEWEAR HICKS' FORECASTS. The fifth storm period, reaction- ary, iscentral on the 24th, 25th and 26th. The full Moon at an eclipse. node and in perigee falls on the. 24th. Within forty-eight hours of sunset on the 24th many storms. and marked seismic disturbances will be heard frog" in Many parts, of the Earth, so that a maximurry of such phenomena, may be noted;: The temperature, will fall after these storms,. The sixth storm period, regular, falls within a ' Mercury period, it is central on the 31st and extends from the 29th, two days into Au. gust. Change to much warmer and gathering thunder storms will begin in the west by the 29th, and during the four days following these conditions will pass east wardly across the country. We are in receipt of a letter dat- ed. 9th July from Mr. J, Dumart. He was (then at Plum Coulee, Manitoba,: and met Mr. Loixis Wagner, a native of Zurich. Louis is in the Mo0orinick implement business at that point. Jackwas leaving for Winnipeg Fair where he expects to spend a, week,' and he informs the editor that he is having a good time and making money. That's just like aa.cir every tittle.' ads 5 bumAfaillavoi WilisMAANWWWAIWANI Don't forget that we handle GOLD MEDAL THE BEST BY TEST Three-quarters of the people are con- vinced. that this is the Best Twine to use and we aim to convince the other quarter before we are satisfied. PRICES FROM 100 LIP C.I-IARTLEIB = . .Zurich. IVtAKMWWt+WMPWRAWMOMMme.