HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-07-19, Page 6WOULD RATHER STAY SINGLE.
tndidate for Marriage Got Into the
Wrong Place.
.Fin athltio young man, who was on
the way to get his marriage license,
found himself at last in a room where;
mists matter of fact, eiuididates for the
*Wee 2e+ree werebeing examined.
The mon exit he entered the room the
surgeon said, "Strip!"
"What's that?". said the astonished
young fellow.
"Get your clothes off," replied the sur-
f n- r ^a'- ,s
33'0, did so, andhis chest measurement
eras taken.
Next the surgeon said, "Jump, over
-+ibis horizontal bar."
Re tried the leap, but fell to the
"Double up your kneee," commanded
Um surgeon, "'and touch the boor with
your hands."
.again he tried and failed.
"Now run around the room ten times."
The young man rebelled. "That I'll not.
'd rather remain single."
"Single?" eaid the doctor.
"Fes, single. I'd like to know what all
this has to do with getting my marriage
And then his mistake as to the room
las solved!
I&ginard's Linilnent Cures Diphtheria.
At the Dentist's.
"Do you give gas here?" asked a wild -
'Soaking man, who rushed into a den -
"'iVe do," replied the dentist.
'Does it put a. fellow. to sleep?"
"1 t does."
"Sound asleep, so you can't wake him
`You could break his jaw or black his
4570 and be wouldn't feel it?"
"He would know nothing about it:"
"How Iong does he sleep?"
"The physical insensibility produced
Pry inhaling the gas lasts a minute, or
probably e. little less."
"I expect that's long enough. Got it all
ready for a fellow to take.''
"Yes. Take seat in this chair and
•show zne your tooth,"
'Tooth, nothing!" said the excited
caller, beginning rapidly to remove his
cleat and vest, "I want you to pull a
pororse plaster off my back."—Tit-Bits.
One packet
has actuallyr
killed a bustle!
of files.
— SOLD k3Y --.-
f1fi1Jf1Cl8T8, CROCEt S .tPJe CENEB11E, STORES
ItIa. per packet, or 0 packets for 25c.
wits last a whole season.
She "Raised" Hiim,
A young man who bad not been mar-
ried long, remarked at the dinner table
the other day:
"My dear, I wish you could make
bread such as mother used to make."
The bride smiled and answered in a
yoke that did not tremble:
"Well, dear, I wish you could make
the dough that father used to make "--
Watehword (Dayton, 0,)
Talks on..
., )Li?il
A Y of
the Mails
The be proof of the safety of
sending money through the mails is
the fact that the enormous exchanges
between banks of different cities,
amounting to millions of dollars
every day, ere handled entirely
through the mails.
Banking by Mail is not a new-
fangled, trained idea.
4% Compounded Q)uarter'ly
It has been in successful operation
for six years. The out-of-town
people who transact their business
through honking bi Mail are mini bored
Isq thousands. They have proved it
sample, safe and profitable.
On all Savings Deposits we tallow
four per cent. interest, compounded
Our booklet E scot free on re-
quest, gives full information on Banking
by Mail at 4 per cent, interest. Write
for it to -day.
7Car.amigy Ltndtba
Caretal and Reserve, $2.1300,000
Libby's Veal Loaf
With Beef ' and Pork
Do you like Veal Loaf? You
will surely be delighted with
Libby's kind, made from choice
fresh treats, in Libby's spotless
kitchens. It is pure, wholesome
and delicious in Savor,
iv for
sauce it isuan�appetiz g
entree for luncheon or dinner,
Ask your ttrocer for LIbblyor and tnuiet
upon Qott4ua Ltbby'e,
Libby, McNeill & Libby
Regulating the Casting.
German scientists have discovered in
the cooling of cant iron that the inane -
nese flows from the gray iron, and the
ease -hardening can be definitely settled
at a point in the refrigeration of the
iron, The crystallization varies to such
an extent that polished surfaces of the
perpendicular side of the casting vary
from the vertical side. By pouring the
casting from one side the softest part
of the casting can be regulated, as can
the hardest.
" Nurses' and
Mothers' Treasure
—safest regulator for baby. Prevents
colic and vomiting—gives healthful rest
--cures diarrhoea without the harmful
effects of medicines containing opium
or other injurious drugs. 42
Cures 25c.—at drug -stores.
�+ National Drug & Chem.-
Diarrj'1.s� oeaica1Co.,Limited
Scheme That Landed Hungarian Judge
in Town Jail.
In a little village on the Hungarian
frontier, not far from Pressburg, a pens-
• ant woman recently received 400 kronen
1 (£17) from her husband in America.
1 She promptly deposited it in the focal
branch of the Post Office Savings Blink,
and then the next day went to wi hdraw
the whole amount ,, rificial
'seas somewhat stt'rprised, an. ss ce. or
an explanation, when site said that 'Death
had appeared to her during the night
and threatened to take her away with
him unless she had. the 400 crowns ready
for Ilim the next night,.
The gendarmerie were communicated
with, and when Death" made his prom-
ised appearance he was found to be very
much alive in the person of the Ioeal
The woman's money, adds our Vienna
correspondent who sends the story, is
still in the bank, and the Judge is in
jail. ---From the Pall Mall Gazette.
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Nine at the Aquarium From the Other
Side of the World.
Capt. Percy Watson, of the steamship
Muneaster Castle, has presented to the
Aquarium nine little paradise fishes,
each about an inch and a half in length,
which he brought with him on his last
voyage from China and Japan to this
port. They had been four months in the
jar in which they were thus brought,
over many seas, from half way around
the world, but with proper care they
were landed hero in good condition.
The A uariuxn has recently received
from lt. E. Van Keuren, of Honesdale,
Pa, a pair of adult paradise fishes, the
male of which, considerably the larger of
the two, is about three and a half'inches
long. The female of this pair has de-
posited eggs since it was received here,
and the male is now, after . the wanner
of its kind, guarding the ,mest.
The male paradise fish isnot only the
larger but the more strikingly marked.
It has a golden pellow band with, narrow
pale blue bands. At the point of each
gill cover is a bright green spotwith an
orange line around the outer edge. Its
fine are long and delicate and feathery
and marked with the same coleys as. the
body, while some of their spines:: project
beyond the fins in slender ailantents of
green or blue. A beautiful little fish is
the paradise fish.
Chuialongkorn Having a Time.
Her znajcsty Phre, Pare nindr Me
Ohttlalongkorn, king of Siaxn; eenis to be
somewhat human even if he is-wei ted
down with a title ww.hieh, like iii o's
bull's hide, is long enoughto ,encom ass
his empire. Fox. a time he has disco ed
most of the cares of the universeand
is leading the simple life, trowelling ith
tire most meagre retinue. He bees n1y
about forty wives with frim. It mast
have been a delicate task to peek t he
forty out of 4,000 better halves. If he
king who is above all emperors, n-
archs anti potentates were only a m re
man, we ennact'er to ttiilnk of the re ep-
tion he would get when he returns to
Siam and faces the 3,980 odd disappo nt-
ed ones.--i£anstes'Clty Journal,
If4 .
If sonic inert were paid .aeeording to
their worth their pay days would be'f ew
*ltd far between. ; 1 • " 1 ,
Ia Ten Year There Have nee, 4,411,e s
Deaths --Mortality Increasing ,
During the first three and a half
months of 1007 the deaths from the
plague in India totalled 494,000, the
heaviest monthly mortality yet reported
during the epidemic. According to the
Indian World this would appear to show
that the present year will exhibit a re-
cord number of deaths.
The plague records for the ten years
Oetober, 1896, to December, 1900, show
that there was a large annual increase
from 1901 to 1904, the deaths numbering
274,00Q in 1901, 577,000 in 1962, 567,000
in 1903 and 1,022,000 in 1904, the worst
year in ten years.
There was a small decrease in 1905,16
the deaths falling to 951,000, and a large."
decrease in 1906, when there were only
332,000, The total deaths for the whole
ten years numbered 4,411,212. The im-
provement wbioh was shown in the two
years 1905 and 1906 has not, unfortu-
nately, been ' maintained.
From the first appearance . of the dis-
ease up to the .year 1901 the .mortality
,,.r r 4 1,
Fine muslins, dainty lin-
gerie, iron' easier, look
better, last longer if the,
laundress nses the only
cold -water (nc boiling)
starch that really
saves work and really
won't stick. Try it. Get
Give the Horse Warning.
No movement should ever be required
',f the saddle -horse until he has been
•.reviously warned, and, in however
rua fashion, collected for the effort.'
i not fair to him to neglect this, nor
it to haul him backward by main
trengtli, or to ask advance by suddenly
'ekin'g him in the ribs with the heels,
r jerking;liis mouth with the bits, eus-
ontary as are these performances; nor
hould he be turned only by hauling
pen ore rein until his body must fon
ovnhis head and neck, or he must fall
room --From "Directing the Saddle-
orse," by F. M. Ware, in the Outing
Sagazine for July.
North Carolina. Fire Eater.
Andy McGee, who carries the mail
from Magnetic to liakersville, is a. men-
stroeity. He can eat live coals of fire
with impunity, and with a spoon. If you
doubt this just bring him a live coal and
a nickel and he will masticate the coal
and pocket the nickel. This is not all,
for he told us for one dollar he would
pour a spoonful of molten lead in his
mouth and let it cool and then take it
out and give us a solid piece. What tan
the devil do with such a man? --From
the Bakersville Observer.
Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows.
When the President May Make an Arrest.
Our diplomacy has always been mark-
ed by a refreshing republican simplicity
of speech. Tbo fifth ease is, of course,
the recall of Senator Dupuy de Lome,
just prior to the war with Spain, for
having unwisely: criticised the adminis-
tration in a letter to a friend,
The recall of De Irujo, though, was
marked by an unusual circumstance, At
the request of the Spanish Government,
actuated by a desire to avoid scandal, the
State Department had arranged that.
Irujo should depart quietly, as though
his recall had not been demanded; but
being a surly specimen of his race, he
lingered on and on, becoming more and
more a thorn in the side of the adminis-
tration. To hints he was dumb, and
when ordered away defiantly replied
that he 'would suit his own pleasure in
going; acourse of action which resulteli,
in the enactment of a statute empower,,
ing the President to arrest and aorta'• ,
out of the United States any envoy wo°
remained after his recall and reasona ie
notice to leave.—Prom "The Diplomat. at
Washington," by Aubrey Lanston in the
July Bohemian.
.Abuses of .Wall Street, ;-
William Edgard Gail, described as ass
explorer and lecturer, told a church full
of people in Detroit that there was
"something to be Said for bararian can- ;
nibalism in comparison with the carni-!
balism of Wall Street." "There," said
he, "men's soulsare swallowed at a sin-
gle gulp." We hold • no brief for Wall
street, but it, never seems to occur to
many of those engaged hi denouncing it
that there is no compulsion upon people
who trade there. They are at pe.rfeet
liberty to stay away. If they join the
game, however, why should not they be
bound by the outcome of it? Those who
take risk must eertainly expect to pay
for it if they lose, as they reeeive the
rewards when they twin, --»Boston Herald.
The .a,'frieasr posseeitions of the French
Ooverztmeztt amount to 3,805,060 square
mime, and time of Great Britain 2,714,-,
000,' including Egypt.
Cure Your
with luendall's
Spavin Cure—
he onercliablc
cure for aIt
Bone Diseases,
Swellings and
Ont"I have used tKendalhsSpavinCure with
great success, and think it an excellent
remedy for Spavins, Sweeney, Sprains
etc. WAr, Lamour.,
Accept no substitute. $x a bottle -6
for $5. write for free copy of our great
book—"Treatise on the horse." 26
Dr. B. J. KEtIDiLL CO., Enisberg cabs, Ysrn ent,
The Biggest Hedgehog,
William Fanning shot yesterday after-
oon the largest hedgehog ever heard
f in this vicinity, Mr. Panning was
fated on the veranda of his farm house
lortly before dark when he saw an
nimal that he took to be a small bear
»ne out of the woods end amble to-
ard the house. Securing his shotgun
Cr. klannling whited for the anamal
,approach. When. it wasnear enough
and bralce the animal's foreleg,
d' not stop. Two more charges
ere necessary to despatch the animal.
It was weighed and tipped the beam
a6 44ye pounds. Many have been visiting
the farm o£ Mr. Fanning, where the dead
lriedgehog has been on exhibition to -day.
---Brattleboro correspondence Springfield
Shi.ng1 s
You cant afford to roof a
thing without Oshawa Gal-
vanized Steal Shingles.
Good for a hundred years.
Send for the free booklet.
The PEDLAR People 173senti bll (30a
Ohara ltontraal Ottawa Toronto Landon Winnipcy
Revenge is Sweet.
Waiter (aside)—The blase creature!
Our mountains are Tot high enough for
him, the lakes he tails cluck ponds, and
he has not even a glance for the splendid
view from the terrace. Now I will take
rim the bill, that will stake him open
his eyes!"---Meggendorfer Blaetter.
ISSUE E 1N O, 29, 1907.
X70 YOU WANT D15LIV1nuEn ritkllll
FOR $145?
Send for true illustrated catalogue,
H. A. SINGNA.M, °rime Ont,
Metropolitan Soot Makes the English-
man hose Much.
The annual cost of the pall of fog,,
which overhangs London has been esti-
mated to be $20,000,000, and this is said
to Ibe entirely due to the presence of
soot in the air. The annual loss from
sooty chimneys alone hoe been figured
up at $10,000,000. Theproblem of dfs-'
pensing with this: great 'has
been struggled with for a great many '
years and in all probability the famous
London .fog will be conquered in the'
near future, The latest scheme in this
direction is a coal substitute which lis '
being introduced with some success in
the English metropolis. It le not, strict-
ly speaking a substitute, for it is a 1
preparation of coal itself which is strict-
ed in suoh a manner that the impurities I
are entirely removed so that combustion
in the furnace or stove is aceompliehed
without giving off soot or smoke.
Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps
end blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,
sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs,
e£e. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War-
ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure
ever known. Sold by druggists.
Aeronauts in the Sea,
It is not a little remarkable that although
scores of balloons have been driven out to
sea, oases in which this misadventure has
ended fatally are few.
More than a century ago, when Major
Money made an ascent from Norwich, he
was compelled to descend in the seem, vrhere
he remained for seven hours until hie plight '
was seen and he was rescued by the cre-Y of
a revenue cutter. Some years later, 1n 18.12,
James Sadler, narrowly weaned drowning to
an atteanpt to cross the Irish Channel; his
balloon dropped into ,the Water some stiles
off Liverpool and he was on the point of
succumbing when rescue came in the norm
of a Dishing boat.
In a similar attempt a isZr. Crosbie was
saved when ,almost in extremis many miles
from the English coast. Lunar 1, in 1185,
nearly lost hie life in the sea off Edinburgh,
and in the came year 'two aeronauts, in an a2-
teaIpt to cross the English Channel, had adao
a narrow escape.—Prom the Westminster
Re,i,, Etching Shite,
Continuous itching with Eczema, Salt Rheum,
Tetter and constantly scratching until the skin fie
raw and bleeding?
Nothing gives relief ? You're wrong. Just try
j'• f
AAOE MARii. •ReCicrreEo.
0, such relief, as this wonderful Ointment its
applied I Itching stops—ted. angtyplaces heel --
end in a short time you will sot have a sign of
skis disease. 50e. boa --6 for $2.50—Tran!
size 25c. At druglsto or The Chemists' Co. of
Canada, Limited, Hjatnilton—Toronto. to
Pier Master's Voice.
Elevator Boy Elevator going up.
Deaf Old Lady Which way is it go-
ing, bub?
!levator Boy (iznpatiently)TJp1 Up!
"Deafr Old Lady (indignantly) You
talk to me, bub, as if you thought 1 vias
a trained dog!--Lippincott'e Magazine.
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
Hotel Proprietor ---Has not the man in
nhmber fifteen received ,bis bill yet?
Head Waiter Certainly! Fifteen min
utes ago.
"Strange! I hear him singing in his
room!" Meggendorfer Blaetter.
Ductless and Priscilla Pina.liosfery For Ladles
Rock Rib and Hercules School Hoot
Strong as Gibraltar limit of SMtngtk
Princess F.eypt3an IAlla For Children's Fine Dress
Little Darling and Little Pet For Infants
Lambs' Wool and SS11k 'Kips All Wool
Fins Hosiery Manufargtured far the Wholesale Trade by the
ilE \.,
In three and sir -foot rolls, is unexcelled for all building and lining pup -
paces, inside vans of summer houses, refrigerator plants, etc.
GET OUR PRICES. 1 else aanse
The E. Be EDDY G1t„ Limited
Mast 1tr all principal efi.a,
--4,-r***,,, trot/040w