HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-07-19, Page 4LEGAL. CARDS'.
licitcn, Notary Pahlie, Sewall, Ontario.
At Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon-
miters, Solicitous, Notaries Public, etc.,
Goderich, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.C.
R, C, Have. (x. P. Blair.
H. 01 DOAN, V. S., AS I HAVE .l'UR-
chased back my business from E. W.
to all business las formerly. Calls at
RRau's Hotel.
Surgeon and Dentist, Zurich, Ontario.
Office over T. & M. Johnson's Store.
Night calls at T. Johnson's residence.
ed Auctioneer for Huron and Perth. My
rates are reasonable and'I will guarantee
the best of satisfaction. For the con-
venience of my friends in Hay and
Stanley, dates and terms may be ar-
ranged at Tun HERALD Office, Zurich.
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FRIDAY, JULY 19th, 1907.
South. Huron Liberals will meet
in convention in October to select
a candidate for the Local House.
The choice will probably be between
Mr, Kellerman, of Dashwood, and
Mr. Mustard, of Brncefield, either
of whom should make strong oandi-.
dates. There is a rumor ourrent
that Harry Eilber, the present re-
presentative in the Local House,
will be offered the nomination for
the Dominien, but we hardly think
it is more than a rumor, aa the
party have no reason for turning
down Mr. B. B. Gunn, M. P..
who has made a fairly good repre-
sentative, though weoppose his
politics. If Mr. Eilber remains in
the Local field and the riding re-
mains as at present, whoever op-
poses him will not have an easy
task, for Mr. Eilber has elements
of strength that few candidates
possess. Still, the Liberals have
faced harder tasks than , this, a.nd
come out successfal.—Clinton New
tioneer for the Counties of Huron and
Perth. Farm stock sales a specialty.
Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All
orders left at Lqt 23, Con. 2, Hay, or
addressed to Hensall P. 0. will be
promptly attended to.
duate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu-
ate of Department of Dentistry, To-
ronto University. Painless extraction
of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At
Dominion House, Zurich, every 1Mon-
Notary Public. De e ds , Mortgages,
Wills and other Legal Documents care-
fu,11y and promptly prepared. Office—
Viler block, Zarich, Ont.
Rye Straw, flail threshed,
for collar purposes. Made
up in suitable bundles, de-
livered in Kippen. Parties
having some would. do well
to communicate with me.
Alex McKenzie,
dug 30 -pd Kippen
The house ownedby Mrs, Willis
at Rodgerville which has been oc-
cupied by an English family since
spring, took fire on Monday morn-
ing and was totaly destroyed. Most
of the contents were saved.
The proprietor of the Hotel Nor-
mandy, Clinton, was recently fined
$125 including costs for selling
liquor after prohibited hours; on
Saturday night. This was thQ
second ,offence. hence the heaa'v,
A gang of workmen are at waxy
at the Exeter station changing
switches, etc., preparatory. :to
building the new station, which
according to the railway officials
will be most modern in design and
For constipation there is nothing
quite '.so nice as Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. They
always produce a pleasant mi ve-
ment of the bowels without lay
disagreeable effect. Price 25 c�'
There is a row in Goderich over
the town printing. It appears that
the two local papers did the voters'
list turn about, and at a reasonable
price, but this was not satisfactory
to the present council, and they
thusgave saving a few the work to ad llars..boe Do the
Council realize how much free ad-
vertising a good live paper does
for the benefit of the town? We
do not know much about the mem-
bers of the Council at Goderich,
but are acquainted with one (pro-
bably the leading spirit in this
picayune business) and he certain-
ly does not measure very high nor
girth very much in our• estimation.
Goderich is being rewarded for
putting men with little municipal
and no business experience at the
head of affairs. It is a "penny wise
and pound foolish." policy to anta-
gonize the local press, and the
citizens of Goderich wiii realize
this sooner or later.
OR SALE. 3 Yorkshire Boars (there-
-112bred) about ready for service. A
snap for quick buyers. Apply to
DANIEL! SMITH, St. Joseph.
In the matter of the estate of
Henry Wurxn the Elder, of the
Village of -Zurich, in the County of
Huron, Gentleman, d'eoeased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to R.
S. O., 1897, Chapt. 129, that all creditors
and others having claims against the es-
tate of Henry '1•rurm, the elder, who died
on or about the 16th day of May, 1907, are
required on or before the 15th day of
August, 1907, to send by post prepaid or
deliver to Edward Appel of the Village of
Zurich, the Executor of tho said deceased,
their christian and surnames, addresses
and descriptions, the full particulars of
•heir claims the statement of their accounts
and the nature of the securities, if any,
held by them. And further take notzne
that after such last mentioned date the
.said executor will proceed to distribute
the assets of the deceased among the
parties entitled thereto having regard only
+•to the claims of which he shall then
have notice, and that the said executor
will not be liable. for the said asserts or
•any put thereof to,any person or persons
of whose claim notice shall not have been
received by tbom at the time of such dis.
H. 7. D. 000XE
Solicitor for said Executor
Dated at Zurich this 18th see a good railway committee a:p.
day of July, 1907. pointed at each of the above named
WESTERN FAIR, LONDON.towns, and with united action we
believe our pet scheme would be-
come a reality, before the lapse of
The Weet;ern Fair, London, Ont., many more years.
-promises this year to eclipse ell
Samples free. Sold by J J Mer• er
Dr. Browning has completed. his
40th year as a medical praotiti er
in Exeter. He came from Mark am
in 1860 and intended locating' in
Zurich in that year, but was un ble,
to secure a house The Dr.: las
Lawn croquet, fancy
hammocks, ladies'
and gents fine lea-
ther purses.
A full line of
light and heavy har-
ness, trunks, suit
cases and go -oar -vs.
Complete stook of
'house furniture,
combination a n d
parlor oabinets, iron
and brass beds,;
nigh Grade ORGANS and PIANOS
H. WELL _ - - = Zurich, Ont.
The Old and Reliable
Kalbfleisch's Saw & Planing Mills....
made many friends in his .;4. ng+ i
Practice and is still one of the lead- a,'_� lese
Railway matters are being push-
ed at Goderich at the present time.
The G. & G. is about completed and
trains will soon be running on this
line, making a direct cul between
Goderich; anq : tert.,, To the
north an electric line *frIl be built
connecting Dungannon `sand Ludic, -
ing men in the Exeter section.
Piles get quick and certain re-
lief from Dt, Shoop's Magic Oint-
ment.. Please note it is made alone
for Piles, and its action is positive.
and certain. Itching, painful, pro-
truding or blind piles disappear
like magic by its use. Large nickel -
capped glass jars 50 cents. Sold by
All Dealers.
The floating iron gas buoy. was
fixed off the end of the hidden
breakwater at Goderich on Satur-
day, and was burning that night
for the first time. It has a revolv-
ing light which can be seen a long
distance.. Any niariner keeping
south of the buoy must run clear
of the breakwater and. make this
port safely.
Joe Rattenbury of Clinton has
let the contracts for the erection
of his new hotel to the following
parties : 'cement walls for base-
ment and blocking, Hiram Hill;
brick work, Dan Prior ; woodwork,
Thos. Mackenzie ; plastering, Jos.
Copp; root Harland •Bros." The
steam heyti..g and plumbing
not yet l,.,wn lei . The builclin`i
to be of white brink, three st.areys
high and'52x7.1 feet.
now. THE HERALD has been trying
to work up some enthusiasm for u,
line from Goderich. touching Bay-
field, Zurich, Exeter and St. Marys.
A C. P. R. branch is now being
bnilt from St. Marys to Woodstock
and with the connecting link be-
tween St. Marys and Goderich,
this part of Huron County would
get the railway accommodation it
so badly needs, and at the same
time supply a valuable "feeder" to
the C. P. R. system in Western
Ontario. We believe that if the
towns and Villages named .world
make a united effort, we could get
the C. P. R. to build this piece of
road, to the great advantage of
this section, as well as to the rail-
way Company. Where can 'you
find a better section of Country
than you find right along, this pro-
posed line? and where can you find
a County that is poorer off for
railway facilities than this part of
Huron County? We would like to
previous records. As this is the
filth Exhibition without a break
the management are anxious that
it should be a great success. En-
tries are already cooling in quite
fast and considerable space has
been allotted in the different build-
A number of improvements have
been made in the grounds and
buildings this year and for, the
comfort and convenience of exhibi-
tors and visitors. The Prize List
has been carefully revised and
added 'to. Knabenshue's Airship
will make ascensions daily. The
Dankmar-Schiller troupe and the
Ernesto Sisters will thrill those
who see theta with their daring
acts. White ez .LeMart and the
Les Aribos will instruct and amuse
.and with tousle by the best avail•
Able bands and the grand display,
of Fireworks each evening follow•
ed by that magnificent Pyrotech-
nical display "The Siege of Gilbral-
ter," will make one of the best
programmes ever presented to the
public at any previous Western
Remember the dates, Sept, 6th to
19th Reduced rates on all rail-
'W'rite the Secretary, Western
Fair Office, London, for all parti-
culars as to space, prize lists; pro-
grammes, etc., and make your
-entries early,
July i7th, 1907
Dear Editor—Being that I ain
now over my sickness which I con-
tracted in some unac puntable way,
I would thank a timber of my
neighbors for their Ind assistance
and treatment towcitrlq„me and my
family ; also to the ..Health Inspec-
tor who has, and is now°doing' his
utmost to prevent the ;'disease from
spreading, by all his being dogged
by some unreasonable' wretch as bas
been done. 1 also had some very
pretending friends trying to have
me in some isolated'liouse even tale.
ing the liberty upon hiniself to
look around for a house, even go-
ing as far as Goderich for informa-
tion. 'Was it to burg me alive, or
to export tae to some foreign coun-
try? Some ' individual has been
circulating somelfalse and injurious
reports in our village and even in
some of the side roads concerning
nie and if this is not stopped he
may be called upon to prove some
of his reports. My disease was not
contracted willingly, not like some
disease where people walk into it
openly, I do not wish to injure
anyone, but if the cap fits wear it,
as it is made to fit someone. Thank.
Mg you Mr. Editor for your valu-
able space, I remain, -
Andrew ,Mittlehultz.
I'll stop your pain free. To show
you first–before you spend a penny
-what my Pink Pain Tablets can
do, I will mail you free, a Trial
Package of them—Dr Shoop's
Headache Tablets Neuralgia,
Headache, Toothache, Period pains
etc., are due alone to blood. conges-
tion. Dr.-Shoop's Headache Tablets
simply kill pain by coaxing away
the unnatural blood pressure. That
is all. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine,
Wis. SoId by.All Dealers.
Mr. Thomas Shepton of the 2nd
concession. Stephen, was the victim
of a horrible accident on Thursday
last, his death resulting on Satur-
day front the injuries sustained.
The deceased was mowing hay
when his horses became frightened
and ran away. In endeavoring to
stop his team. Mr. Shantou was
thrown in front • of the wheels,
which passed over his head and
body. In some manner one of his
legs got'caught in the machine and
he was dragged a considerable
distance. When assistance reached
him he was unconscious. He was
taken to the house and medical aid
summoned. An examination show.
ed that several ribs were fraotuted
besides other internal and external
injuries. Everything possible was
done to prolong life, but his injur-,
ies were so severe that very, little
hopes were entertained. The fun•
eral was held from his late' resid-
once on Monday, interment being
in the Exeter oemetery,
Parties needing any shingles would do well to see my stock
They are the B. C. SHINGLES, the best kind, and the price
is right. Come ab once if you need any as they are going
of all kinds. Contracts taken and satisfaction guaranteed.
It will be to your interest to see nae before you build, as
my motto is good work and good material at a reasonable
price. Custom Sawing and Planing.
ar Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday.
Mills 14th Coll.
I will mail you free, to prove
merit, samples of my Dr. Shoop's
Restorative, and my book on either
Dyspepsia, the heart or the Kid-
neys. Troubles of the steinach,
heart or kidneys, are inerely avian -
toms of a deeper ailment. Don't
make the common error of treating
symptoms only. Symptom treat-
ment is treating the result of yotir
ailment, and not the cause. Weak
Stomach nerves—the inside nerves
—mean stomach weakness, always
And the heart, and kidneys as well
have their controlling or inside
nerves. Weaken these nerves, and
you inevitably have weak vital
organs, Here is where Dr. Shoop's
Restorative has made its fame. No
other remedy even Claims to treat
the "inside nerves," Also for
bloating, biliousness, bad breath or
complexion use Dr Shoop ff Resto.
rative. Write nie to -day for sample
and free Book. br Shoop Racine,
Wis. The Restorative is sold by
All Dealers.
otic t Cetera i1Na
1hamberllllla ninrtoe4 lemdy.
*nacelle. Has know, nsisave laie.
We beg to announce that we have
a complete line of_ 'Garden. and Field
Seeds. In. Garden Seeds we handle
the celebrated L L May & Co seeds.
They are the good kind and always
give satisfaction.
5 packages Garden Seeds for io cents.
We also have a good line of Field Seeds.
Turnip and Mangold seed at lowest prices
Try us for your
Gr'oceries,'t Flour, Feed, Stock Foods,
etc., we can supply your wants.
Give;us a call.
Samuel Ram&
°** ********* *h"ci******* •c
'international (Harvester
.Implements. . .
We keep in stock a full line of the
above celebrated make of Farm Im-
plements. They are used in every
civilized country in the world and are
giving universal satisfaction. Buy
no other.
We handle the Magnet Cream Separa-
tor, the best on the market. Metal
Pig Troughs, last much longer than
wooden ones, in fact we handle e rery-
thing in the line of binders, mowers,
plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all
When in need of a new
Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or
Cutter see our lines before you
buy. They will please you.
Rickbeil's Old Stand - - ZURICH. *