HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-07-19, Page 1Fall TIDE Term The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township, ZURICH, CANT., FRIDAY.; JULY 19. 1907. OPENS SEPT. 2 This management during th e past year trained over Tw o Hundred young ladies�Afl a n d gentle- men, as steno- graph- ers, and placed them in excel. lent situations in leading Can- adian and American cities. Individual instruction. Write for catalogue. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLECE GEO. SPOTTON - PRINCIPAL LOCAL NEWS. *t!"a ar arara17:-.1ra4Mu1l4,ti-a4104-9 Mr. John Schafer of Parkhill, zeas a visitor in town, one day last week. Mr. E. J. Brown, contract agent of the Bell Telephone Co. was in town on Monday evening. We are pleased to state that the Specialist at London, gives some hopes of restoring sight, at least partially, to,Mrs. Louislialbfieisch. Give us a call when, you want Binder twine, we have a large stock of Deering and Gold Medal on hand. Prices right. J. Preeter. The services in the Evangelical •chtireh next Sunday evening, will be held in the interests of the paling ladies. The subject will be "AShend why Woman's Choice, a. � Made it." The chow.; i 1, ,1 e. c posed of tho , 'piling : latliese b11 oongregation. A great amount of trouble is caused by a cave-in of the well, which is being dug at Mr. Kaib- B.eisch's new mill. The kerbing is loaded with nearly 4000 brick but it refuses to move more than an inch or two a day. It may be necessary to start a new hole, The Zurich track has been put into good shape and the following races will take place on Friday evening July 26th : 1st Green ltivace. 2nd 2.50 Class. 3rd 2.30 Class. All races best 2 in 3 heats. Admission 15 cents, ladies free. The success of last year's matinees should as- sure a big crowd. For your fruit jars go to J. Pree- ter. Special line in dinner setts, wel, worth x+10.00. to clear at$8.00,.:':•',4;,.11' Preeter. Mrs. W. Finkbeiner and daughter of Milverton, are visiting relatives here at present. Mrs. McWatters and sister Miss Ida Well, are visiting their parents here, at present. Mrs. Charles Shoemaker of Park- hill visited with her mother, Mrs. Fred Demuth, this week. Mrs. Stelek has had her house nicely painted,. which greatly im- Buy your Paris greEA at Hart- leiY's, we have the pure kind, Rev. E, S. Moyer of Lowville, is yvi ing his sister, Mrs. J• Preeter, ,Mrs. Hy. Magel, left on ,Saturday to •Visit relatives and friends in Detroit. Another shipment of; the cele- brated D & A corsets just in at Preeter's. Mr. and Mrs. R, Jarot, of Hen - sail, visited friends in. the village on Sunday. ilir. Wes. -Kibler of Listowel was in town recentlyrenewing ac- quaintances. proves the appearance eft it. Mr, Fred Schuettler continues Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Knechtel of very, weak at present, with slight Berlin are guests of the latter's 'hopes for his recovery. sister, Mrs. J. Preeter, this week. Mrs. Casper Weber and Mrs. C. Thiel, returned on Saturday even - The local branch of the Sovereign Bank has added a modern type writer to its office equipment. ing from a week's visit with friends Dr. NlcLaughlln, of Dashwood, in Berlin. Haying is in full swing and the crop is going to be an average one.. New bay is selling, in town at $6.00, to $7.00 a ton. Nine people were killed and many injured by the collapse of a store building on Dundas St., Lon- don, on Tuesday afternoon. Miss MacDougall, who has had charge of .T. J. Merner's millinery department during the past sea- son, returned to her home last Saturday. Auction Sale—Valuable residence and store property, in the village of Chiselhurst, on Mondoy July 22, 1907. Dixon & Carling, Barristers, 13. S. Phillips, Auct. The first train over the Guelph and Goderich Railway arrived at Blyth on Tuesday last. It is ex- pected the line will be open for traffic to Goderich by the middle of August. Mr. W. O'Brien and family. and Mr. and Mrs. D. McPhail spent a few days camping at the Grand Bend last week. They. -retuanwld home on Monday. K''Free, for Catarrh, just Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Let me send it now. It is a snow-white, creamy, healing antiseptic balm. Containing such healing ingredients as Oil Eucaliptus, Thymol, Menthol etc., it gives instant and lasting re- lief to Catarrh of the nose and throat. Make the free test and see for yourself what this preparation can and will accomplish. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large jars 50 cents. Sold by All Dealers. Born. BnwnesR—At Shipka, June 30th, to Mr. and Mrs, Ezra Brenner, a son. DEVINE—In Stephen, .Tune 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Devine, a son. LAMPORT—In Stephen, ruly 4th, to Mr and Mrs. Wes. Lamport, a daughter. DxsJARiMNra—At Grand Bend, July 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Dis- jardine, a daughter. Married. FOWLER—MoEWEN—At Hensall, on July 10th, Bert' Fowler. to Miss Jessie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McEwen, of Hensall. Died. SHAPTON—In Stephen, on July 6th, Thomas Shapton, aged 68 years, 5 months and 6 days. La/sterna—At 'Victoria Hospital, London, July 9, Miss Molly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Lamport, Crediton, in her 24th year. THE GUN. Some excellent shooting was done at the trap on Tuesday. Hess. Ran and Schuettler tied for first place. At the shoot -oft Rau dropped on the 2nd round and Schuettler on the`5th giving Hess the medal with a score of 13 out of 15. The score, C Fritz • 0 0 1. 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 7 Geo Hess 1 1 1 10 1 0 1 0 1 7 E Zeller..,0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1. 0 5 J P Rau ..1 1. 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 8 W O'Brien.....0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 7 F Hess 1110101000 5 W G Hess,,,,,,0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 11 8 P Sipple .1100001101 5 J Deichert,. 0 11 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 6 J Truenmer ..... 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 6 J Sc'nuettler.... ]. 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 8 4,7170 has been travelling in the Old Country is expected borne this week. Mrs. R. Hamacher left yesterday for Port Arthur, Ont., Where she will make her home with her sister. Mr. 3. J. Merner intends erect. ing a,jam-factory, the site chosen being near Kalbfieisch's new mills, at they West end. Mr. and Mrs. Rickbeil and Mrs. Kalbfleiseh left on Tuesday after noon for Dakota, We wish them a pleasant holiday and a safe re- turn. Mrs. Abel Schilbe left : for Lon- don on Tuesday to undergo another operation. Her condition has not been satisf actory since her former operation. Following are the names of a number who passed but the Entrance examinations. Zurich school re- port not yet to hand. ensa11 Public School—Wm. R. Bell. 488, Pearl Brysclale, 448, Arn- old Hobkirk, 418, Jas. H. Bullard, 3.7'O, Luella Ortwein 408, Irene Pope • ] 3'�,S}'Idarry H. McArthur, 4l , Jas. '4MYun cArthttr 441;�;.l�tly, 1 brut b , AleeesSmith S el. ay Township, No. 2.—Bertha Munn, 403, Wnx. B. Wilson, 382. No. 3—Maggie Wilson, 434, Wesley Caldwell, 411, W Gram, 415. No. 10—Win. B. Elder, 370, Alpine Me - Ewen, 370. No. 14—Eliza M Thomp- son. 442. Stanley Township No. 7 --Claudia Cochrane, 376. No 14—Murry M. Fisher 481, Agnes Gemmel 450, Jas J. Jarrott, 442, Renn 4. McBeath, 370. • No. 5l ' Clearing Sale MILLINERY HAT All'Hats in the Millinery Department At Half Price 'oramencing, Saturday, June 8th. This is your i3harice while the season lasts. ,. Y'ocitice taken n in exchange ih S.Faust, •o`�oo oQooc od000�ac; o= -Shoe Satisfaction. Our aim to supply our customers with nothing but first-class Shoes has given us a good reputa- tion, and the result has been, that our sales have increased wonderfully, Whether you want an up - 'to -date Shoe of the latest style or leather, or a Shoe for every day wear we can suit you. Our pries are as low as any and it will pay you to call onus before you buy. . soon is respectfully solicited. Butter and Eggs tlr' line Of Shoes be complete and for your summer wear krwill inspection of saltie taken in exchangce. �44h0.44d'4•6U4•4e aaesseb•4•• • 0' xt 3ga£3c3ocK3 3croctoa ocio y£3 3 s> 3 84::te a s`cratex3 F3 3t x7se . 1 1 1 1 1 ll LADIES' WEAR Dress Muslins We have in stock a full line of fancy Dress Muslins bought at a specially low price, to be cleared at reduced prices. ililhite Underskirts A special line in white Un- derskirts at 50cts to 1..00. This is a splendid line and worth much more than we are•` ask- ing sk- ing for them. Corset Covers ' Beautiful designs and open patterns, special values at 25cts to 50cts, Ladies' Vests A complete line at lOcts, . 1.24,cts, 15cts 20cts and 25cts. Ladies' Hose Do not fail to see our line of Ladies' Hose. Special val - ues at lOcts to 25cts. Summer Dress Coeds All the latest in Summer Dress Goods and Materials. Collars and Belts An especially good lot - stylish, cool and comfortable. New designs and special val- ues. Men's Weare Ready-made Suits We have a most complete stock of Ready-made. Suits. Only best material and „latest at very reasonable prices. Fancy Shirts We have received a fine line of Fancy Shirts. Stylish and well made. Special values. Underwear and Fancy §oaks See our lines. Special qual- ity and grand values. Hats and Ties A. complete line in Hats and Ties for summer wear. See our lines. They will suit you. 4 J. PRE&L-TL. R, a3 ? SE3 3 'e7• inC Tu6..YC3 X04:2 Mu=•812:5K 7AZIe�.. K3Co attiK Table Linens We have a special line of bleached Table Linens, var- ious patterns, good wearing qualities at 35cts, 50cts and 65cts. White Quilts See our special in White Quilts at $1..00. They are splendid values at that price, Special Values. In Lawn flowers Screen Doors Screen Win= down Paris Oree4, Sprayers Fencing Wire, i oofin ; Eavetroughing Etc., Etc. Zf i, R/0 ,7•••••*„•Y. t•.