HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-06-28, Page 8HARMONICAS IMPERIAL HOHNER The best 25 cent Mouthorgttn made, A full line of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY. RY. Repairing a Specialty. and P. W. HESS - eweler, !L That New Sprang Suit. When looking for your ncw Spring Snit, do not forret to give us a call. We have a tine range of Tweeds, \\or:tetl, etc,, to choose from. Our •. prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short n Mire. a We also have a huge nrtn,ber cf Samples to seleet from. r Laundry in connection, W. a HOFFMAN SO YEARS' EXPE:''iE1LOE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description nuns .quickly Isprobablypatentable. C,minnni'a lions Strictly cnntldeatInl. IInndhnok(n t'atr'a bent free. Oldest Scenes' fa serurn,k pal rms. Patents taken through Munn S Co. reeeivo ►2vtot z1 sato, w thou o ht:nin'rte, l@q?�the n cienittie f handsomely Illustrated weekly. !. rgest tor. mint km of ally srlentter 4(1%117)81. 'l rn,a, �Feej��,u•;(tfont.� months, $1. 5'.tdd byutippneirsdr,t:gr., MUNN N ge C 43616rn>daay New Yolk rtruurta Omee. e. St:. Wash ,tn-,on. X., C. LOCAL NEWS l91tisnI 4 m.:Y ,smNigeva .t>:: ,Y {,.mx, t"rr , Andrew I1ittleholta is on the. sick list tit present. J. 3, blerner made a business trip to Toronto on Tuesday. I , T i4 arm and E Magel visited fri•' ends in Crediton.on Tuesday. Note the change in the advev- tisenient of Bossenberry Bros., Grand Bend. Read. Preeter's ad for news in seasohable lines of goods. He offers some genuine bargains. Tho new ad of the Clinton Bitst ness College in this issue will in torest many. Be sure and read it, Mr, Alex. McLeod, principal of the Z P 8 is acting as examiner at Bayfield during the entrance ex mi nations, The election of officers for 'the Junior Alliance of the Evangelical ebureh, will take place next Satti.i day at 3 p. an. Lost -About two weeks ago. - on the road between here and Hipp, Ueisch's mill, a catalogue of the Dodge Pulley Co. of Toronto. Finder please leave at Tun U iu.u. ,fllee. Springfield, situated a few miles east of St, Thomas, was visit - n.1 by the most disastrousiire in its history at an early hour Tuesday, the loss exceeding $11,000, with insurance of not more than $25,— )00. The weather still cont inues favorable and timely rains during the past week has put all doubts as to a good crop in this section at rest. The groi'th during the past few days has been wonderful and the hay harvest will only be a few weeks later than last year. Here is another question some- thing similar to the one which ap- peared in THE HERALD some time ago. A man bacl $100 toinvest and wanted to invest it in such a way that he would havo 100 head at the enol. He paid $15 for calves, yl for sheep and 25 cents for decks, how many of each did he buy? 'era cti iE ts' Give the young and struggling a word of encouragement -when you can. You would not leave those plants in your window boxes with- out water nor refuse to open the shutters that the sunlight may fall upon them, but yon would leave I e some human flower to suffer for li want of appreciation or the sunt light of eneoura ;enient. There are a few hardy souls that can `! struggle along on Stony soil Ghaubs that can wait for:, the il•e:174. d sunbeams, vines that climb - fen sunbeams, kindly training—but only a few. Utter the kind word when you can see that it is deserved. Some say that conditions on the farm are greatly changed within the last twenty-five sears. So they S have. Most of us older chaps can remember when every farmer of sense had cider in his cellar from N one to five sears old ; when sides of ' bacon and strings of ham hung temptingly in the smoke house ; when spliced apples lay drying above the kitchen stove ; when basins of milk thick with cream • stood cool and sweet in the spring ti ens ' beat the plough share at the dinner onr limn and hired help could be bad t' at a decent wage. But now the cider mills are little more than a picturesque memory ; the apples a all go barreled in lump ; the hogs are sold on the hoof ; the smoke- house moke house has disappeared from lack of nose; the mill: goes wholesale to the factory; the rosy -checked. maidens are young women of degree, and hired help --well, that has become an .almost extinct phenomenon.Stall, we manage to get on, and even if --•o are begining to see that this is a materialistic age. when primitive and utilitarian whole someness bas given way to practi- cal prosaic moneymaking. i house , when osy-cheeped maid <£+ 4E+-€+-€0.4 0br 4 +,..:.1,. C4,+£M<(a.. ea vs -43+.134.434 -*3* 3+ 3++3« #3 -*3..+3,•+3+ 33•J13 Zurich's Lea i c. A 5 11 e Store -r aan„s+wna ner..,,mr. its E Have Received a Fine Lot of Spring .61{0ES AND BOOTS They aro UP-TO-DATE in Style and we have more coming every week. We can show you A Magnificent Ass31 t tent, at Prices that w11 Sit pIse you P. iiEN>!; ''ER, Zurich 415 E+ w .. < 431-‹* irgt, + ^t‘w3• 43. 43+43+.4£+1 Sacr2ficeice a s Still I e.p A ,Fr il.inery • IlHHli cry -Openings on Si.turday, 30111 and. TIOnday, April 1st. Atiss MacDougall' has again charge of our 14'Iillinery Department with the largest and most up-to-date stock we ever carried. Give her a'call and be convinced. We do not ad` extzse the largest stock but We do advertise the clean— est and best bought ttock ' We pay spot cash for our goods therefore our co .lpetitors cannot compete with us in prices.; • A fall range of light, and dark Prints, all new patterns, regular 124e nocv IOc a yard. SATEENS Regular 1.24e now for lee a yard CURTAIN MUSLINS and AR I SATEEN'S Regular 10o, t`-.' e, 15c, 20c how',So, 10, 12 -co TUCKED APRON LAWNS Regular 25e now 2Qc a yard TABLE LINENS, bleached and unbleached 1 piece 2 yd wide, regular G5c now 50c a yard 1 piece lit yd wide, reg GOc now 450 a yard 1 piece 1. yd wide, reg 500 now 35c a yard 1 piece, red with floral design, reg 50c for 35o PRINTS $1o,000 Stock of LAWNS '' Regular 10c, i9. •4', 15c,. 20e, 25c, now Se, 10c, 15c and 20c a yard. EMBROIDERIES and LACES To be cleared out at reduced prices. TOWELLINGS For 4c a yd and upward BED TIOB INGS Regular •28c and 25c now 20e a yard Regular 15c now for iOcts a yard ` BE5T SHIR LNG Made. We are selling them at 12ic a yd corroN ,a DES Regular 2. c and 25c for 23o a yard DRESS GOODS We have a large stock of Dress Goods to offer. We can assure you a Bargain in every yard of Dress Goods we sell.. A full range of. BLACKS, BLUES, BROWNS and that' new GREY that everybody wants this spring. We have it. Call early and have first choice. LINOLEUM: FIRST QUALITY 4 yds wide regular x;2.00 now for $1.50 9 yds wide regular 90cts now for 60cts TABLE OIL CLOTHS Regular 350 ail Cloth for 25e a yard Regular 25c Oil Cloth for 20c a yard Merchandise to be 5# crificed OIL CLOTHS 2 yds wt•ide regular GOets for 45cts WALL PA PERS A IBig Snap in Wallpaper and nice new atterus to choose from. Regular 10c, Wallpaper for 7e Regular Ise Wallpaper for 103 Regular 20e 'Wallpaper for 15c Regular 25o Wallpaper for 18c Odd lines of Wallpaper to- clear out at 3c a roll LADIES' FUR COATS This is your chalice for Lalies' -Fur Coats, only a few left. 1 only regular price $80.00 for $18.60 1 only regular price 28.00 for 15.00 Dutch Setts and Produce taken in *exchange k I3LA u� ''Regular tS' 1.00 for 'Mats eat COMIFORTERS and 'WOOL Pa?,:rANKETS At a'BIG REDUCTION iii print'. WINDOW SIIADES '10 dozen window shades replan- 3:3o, 40c, 45e, to sell at 2:3c. A, A LIIG-SNA[' IN GROCERIES • 3 lbs bestIseleet Raisius for 21 cent.; lbs Ix t clean• d Curl -alas for 25 is 10 lba blest O.i meal for 25 cents 3 boxes Crorn, Peas ant: tomatoes 95e 4 boxes) of Starch fcr 2.5 cents Best roat$ed Coffee lbs for 25cts Best green Japan Tea per lb 25ota 3 boxes ):east (lake '"for 10 oc'nts 'gbals Oginfort, Bee Hive Sunlight or (Goodwill Soap for ?rots Best Baking Powder 1,4 leis for 25c :3 gals genuine American 0,1 for 75c 011.4111111.11 'u<3.;IJY-MAD ' ILOR-riff �'. anti 'f'tl„a CLOTHING We have a full range of Spring Suiting4, all nc.w patterns. Our stock of Ready-Mades is complete. We gunralitee a fit and save you money. MIN'S NE\V SPRING IIATS Caps. Dress Sl+irt,a, Collars and Ties to be sold at a B'g Rcluction. MIT, LINE RI! DE PAurrmEN'J' lei's mumitgdi is with us again this season. and we have a largr.• stork of Millinery Goods Fvhieh will be solclaat is cilG DISCOUNT. CLiOCRErtx , GLA. +S WA R E, CHINA- WARE and PARL''it LAMPS A large stock of Crockery. Glassware, Chinaware and Parlor Lamps to be cleared out at a Big Reduction. MEBR ZURICH e ti�ii ..o„° :"o n i° , • For • Sale—Vilna Kodak, 3 x 4 latest improvements. P. W. Hess D. Coughlin, scale inspector for this district, w,1.8 in the village this week inspecting the scales in use. . Herman Bonder and daughter. alt tended the wedding of his second:' Mildest daughter,. Miss Susan, at Rochester, N. Y , last week. The railways iri the United Stat- es have decided to Snake the stand- larcl charge en all lines two cents';-' mile. The lowering of the rate: Will go into effect at once. 'Three htindred more British. intniigrants arrived in Winnipeg last Saturday. There have boon near2rlative`; • tlae eoulyrs300ca ofiteteanzigrwealsts arrive unite exin- cliisive of the lioreseekers' monst- er excursion. Thirty thousand candidates Tor, entrance to the high schools of Ontario and 7,000 candidates ,fOr the higher departinental exanilntt- tions are the estimates made as `the result of the applications for examination papers to the depart - Mont of education. Ninethousand sets of depar tin til, examination papers were sent out and thirty-five thousand set of entrance papers, To be on the safe side twenty per cent, more were sent ont than were dtliotight to be 3 e:tiired. ...!.:v. tn.t.. ter.°..o ti Look Here V you are not one of our customers, the loss is yours as well as ours. 'We were never in better shape to ', serve you than now. Never had we such a large stock of Hardware and Harness to choose from. And every - bought before the advance in prices took place. In Wire Fencing We have the IDEAL, all No. 9 hard steel coiled wire and the Pittsburg welded Hog and Chicken Fence. No lock to slip, and all at last year's prices, We also stock coiled spring wire stays and locks, called the lock that will not slip, guaranteed. Call and see. C. HARTLEIB = Zurich. The People's Hardware and 1` ,mess R-1 Flaw11 FAVWMARMWAN WMFWVWMPRNYMPWA