HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-06-28, Page 5HOTELS.
$i!0 t5 to 0 Tia e 4 Cif of 0 +yt
Cif of fCi t3 ZURICH Cil C9 fA @
Strietly up-to-date in modern im
provements. .Luning rooms is sup-
plied with only the vary bust. ¶ 11.
Bar contains choice liquors andeig'ars. ¶ 11 it ¶ ¶
Excellent Sample Rooms
for Commercial Men.
0****** b****000*‘::30417*rt €tMe
as . .raY...+..11.....vsu uRvt1.16. ,v<owm.nR+
This House has recently changed
hands, and is ]lose one of the
most orderly and best con-
ducted Houses hi the
fl o otter Mable in the Reminien.
�. F.J ohnston & on,
Lhe r.o
Store for 1907.
The people have shown
by their increasing patron-
age during the past year
that they fully realize that
this is place to lniy. their
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes, Hard -
we, Paints and Oils,
Etc.. at the right price,
aind also tho right quality,
Thanking Our malty cut-
'tethers for past favors, we
ask for a continuance o
the same.
Arthur Edigboffer spent •Smlday
last, the guest of his parents in the
village. '
Robt•Allen delivered a fine cow
to Zurich buyers last week.
Our villagers have been doing
their road work lately, and as it
result our streets are heavy,;
Our school closed Tuesday even
ing so now pupils and teachers are
enjoying vacation,
Miss Viola Edighoffer who has
been with her sister in Fnilerton
for some months, returned home
on Tuesday.
Allan Douglas called on friends
here least week.
Tho many Collegiate 'Stridents
of the neighborhood have "returned
to their respective homes for vaca-
David Ross treated our village to
a few Choice selections on the bag-
pipes one evening last week.
Rev. C. Tough is at present
spending a few well-earned holidays
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Tough of Stanley.
Robt. Douglas, Sr., who has been
confined to his home suffering from
an attack of pneumonia is now on
the was* to recovery.
R. N. Douglas,
Clubbing rates.
'IlWe have made arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
rates with THE Ranann
• Daily Globe
Mail & Empire
Weekly Globe
Mail & Empire
Berliner Journal (German)
Family Herald & Star
Daily Advertiser
Weekly Advertiser
'Weekly Sun
'Farmer's Advocate
Farming World
Weekly Montreal Herald
$ 4.25
ChaIflberiein fs Cone, tiea t nolera anti
' Never fails. Buy it tow: xt may save rife.
lie sure to be property equipped—oltotn the STL•V-
1iN3 and you CArta0•1 Go A t O G. la's mate
1ttPLES . . . front $2.25 to $150,00
SfrOTGUNl . . 2 from 7.50 to 50.00 .00
Askyoura aicr1104 Insist Send fes seepage thug.
on our popular mains. 1 f ttatotl catalog. If Inter.
you vallnotobtnin me ship este,' in SHOOTING, you
direct. enrr.m„e '.•herder ott lttto have 1tr ?dolled
PO tad, upon tecalpt of for four cams instamps to
e , antalog price. cover poltogc.
Our attractive throe•cntrlr Atuntinutn flange, will be
tent nnywnare for to cents 10 stamps.
STEV1;Ns Aliluls .AND TOOL CO.,
r. o, tie. 41195
' Chicopee vans,1 .ei., U 5,A.
A.. H, Arnold is visiting his par -
ants at Buffalo for it few weeks.
On. Tuesday of list week the
wedding took place of bliss Annie
Papple, daughter of Mr, ttnd Mrs,
W. McDougall, to Nelson Blatch-
ford, of this place,: Rev. Mr. Smith
performed the eerelnony,
David Wren ooeupiecl the pulpit
the,Methodist church on Sunday.
• ,Zurich Masonic lodge attended
divine services at St. Paul's church
hist Sunday morning.
'';H. J. D, Cooke and the Misses
Shirray visited relatives in Detroit
least week.
Rev, and Mrs. Toll are visiting
the former's parents in Kent coun-
ty for a few weeks,
W. Richardson, formerly of Hen•
sail, was married at Milbank to
Miss Anderson.
Tee warm weather is making
the crops grow by leaps and bounds,
,,R. •Rouatt.. formerly. hardware
merchant here, bas •secures]. a posi-
tion in Worsoli's hardware.
The 'black brass fishing season
•opened on Monday. A large nidi):
ber of outsiders caught good i nos-
es, ' ,
Miss Ethel Farrow of Goderich, Dr. Metcalfe end wife have re:
a former teacher of our school, 'turned for the summer. This ;tear
the Doctor has his automobile with
visited friends here last week.
Harry Sweitser left last week
for the state of Deleware where he
will visit relatives.'
The Dtu Grief baseball team de-
feated the Stars of this place , last
week by 4 to 2.
Mr. and Mrs. Ewald and G.
tt the funeral
Milntrril"lti attended
the former's mother at Elkton last
Mrs. Samuel Brown attended the.•
wooden wedding anniversary of
ber sister, Mrs. Knechtel, at Ber-
lin lust week.
Mrs. Chas. Kingsley is visiting
relatives in Niagara district for a
few months.
Mrs. Merger of New Hembnrg
visited her brother, M. Weixer.
last week.
Miss Crissie Brown has returned
from visiting friends at Chesley.
One of the. prettiest events of th
season` took piece .at the home of
0. Beaver on June 10, when his
1 to
ceremOtiv,wa; tiperforli;ell •by!.. ev.
J'. H. Orme, father of the. groom,
!assisted by Rev. J. W. Andrews,
in the presence of immediate re-
latives and friends. '
The drawing -room was decorat-
ed with 'smilax and an arch of ever
greens, The bride, gowned in white
lace over white silk, wearing a
white bridal veil with wreath of
orange blossoms, and carrying a
shower bouquet of bridal roses,
looked charming as. she entered
the parlor supported by her esteem-
ed father, to the strains of the
wedding march played by her sis-
ter. Miss Vivien Beaver. The
bride was assisted by her sister,
Mies Ella Beaver, gowned in white
silk and carrying a bouquet of
pink carnations. The groom was
assisted by Mr. Albert Stockwell,
of London. •
After the ceremony was over
and congratulations extended, the
bridal party sat drawn to a dainty
luncheon. Dr, and Mrs. Orme left
on the evening train from Centralia
for A. trip down the St. Lawrence
to Montreal on and their return will
reside at Centralia, where the doc-
tor has a lucrative practice.
Mrs. Orrne's. going -away gown
was of brown chiffon broadcloth,
with hat to match The groom's
present to the bride 'vas a gold
crescent set with pearls ; to the
bridesmaid, a gold locket and to
the groomsman, a pair of gold cuff.
links, • The many presents bestow-
ed on the young couple were cost-
ly and useful and evidence the
tried) esteem in which they are;field
by their many friends.. w
daughter, Beulah was in
Dr. Jel.d.?'
Mr. John La Porte of Drysdale,
Arrived safely home last Thus' day
from his trip to the western corm.
try, In au interview with Mr. La
.Porte we have elictecl tbo following
interesting information regarding
his journey.
On his way out he visited Detroit
also Windsor and Sandwich, where
our friend, Mr, Beeignenl, former-
ly of St. Josesh, is again in the
wine matnufactnring business,
While in Chicago he was the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. 'Joseph Priineau
and the former''s brother, Ernest, -
by ,whom he was right royally en-
tertained. They and their f.riencls.
Mr. ,Mathealt and Mr Belanger, who
are interested in St Joseph, showed
llitn the attractions of the windy
city. During his stuy in that city
he, visited the stock yards. where
he witnessed the killing; of cattle
fat to rate of 250 head per hoer,
a►t.hogs 1000 heart per hong. He
also visited the board of trade,
;Lincoln and Riverview Parks.
1Masonio temple and the principal
streets in the city. The electric
railway. forty feet below the city
where nothing but freight trains
are allowed, was also an interest,-
ing sight to be seen, and a ride on
the elevatated trains was much
After remaining in that city
four dans he lett for Grand Forks, ,
Minn., on the Chicago, Milwaukee t
and St. Paul railway and travelled j
along the edge of the Mississippi'
River for 150 miles, where mnch1
beautiful scenery is to be seen. Mr.!
and Mrs. Bonshey met hint at the!
station and he spent a few weeks
with then. While there he met
old acquaintances and schoolmates
whom he had not seen for twenty-
eight years.
As to the country the land is
very good especially bordering. the;
Red River Valley, and the spring;
crops looked splendid. They ap-
peared to be just as far advanced
as in Ontario. The value of the
land there is about the some as in
our part of Ontario. Grand Forks
is a very neat and prosperous city.
especially 'on the west side of the
John Pollock left on Saturday
Morning for the West, where he
has charge of a. fishing outfit on
Lake Winnipeg.: •
T. W. Cameron had the =for-
-tune to fall and break a couple of
ribs. It netts he was getttmg over
a style with a pail of feed wlrenehis
pant -leg caught en a nail. Ile des-
oendecl on the other side head ftrst,
lighting with his ribs across the
pail .
Rev. Mr. Hi.nde and danghter
bad a runaway accident while out
driving a few days ago. The horse
took fright and ran madly ,down
the road. Mr. Mince had his arm
battle- hurt while his dtiuglitc'r is
confined to her 'becL• The buggy
was totally vire ked.
Melvin Graham, M. D.. has gra-
duated at the ..M Elical College, To-
ronto. Ile left net week for a trip
tlirougleflarelr:•=t; Iee ,..,.•and Alber-.
tat and Rill probed' )1, l )tate some-
where in the new ,,.ovinces for the
practice of his profession.
Miss Bessie Glenn has graduated'
frolu the LondeteBn.siness College.
and expects to site a position short-
The death o.' Margaret Forsyth,
relict of the h. ' Wm Mustard, oc-
curred at the , : •iidsnee of her dau-
ghter, Mrs 1) r^Ewan, 2nd con.,
on June 21st., .1 Elie rage of 87 years.
A pretty Ju: e Wedding was sol-
emnized at th tonic of Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh 11..r.rregor, 2nd con.,
Stanley, on Jarr, • 120, when their
daughter, Maui,was married to
Geo T Baird, t respected young
farmer, also of the 2nd con. The
ceremony was pr.'formed by Rev.
E. H. Sewers in the presence cif a
large number of the relatives of
the contracting parties.
Mentee'n—pit 7.nrich, on June 21th.
to Mr, and iY1rs.. J, ,1'. Mesmer, al..
C,ovlr.—At Parr Line, Tiny, nn ,1.11110
28ti1, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Love. a daughter,
AIMAN—in Exeter, an rine 74,
to Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Gladmen,
a son,
The Soverel
Ba ° ' ol Ca a a
—invites the Accounts of
Corporations, Fraternal
Societies and Individuals-
Intereft allowed on Savings
Deposits and credited 4
times a year., Lee
ZURICH, J. Snell, Mgr.
Regina„ Sask., :Time 21, 1907
• To the Il5R3LD Readers :-- 1
thought perhaps it would intei'est
some of Your readers if I would
give a s'aort account of lay trip out
here. I left Berlin on March nth country, Another narked seismic
for Toronto and: visited all the
will fall from about the 24th
'towns going north to Srtclhor•virild
Port Arthur. a•]ere I met Mr,.De•
ninth, I was in Fort 'William for
' a, week. This is a booming town,
Then I visited Xenora and Keewa-
tin. In the latter place the Lake
of the Woods Milling Co., have a'
mill which turns out three thous-
and seven hundred barrels of hour
a Clay.
On April 23rd I got to Winnipeg',
and spent two weeks in the pity
taking in thcsihts. It is a pretty
.city and on the boom, although a
lot of property has- been sold,for
bitek taxes. I Ieft Winnipeg on
May 7th for southern Manitoba, on
the 0 P R then back to Winnipeg
on the C N R visiting all the towns
along the lines ,
On May 23rd I left for the went
031 the main line of the C P R and
Visited all the towns between
Winnipeg and Regina, At Moos',
min I met John Wagner, formerly
of Zurich. I notice that the further
west I get the towns are newer and
better built And the expensesare
higher, In Regina it is hard to get
1 will keep on going west and
expect to get to •Edmonton by the
last of ,July and 1 may drop you a
few lines then. I think I will be
able to tell you all about the 'west
when I get back to• Zurich, which
tvilrlie some time next winter., •
Owing to the severe frost of last
winter the berry plant and the
small fruit crop of Canada general-
ly will 1)e light. Berry canners
are alarmed at the shortage of
<ierries,. and they have signed con
tracts for all the berry acerage
t• .could get at five and a half
'i •e tottuaartr Reportfi.
reoeived by the fruit division of
the departrnent of agriculture in -1
ciicate that the plum crop will be
one of the heaviest on record.
Some very well'meaning people
who keep poultry are oftentimes
exceedingly thoughtless re•peeting
ditty to their neighbors. By Tway
of reminder, the Ontario Legisla-
ture has enacted a law whieh pro-
vides that owners of animals and
poultry, allowing them to run at
large, are liable for damage caused
by the same. If owner, after writ-
ten notice from the neighbor com-
plaining of trespass, neglects to
prevent a repetition thereof, lie
may be fined by a Justice of the
Peace. This is the• Cure to prevent
l',tt 4 11�
f': °ir ii 't�� •q + 1 , li...:'
`• t,u-.rt ui til-ti"c13-will in-
--.tri.l ti}- cure an ori:in i 'y attack of
diarrl, cea.
It can ailw'i > '1`a tl t 'ul cI npnn,
+'...(•n i;l tl't' rr tirr ,,•t re attacks of
cramp ('4,1i1' '1"(r droit-ra inol'bii5.
It iR t'itilt..11ti lir'(•t'Stir111 frit' Sinatuvr
ditu•nct;'et 11.1(1 cholera t if• ntraU in
t'illi�ti'r'11, soil 1y t III' it. er1119 of saving
the livres et platy children ewe,. year.
S\ iii li rt'ihrct•d with water and
$V4'eetf'ilOcl it isplr8n
Gilt tet tike.
Evt ry man of a fancily should keep
this reiae'ly in his home, ?lay it now.
PRICE. 2.'io. Lapel SIZE, 500.
•, �tv
DATESexcursions leave Toronto uesdays.
13, 27; Sept. 10 and 24. Tickets
good to return within sixty days from going
Are the same from all points in Ontario,
ranging from S32.0 0 round-trip to
Winnipeg to 842.50 round-trip to l;d-
ttoall points in theNorth-wost.
6 OURItlT SLEEPERS Tourist Sleeping Cars
will be rim on each
excursion, fully equipped with bedding, etc,
smart porter in 'charge.33erths must be secured
and paid for through local agent atleast six days
before excursion leaves.
poultry making thingsuextra charge for
unpleasant COLONIST SLEEPERS In which there is no
among neighbors.
The filth renal ar storm period
has its center on the 27th, reaching
from the 25th to the 29th. Low
barometer and other storm condi-
tions will appear at the very be
gining of this period, and solstice TETTER CURED.
storms of rain, wind and thunder
will continue chilly through the A tatty ritstrn ler of ours ileal
greater part of the same, especially suffered with tetter for two or
over central to eastern parts of the three years. It got so bad on her
hands that she conld not attend to
her household deities. One box of
Chamberlain's Salve oared. her.
(.•`•hambode in's medicines give
splendid satisfaction in this com-
mun'iy—Mr. H, hntlntly de Co. Al-
mond., Ala., Chamberlain's medici-
nes are for sale by T 3• Merger,
berths, passengers
supplying their own bedding, wi1L be used as fat
as possible in place of ordinary coaches.
Rates and full information contained in free
Homeseekers' pamphlet. Ask nearest C.P.R.
agent for a copy, or write to
C. B. FOSTER, Distriot Pass. Agt., C.P.R., Toronto
Laura, (laughter of Mr. andMrs
W. Vale, of Exeter north, died' on',
Juno 15th, aged two months.
The boys ;taken to Godcirich on a
charge of burglary were • released
on suspended sentence.
Preparations for building a. new
station here are under way.
Dr. and Mrs. Roulston arrived in.
tnwn last wsek after a delightful
honeymoon trip to Milverton and
other points.
Exeter council has made a, grant
of $100 to the band.
The brick smoke stack 'at the
power house has been completed.
It is 85 feet high,
On June 17th, Clarence E., infant
son of Mr. and Mrs, H. C. Sanders
diedafter a few hours' illness, at
the age of 4 months and 20 days.
• T. Handford shipped another
carload of horses to Winnipeg last
to the 27th, most notably on the
25th and 25th. The lines of seismic'
and volcanic force will follow the
Sun and Moon, hence will pitss
diagonally across the egnttter, hav-
ing their poles of perturbation in
the northern and snutlrern henni--
,pheres. The probabilities are that
:the heaviest and most general rains
in .lune will fall during this closing
period of the month. S1 nspots,
auroral display's, magnetic earth
currents, volcanic ontbrcaks ':Lad
all related phenomena will be at a
r11 ax iInunl.
The first storm period reaction
ary in July will center on the 2ncl
and 3rd, with Moon at last quarter
and on the celestial equator on the
2nd. On the 5th Earth is in aphe-
lion, and Uranus is in opposition,
and Neptune is in conjunction
within a few hears of each other
To say the least, threatening to
violent July clouds and thunder -
gusts will appear generally from
the 2nclto the 4th, Cioudburste
need not surprise any one.
If you would enjoy tornorro\4
take Chamberlain's Stomach ani
Liver Tablets tonight. They pro-
duce an agreeable laxative diem
clear the head and cleanse tilt
stomach. Price 25 cents. Samples.
free at '`J J Merner's store.
WE keep in stock a
full line o fr esh
pleats, hams, etc. etc
Our cuts are, noted
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our own
Give us a call.