HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-06-28, Page 4"4t'he 'Zurich 'Herald.
H. J. D. COOKE, DA.R111ST1 R AND So-
licitor, Notary Public, Rensall, Ontario.
At Zt>rielt (Zeller's office) every Mon-
Ilex. •
risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc.,
Goa. erich, Canada., W, Proudfoot. K.C.
R. C. Ears.. G. F. Blau'.
ohased trick my business fioni E. W.
Stoskopf, I ant in a position to attend
to all business !at formerly. Calls at
Rau's Rotel.
Surgeon and .Dentist, Zurich, Ontario.
Office over T. & M. Johnson's Store.
Night calls at T. Johnson's residence,
- ed Auctioneer for Huron and Perth.. My
rates are reasonable and 1 will guarantee
the best of .satisfaction. ]fur tho con-
venience of my friends in Har and
Stanley, dates and terms may be ar-
• ranged at Tun H1n ALD Office, Zurich.
tioneer for the Counties of Hnron and
Perth. Farm stock sales a specialty.
Satisfaction guaranteed or no pa} All
orders left at Lot 2i; Con. `_' Hay or
addressed to klensali 1'. O. will be
promptly attended to.
�ivate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu-
ate of Department of Dentistry, 'To-
ronto University. Painless extraction
of teeth. Plate work e speciality. At
Dominion House, Zurich, every 'Mon-
day. 1 -'al
Notary Public. Deeds, Mortgages.
Wills and other Legal Document. care-
fWliy and promptly prepared. ])::ice---
21811er block, Zurich, Out.
CLERK. Village and Farm Property
insured. All the leadingConal+auaie.�
represented. Agent for Accident and
Sickness Insurance.
,F. lit 17.
FRIDAY, JUNE 28th, 1907.'
ketontreal, June :33—J. J. Hill of
St. Paul, president of the Great
Northern Railway, sailed last
evening on board his yacht for the
gulf, to enjoy salmon fishing off
the Labrador coast.
"Every healthy man," said 1Slr.
Hill, "should be an optimist. When
tt noun- has something wrong With
his liver lie- sets:' the world away."
At the same time Mr. Hill...Del
commends eant.i,7n in respect of
bus wse enterprises.
"We have been upon the crest of
the ware now for about eight, years
we may expect reaction,"• .he.seid.
"p'i'e may look for shrinkage.
There should be no rash undertalt-
intra+. There may be three.: Men
looking for the job which 'only ':one
can have. I do not pretend to be tt
prophet, bet this is to be expected,.
"You do not spent to be slacken-
ing any effort, Mr. 11111, in respect
of railway ex -pension?"
"Oh, we are still doingbusiness
. anti, indeed. there is more business
than we can. do at present. .Of
course, no are bothered by legis-
lation which only cripples and
never helpe," vas the reply.
••Von are still carrying out yoitr
ideas with res}u'rt to the invasidn
of our Northwest'"
• "Invasion is nonsense. Our lines
are reaching out to get a shaxee, of
leteirees . which cannot be handled
by your lines. which will not be all
handled for years to come, by any
number of lines. I can make cone
on -
iident prediction as to the future
of the western part of Canada.
Yon can. and you will, have apoptt-
lation there of 2(1.000,000 in time.
Yen have the finest and largest
wheat belt in the world. There is
• business there for ne all. We have
• opts get to the fringe of things in
the crest."
One waitress audit cham-
ber maid. Highest wages.
Apply immediately. Hotel
Imperial, Grand Bend.
Bossenberry Bros.
"Ontario is making steady pro-
, grew' in the building, ftp of her
raid s rtte:ns." said. A. W. (.Camp -
I bell, Deputy Minister of Public
Wo; lee
About three thoneand miles lat.ce
beta brought under the working of
the g,00a roade act.
Last Saturday there passed away
at her bonze in 14IoKillep township,
Margaret Ann Walker, repot of the
late Da.vid.Scott, at the age of 08
The Huron Old Boys' Association
of Toronto are making extensive
preparations for their • 7th annual
excursion to this county, on Satur-
clay. July etk.
The other -day a genuine Dopper
head snake, oaf a poisonous variety,
was discovered in the grass on Rat-
tenhury_street, Clinton, it is some-
thing unusual to find snakes of that
variety in that suction.
M Tirilliams and J J Purcell, Who
have been partners in the grocery
and drygnods business for the past
year in •Seaforth, bare dissolved
partnership. The business will be
oontiliued by Mr. Williams.
The Marriage took place in. Exe-
ter on Wednesday of last week. at
the residence of the bride's father,
Joseph Beers, of George A. Young,
of London, to Miss Edith Beers, of
Exeter. •Rev. lir. Fear perforated
the ceremony, They will reside in
D.' Cantelon of (Clinton reports
that the eut.look for apples this
season is remarkably good. The
fruit has set on well in that vieini•
ty tan(IMr. Centelon expects a big-
gger crop than for many years. He
handled oyer 30,000 b arrels last
rear. Early plums, such as the
Japan vnrietias. i.a that section aro
a failure, while late plums, cherries
and pears are good.
The by-law voted on in Clinton
on Monday to gnarantee the bonds
of the Clinton Thresher Coe who
suffered so severely in the disast-
rous fire on May lath. was carried
by re'rote -of 400 to 5. The town
will gunranteehonds to the atnonnt
of 820,000, repayable in twenty
annual payments. A modern plant
will be erected.
The officers -of the camp at Lon-
don forwarded a petition to• the
Minister of. -Militia asking that the
military eein) be removed to eocle-
rich next year. Goderich offers a
site of 000 acres suitable for the
camp. free water and an excellent
rine range. e The probabilities ar-e
that the eha ge will be made,
li preferable. I
I pia,rtment tenyealrs ago; the town- , ears stncr. Goderi ,
ships have raised. in 'aclditi,)n to hast a stinal). :edit •the depurtmenti
the minty grant's and exclusive of permanent c•atmp.
the cities, tons and villages, $10,-
500,000 for gond roads. This' ;sett' i The thinned meeting of the South
about, t,1,000.:;lit is being expended !Heron Farmers'. Institute was, held
under the conditions of the acct.= at Heneall on:Triestine' of last week.
Fourteen en countit' ?lave aciopted There was at large representation
tiara plan and the report of the secret(u g
0n Thursday Mr. Campbell ad- 'treasurer, Robt Gardiner, showed
elressed one hundred Municipal a sang balance in the treasury. W
U-,uneiilor.• at Whitby on the mat ,t • D Sanders was re-elected president,
ter of designing a s� stein of county aand arm linnteith vice 7resident
roads- They seemed to be fav orab- in place of B 8 Phillipe, who was
1•c impressed." elected secretary -treasurer to fill
Mr. Campbell states that the the vacancy owing to tbe resignti-
g�eneral adoption of road -making tion of Robt Gardiner. 'who has
mit hlnery and intelligent methods, filled the position faithfully and
e�f construction have accomplished well for several years. 3 E Nis*
wonders in the Inst fire years. Done]] of Hensall was added to the
FAC' I'S AND FIGURES. list of !Erectors.
W ..A lei 'T` E 1 ,
inkart t ,i (;ndori h..,.
Rye Straw, flail threshed,
for collar purposes. Mime
up in suitable bundles, de-
livered in Kilapen. Parties
having some would do well
to communicate with lne .
Alex McKenzie,
aug 3.) -p d 3iippen
the de -i„ nu7nl•
Lawn croquet, fanoy
hammocks, ladies'
and gents fine lea-
ther purses.
A full line of
light and heavy_ llar-
nese, trunks, suit
cases and go-carts.
Complete stock of
li o p s e furniture,
combination a n d
parlor cabinets, iron
and brass beds,
High Grade ORGANS and
ft WELL =
= Zurich, Ont.
The Oki a ld Reliable
Kalbfleisc 's Saw & Planing Mills....
4 i • �s!SI-tingles!
Parties needing any shingles would do well to see my stock
They are the 8. C. SHINGLES, the best kind, and the price
is right. Cowie at once if you need any as they are going
of all kinds. Contracts taken and satisfaction guaranteed.
It will be to your interest to see me before you build, as
my motto is good work and good material at a reasonable
price. Custom Sawing and Planing.
IV–Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday.
Mills l th Con.
,1 EI
should -mak , the county tow n a
-j 1
'angelical Association
sp:R.NIo s + . ra'•ia 1 TI\t ;; WILL S.. 11EI.I)
IN. THE Eli -.t. Nt'CL EV -iNi4EMI AL
CHURCH, wily t, AS Ft)LLflW5:
Sunday School at '-1.e'r', p. lu.
Preaching Service, U(t•nrari, F'.45
at. ni. ; Fn ih h t^ervire. at '' p.
lit; Senear \]liana•, s p. m. Tnee-
tlay evening : German Prayer moot-
ing, Wednesday evening at ':10
"'clock ; English Prayer meeting.
Thursday evening at trt o'('lock :
Choir Practice Thursday evening at
8 o'clock ; Junior Alliance, -Satur-
day afternoon, at 3 o'clock.
I1F.v . A. D. (:+iseemeat, Pet roe
Local Salesman
at once for &leioii and sur-
rounding districts.
in Fruit and Ornamental
Stock grown and for sale by
A permanent situation for
the right party. Liberal
inducements ; pay weekly.
Handsome free outfit.
Write for terms and cata-
logue, and send 25 cents
in stamps for our POc'xET
cents for our HANDY I-Larc
Stone & Wellington,
s'ON'TIInLL ?tummies OVER 800 ACRES
VVAI{Enov-13ENDnrb--At Rochester,
N. Y., on June 19th, Miss Susan,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Her-
man Bantle:, Hay Township, to
Franz Wakerov, of near Roches-
ter, N. Y.
The world's annual production of
India rubber is at present 57,000,-
000 p.mnde. Of this nearly half is
used up in the United :states.
Fifty -(ane. carrier pigeons were
sold at Antwerp recently for 2,210
constituting a record price, the
highest amount paid for ono bird.
being $105.
The German Emperor has mora
servants in his employ than tfny
other monarch. Altogether they
oumber over 3,000 about two-thirds
of them being women.
In the Vatican at Ronne is the
largest topaz in the world. It
weighs wren pounds and has carv-
ings upon it that occupied thee
Neapolitan lapidaries 01 years.:'+
-Thel'e is a training school for
elephants in Api, in the ;Congo
State, where 28 elephants aretak-
ing? lesson. The training operatioris
have produced enrourttging results.
There are no newsboys in Spain.
Women sell newspapers ein the
The problem of producing alcohol
so cheaply as to ensure its use as a
fuel in place of naptha or gasoline
is said to have been worked out bee
an English scientist. The (liscov-,
ery that alcohol can be unanufaee
turecl from. peat was announced
recently in the press, and the De-
partment of Trade and Commerce
has received from its agent in Man-
chester, Mr, P.. B. MacNamara,
corroboration of the reported
achie vrnent.
Mr. MaoMatnara writes that the
peat alcohol can be produced for
sine Dents a gallon ; that it is report-
ed tobe snore efficient in every
way than petrol ; that it is safer to
handle and less liable to heat the
Subscribe for Tns HERALD.
The scholars of Miss Nicholson's
room in the Z. P. S. presented her
with a kindly worded address and
a suitable gilt yesterday. Miss
Nicholson severs her conneotion
with the school at the end of this
A New Yorker. who is aeons -
ferried each rear to .)ass `a few
weeks with a. harmer in Dratchess
county. says that once in notifying
tbe letter of his intention to make
the usual visit ho wrote as follows
"There are several little matters
that Z r,lioulci like to .see changed if
my family and I decide to spend
our vacation at your house. We
don't like the Girl Martha. And,
in the second place, we do not think
that it is sanitary to have a pigesty
so near the hoose."
In reply the farmer said : "Mar- '�°r
tha went last week, We ain't had *,
no hogs since you were here last:
September." ---.Sunday Mage inet °
The Winnipeg Counnnercial last
week published nearly 200. reports
from bankers, boards of trade and,
general merchants in the three pro-
vinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan
and Alberta, showing that the
prospects are better at this dater
than at anytime. in years for a
large crop. ,The decrease in the
wheat acreae,ge in older Manitoba is
10 per cent, but there is as large in-
crease in the oats and harley
acreage, The increase in the wheat
acreage of Saskatchewan and Al-
berta is 30 per cent.. I learn, from
a reliable source that the Saskat-
chewan government will show 40
per cent, increase in the acreage of
ell crops. My conservative estimate
Of the year's crop is e120,000.000
helps of wheat" fqr, the three
1 Ci:B
i vA
'etta' 1�reeeeeeeem(J ee ee 3 • e ane a��: 't'w^".-k il(1r�k"ke,
1?eg to announce that we have
a c)03.151e" e line of Garden and Field
Sleds. ` • In Garden Seeds we handle
the celebrated L L May -& Co seeds.
They are the good kind and always
give satisfaction.
S' packages Garden Seeds for io cents.,
We also have. a good line of Field Seeds.
Turnip and Mangold seed at lowest prices
Try us for your
Groceries,. Flour, Feed, Stock Foods,
etc., we can supply your wants.
Give us a call.
ue riffle
n'()ziJri�i>i,�la»�'i, l -4,7a
:t.i�. r. 7'N'-�Y�kuj whin^_, fhaiv�ta>:•
International Harvester
implements. . .
We keep in stock a full line of the
above celebrated make of Farm T.m -
pterrlcnts, They are used in every
civilized country in the world and are
giving universal satisfaction. Bay
110 other.
We handle the Ma;net Cream, Separa-
tor, the best on the market, Metal
Pig Troughs, last much longer than
wooden ones, in fact we handle erery-
thing in the line of binders, mowers",
plows, etc., 'etc., and repairs of all '
W11311 sa in need of a new
Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or
Cutter see our lines before you
buy. They will please you,
FRE ` . HESS ``' '
Rickbeil's OId Stand a ZURICH. o<
a °'