HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-06-28, Page 2---
Wants to Show• Her From What She
Has Saved Him.
There is a man in Pittsburg who will
married. 1n a short while and will oc-'
wry the house a few rooms of which
i•llee bees used cl•uring his bsachelor day's. He
!takes the greatest pleasure in showing
!See intimate friends about the place and
especially delighted at the astonish -
t silent they express when his own "den"
es reached. He hats always been a quiet,
;,at adiouts fellow, but as refitted the room
;gives the appearance aif the lounging
rlace of a regular rounder. There are
acks of long pipes, photographs of ac-
tresses are stuck about the chimney
gents, a shelf of beer steins runs all the
way around the room and a few femin-
ine gloves, handkerchiefs and fans are
scattered about.
"Greet Scott, Jack!" the last visitor
gasped, "where did you get this outfit
And why?"
"Bought out a college fellow," was the
abamplacent reply. "Just think how
pleased that little girl will be when she
sees all this truck and little thinks how
znixeh wickedness she has won me away
roml" Harper's Weekly.
Accidents to your horses "
may happen at any moment.
GET READY for emergencies.
Buy a bottle of
Fellows' iterfilaltd's
For Larneriess in Horses
Only 50c. a bottle — and saves
dollars worth of time by curing
lameness of every description.
At dealers, or from 12
National Drug & Chemical Co., Limited.
A Plutocrat on Plutocrats.
t;Canadian-American, Chicago.)
"'rhe whirling of time brong, in its re-
- venges."
e--venges." The Hoarst newspapers find their
eatt'h by a anybody bussuarst,and
in the e accumulation
..eiitors' work corslsts vlainly in making Iife
••MOurnful for the bloated pultocrat by their
v�-tiy objurgattotts. And now the gentleman
seat here by Hearst to "run" Chicago is
Wm -self in the toils of the law, obslrged with
napiran Jito m form Le tat Th s is enough
m ons weak blood, general debility, impaired
digeftion. No one need have these --so long as
olds an ctcellent Blood and nerve remedy as
Tablets are to be had. They supply the blood
With red corpuscle: and macre health, clearing
rho skin—purifying the whole system.
They build up brain and muscle, and make life
well worth living. 50c. a-bo3z-6 boxes, $2.50.
Mara Bleed Tonic and Mira Ointment are also
,txeellent far blood and skin troubles. TRY them.
-eft druggists—orfrom The Chemists' Co. of Canada.
psnsited. lfamilton—Toronto.
This cold -water starch
gets ironing - day over
quicker, with less wear on
the ironer's muscles and far
less on the starched pieces.
Gives a beautiful gloss.I
Needn't be boiled .. yet cannot
stick. WS a starch you'll like.
T 5C cif li t: 201
Via, �.: � .v r •w.: dam' ,€a ,•.a.:;+
Why Our Hearts Go Out to Andy.
(Minna Irving in Leslie's 'Weekly.)
A son of .Scotland's banks snit braes.
He came across the sea,
And soon the world began to shear
Of Andrew Carnegie.
But when in Pittsburg's murky town
He made his golden pile,
And sailed away to take a rest
In Britain's bonny isle,
Did he forget this land of ours,
Where dollars grew so handy?
Ah, no: avid that's the reason why
Our hearts go out to Andy.
The locomotive engineers
Have cause to bless his name,
And colleges and libraries y.
Perpetuate his fame.
lie .speaks for universal peace
From mountain -top to wave,
And never fails to well reward
The gallant and the brave.
Prom frozen waste- of polar lee
To deserts hot and sandy,
Ile makes the world a. b::tter place—
Our hearts go out to Andy.
'Where molten steel like water flows,
The flaming foundries write
The story of his charities
Upon the ,kit'..e at night.
And paeans in his fraise will fill
The capital cf coke. : I
Till Pittsburg furls forevermsre
Its bannerets of smoke.
All hail the laird of Skiba, then!
Ile natty not he a dandy, t
Ilut he's a generous gentleman— ' 1
Our hearts go out to Andy.
What Sir Boyle Would Say.
1 1
Some Suggestions as Set, Down icy a
The man of forty from the point of
view of health is usually the victim of
the infernal trinity—ignorance, ; careless-
ness and self-indplgence.
He owes to these Lis gross over -feed-
ing, his silly habit. of inhaling tobacco
smoke, his over -strained eyes.
But at forty much may be done to
seeu.re long life if the will be there.
In food, do not diet. If anything dis-
agrees eat less of it rather than cut it<
Try to be able to eat and drink any-
thing, but in practice exercise a strict
All injurious habits, all use of alcohol,
all over -strain of body and mind should
be resolutely broken off.
Get the body, by degrees, into the best
physical condition, but never make the
process an absorbing pursuit.
Get within four or five pounds either
way of ,your correct weight for your
If Sir Boyle Roche were still alive he
might again take occasion to remark
that so long as Ireland remains silent
under oppression England will remain
deaf to her cries.—Boston Herald.
Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,
sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs,
ete. Save $50 by use of one bottle War-
ranted the most wonderful Blentiell rare'
ever kno` a Sold ca t t i ,
Thrifty, at Any Rate.
(Berlin Telegraph.)
Relatives of deceased persons who
2aave been buried on the northerly
side of the East End. Cemetery are
r,:,ery indignant at the action of the
Cemetery Committee, which has had
a large portion of the graveyard
ploughed end converted into a potato
Quite a few graves, some of which
have tombstones, have been plowed. up,
while . in other eases some graves in
which bodies have been recently inter-
red are unrecognizable and scarcely any
indication is left of their whereabouts.
—and all stomach
Pand bowel disorders.
IJ Makes puny babies
a3 plump and rosy. Proved
by 50 years' successful
use F.s�. your druggist
la'14J fork—
Nurses' assd .Mover s' Treasure
—25c.-6 haulm $I.25.
!National Drus & Chemical Co., Limited
. 'deletes
The Army ref 'Industry
There is no better preparation for good
citizenship that regular employment in
honest labor, even if it does not acquire
the habit of walking with head always
erect and learn the art of the scientific
destruction of human life. Until human
nature develops a uniformity of good in-
tentions such as mankind has never yet
possessed it will always be necessary for
the well disposed to maintain an organ-
ized force strong enough to prevent vio-
lence by -tile i11 disposed, and if they fail
to do so the penalty will be terrible. But
the nation which is content with its own
boundaries and has no intent to prey on
its neighbors may safely confine its mili-
tary -expenditure to a maximum, for it
will not be molested.—San Francisco
"Xt's simply. astonishing the way
SL- Georges
has taken hold of my customers."
" They say it makes lighter,
.fastier, finer -grained Biscuits and
',Cake, than any other they ever
Send for our new
National »rap i`. Chemical Co.
23 of Canada, I,1: ? i ^u, Montreal.
,.ev.—® 4011;;,, ,.Y.
No l: fiance.
First Stranger s l ?e train} Do you
ever quarrel with eons wife?
Second Stranger .Never.
First Stranger-- lave any trouble
`with the hired seer ?
Second Stranger -dot me.
First Stranger D •n't your children
worry you at time
Second Stranger—,No, indeed.
First Stranger -,5i:?' I don't like to
t',llyon alien is
Second Strardeer- t;sa.t's all fight.
I'm a bachelor.—C les go News.
Minard's Linnment used by Physicians.
\\ •- •
Hard /life on the Stage. '
What Trade Owes the Farmer.
Manufacturers of machinery and tools
dor irrigation ditches, drainage ditches
and other land improvements. report a
remarkable and unparalleled volume of
business. They cater to a wide demand
which is steadily growing greater. They
ore in touch with the forehandedness
tnd enterprise of the farmers who have
prospered so much that they ae able to
•trt much money into the betterment of
their property. it will not do to esti-,
inmate the possibilities of American agri-
culture by its past or measure its future
by the records of years gone by. There
Val be constant enrichment and improve-
ment and increased productiveness
fieroughout the country. -- Cleveland
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gents—I have used. your MINAItD'S
LINIMENT in my family and oleo in my
stables for years and consider it the
best medicine obtainable.
Yours truly,
Proprietor Roston Pond Liv-
ery Stables.
p Minard's Liniment in the house.
a+ tY-
Tea are not likely to make straight
truth .by 'twisting scripture texts.
Hotel and
A Special Off
For the month of
Juno a fine course In
Dress Cutting and Malt-
ing will be taught Or
Tea Dollars, Including
a Perfect Fitting Sys-
tem. You can -sy for
lessons as you take
them. the Chart will
be taught for $3,00 and
each of the lessons for
61.00. This offer, is only
good for a short time.
All those wishing to
learn, write to -day.
IfJiss Valens, Instructor
P. O. BOX 91
C3ILJ [®,1 , Ci iN10
ISSUE N O. 26, 1907.
a FPOd
'1ANO FOR $145
Send for free illustrated catalogue.
I•T, A. BINGHA.M, Ortllia, Ont.
Lawyer vs. Burglar.
The burglar's wife was in the witness
box, and the prosecuting attorney was I
conducting a vigorous cross examinee
"Madam, you ate the wife of this
roan 2"
«Yes: � .,
«You knew he was at burglar when
you married him?" •
"How did you come to contract a mar '
trimonial alliance with such a man?"
"Well," the witness ao,id, sareastical- i
ly, "I was 'getting old and had to choose
between aawe
y g
l• and a our lar"
The cross examination end there.—
•Some Go Through as Many as Three
Changes in a Day.
"This bed of flowers was blue this
morning, and now it is pink. That one
was white, and it is now rose. The one
by the hedge was yellow yesterday, and
to -day it is purple."
• The, gardener chuckled. delightedly.
"I call 'em my fairy flower beds,
ma'am," he said. You see, they change
color. It's a grand idea, isn't it? It
gives a garden such variety."
"But I didn't know that any flowers
changed their color."
"Ola, yes. That bed you first mention-
ed is the mutable phlox. At sunrise it is
blue, and in the afternoon it is pink.
"The one to the right is hibiscus—hib-
iscus mutabilis. It goes through three
changes in the day, from white in the
morning to rose at noon and to red at
"The bed by the hedge is the lantana.
The 'lantana is yellow one day, orange
the next and red the third. Its changes
are slow.
"There's other flowers, too, that
change. There's the cheiranthus ehain-
eleo, that shifts from white to yellow
and from yellow to red. There's the
gladiolus versicolor, that's brown in the
morning and blue in the evening. There's
the coleaea scandens, that moves slowly
from greenish white to a deep violet "—
From the New Orleans Times -Democrat.
Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of
in y0 minuteus Itchon human or animals
by Wolford'sSanitaryLotion.
I2 never fails. Sold by druggists.
Marriage the Only Excitement.
The average English girl of the upper
plass starts life hopelessly slack and in-
dif rent. -In her more ar less sheltered. Lady of
„i he has no particular interests, would like me to do a little sewing for
as reds 1 �f tat ou .. marriage ge you?a
The „
ekes very 'nu True dignity is really more than
frock coat and a high hat.
You know how good Witch -
Hazel is—heals cuts and scratches
—soothes chafing and skin
66 oyall Crown"
Toilet Soap
is just Witch -Hazel and pure
Both a toilet soap and medicated
soap—for the price of one. Only rec.
a cake. 3 for 23e. At druggists and
dealers everywhere. as
Following Suit.
"What do you mean here, by bhg. sts."
"Bathing suits."
"But what —"
"They will be abbreviated this year."
-Washington Herald.
Minaed's Liniment Lumberman's Friend.
the House—"You say you
a - ai he
an, �....
Ladies' T`ield.
The daily prints aro not without am-
ple warning that life on 'the stage is not
all plaudits and roses. Those who read
understandingly may know it is a hard
life, full of disappl intments to most of
its votaries. There is excitement, it is
true, and there are occasional rewards.
But there is excitement in a runaway
with houses or a steamboat explosion
and probably an equal proportion of re-
wards. SVbile the public must be amused
there must be some0rre to amuse it, but
the hard fact of the business is to sup-
ply of amusers far exceeds the demand
and the majority of stage yearning girls
will meet nothing but hardships when
they try to embrace histrionic are or
its amusing rkjlndeed.—I'fiItltt butrg Dee,
e -
South American Oil Birds.
One of the animal curiosities of South
America is the "oil bird.," or guacharo.
It breeds in rooky caves ort the mainland
and one of its favorite haunts is the
Island of Trinidad. It lays its eggs it a
nest shade of mud, and the young birds
are prodigiously fat. The natives melt
the fat down in clay pots, and produce
from it a kind of butter. The caves; -'in-
habited by the birds are usually aeceesi-
ble only from the sea, and the hunting
'cif 'them is sometimes an exciting sport.
Twins on the Father's Side,
"Two Mormon boys went to school far
bine first time out in Utah," relates Con-
gressman J. Adam Bebe, "and the teach-
er asked them their navies.
"'John and William Smith,' the boys
replied. • "
"'Ali. then, you are brothers! HoWeeld
are you?'
"'Each ten years old, ma'am?
"'Indeed! Then you are twins?'
"'Please, ma'am,' replied one of the
boys, 'only on our father's side.' "--Ev-
Ono packet
has actually
Willed a bushel
of Moo.
too. per packet, or packets for 25c.
will Ias"7: a whole coataora.
+Spanking does not cure children , of
bed-wetting. There is a constitutional
amuse for this trouble. ItIrs. M. Slim -
niers, Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will
Send ,free to any mother her successful
home treatment, with full instructions
Send no money but write her to -day if
your ehildren trouble you in this way.
Don't ''blame the child, the chances are.
it • can't help it This treatment also
ogres adults and aged people troubled
with urine difficulties by day or night.
Scenery on the Rah -Rah Boy.
Every city seeool has its "dressy"
boys who affect the bizarre and, the
ridiculous with the object of attracting
attention, which, by the alchemy of
egregious self-esteem; they transmute
into • imaginary admiration. We, all
know the rah -rah boy. He is the boy
who wears the turned -up peg trousers
that strike him above the ankle, there-
by displaying hosiery that fairly shrieks.
His coat is padded to give athletic
breadth to his shoulders and a safety
pin of familiar domestic design holds
the soft collar in place. But his hat—
or that which passes for a hat—is The
erowning badge of adolescent dotage.
Ws a flabby felt, of any color, but with
a • section turned up for rakish effect,
and the whole costume is set off by the
bat band, which is a wed d and aston-
ishing circlet of prismatic strata- like
the crest of a scarlet flamingo,—Eansas
Cita' Journal. -
' cs
Ask for, Minard's acid to a ,db other.
11 Your Horse
Gets Hurt ?
If one of the horses should be
kicked—cut a knee strain a shoulder
—go laude—have you the remedy at
hand to CURB the injury?
Kenda 's Spavin Cure
ought to be in every stable and barn in Canada. It prevents
little horse troubles from becoming big ones—and takes away all
signs of lameness. With a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure handy,
you are prepared for accidents that may happen at any time.
CROSSFIELD, Alta., Jan. x4'06
"I have used Sendall's Spavin Cure with great success in many things,
such as Barb Wire Cuts and Raw Sores." M. J. MORRISON.
Don't be without it another day. Get a bottle at your dealers. $1. or 6 for $5.
Our "Treatise On the Horse " tells just what you ought to know about horses, their
diseases, and how to cure than. Write for free copy,
Is al woe. sees actsa
Duchess and Priscilla Fine Hosiery For Ladies
Rock Rib and Hercules School Hose
Strong as Gibraltzr Llanit of Strength
Princess E LI For Children's Fine Dress
Little Darling and Little Pet For Infants
Lambs' Wool and Silk Tips All Wool
pine Hosiery Mlanufsotared or the Wbsles®le Trade by the
In three and six-foot rolls, is unexcelled for all building and lining, pit. -
poses, inside walls of summer houses, refrigerator plants, etc.
GET OUR PRICES. I ...,i gid...•_
The 8. B. EDDY CO. Limited
Agencies In all principal eitlee.